View Full Version : Something I've Always Wondered..
2013-05-28, 08:05 PM
Take note: This is NOT a racist thread, or a flame thread. It is an honest question I've had since the very beginning of my presence in Planetside 1.
Here's the question(s):
Why are there Chinese players here in such numbers? What ever got them interested in a Western game that only had Western/European servers; and now only has a Western server after Werner's demise?
By "such numbers" I speak relatively. There are only around 100 or so people online at any point, but the Chinese have a decent-sized presence. Back a few years, I saw quite a few more.
Why do they play this game? They've got Welkin 4951, which is pretty much a complete ripoff of Planetside 1. And then you have Mars War, which is a ripoff of Welkin.
None of them speak English, to my knowledge. None of them are team players, save with their own kind, that I've been able to observe. I've even been blatantly TK'ed and sought out by them. They don't ever communicate and even attempt to hinder teammates in some cases. I've also seen a few of them hack and exploit the game in a coordinated, team-based manner.
I believe that the thing that peeves me most about it is that they don't communicate. At least with an English-speaking player who decides to troll, you can be given a sort of reason and/or explanation if you're lucky.
I want to reaffirm that THIS IS NOT A RACIST/FLAME THREAD. However, I'm pretty much at a loss for understanding why they're even here, when they have their own games to play and next to no background or favor in Planetside. Does anybody like them?
Can anyone who's an older veteran than I (I've only played since '09) help me out on this? :rolleyes:
TL;DR Why are there Chinese players? And why do we not like them in general? No hate.
2013-05-28, 08:54 PM
I dont know all the specifics, but they opened up Chinese Planetside servers around 05. They only lasted about a year then had to be shut down for some reason and they allowed access to the Markov server to Chinese players (west coast), then after the merges Gimini as it is the only server left.
2013-05-28, 10:28 PM
Good question. I don't understand why they mostly stick to themselves and don't seem to like to participate/communicate with other people in their empire. And like you said, they even seem to enjoy team killing. It's strange.
2013-05-29, 01:28 AM
Note: Don't preface things with "NOT RACIST!" because we're always going to assume you are then.
2013-05-29, 04:59 AM
Some chinese speak english. Most never been taught such in school.
The TKing thing is something that started between anti-CN Markovian US players and the CN players. The Chinese that came to the euro server (PLA) actually tried to get away from the American server due to the rather unhospital attitude to foreigners there (as European too, you often got insulted there by the kids, tbh).
Chinese culture is quite different from European and US culture, they are far more communal. They could be asked to coordinate and would help if you knew who to talk to, however, they would not take the initiative themselves. You have to realise that taking initiative is different in countries where initiative is reserved for the leaders (often true in communal cultures like latin countries and china).
I'm not saying this is true for all Chinese of course.
As for the cheating, from what I've been told by people who work with Chinese producers, in China, if you can rip someone off and get away with it, it enhances your status. I've seen this first hand in products a company I've done some work for obtained from China: they deliberately tried to put bad and wrong parts in with the good ones. If you don't have some authority connections, they're not going to take you serious and you can forget about quality control. Similarly, it's no surprise that a lot of food scandals occur in China (like the milk and babyfood scandals).
The Chinese government itself encourages things like hacking the databanks of foreign companies and governments and even has a Beijing university faculty dedicated to teaching how to hack and it is therefore no surprise that a massive amount of cyberattacks stem from China. Whether this makes cheating more acceptable and respectable, I don't know. Some Chinese in PS I've talked to have gone out of their way to TK cheaters and the biggest problem for everyone was their 300ms ping.
But if you want to communicate, simply approach various CN players till they respond in (usualy broken) english.
2013-05-29, 05:29 AM
The substantive issue with Chinese players was always said to be 'ping' due to the distance china - west coast US.
Ofc. back then there were Australian players with bad ping who didn't seem to get the hate. And I know of 1 Chinese player who was Australian (or aussie based) who got mucho hate, ofc he was pretty good. (can't recall him name :( , but I thought he was a good guy)
Again there was a (good) US player who for some reason decided to play for a while on an alt with a Chinese style name, he reported receiving a lot of racist insults.
2013-05-29, 08:09 AM
yea, it was us Markov players that were the problem
before the CN's showed up the Markov NC was an empire that was trained to listen and perform,we rolled every mono event and dominated the run for the gun events,we never lost an event. we would get the whole poplock on one TS server and really played as one big unit with a gameplan in place.
then the CN's appeared and all of the sudden we had this huge chunk of the population that just wouldn't listen and it cost us dearly which led to a bunch of us old school NC to either abandon Markov for the Emmy TR or they just quit playing.
all they did was feed kills to the enemy without bothering to listen to ppl that had been playing the game since release and had an excellent command system in place.
its why they are still not liked very much all these years later,we remember the crap that went on.
Babyfark McGeez
2013-05-29, 10:10 AM
As far as i know both "welkin" and "mars wars" have been shut down years ago.
If you want to have that planetside experience, planetside 1 is the only game out there.
I allways enjoyed playing with as many different nationalities as possible, never had any problems with asian players. Sure, when someone is not speaking english it might be a bit difficult to communicate, but hey, this is an international game after all, so you can't help that.
2013-05-29, 12:38 PM
Wow. This was definitely a deeper and more involved incident than I had ever thought. Thanks for broadening my understanding on it, guys. :cheers:
2013-05-29, 02:24 PM
I don't think I've ever really had a problem with any CN players. They don't really TK me any more than American or EU folks and even if they don't really focus on empire-wide teamplay, they're friendly enough.
