View Full Version : TR population decaying at alarming rate.

2013-04-22, 05:00 AM
I was browsing through population statistics, and noticed this.
Currently, TR is least represented faction, holding 31% of total characters (VS and NC both holding 34%). Source (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM 1E&gid=0)
If you look at the active characters, you'll see VS falling behind (31%), TR following next (32%) and NC got a big advantage at 36%. Source (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM 1E&gid=3)
But what worries me most, is the New characters created.
NC got 35%, VS got 34% and TR only 29%. Source (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM 1E&gid=2)
If the trend stays like this, i'm afraid what TR population will drop below 20% global, quite soon.

Any thought on the situation, and what can be done, to increase TR popularity toward new players?

2013-04-22, 05:07 AM
I was browsing through population statistics, and noticed this.
Currently, TR is least represented faction, holding 31% of total characters (VS and NC both holding 34%). Source (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM 1E&gid=0)
If you look at the active characters, you'll see VS falling behind (31%), TR following next (32%) and NC got a big advantage at 36%. Source (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM 1E&gid=3)
But what worries me most, is the New characters created.
NC got 35%, VS got 34% and TR only 29%. Source (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM 1E&gid=2)
If the trend stays like this, i'm afraid what TR population will drop below 20% global, quite soon.

Any thought on the situation, and what can be done, to increase TR popularity toward new players?

Well for 1 the Dev's can stop listening to whiney bitches who have nothing to contribute to balance of the game other than "A TR shot me, OP N3RF" in louder and louder tones and to stop grinding and diluting down our factions strengths while boosting both the other two.

2013-04-22, 05:13 AM
I'm not sure that those particular statistics mean anything.

If we could see stats on server/empire/per hour graphed it would be ore telling.

Whenever I look at the server that I am on it seems like TR are the biggest faction, but on the other hand I've also heard that this is atypical of other server because Miller is the server former PS1 established outfits decided to join.

2013-04-22, 05:24 AM
all of 666 should re-roll TR and do the NC a favor in a big way.

2013-04-22, 05:30 AM
I dont understand why the TR seem that unpopular, They do after all have amazing weapons and the highest DPS out of all the empires.

2013-04-22, 05:31 AM
I'm not sure that those particular statistics mean anything.

If we could see stats on server/empire/per hour graphed it would be ore telling.

Whenever I look at the server that I am on it seems like TR are the biggest faction, but on the other hand I've also heard that this is atypical of other server because Miller is the server former PS1 established outfits decided to join.

mattherson has alot of the old ps1 outfits from vanu.

2013-04-22, 05:37 AM
I don't have any statistics to back it up, but on Cobalt it always seems as if NC is the big zerg faction, with TR and VS populations more balanced.

I wouldn't say there's a problem with TR population, but there are definitely too many damn NC ;)

Emperor Newt
2013-04-22, 05:43 AM
You have to be very carefull with those statistics. For one "characters" doesn't mean a thing as those are all characters created ever and not being deleted. This includes all unique players who dropped playing the game after 30 minutes. Also the numbers can be missleading because IF TR players have a higher tendency to run alts then other factions, this would hurt their characters and maybe even active characters numbers.

In this regard active charcters can be missleading as there is no information on how active those characters are. If I play 20 hours a week with my VS primary and only log in with my NC alt each day to get the free certs, that's basically nullifying my VS activity and dropping TR activity.

The only thing that worries me from these stats is that active characters overall have a downwards trend (despite the small bump, which might be GU related), while new characters are about stable. Which means that the game is still bleeding players. And I find that more worrying for a F2P game then any faction having less overall characters then another (which also cannot be told for sure from those stats)

2013-04-22, 06:21 AM
Ya, on Connery the TR have a decent population. The NC are just a superzerg and the VS are underrepresented. 666th... I BLAME YOU! lol

2013-04-22, 07:03 AM
Let me gues. Now someone is going to make up reasons why the TR is UP and the worst faction all of a sudden and cite that as a suposed reason for the population drop? Where have I seen this before?

