View Full Version : Anyone else gonna cry if they don't get in to beta?
2003-04-03, 04:04 PM
Sad times fellow non-beta people.
*watches as more people get accepted*
Oh well...
2003-04-03, 04:11 PM
<raises hand>
at least my friends are in so I'm not totally in the dark...
2003-04-03, 04:12 PM
Yeah, I have a couple friends in it too. I'd still rather play along side them though.
2003-04-03, 04:16 PM
still sucks, I'll cross my fingers for 'ya if you do it for me. :D
Vis Armata
2003-04-03, 04:19 PM
No crying over a game for me...besides, if you don't get into beta, you can at least look forward to a more solid and more populated game than the beta testers got. I'd take that tradeoff anyday. Plus, my computer can't handle PS quite yet.
2003-04-03, 04:22 PM
I'm not crying.. I didn't even sign up for beta, i have things to do with my life for a month and a half. Who am I kidding? *Jumps out the window of his 6th story apartment*
2003-04-03, 04:26 PM
Wait this is still closed beta right?
2003-04-03, 04:38 PM
Smokejumper post on official forums
We'll have 11,000 "exclusive" beta testers by the end of this week.When we launch Open Beta (soon), we'll be adding something like 20,000 *more* testers.
Most folks will be in the game...but we simply don't have the manpower to weed through each and every application to hand-pick entries. We did that until we had about 1700 players...but it's all been batch sorting since then.
We look at system specs, geographic locations, etc. as a basis for letting folks in...not how long they've been following the game.
2003-04-03, 04:39 PM
yea its still closed and no i wont be crying. im just gunna be mad that i have to wait even longer without even lookin at it...
Vis Armata
2003-04-03, 04:40 PM
As long as Hamma keeps on posting good screenshots for us, I'm happy.
2003-04-03, 04:51 PM
I didn't even bother applying.
2003-04-03, 04:54 PM
Neither did I.
2003-04-03, 04:59 PM
That spec thing is BS. I have a better comp than 98% of the beta testers.
Camping Carl
2003-04-03, 05:01 PM
I didn't even bother applying.
I didn't either. Somehow, I'd rather see the finished product. Crazy as it may sound, I don't really mind waiting.
2003-04-03, 05:06 PM
Call me a skeptic but I agree 100% with Nav.
Nav and my systems fall somewhere in the top 1% of the testers that applied for the beta, and people with far lower specs have been accepted before us.
At this point I've almost reached the point of indifference. I'll be happy playing Desert Combat until the games release.
2003-04-03, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Vis Armata
As long as Hamma keeps on posting good screenshots for us, I'm happy.
Ah yes, good point.
2003-04-03, 06:28 PM
Better screens soon hopefully, the more people they get the more action there is for me to take screens.
2003-04-03, 06:30 PM
Even screens with hardly anyone in them are great. Especially that last batch.
Originally posted by Hamma
Better screens soon hopefully, the more people they get the more action there is for me to take screens.
Just out of curiosity can beta testers from PSU send you SS? Say (god willing :p) i get into beta tomorrow, can i take some VS SS and send them to you? Obviously you would decide to post or not and which ones but would you consider posting some at all?
2003-04-03, 08:25 PM
I want beta........tho i wonder what component on the computer I was missing, i made the minimum requirements........oh well......yea i guess its better to have the full versin than the part empty one.....:(
And Hamma, make us proud with em screenys.;)
2003-04-03, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
That spec thing is BS. I have a better comp than 98% of the beta testers.
They arent looking for the best. They are looking for a variety. My comp is basicaly on the lowest of applicable comps. Im in now. Dont be so sure about how good your comp is either, cause i bet its not as good as you think.
2003-04-03, 08:32 PM
Yea but they also would want to see if there are any problems with the servers being completly full, so first it would be fastest and met way above the minimum requirements.......hey maybe I might be lucky.....if i get called latr on...
2003-04-03, 08:36 PM
actualy server load tests come in open beta. Right now they are focused on bug squashing. That includes driver issues and preformance issues. As i was saying ... they want a variety
2003-04-03, 08:40 PM
Thats what I mean, open beta, now its still closed and everybody in closed are fixing the small holes still scattered round the game.
And yes they want a variety of computer junk, but first should be the highest computers, than try multi computers. (yall should try mine, its the lowest of all, right on the requirments!)
2003-04-03, 08:53 PM
i believe you are mixing your personal bias of your computer with logic, no? The servers work fine with lower numbers of people, and so being, there is no reason to resort to what i believe you believe as a more *stable* system of using higher quality computers in an effort to focus on more pressed issues such as the said servers. As this is not the case, and the more pressed issues involve local compatibility, there is no need to use your implication of more *stable* systems(which is largely false btw), as the point would be to make the *unstable* ones more stable in relation to the program. I believe i have driven you through the logic rather nicely. Can I please say that they are looking for a mix of computers now?
2003-04-03, 08:54 PM
say im not accepted, im not going to cry. i will however break a bunch of shit, but no crying.
2003-04-03, 09:08 PM
Yes I know they must test all computers, from fast to slow, from highest card, to minimum requirment card. But I am stating that for testing the full capacity of a server (1000/1000 or however big the server is). A faster computer or top notch computers should be choosen for that, then after they run outa those they choose second, and so on and so forth till they reach 1000 at the server.
I'm not dissagreeing with you, but I am stating that top notch computers will be used first to test a full server. Then they would (or should) use different ranking computers and see if there are any problems with the server then.
Sry if I counfuse you or me....:rolleyes:
2003-04-03, 09:18 PM
you made an effort to be anti-inflamitory so i will too :) ill just put it this way: right now they arent focusing on server load(your 1k/1k). The actual server capacity ive heard will be from around 5-10k per world and maybe at most 2k per continent(but more realisticly 500-1000). They project average server usage at 300-2k people per server and 200 or less per continent. This has nothing to really do with clients, so there is no reason to pick computers with better parts.
2003-04-03, 09:37 PM
I cry no more. Beta has arrived on my computer.:D
2003-04-03, 09:40 PM
If i had a chance to talk to SOE, i'd ask them very nicely to do away with the NDA. all of us 16-17 yr olds get shafted by leagal niceties...
2003-04-03, 09:45 PM
NDA is there for a reason. i can't say any other way. deal with it. you in beta, just don't talk. its simple.
2003-04-03, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Venom
I didn't even bother applying.
I agree
:vsrocks: :ncrocks: :trrocks:
2003-04-04, 12:53 AM
Thats kind of cold, I mean if you really are excited about this game you should at least spend 5 or so min. applying.: )
Worth a shot eh?
2003-04-04, 01:25 AM
I agree with Carbini, I tried out, although I had little hope of getting in.
By the way, has all the Emails gone out for selections? or are they going to send more out at latter points?
just interested to know
2003-04-04, 01:28 AM
I'm in this round of beta. But, damn.
Now I'm so psyched up, I don't want to wait for the freaking CD's. :( :( :( I really wish someone would just put the CD's up for DL on file-sharing networks -- would probably be much faster.
2003-04-05, 03:08 AM
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