Of course there's always going to be some assholes in the bunch but in my experience with 'em it's more positive than negative.
2013-05-29, 06:33 PM
... And if I mention the RU players, does it transform this thread into a xenophobic thread ?
2013-05-29, 06:37 PM
Planetside fer' 'muricans!
2013-05-29, 06:56 PM
No, Syl, it doesn't.. :rofl: But I almost died laughing cuz of that.
And Masterchief, I was thinking the same thing. :groovy:
I'm not saying all CN's are bad. The sad thing is that most of them I've met are the mean ones, like was mentioned earlier. There are plenty of good ones that have come and gone, sure, but I haven't met any of them yet.. :rolleyes:
2013-05-30, 07:15 AM
when i play planetside nowadays, i get some weird asian tells every day ;)
but when i answer in english, that i don´t understand a word, i get no reply.
back in the days i never got asian tells, and i was always using shogun01 as callsign.
do the chinese have a localised client? i mean, do they even understand the voicemacros?
the sad thing is, that they don´t even seem to comprehend when you try to send them to a specific base.
with low population it totally sucks when half of the faction goes straight for the wrong base where we get caught in a threeway while we had the option to let the other two fight each other and roll up on one from behind.
2013-05-30, 02:16 PM
There are plenty of good ones that have come and gone, sure, but I haven't met any of them yet.. :rolleyes:
Ask yourself this: how many CN player names can you remember after looking at their names?
2013-05-30, 05:15 PM
Ask yourself this: how many CN player names can you remember after looking at their names?
there was kissboy .... mimi used to hate him :)
2013-05-31, 03:16 PM
Aside from PlaMingYue *who speaks basic english and has decision influence in PLA* and AutobotCN (might be a number in there), tbh I can't recall many.
2013-06-25, 10:26 AM
DisposableTixue, I think it was spelt?
He was fun on command chat. I remember him telling us that he likes to fuck dogs... :p
2013-06-27, 12:08 PM
2014-03-01, 05:46 AM
The TKing thing is something that started between anti-CN Markovian US players and the CN players. The Chinese that came to the euro server (PLA) actually tried to get away from the American server due to the rather unhospital attitude to foreigners there (as European too, you often got insulted there by the kids, tbh).
As someone who played through the "CN plague" as i like to call it, i can honestly tell you my disdain towards them had nothing to do with culture or ideology. Simply put, they played like shit-head zerglings. All day. EVERYDAY. IN ANY WAY. If there were enough of them on, they would simply steam-roll an entire continent/planet. It was just not possible to fight them.
The NC CN were by far the worst. Before they showed up, i think the largest group of BFR's i'd ever seen was maybe three. After they show up? A dozen Peregrines, if not more, all bearing down on one base. This doesn't include the numerous Vanguards that followed them or the Sparrows and Skyguards that accompanied the Vanguards. When all of this was assembled, they'd shell an entire base until nothing could venture outside...after that? They'd die in wave after wave of meat grinder-esque infantry floods, which was the most disappointing of all, at least to me.
2014-03-01, 09:54 AM
edit-I should have read the first page before I posted-again
As someone who played through the "CN plague" as i like to call it, i can honestly tell you my disdain towards them had nothing to do with culture or ideology. Simply put, they played like shit-head zerglings. All day. EVERYDAY. IN ANY WAY. If there were enough of them on, they would simply steam-roll an entire continent/planet. It was just not possible to fight them.
The NC CN were by far the worst. Before they showed up, i think the largest group of BFR's i'd ever seen was maybe three. After they show up? A dozen Peregrines, if not more, all bearing down on one base. This doesn't include the numerous Vanguards that followed them or the Sparrows and Skyguards that accompanied the Vanguards. When all of this was assembled, they'd shell an entire base until nothing could venture outside...after that? They'd die in wave after wave of meat grinder-esque infantry floods, which was the most disappointing of all, at least to me.
as someone who lead the Markov NC,I can tell you first hand what the CN brought to the table when they showed up and started playing.
the CN took an empire that was undefeated in every SOE run event that was ever held,I am talking about the old Monolith Events(which we would dominate with scores like 28-0 over the three day mono events or kill an entire VS poplock in the basement of Eisa during the Run For the Guns event)and destroyed the cohesiveness that we had developed and maintained for the prior two years,we ended up having CN that wouldn't listen,they would attack stupid useless targets,screw us all over in the process.
we tried to explain and show them repeatedly how and why we did the things we did and they would just ignore all of us in /C and counter-global orders that were given by proven leaders and agreed on in NC /C beforehand.
so ppl got sick of their shit pretty damn quick after that.
to summarize, the CN showed up,refused to work with anyone and became a huge pain in the ass,so we fucking shot them.
after that a bunch of us Markovians moved to Emmy TR and formed MARKOV to raid the Mono event that SOE was running on the big screen at the '05 E3 event,we beat the other empires so badly the first day they all went on the forums and called us cheaters and quit participating in the event LOL
2014-03-01, 03:50 PM
None of the things I disliked the CN for were personal. I just liked winning and we won much less with them around. On the bright side, I had tons of fun farming them on my TR/VS alts.
2014-03-01, 08:37 PM
MARKOV outfit were a lame spawn camping maxfit.
2014-03-01, 10:50 PM
My only complaint w/the CN and other Pan-Asian influences were that they would continuously over flood an empire. If they went NC on Monday. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of them would be NC. To the point where pops would skew to like 70-20-10. They'd ride that for like a week, then the next week they'd ALL go TR or VS and again skew the pops to completely ridiculous percentages.
Where the enjoyment was for them when doing so was/is beyond me, but that shit used to drive me to drink.
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