View Full Version : Sniper Vs. MAX
The President
2003-04-02, 03:26 PM
Hey guys, I've heard conflicting reports on this so i figured I'd put the question out there to more people. I assume the beta-testers are the ones to ask but in any case.
Say there is a MAX guarding an area and there is a sniper who has him lined up. Will the sniper be able to effectively destroy the MAX, and within how many shots. What i meant by effectively will he be able to cut the MAX down before the MAX has a chance to run up and own the sniper.
Thanks for any input you guys can give.
-The President:sniper:
2003-04-02, 03:36 PM
If the max is smart he would just move somewhere that he can't be hit by the sniper.
2003-04-02, 03:38 PM
ya but what if the MAX was a dumbass? o and to answer your question...i have no clue once so ever. maybe an idiot beta tester will reveal this info....
Sniper Jack
2003-04-02, 03:40 PM
Well, if the sniper fired from a very far distance away, and the MAX was blind/ may squeeze in enough shots to at least hurt the MAX quite a bit. But remember, when you get shot, those little lines appear near your sight showing a general idea of where the shots are coming as soon as that MAX spins around, I would recommend getting out of there.
2003-04-02, 03:47 PM
well, I hope it will take about 10 shots considering the size and defense of the armor.. This would suck but it would be more realistic, even though I am playing a sniper in the game.
2003-04-02, 03:48 PM
I for one am hoping MAXes are near invincible to snipers. That said, I don't plan on playing either a MAX or a sniper as a main character.
2003-04-02, 03:50 PM
You'd be plunking away at the MAX for a long time....
Snipers won't be very profficient at taking out MAXs, i'd just forgett bout them if i was sniping.
The President
2003-04-02, 03:52 PM
I agree with what you were saying Kneo, based sheerly on realistics the sniper most deffinetly should have to work hard at taking down a MAX, keeping in mind their armor. Thanks for the responses guys.
-The President:sniper:
2003-04-02, 04:48 PM
Err..I would imagine this would well against MAX units
Lancer+Range Magnifier=Dead MAX
Although I have no idea if those two would be able to be used together..
2003-04-02, 04:50 PM
I'm sure they could. The lancer would probably give you away though. Less stealth involved with energy weapons. But you could take out some MAXs that way, fer sure.
2003-04-02, 04:55 PM
Yeah, easier to not have the magnification implant and just shoot him with a couple phoenix rockets... Though I highly doubt a max is going to be roaming around in the middle of nowhere or just standing there looking at flowers.
2003-04-02, 04:56 PM
ya never i said..the max could be a dumbass...or they could have ADD...
2003-04-02, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Delmin
Err..I would imagine this would well against MAX units
Lancer+Range Magnifier=Dead MAX
Although I have no idea if those two would be able to be used together..
*shrugs* I say things along these lines a lot. Lancer=second fastest projectile in game, second only to Bolt Driver. You can try to snipe MAXs the conventional way, but he'll walk right up to you and shove a minigun/shotgun in your mouth.
2003-04-02, 05:14 PM
If your a sniper and their are other targets available then shoot them, if not you might as well take a shot at the MAX. Every bit will help, however I think a group of snipers would be able to take a MAX.
2003-04-02, 05:14 PM
Bet that most Vanu snipers will use it mainly instead of Bolt driver..Fairly certain that a lancer will one shot most armors..not sure if it would one shot a MAX though...Dunno. The reload/recharge rate would be killer though.
*wishs NDA would drop so he would not have to speculate*
2003-04-02, 05:34 PM
Nothing is a one shot kill on a MAX. Well, maybe perhaps an Anti-Vehicular missle, but maybe not.
2003-04-02, 05:36 PM
i hear an rek can cause maxes to self destruct
2003-04-02, 05:42 PM
ROFL where'd you hear that? it's wrong
2003-04-02, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Ruthless
i hear an rek can cause maxes to self destruct :confused:
I dont think so ;)
2003-04-02, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Delmin
Bet that most Vanu snipers will use it mainly instead of Bolt driver..Fairly certain that a lancer will one shot most armors..not sure if it would one shot a MAX though...Dunno. The reload/recharge rate would be killer though.
*wishs NDA would drop so he would not have to speculate*
Why would a Lancer one-shot most armors? It's an anti-vehicular weapon. It's made to take out heavy armor, not infantry.
