View Full Version : free station cash thru sponsored links

2013-07-17, 02:42 AM
I've been playing some other online games before, like Battlefieldheroes from EA, and there was a way to get funds thru sponsored links (sponsored purchases, entering contests or surveys...). I spent a lot of time to find the equivalent for PS2, I found this:


Easy drill: sign up (I always use fake information, with a spare e-mail account for mail confirmations), earns points, then at 1500 pts convert them into a 1500 station cash card (prizes>search>SOE).

I'm not saying it's piece of cake to gather the 1500 pts, I had to spent some time, but for those of you who might have to buy something online on a shop sponsoring prizerebel, you'll get there fast.

Ofc you can redeem the card code when you want, I did it on a triple SC deal, that made me enjoy the freeness of the smedbucks even more!

PS: the mods on the official forums deleted a reply message where I was sharing this tip, guess then want us to spend money so bad they don't like the idea we can get SC for free, even if the sponsors are indirectly paying them...

2013-07-19, 01:53 PM
I actually did similar things for a f2p game called Pangya. It worked quite well, I think ill give this a go, im a bit broke lately.

2013-07-19, 01:58 PM
If anyone is still skeptical of this, I have done it on other F2P games and it works quite well. Sometimes the add chains are infinite and don't work, typically the higher-rewarding ones, but most do eventually work.

2013-07-19, 02:04 PM
So what kind of rewards do you get for anyone who signs up using that referral link of yours?

2013-07-19, 02:08 PM
I really canĀ“t believe it is ok to place here websites with referral link, where you receive credit when people join it from your referral and you can use it to buy goods, like station cash.

2013-07-19, 03:45 PM
EQ2 and DCUO are options to install for points :p

2013-07-22, 03:51 AM
So what kind of rewards do you get for anyone who signs up using that referral link of yours?

A ultra super tiny amount of points, not enough to get a card unless gazillion ppl sign up...

It doesn't change anything for the new ones in comparison to going directly on the site, but at least referal benefits someone, that's a tiny step against SOE ripping players' money