2013-04-22, 07:49 AM
Interesting data, and quite worrying for the TR; especially the new char data.

I agree that we must be careful in how we interpret data like this, but it is a global stat and it is significant.

I don't understand the reasons why; I do have a TR alt and I have to say that most of the guns handle nicely; I especially like the default Medic AR. The only default weapons that are a bit lame are the default sniper rifle (I know it is possible to do well with this, but it's not a 1SK - but neither is the VS default SR), and the utterly useless Pounder (but that is a niche weapon). And the empire specific vehicles are just fine.

So it must be an image thing. Can't be the uniform; TR looks the best. Maybe the authoritarian lore puts some people off, and the militaristic music. I know that these seem trivial, but first impressions do count.

2013-04-22, 08:02 AM
I agree with psijaka on this one. When choosing my faction for ANY game, I always go with who seems to be the "freedom fighters" of the game, or the most damage-dealing faction. The lore almost ALWAYS has an impact on new players. "Hmmm... Do I want to play as someone fighting for freedom? How about science-infatuated soldiers? Or maybe even as part of a militaristic-dictatorship..." These are all questions that ran through my own head when choosing my faction. Ultimately, I obviously chose the freedom-fighters (the NC).

Edit: Ultimately, I would put the factions in this order for appealing-ness:

1. NC
2. VS
3. TR

I could go on and on about which weapons I like the most across the board, but this isn't the thread for that.

2013-04-22, 08:16 AM
Maybe the 4th empire is cancelling its love affair with our gear? Are we not everyone's guilty pleasure?

2013-04-22, 08:27 AM
I was browsing through population statistics, and noticed this.
Currently, TR is least represented faction, holding 31% of total characters (VS and NC both holding 34%). Source (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM 1E&gid=0)
If you look at the active characters, you'll see VS falling behind (31%), TR following next (32%) and NC got a big advantage at 36%. Source (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM 1E&gid=3)
But what worries me most, is the New characters created.
NC got 35%, VS got 34% and TR only 29%. Source (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM 1E&gid=2)
If the trend stays like this, i'm afraid what TR population will drop below 20% global, quite soon.

Any thought on the situation, and what can be done, to increase TR popularity toward new players?

You really should be looking at active characters, not total characters. Total characters is a very bad misrepresentation of the current state of the servers. TR has no room to complain, VS has every reason to complain. We received the largest buff any faction has been given since release and we still didn't get more new characters created than the NC.
If you delve deeper into the statistics you see that the VS does indeed have more created characters than the TR, but seems to still be dropping in population despite that 5% more created characters on VS than TR.

My prediction: VS hits 30% active characters by June. I was actually excited Saturday night when I logged in and saw the VS had a massive 27% pop. Not bad! Only 10% below the other two factions! Then when I logged off we had 22% and I once again was questioning why I am playing VS.

2013-04-22, 08:34 AM
You really should be looking at active characters, not total characters. Total characters is a very bad misrepresentation of the current state of the servers. TR has no room to complain, VS has every reason to complain. We received the largest buff any faction has been given since release and we still didn't get more new characters created than the NC.
If you delve deeper into the statistics you see that the VS does indeed have more created characters than the TR, but seems to still be dropping in population despite that 5% more created characters on VS than TR.

My prediction: VS hits 30% active characters by June.

I thought my second link goes to "active characters" chart.

2013-04-22, 08:49 AM
I don't have any statistics to back it up, but on Cobalt it always seems as if NC is the big zerg faction, with TR and VS populations more balanced.

I wouldn't say there's a problem with TR population, but there are definitely too many damn NC ;)


2013-04-22, 08:56 AM
As afar as I see it when online the tr's pop is always a steady 30something % vs is usually 4-5 % lower and the nc are about evens with the tr. I don't see any issue with pop balance in general.

2013-04-22, 08:58 AM
As afar as I see it when online the tr's pop is always a steady 30something % vs is usually 4-5 % lower and the nc are about evens with the tr. I don't see any issue with pop balance in general.