2003-04-02, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Destroyeron
Nothing is a one shot kill on a MAX. Well, maybe perhaps an Anti-Vehicular missle, but maybe not. Lancer is AV. Not a missle, but AV.Why would a Lancer one-shot most armors? It's an anti-vehicular weapon. It's made to take out heavy armor, not infantry. *scratches head*Sheer firepower?:D
2003-04-02, 06:39 PM
What kind of glass do they use in those maxs anyway???
I mean, one high velocity solid steel bolt, hitting glas at a point about the size of a dime?
U gotta be kidding me when u say that wont take it out.
The max armor wont help shit, if the driver is dead, if you know what i mean :D
2003-04-02, 06:52 PM
Been saying things like this (mostly to promote Vanu MAX which is full-armor).
PS: Sigbot is coming for you, RandoMTerroR *Jaws music*
2003-04-02, 07:03 PM
Lancer is AV. Not a missle, but AV.
Its projectile is irrelevant. Its function is what's important. And as you pointed out, its function is anti-vehicular. Not anti-infantry.
*scratches head*Sheer firepower?:D
To be fair they'd have to let Phoenix missiles blow apart infantry as well, and let Strikers do the same. Then we can change the name of the game to Anti-vehicularSide, and get set for some missile launcher/energy cannon mayhem.
Sarcasm aside, no dice. Games aren't designed on logic, they're designed on game balance. So I wouldn't get my hopes up for the Lancer to be the only weapon in the game which is excellent at destroying every type of enemy. And given that PlanetSide is a team game, making one weapon good against everything would dramatically hurt the way the game is played.
I'd hope for a minimum of 5-6 clean headshots (glass = fragile). Any shots on body armor = futile.
That being said i know it won't happen since there is no area damage. :tear:
I also hope the devs finally realize that sniping should be lethal but extremly hard. :)
2003-04-02, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
Sarcasm aside, no dice. Games aren't designed on logic, they're designed on game balance. So I wouldn't get my hopes up for the Lancer to be the only weapon in the game which is excellent at destroying every type of enemy. And given that PlanetSide is a team game, making one weapon good against everything would dramatically hurt the way the game is played. I'm sure the Lancer has a bit less raw firepower than the other ones, and a definately slow refire rate (especially in comparison to Striker and Rocklet). Also would be generally useless close-quarters (that's what the Lasher's for), even more so than the others. But, it being second in projectile speed implies long-range use. All AV weapons are good at everything (most likely), providing they hit. It just happens the Lancer is best at that (unless they give it a huge initial CoF which would be bull).
2003-04-02, 07:45 PM
"maybe an idiot beta tester will reveal this info...."
DURURUR IM AN IDIOT. I think we are the smarter ones in this situation seeing as to how we know what we are talking about.
"Bet that most Vanu snipers will use it mainly instead of Bolt driver..Fairly certain that a lancer will one shot most armors..not sure if it would one shot a MAX though...Dunno. The reload/recharge rate would be killer though."
Lancer is powerful, but NOTHING in the game is a one shot kill, unless its the bolt driver on someone with NO armor or something. Like someone said, game isnt based on logic, based on balance. Besides, im sure they have super-enhanced allow glass or something 1000 years in the future, duh? :D
2003-04-02, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
I'm sure the Lancer has a bit less raw firepower than the other ones, and a definately slow refire rate (especially in comparison to Striker and Rocklet). Also would be generally useless close-quarters (that's what the Lasher's for), even more so than the others. But, it being second in projectile speed implies long-range use. All AV weapons are good at everything (most likely), providing they hit. It just happens the Lancer is best at that (unless they give it a huge initial CoF which would be bull).
I beg to differ, but I guess we'll have to wait and see won't we :)
kid klash
2003-04-02, 09:57 PM
i believe it takes 5-7 shots.
2003-04-02, 10:10 PM
I wouldnt want to piss off a MAX with that gun, you all saw the screen with the flash on the end of that thing... it's like a kill me beacon unless you move after a few shots.
The President
2003-04-02, 11:17 PM
Yeah i concur to that point, the flash on the Bolt Driver was rather mushroomcloud-like.. not what I would want or expect froma sniper rifle..keeping in mind snipers usually stay undercover...this sniper rifle looks more like a blowtorch when fired...
