View Full Version : My lil weekly beta rant

2003-04-03, 01:07 AM
First off: My apologies for getting these up a bit later than usual, It ok, I think these are taste pics ya dug up anyways.;) :drools:

Now, as i see yall rappin up the closed beta right? I mean ofcourse the release date is lil more than a month away, but then I see that yall are reaching the last stages of the beta. For instance this here pic (http://www.planetside-universe.com/media/viewer.php?img_id=768) shows the NC MAXs at high ranks, I'm guessin everyperson should be almost or at the top of the food chain bout now:p . Could I ask whats left to check, or is it too much to say? Could ya say if its just small stuff, or like the stuff not looked at enough. jw....

Galaxy question(s): That door closest to the cockpit is the gunners seats right (the winggunners)?
(damn pic wasnt showin...)

How much stuff can a locker hold? I know this may have been answered long time ago, but....ya know, I'm young an dumb.

Nother question answered while ago i bet.......there isn't a maximum amount of any vehicle, right?

Is it nessasary to use the darklight thin to see your own cloaked troops? I mean if anythin, ones that dont have that implant will sure be getting alota grief points if hes being lead by a whole bunch of cloakers.

K, i think my rant is done.

2003-04-03, 01:16 AM
Theres a pic of a full locker in the new screenies, it can hold quite a bit, I dunno bout the rest, not in beta heh.

edit: oops, yes u can see your own troops, also a pic of that.

2003-04-03, 01:24 AM
thats a full pic, oh ok...

And the cloaked friendly, well the implant is on if ya look at the bottom of the screen.

Oh new question (kinda dumb again:rolleyes: ), I know theres TR, Vanu, NC, but will there be like civil wars? like one group of Vanu vs. another vanu? Or or is it empire friendly?

2003-04-03, 01:46 AM
lol no there wont...clans can compete against eashother, but thats about it

2003-04-03, 03:05 AM
Galaxy Question: Yes there are 2 gunner seats next to the driver and one gunner behind the driver.

Go here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/media/viewer.php?img_id=784) th answer your locker question.

No maximum on the vehicles although unusd vehicles dissappear if not hacked or mouted for a time.

Yes you need darklit vision to see your cloaked teammates bodies, but you can always see their name, even if you can't see thier body.

No there is no empire 1 vs. empire 1 fighting, it is always NC v VS v TR

2003-04-03, 03:20 AM
If you want to know the contents of the locker go here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5541), this thread tells you what is what in the locker.