How can you judge "pop balance in general" by looking at pop at single server?
There are servers where TR pop is a little more then extinct.

2013-04-22, 09:16 AM
And equally servers where the vs pop is none existant so overall it balances out but for me what's important is my servers pop and ours is pretty healthy and balanced

2013-04-22, 09:25 AM
TR are overpopulated at Waterson. It's awesome getting rolled by TR with tank spam, infantry and air spam. Yesterday we NC held them back at Peris. Great fight! They even have the Indar cap atm.

2013-04-22, 09:26 AM
If there would be any switching to other factions (4th empire) it would probably be TR switching to NC or VS after the latest patch.

The unnecessary nerf to the Mercy (the weapon was never OP) pissed off so many TR players. Because many had invested heavily in that gun as it was it was the only viable option to stand something of a chance against the dreadful Scatter Maxes. Mind you that is 2 x 700 SC/1000 certs down the drain, plus probably the 2 x 500 certs many had invested to increase the horrible magazine size of that gun.

2013-04-22, 10:02 AM
I ain't worried. Even if this shift in players is true that just gives me more targets.
Of course, I'd have to find some damn free time to shoot those targets, but they're there at least!

2013-04-22, 10:20 AM
If we could see stats on server/empire/per hour graphed it would be ore telling.

Actually, you can see those statistics. Not hour-by-hour, but day-by-day. It's just under a different tab. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM 1E&gid=39)

2013-04-22, 10:33 AM
TR are overpopulated at Waterson. It's awesome getting rolled by TR with tank spam, infantry and air spam. Yesterday we NC held them back at Peris. Great fight! They even have the Indar cap atm.

NC still has the highest pop most nights on Waterson. VS just has the extreme lowest pops. TR is usually almost equal to NC or slightly less.

On Mattherson it's different. TR has generally lower pops while VS is usually 2nd... sometimes even 1st. NC is still usually highest pop most of the time. I think some of the reason that TR is lower is more because The Enclave are there.

2013-04-22, 10:35 AM
TR are overpopulated at Waterson. It's awesome getting rolled by TR with tank spam, infantry and air spam. Yesterday we NC held them back at Peris. Great fight! They even have the Indar cap atm.
Waterson's got some GREAT TR outfits. Ya know, if you ever come to Esamir, meet me there. I'm the Indar Scrub guy with the Shotgun/SMG.

I 4th factioned TR because I wanted to try out the T9 CARV. Now with the complaints about Shotguns, I feel like people should be using the T9 CARV more to take out Shotgunners (unless they're camping somewhere inside). If more people get Shotguns, metagame must encourage longrange weapons to counter them.

2013-04-22, 10:56 AM
NC still has the highest pop most nights on Waterson. VS just has the extreme lowest pops. TR is usually almost equal to NC or slightly less.

On Mattherson it's different. TR has generally lower pops while VS is usually 2nd... sometimes even 1st. NC is still usually highest pop most of the time. I think some of the reason that TR is lower is more because The Enclave are there.

On Waterson TR is almost always higher until around 9:00pm EST, then NC start to really fly up in population. VS usually peak about 30% on most nights around 2 AM EST, primetimes the past 2 weeks we're around 24-26%. There's still a lot of Euro's who play TR on Waterson, so around 7-9pm EST the TR pop slowly gives way to the NC.

The worst part on VS/Waterson is the lack of interest from the VS leaders to play anywhere other than Indar. The three largest outfits spend 95% of their time on Indar because they still believe there is no one to fight on Amerish or Esamir. I know a lot of the higher rank VS have just stopped playing, because we're such low pop our only option is to play the continent where the rest of the VS are. On top of that, for whatever fucked up reason, it seems like most of the Alerts are on Indar for Waterson. I'm an ass(go figure) in leaderchat on Waterson cause I'm just tired of the lack of coordination to get anyone away from Indar. I actually get comments in leaderchat about Indar being the best made continent, about Amerish/Esamir not having enough Bio Labs, about there being no choke points for good fights on the other continents, people say the Crown is the only base worth fighting over. It's ridiculous the shit people come up with to keep their zergfits on Indar. These are outfits with 500+ people in them and they're being led by complete douchebags who quite literally only care that they have X amount of members in their outfit. They don't even know how many Bio Labs are on each continent! ><

