View Full Version : Developer Interview Part 2 Discussion

2002-12-02, 07:43 AM


2002-12-02, 07:48 AM
Yay! Finally something new to read! One question thought, what if some people are stupid and run the settings on high and their computer really isn't powerful enough to process all that? If everyone listened and put it at the speed their computer could handle, there would be less lag but I'm willing to bet there are many who won't listen.

2002-12-02, 07:51 AM
that was... incredibly disapointing. all we learned is that there will be lockers for stolen stuff.

2002-12-02, 07:52 AM
And that stolen vehicles can be taken by another before you log out so it won't have to disappear...

2002-12-02, 07:54 AM
that is the most logical approach so its more of a confirmation then something new.

2002-12-02, 08:02 AM
Confirmation is better than nothing. :D

There are some better questions down the road, hopefully somthing newer next week. :)

2002-12-02, 08:21 AM
However, the lag really isn't a confirmation seeing as that is every reply you will get to "How will lag be handled?" unless they make some |337 system that has no lag...

2002-12-02, 08:44 AM
I don't think lag will be the biggest problem... package loss sucks more.. having 100 or 200 in ping isn't that bad aslong as the packages get to the server so the shots get registered..... what i fear tho is that the servers will be underpowered so that zones/continents and such can be crashed by to manny players =/ hehe we all know buggy jumping tournaments or something will happen and that'll drag a crapload of people into one area, and a grenade throwing lamer aswell....

2002-12-02, 09:43 AM
I think they will have the net code done well.

2002-12-02, 03:38 PM
The guy who headed up T2 is on this project and if any of you are familiar with T2's net code or have experienced it, it is a sweet thing. I knew guys on 56K dial-ups that flat owned.

I think we will see a lot of attention placed on the lag issues and preventing them...

2002-12-02, 05:08 PM
If anyone has the resources to write solid net code, I think SOE is on the short list.

2002-12-02, 05:41 PM
vehicles (captured by jacking them with an REK) will disappear once they no longer have an owner.

what is a REK?

2002-12-02, 05:53 PM
hacking tool

2002-12-02, 06:12 PM
The Remote Electronics Kit (REK) is a hand-held hacking device that can remotely interface with the majority of enemy terminal types at close range. Most REK functions require either Hacking or Advanced Hacking Certification, but there are also standard functions that don't require any hacking certifications but take considerable time when employed by a non-Hacker.

See PSU Equipment Article here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/content.php?p=sdEquipment)


2002-12-02, 06:20 PM
Stolen weapons will be gold. :ugh:

2002-12-02, 10:20 PM
Are REKs used for capturing bases, too?

Anywho, it's good to see my question about the vehicles answered. As for lag, it's definetly a worry of mine. I have a 56k which is shared most of the time I'm online, and I live in Australia where we have no servers in our vicinity. I've got my fingers crossed that we have broadband soon.

2002-12-02, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Sytadel
Are REKs used for capturing bases, too?
I believe so.

2002-12-03, 12:35 PM
Next Monday I hope to have a better one for you guys. Stay tuned :D