None the less i will use it , just need a tree to hide behind when i pull the trigger.
-The President:sniper:
I personally think the big flash effect is "cool". It is ineed a bit too big but something that gives away your position farely easily if someone is looking in your direction = good idea to me. Will help prevent lame campign snipers. :)
2003-04-03, 01:30 AM
I read, somewhere on this forum, that AV must take out all armor before it starts taken from health, not sure if that is true but It would reduce the effectivity against infantry (Yay 500 damage took out 100 points of armor and need to hit them again to kill them)
2003-04-03, 02:45 AM
I would guess that if the sniper could manage to stay out of sight, and move after each shot he might have a chance. However, in anything less than ideal circumstances: single max; heavy ground cover(trees, bush, you know); and a somewhat mentally lacking enemy my money is on the max.
2003-04-03, 05:12 AM
Somehow i doubt the faceplates on the TR anc NC MAX's are glass......
they're "incert future uberstrong seethru material here" hehe.
Theres no damage locations in PS so hitting the head of the MAX will have the same effect as a shot on his foot.
2003-04-03, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
All AV weapons are good at everything (most likely), providing they hit.
Wrong. Antivehicular weapons are good at....guess what? destroying VEHICLES. Used against infantry, it'd only be half as powerful.
2003-04-03, 06:03 AM
Originally posted by Ruthless
Wrong. Antivehicular weapons are good at....guess what? destroying VEHICLES. Used against infantry, it'd only be half as powerful.
And you know that because?
Yes they're designed to hitting and taking out vehicles, but how do you know how they fare against infantry?
Unless you got some proof, you're just listing your thoughts on how you think it will work.
Theres a GS vid (albeit kinda old now) that shows a NC agile getting hit by a AV MAX and he gets hurt BAD..
Also been stated by a devs that AV MAXs will be able to defend themselfs against infantry, won't be as good as AI MAX's ofcourse.
My bet, getting a phoenix in your face will hurt, alott. Same whit a decimator shot, etc.
2003-04-03, 11:40 AM
Would you rather eat a direct hit from a rocket, or take a single AI shell? Hmmm...AV weapons have huge raw power. The main thing is trying to hit infantry directly. Splash damage probably isn't huge, you just have to hit direct.
2003-04-03, 11:44 AM
I'd rather be hit by a bullet than a rocket hehe.
AV won't be the weapon of choice against infantry... There'll be to manny guys to carry enough AV to kill them and AI weapons will be more effective at killing infantry.
If theres a battle in the open between a guy whit a decimator and a minigun, i'd put my money on the guy whit the minigun.
2003-04-03, 11:55 AM
Zat, we had a discussion about this already, specialization, remember? Teamwork? Strategy? Yeah, PS is based off of those, and having people with AV weapons that can take out both vehicles and infantry with ease would ruin the strategic part of putting together a squad that is diverse. The Phoenix needs multiple shots to take out a vehicle, but if it could easily take out an infantry, then why would anyone need more then a couple of AI infantry?
2003-04-03, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Ouroboros1
Zat, we had a discussion about this already, specialization, remember? Teamwork? Strategy? Yeah, PS is based off of those, and having people with AV weapons that can take out both vehicles and infantry with ease would ruin the strategic part of putting together a squad that is diverse. The Phoenix needs multiple shots to take out a vehicle, but if it could easily take out an infantry, then why would anyone need more then a couple of AI infantry?
We had a discussion yeah, and neither of us agrees on the other person view point ;)
You won't be able to carry enough AV weapons to effectivly counter infantry whit them. They're also harder to use versus infantry and less effective than AI weapons.
BUT if you do get hit by an AV it's gonna hurt.
2003-04-03, 12:14 PM
Hmmm i guess the teoraticle way to make sniping be less effective against armor, would be to make the "solid steal spikes" hollow pointed, so they splash out when they hit something... Would make them much more effective against infantery, and much less so agaist armored viechles.
Gotta learn to live with the fact that in the future glass is unbreakable... *sigh*
2003-04-03, 01:06 PM
You cannot one shot a MAX, and you probably will never be able to one shot a MAX.
2003-04-03, 01:20 PM
If u could one shot a MAX.. teh MAX population (especaily outdoors) would drop dramticaly.. The Max is already a slow giant.. Any half decent sniper could easily take a MAX out like that.. just isn't going to happen.