/rantoff. I hate bad players, not because they're bad at FPS games but because 99% of the time they refuse to think for themselves and only follow the zerg around, which totally ruins the gameplay for other players. The VS population on Waterson will continue to drop until SoE gives a substantial reason for these asshats to switch to another continent, because people are just switching servers/factions so they can actually get a chance to play on Amerish more than once every three weeks.

2013-04-22, 11:20 AM
On Waterson TR is almost always higher until around 9:00pm EST, then NC start to really fly up in population. VS usually peak about 30% on most nights around 2 AM EST, primetimes the past 2 weeks we're around 24-26%. There's still a lot of Euro's who play TR on Waterson, so around 7-9pm EST the TR pop slowly gives way to the NC.

The worst part on VS/Waterson is the lack of interest from the VS leaders to play anywhere other than Indar. The three largest outfits spend 95% of their time on Indar because they still believe there is no one to fight on Amerish or Esamir. I know a lot of the higher rank VS have just stopped playing, because we're such low pop our only option is to play the continent where the rest of the VS are. On top of that, for whatever fucked up reason, it seems like most of the Alerts are on Indar for Waterson. I'm an ass(go figure) in leaderchat on Waterson cause I'm just tired of the lack of coordination to get anyone away from Indar. I actually get comments in leaderchat about Indar being the best made continent, about Amerish/Esamir not having enough Bio Labs, about there being no choke points for good fights on the other continents, people say the Crown is the only base worth fighting over. It's ridiculous the shit people come up with to keep their zergfits on Indar. These are outfits with 500+ people in them and they're being led by complete douchebags who quite literally only care that they have X amount of members in their outfit. They don't even know how many Bio Labs are on each continent! ><

/rantoff. I hate bad players, not because they're bad at FPS games but because 99% of the time they refuse to think for themselves and only follow the zerg around, which totally ruins the gameplay for other players. The VS population on Waterson will continue to drop until SoE gives a substantial reason for these asshats to switch to another continent, because people are just switching servers/factions so they can actually get a chance to play on Amerish more than once every three weeks.
Yeah, every time when I look at Indar I'm like, Oh look it's full of Zerg. Nope, staying on Esamir.

So, to question your answer: How many Biolabs are on Esamir?

2013-04-22, 11:23 AM
I tend to go where the alerts are now. I hope more people do.. especially if the alert is on esamir/amerish. I know a lot of the big outfits will watch the alert timers and only pop to the alert within the last 30 or so minutes then go back to whatever continent they were already on... which usually is Indar.

2013-04-22, 11:27 AM
I tend to go where the alerts are now. I hope more people do.. especially if the alert is on esamir/amerish. I know a lot of the big outfits will watch the alert timers and only pop to the alert within the last 30 or so minutes then go back to whatever continent they were already on... which usually is Indar.
There's too many Alerts on Amerish on Waterson IMO. At least at the times when I am online.

Alerts are both a blessing and a Curse. They bring players, they bring battles, they bring certs... and they bring Lag. So your own combat effectiveness decreases, sometimes faster than your cert gain increases. I hate it whenever that happens.

2013-04-22, 12:09 PM
If there would be any switching to other factions (4th empire) it would probably be TR switching to NC or VS after the latest patch.

The unnecessary nerf to the Mercy (the weapon was never OP) pissed off so many TR players. Because many had invested heavily in that gun as it was it was the only viable option to stand something of a chance against the dreadful Scatter Maxes. Mind you that is 2 x 700 SC/1000 certs down the drain, plus probably the 2 x 500 certs many had invested to increase the horrible magazine size of that gun.

