View Full Version : Migth be a way to fix the implants systhem but also bring balance across the board !

2013-07-22, 03:22 AM
I think in a more constructive matters , we should start to ask for some others suits slots that can be ad to furfill the suitslot goal , been and remain a side grade thats give us more custumisation options and not staight up no brainers health buff !

Nanoweave is a awefull health buff thats simply ruins and affect the overall infantry combat balance , and simply lead to having 90 % + of the players base using it all the time , but you cant rebalanced the weapons around these since the regular players will suffer even more from not having it ...

Now , to make sure thats we have a great variety of suits slots i will trow down a first idea to replace the empty space that nanoweave could create and replace it by some more usefull but also more balanced suits slots

Exemple :

Suits abilitys : Explosive detections , instead of been a implants it will become a suits slots , but the best part of the ideas is that the suits slots we could create could work in synergy with a implants

lets say this suits slots can detect Mines , claymore , proximity and so on all explosive deployables , each level grant you a extra range of detection ... as usual

Implant synergy : Various implants could be created to work in synergy with the new suits slots like

' friendly sharing ' implants for the explosive detection specifics implants that allow you to share your explosive detections whithin your squad whithina certain range

Or or Noise warning , a implants thats work in synergy with the explosive detection adding sound noise detection to the visual detection if you know what i mean

There is many ideas that can come up with this, so it will fix multiples issue at the same time , implants ability should become suits abilitys this way peoples wont see thos ability as (( pay to win )) and some SYNERGYK Implants should be create to enhanced the value of the existing suit slots abilitys

This way well have more options, more side grades, better implants systhems , and less non sens with all the side negative effect of nanoweaves thats should Be remoove ASAP !

I trow the ideas out there, i know many peoples will come with better ideas than mines ,but its the concept , hope you understand it or like it or trow down idea to improove it and give them to the devs to help them to find a great sulution for implants

2013-07-22, 07:24 AM
People still drop with nanoweave, it ain't some magical elixir of invincibility. I used it all the time, now i don't i realise i still die nearly as quick anyway. Talking like a tenth of a second or something.

2013-07-22, 12:23 PM
People still drop with nanoweave, it ain't some magical elixir of invincibility. I used it all the time, now i don't i realise i still die nearly as quick anyway. Talking like a tenth of a second or something.

Nanoweaves is awefull and need to be remoove , thats said

Whats you think about IMplants synergy , and adding more suitslots , so these ability wont be exclusive to implants and implants will be use to enhanced and sligthly change the suits slots ability in a ( synergy ) concept