View Full Version : Can you shoot missiles?
2003-04-02, 10:25 AM
More precisely, if I'm in a reaver and see some shmoe with a striker launch a missile at me, do I have the option of trying to blow it (and the shmoe) away, or do I need to buck right and hit the afterburner and just hope it misses me?
2003-04-02, 10:31 AM
Of its homing you better be damn good at canyon tag. And i have yet to see anyone in the beta blow a missle out of the sky
2003-04-02, 12:07 PM
yeah that would be SOO, SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome, I would love 2 c that things happend in more games. Ive only seen it in Serios Sam! :( that would open up so much more gameplay, it was like a mini game 2 try and shoot thoose missiles off the sky in SS, sooooo fun and any of u who has played SS know that :) . U could have a competition in shootin down missiles :p .
2003-04-02, 01:06 PM
You could sort of do that in UT... with the piston you could bounce rockets back at people which is even better than shooting them down. :)
Vis Armata
2003-04-02, 01:18 PM
I'd rather not be shot at by missiles in the first place.
When I would tailgun in the Thundersword bomber in T2, the Jammer pack and flares kept the bomber from getting swatted by a rain of missiles from the ground, but air units eventually got us. I'd rather see countermeasures than the ability to spam missiles.
2003-04-02, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Vis Armata
I'd rather see countermeasures than the ability to spam missiles.
What do you need countermeasures for if no one can spam missles? :)
2003-04-02, 01:59 PM
Reaver missiles are not homing, they are dumb fire, they go stright to were you aim unless the hit something, all anti-vechile missiles are quite fast so don't bother trying to hit the missiles, because if you go one on one with a reaver and you try to shoot its missles down, you will lose. Just hit the reaver itself, usually pilots fly away when their aircraft is badly damaged.
2003-04-02, 03:56 PM
Dodge reaver missiles? Missile spamming in the first place? Where did this thread wind it's way too?
A reaver dodgeing striker missiles was the problem. And I didn't specify, but I meant with the striker in secondary (homeing) mode. The question wouldn't make any sence concerning dumbfire misiles like reaver missiles, hell, you just move. End of problem.
But if a striker is firing at you, do you just give up and die or what? Do they need to be out manuvered (can they be?) or is it so impopsble to get away from them you'd have a better chance trying to blow the striker missile up with the reaver's own ordnance?
2003-04-02, 04:13 PM
I hope they can't be out maneuvered, theres enough pilots as it is. Creating an air advantage over infantry isn't a good idea, it'll just bring more pilots and less anything else to the battle field.
2003-04-02, 04:28 PM
can you lock onto a missle with another missle
2003-04-02, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Snatch
can you lock onto a missle with another missle
What, are you stupid? Someone just said that you can't even shoot a missile with another missile, why would you beable to lock onto one?
2003-04-02, 04:40 PM
where is this i dont see anyone say you cant lock onto another missle wth a lockon missle
2003-04-02, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Snatch
where is this i dont see anyone say you cant lock onto another missle wth a lockon missle
You can't lock onto a missile with another missile.
2003-04-02, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
You can't lock onto a missile with another missile.
:lol: :wantbeta:
2003-04-02, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Venoxile
I hope they can't be out maneuvered, theres enough pilots as it is. Creating an air advantage over infantry isn't a good idea, it'll just bring more pilots and less anything else to the battle field.
If they couldn't be out manuevered it'd be incredibly stupid.
2003-04-02, 05:38 PM
Vehicles outmanuevering missiles would be incredibly stupid. The only way a vehicle may outmanuever a missile is by performing a steep dive.
2003-04-02, 05:49 PM
Then what would be the sense in flying? Yes it should take some skill especially if its a lock on missle, but it should also take some skill to shoot down an aircraft too.
Originally posted by Ruthless
Vehicles outmanuevering missiles would be incredibly stupid. The only way a vehicle may outmanuever a missile is by performing a steep dive.
if you're a pilot, There would be no snese, and the fun would totally be taken away, ifevery time someone shot a missle at you it hit, EVERY SINGLE TIME. THat would suck, it would totalyly take away some of the skills of piloting aircraft. Although i do think missles should be able t be shoot out of the sky, liek tey would be in real life.
2003-04-03, 06:58 AM
i was talking about homing/locked on missiles, not dumbfire.
2003-04-03, 06:35 PM
So? Most missiles in the game have some kind of guidance...
No, check that, *ALL* missiles have guidance. Period. It is what defines them as a missile instead of a rocket.
And no, missiles should not be auto-hit. That is illogical to the point of stupidity. Would you, as a military planner put forth an expensive unit (and it's pilot/crew) into harm's way when you knew for certain that any dumbass could faultlessly shoot it down? If missiles auto-hit, aircraft wouldn't even exist; the resources would be spent elsewhere. Also, by extension, if a missile could hit an aircraft faultlessly, then they would hit ground vehicles too, and probably MAX's, and heck, why not infantry? Lets turn the whole game into never-miss missile duels where the only "skill" in the game comes from whoever can get the most numbers for the longest time until your opposition gets bored and logs out.
Then of course, there is the whole issue of FUN...where is the fun in being a pilot if anyone can kill you with no chance of failure, and where you have no ability to prevent it or fight back? Answer: There isn't any. Consequence: Nobody would be a pilot. Have fun walking.
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