View Full Version : Anyone else with sudden mic issues?

2013-08-08, 01:07 AM
Yeah my proximity chat works, and my squad/platoon used to, but now it doesn't seem to? My friend is over with his speakers on behind me, in my squad, I tried both Z and 7 chat, and my voice doesn't come through. In addition, whilst in random squads/platoons I, again, used both Z and 7 asking if I could be heard and no reply. I tried this in several squads both before and after work for a variety incase I was just being ignored and no go. During those times I also made sure proximity worked still and it did.

So any ideas why one works and the other wont? One other person said he started having the same issue just recently (like 2 hrs ago) but this has been going on for me for a couple or a few days now.

2013-08-08, 02:59 PM
The new and bad voice issues everyone on my outfit is reporting is that at least twice a day, someone in the squad is muted to someone else!
It creates lots of confusion this bug because you are no longer sure if people are listening to you or not, and because I am the leader, when I stop talking everyone thinks I am muted to then!
Already contacted the customer support and they made me delete a lot of archives, one of then must be my list of ignored users, now I am back listening music all day when I am on the warp gate. I also think the problem persists after that, but I am not sure.

2013-08-08, 04:07 PM
You can dis and reenable voice ingame and after it everything should work fine. It helped me and my outfit members during public platoons.

SerethiX - www.serethi.de

2013-08-08, 04:16 PM
I had a similar issue a week ago. I was in a squad and squad chat worked. I alt tabbed out and back in, and then my squad chat button stopped working. I tried to reset the key in the settings and nothing. I left the squad and joined another one and still the same problem. I then logged off and then back in - nothing. The next day, it worked fine again.

2013-08-09, 01:39 AM
I am having a similar issue the last few days. Usually squad chat stops working, sometimes squad and platoon. I was SL yesterday and was talking to myself for ages before I realised that nobody was hearing me :p

It seems to happen when I alt-tab out of the game, almost every time. But it happens without doing so as well. It is rather frustrating.