Double Mercy MAX is still good, before it was too powerful.

And I play TR.

The problem here is that usually players go for the easiest faction, the one that feels easiest and strongest.

And NC feel that way, especially with infantry weapons.

You can still outgun and kill NC maxes with mercy max, but of course you cannot stay close to him, you need to stay at the correct distance.

What I see is a lot of whining but often the reply is only to learn better how to play the role of the class you are using.

2013-04-22, 12:29 PM
The crown is just a meat grinder and its getting made easy to cap by moving the points so it will not be so fought over soon :)

2013-04-22, 12:33 PM
The crown is just a meat grinder and its getting made easy to cap by moving the points so it will not be so fought over soon :)

Yea, I noticed in the focus test they had a capture point [C] on the bridge that leads up to The Crown. I thought that was a cool change.

2013-04-22, 01:21 PM
people are just bored with their TR chars after 6 months, since the majority were tr you see a "loss" as people try out the other factions.

we will be back to full strength after max update :)

or new mcg :)

2013-04-22, 01:25 PM
we will be back to full strength after max update :)

Yeah, i think the same thing for TR. Lockdown increased fire rate + dual rocketlaunchers? I may even have to play TR to try that out.

2013-04-22, 01:37 PM
Yeah, i think the same thing for TR. Lockdown increased fire rate + dual rocketlaunchers? I may even have to play TR to try that out.

Wonder if you will be able to use lockdown while sitting in the rumble seat of a buggie once they come out. I think that would be pretty freaking cool.

2013-04-22, 01:43 PM
we will be back to full strength after max update :)

or new mcg :)

Can't you just feel the whine threads coming about how the MCG adjustment is an overbuff?

2013-04-22, 05:28 PM
Im starting to see a pettern here. One faction always seems to decide that its UP all of a sudden. After a while they get some sort of buff and they calm down and then the next faction starts the drama all over again.

2013-04-22, 06:36 PM
So the TR on Matherson and the VS on Waterston should get together and have a big party where they can cry and hug.

2013-04-22, 06:43 PM
Double Mercy MAX is still good, before it was too powerful.

And I play TR.

No it was not. Pre-patch the Mercy was good but still useless up-close vs NC Maxes. It was the VS Maxes that really sucked balls.

Post-patch they literally nerfed the Mercy into oblivion and that is never good game design. That it is meant as a ranged weapon now doesn't matter, players invested in it because it was the best TR could offer in up close Biolab fights.

Anti-infantry Maxes have always been too cumbersome and inaccurate to be of any real use at ranged fights and this patch is not going to change that. They just don't stand a chance vs the mobility, accuracy and rocket spam of infantry at range. It's the up close meat grinders where they excel and where they are used for in MAX crashes. It's all about dps at those ranges and that's exactly what makes the NC Maxes so dreadful.

This tabel should illustrate my argument:


2013-04-22, 06:51 PM
TR pop on Waterson hasn't changed a bit.

2013-04-22, 07:56 PM
Still plenty happy with the TR myself. People need to stop worrying about balance so damn much and just enjoy the game. I learned this... and I enjoy all games much more because of it.

2013-04-22, 08:05 PM
Any thought on the situation, and what can be done, to increase TR popularity toward new players?

Fix all the damn bugs regarding TR specific weapons.

2013-04-22, 08:10 PM
Still plenty happy with the TR myself. People need to stop worrying about balance so damn much and just enjoy the game. I learned this... and I enjoy all games much more because of it.

WTF?! Man.... Balance is every thing in a game like that you can not have fun if its not at least some what balanced.

Well if you are a casual player maybe you can have fun because as a casual player you don't care if you win or lose anything as you only spend 10 minutes in game every week. But we who actually like playing games unlike casual players that only play to kill time when they are too bored with every thing else. Do care because we want to be more then cannon fodder. Because casual players are cannon fodder anyway so they don't know anything better those pore bastards.

