View Full Version : Why the infantry changes in GU08 are good for the game.

2013-05-01, 02:59 PM
Latest article @ The Mittani:


Why foregrip weapons having a negative side-effect is an improvement over the current system.

2013-05-01, 03:02 PM
I think any change would be good ust for the sake of change.

However, saying that its mechanically a good change is really hard since we have not yet seen the final product.

2013-05-01, 03:08 PM
Good article. We'll be seeing the long-range certs like Forward grip staying long-range, and the others like Laser Sight staying short-range. A

But my favorite way to kill will still be the Rocket Launcher direct hit. Effective against all targets at short to medium range, instakill versus stationary targets.

Also, did they fix recoil on the test server yet? As of this morning there was only CoF, no recoil. And in the patch notes they're also decreasing the benefit of stacking compensator with forward grip, so expect more recoil instead.

Do you think there will be a problem with certain weapons who get more unlockable attachments by default (this is reputedly the case for the NC6 Gauss SAW)?

2013-05-01, 05:16 PM
Thats kind of speculative IMO.

2013-05-01, 06:08 PM
First paragraph is nonsense. Stopped reading there.

2013-05-01, 06:50 PM
First paragraph is nonsense. Stopped reading there.

This one?
LMGs will finally 'feel' like LMGs. This is largely because it will now take about 2.5 seconds to swap to the LMG while walking and around 2 seconds while sprinting (assuming an attached foregrip). This is a huge change to the way infantry fighting will play out. Reloading your 100-round-mag LMG while sprinting forward to pop right back into action was the norm in a lot of situations (Bio Labs exempted). Now, with foregrip having a penalty, heavies toting large-magazined LMGs with foregrip (which will be the majority of them) will have to take their time when attacking and retreat when defending. It'll give infantry fights a much-needed 'ebb and flow', and direct close-quarters battles to more CQB-oriented weapons. You'll see more laser sights, SMGs and shotguns than ever before because the 100mag LMG is no longer the king of medium-to-short range engagements. You'll have to think about when you swap to your weapon instead of the insta-swap we have now on Live which caters more to the twitch crowd. The change to foregrip alone will change the nature of infantry fights across bases, into towers and to/from Sunderers. More people will be using cover and movement.

Its just an opinion isnt it, neither right nor wrong.
What about it was nonsense in your opinion?

2013-05-01, 09:01 PM
i think the guy has delusions of grandeur. if you've played NC/Connery and listen to this guy in game you'll know what i mean.

fact is you can't predict what the changes are going to bring until they are implemented and then allowed to play out among the whole playerbase.

it's actually more likely that people will not change their playstyles that much, and will just flock to whichever class is perceived to have come out of the nerf smelling best. a lot of HA will probably either switch to LA or just quit and say something like "HA sucks now that SOE nerfed it, i wasted all my time putting certs in it so fuck this game."

people usually take the path of least resistance to the destination with the biggest reward.

2013-05-01, 11:15 PM
Good read, well-constructed and articulate. I certainly hope that these changes, as you say, add much-needed variance to infantry combat, but the proof is in the pudding - there's on guarantee that the changes on the test server will make it to live unaltered.

2013-05-01, 11:44 PM
I hope you are right kr.

2013-05-02, 08:14 AM
More people using shotguns is what this means. More OHK's is not good gameplay.

2013-05-03, 04:14 PM
A good post and highlights again that we need more than 3 bloody load out slots!