View Full Version : Planetside 1 graphics/game engine

2013-05-01, 08:52 PM
I'm doing research for an article and I can't find any information on Planetside 1's game/graphics engine.

Looking at screens it seems like it could be heavily modified Quake or Unreal code.

Does anyone have/remember having any concrete info on it?

The most important info would be to know where the tech came from, i.e. if this was proprietary or if they used some kind of basis for the engine.

Links would be greatly appreciated.

2013-05-01, 09:48 PM
It was a custom engine, not sure it ever had a name. All the propaganda just said "A newly designed 3d engine..."


2013-05-02, 05:14 AM
There's also some background fluff available here (http://jratcliffscarab.blogspot.fr/2007/08/planetside-screenshots.html).

2013-05-02, 06:08 AM
Ok thanks.

Anything more anyone has?

2013-05-02, 06:11 AM
It was a custom engine

Yeah I thought as much, but the question still remains if it was based on code from other engines.

Like GoldSrc was a custom engine but based its code on Quake and carried over some behavior from it like the ability to strafejump/bunnyhop.

2013-05-02, 12:42 PM
I thought it used a modified EQ engine.