2013-04-22, 08:15 PM
Well you hit the nail on the head. PlanetSide 2 is "some what balanced" ;)

2013-04-22, 09:49 PM
Can't you just feel the whine threads coming about how the MCG adjustment is an overbuff?

The ONLY thing they need to do to the MCG (IMO) is flip it right side up.
No change to the damage, or ROF or even spin up. Just flip the damn thing around like it ought to be.

2013-04-23, 01:05 AM
Post-patch they literally nerfed the Mercy into oblivion and that is never good game design.

tr max weapons have been adjusted to prepare for lockdown mode.

lockdown mode will make the mercy even more accurate.

2013-04-23, 01:16 AM
tr max weapons have been adjusted to prepare for lockdown mode.

lockdown mode will make the mercy even more accurate.
If that's the case the Mercy nerf should have come with the lock down mode.

2013-04-23, 01:19 AM
If that's the case the Mercy nerf should have come with the lock down mode.

deal with it.

2013-04-23, 02:33 AM
Why should we deal with plain bad game design changes for the worse without any explanation? They clearly changed the role for that gun, it will never be the best CQB gun TR players payed so heavily for.

2013-04-23, 03:11 AM
You guys should behappy that they are always looking into balancing things out.

2013-04-23, 03:22 AM
Rolfski's right on the Mercys, I ended up testing them out last night and by the end there was no point in equiping them over the regular Dual Cycler setup which beats the pants off the Mercy MAX in all regards now.

Others in my outfit have been using the dual onslaughts and say the same thing but everyone agrees, no more mercy they've been made useless. :(
Hope SOE do the decent thing and at least offer AI MAX weapon sale to compensate those who've lost out due to this overnerf.

2013-04-23, 05:19 AM
I've got Mercys but even though this impacts me I'm rather glad they're nerfing something at least. Now please nerf something else, preferably on the VS or NC end of things!

2013-04-23, 08:50 PM
You guys should behappy that they are always looking into balancing things out.


Not if it impacts me negatively!

2013-04-23, 08:59 PM
...by the end there was no point in equiping them over the regular Dual Cycler setup ...

Because I paid good god damn money for them and I'll be fucked if I don't put 'em to use! Damnit!

Stick Pin
2013-04-23, 09:19 PM
I dont understand why the TR seem that unpopular, They do after all have amazing weapons and the highest DPS out of all the empires.


2013-04-23, 09:46 PM
deal with it.

Ladies and gentlemen the most idiotic and lame comment anyone can come up with have been used by this moosepoop regarding game design decisions. Congratulations.

2013-04-23, 09:56 PM
Ladies and gentlemen the most idiotic and lame comment anyone can come up with have been used by this moosepoop regarding game design decisions. Congratulations.

I didn't even want to reply because it was so ridiculously stupid.

2013-04-24, 02:57 AM
If that's the case the Mercy nerf should have come with the lock down mode.

Well, guess what, they nerfed the T7 chaingun to compensate that it no longer have spin up time.
But they couldnĀ“t implement the increasing fire rate, so they just nerfed it.

2013-04-24, 04:43 AM
Now you know how it feels TR

Signed, VS

2013-04-24, 05:15 AM
Now you know how it feels TR

Signed, VS

Does that makes you happy?

2013-04-24, 06:18 AM
I spent all my time and money to equip my max since day one and it is all I've really ever played. The mercy nerf hurt big time. And while they were at it they nerfed the pounder as well. Now its just not fun to play the max anymore for me so I haven't been playing the game as much. Every cert I have ever earned and money I've spent is tied up in this stupid max.

2013-04-24, 10:21 AM
I spent all my time and money to equip my max since day one and it is all I've really ever played. The mercy nerf hurt big time. And while they were at it they nerfed the pounder as well. Now its just not fun to play the max anymore for me so I haven't been playing the game as much. Every cert I have ever earned and money I've spent is tied up in this stupid max.

i use onslaught the most inaccurate max chaingun and i do just fine. i been using dual pounder since launch and i have no problems.