2003-04-03, 01:37 PM
Re: AV weapons vs. infantry
Would like to point out that in BF 1942 the bazooka one shots all infantry on a direct hit. So is it a great weapon for taking out infantry? No. Its great IF the enemy is near point blank range and there is only 1. Its relaod rate is horrific and hitting anything a long range is far more difficult then with any other weapon. Thus there is an example for you of a balanced game with an AV weapon that is does just as much damage to infantry as vehicles.
Re: Sniper vs MAX
Seems to me that a MAX can out distance other infantry with their run speed. Thus if the MAX sees the sniper he can chase him down. Keep in mind MAXs seem to be considered vehicles (subject to anti-vehicular locks, on a vehicles damage table, etc) so the discussion is the the same as "Who would win, a light tank or the sniper?"
2003-04-03, 03:40 PM
in running mode, maxes have very limited turning capabilities and may not fire.(i think)
2003-04-03, 03:47 PM
I saw a program on the Discovery channel on explosives. In it, they had a cone like explosive that inverts a copper cone into a spikish-rod that pierced through two feet of armor plating. Irrelevant, but i guess it relates to the whole hollow-spike thingy. :D
I don't know about Lancer being the best AV weapon. Yes, it might be fast, but you actually have to aim and have a chance of missing. The Striker has the ability to lock-on, and the Phoenix can be self guided, which in my opinion is much better then the Lancer.
2003-04-03, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Ouroboros1
I don't know about Lancer being the best AV weapon. Yes, it might be fast, but you actually have to aim and have a chance of missing. The Striker has the ability to lock-on, and the Phoenix can be self guided, which in my opinion is much better then the Lancer.
But then ur also just an ignorant TR who dont know jack shit about the prospects of laser technology :D :D :D
But seriusly, if the lancer is instant hit, or near instant hit, id say its much better than that phoenix thingy... U fire, then u fly the missile and automaticly become a sitting duck :D
2003-04-03, 04:28 PM
You've also almost certainly got a MASSIVE cone of fire on that thing, so unless the idiot is standing still, youre accuracy isn't worth shit, unlike the Striker, which will redirect by itself or the pheonix which will redirect manually
2003-04-03, 04:32 PM
I brand this thread as dead. Shut up, everyone knows the phoenix sucks alone because it makes the player a sitting duck, everyone knows the vanu lancer is better then a striker for a skilled player because it's instant hit (this may not be true, because no one knows damage ratios), and everyone knows that sniper rifles arent going to do shit against maxes, end of thread.
2003-04-03, 04:32 PM
What makes u think u will get a massive CoF???
Why should it be any different from other weapons???
Ohhh yes, rigth, its anti viechle so well make it so it cant hit shit, rigth??? WRONG!!! If it is better than the other weapons, it will be balanced out with less damage, and/or slower RoF...
2003-04-03, 04:34 PM
Random, what did I just say? Shut the fuck up, he's not talking about accuracy while standing still. He's saying that with a phoenix or a striker you can launch while running and still be accurate due to the auto aim and manually guiding, but with the lancer while running you have a massive cone of fire. Now everyone shut the fuck up. ^^ Thank you, have a nice day, I love you all!
2003-04-03, 04:59 PM
:rolleyes: (at Veno)
The Lancer is most definately a long-range intended weapon, by all signs. No need to run in any situation that you'd be firing it in.
2003-04-03, 05:05 PM
Lancer is not insta hit..... it's does however have the second best traveltime in the game
2003-04-03, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
:rolleyes: (at Veno)
The Lancer is most definately a long-range intended weapon, by all signs. No need to run in any situation that you'd be firing it in.
When did I ever say you had to run? The other guy claimed if you try to stand still and aim you're a sitting duck.
2003-04-03, 05:11 PM
That's not what the :rolleyes: was for.
Edit: Wasn't refering to you with the rest.
Camping Carl
2003-04-03, 05:27 PM
With the the phoenix, you don't have to have a direct line of sight to your target. Plus, I read post by a certain beta tester breaking the NDA who was chased down in his Mosquito by a Phoenix, which was enough to kill him. (His skeeter was probably already damged tho)
Sounds better than a Lancer any day. :D
2003-04-03, 06:30 PM
You'd be firing for a while. Let's hope the MAX dosen't track your bullet trail beforehand...
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