2013-04-24, 10:33 AM
So the TR on Matherson and the VS on Waterston should get together and have a big party where they can cry and hug.

Don't compare us to that TRash.

Red Ketchup
2013-04-24, 10:49 AM
A simple "solution" would be to bring back the experience bonus based on the empire's server population percentage. Add it to the current bonus for continental population, or use whichever is higher.
At the very least, show the average continental bonus under the population chart on the character selection/creation screen. (It was shown when it was based on server pop.)

2013-04-24, 06:14 PM
i use onslaught the most inaccurate max chaingun and i do just fine. i been using dual pounder since launch and i have no problems.

Either you are a troll or the only one I have ever talked to that thinks dual pounders are fine.

And the point is that I spent my own money on not one but two mercys since they were better and more accurate than the onslaught. Now the money I've spent might as well have been flushed down the toilet.

I'm glad you are doing fine but I spent all my certs and my own money so I could be better than fine.

2013-04-25, 08:05 AM
And the point is that I spent my own money on not one but two mercys since they were better and more accurate than the onslaught. Now the money I've spent might as well have been flushed down the toilet.

You did this in an online game, where it is explicitly stated that game changes can and will happen. That nothing is guaranteed. Within a wider context of online gaming, where such balance changes are commonplace, to the point of being 'the norm'.

Maybe SOE need to add a disclaimer pop-up whenever you attempt to buy anything with SC, so that the reality of what we are doing and the attendant risks are right in our faces at the point we are about to make the purchase? Maybe we need and 'are you sure' popup? And an 'are you sure you're sure' popup?

*edited just to add*

Now the money I've spent might as well have been flushed down the toilet.

Did you enjoy using them before they were nerfed? If so, you got more for your money than if you'd flushed it down the toilet. You got to enjoy what you had bought until it changed. Unless somehow the disappointment at the change causes all that previous enjoyment to be somehow retroactively negated.

2013-04-25, 08:14 AM
i use onslaught the most inaccurate max chaingun and i do just fine. i been using dual pounder since launch and i have no problems.

I know that this is a bit off topic, but I would be interested to know how are you getting on with the Pounders since GU7?

2013-04-25, 10:25 AM
The TR don't have a population problem on Waterson. I wish the NC did though.

2013-04-25, 01:33 PM
The TR don't have a population problem on Waterson. I wish the NC did though.QFT

Sometimes Western Esamir is nothing but a battle between me, Wolfin212 (some NC infiltrator) and some more NC, and I keep having to kick their asses out all of the base, anywhere from Jaeger to Snowshear.:)

At other times, the full NC zerg descends on my favorite area in Planetside 2, and I'm forced to lag behind (lol puns) our forces as they try to regain Palos and NWS. :(

2013-04-25, 04:44 PM
Hope SOE do the decent thing and at least offer AI MAX weapon sale to compensate those who've lost out due to this overnerf.

They haven't before with their nerfing, they will not do it now. But here's hoping. I was enjoying the Mercy.

2013-04-25, 07:16 PM
The TR don't have a population problem on Waterson. I wish the NC did though.

You're correct, the TR don't have a population problem. The problem is, they're always fighting two factions while the NC and VS seem content to fight one.

Tuesday night, as the NC and VS were desperately trying to warpgate the TR on Indar our tower was being strafed by Reavers AND Sycthes. After they passed I went out and shot an NC heavy and VS Engineer who were both standing on the pad next to each other. Apparently they were both standing out there hosing people as they came out of the spawn.

2013-04-25, 08:15 PM
I may have seen something like that yesterday. I was sweeping our tower with TR hoverspamming, but I was killing VS that were trying to shoot TR... not me.

2013-04-26, 10:13 AM
Bear if that's the case at the tower...that's just plain fucked up.

If I was part of an outfit that pulled that shit, my ass would be out the door immediately with the preverbial universal greeting displayed promptly for all to see. If I seen that shit going down, I would pull the VS equivalent of the TR Commish on anyone I caught doing it. TKing is a bitch, but in this cause I would make the exception.