View Full Version : So now that open beta is out....

2003-04-04, 09:16 AM
Start blabbing about PS! No more NDA right? I never even applied for beta since I'm waiting on a new pc anyway so I'm waiting to may 19th for the final release.
So whats cool?
Whats not?

Need some info!!!

Oh, and since the open beta is out, does that mean that PSU will become a ghost town? :(

2003-04-04, 09:20 AM
Open beta is not out. Open beta has not started.

The NDA remains in full effect until we hear OFFICIAL word to the contrary.

The beta that is being proclaimed as "open" is not in fact open, it is quasi open, semi open, the diet coke of open. 1 cal, not open enough.

Only a select few have been recieving "open" beta emails, therefore this is not open beta.

Open beta is when the devs announce open beta. Not PSU.

Open beta is when the WHOLE WORLD can play, not just a select few n00bs and kiddie freaks from the US who cant be patient enough to wait for a fucking postman.

2003-04-04, 09:27 AM
Open beta is when the WHOLE WORLD can play, not just a select few n00bs and kiddie freaks from the US who cant be patient enough to wait for a fucking postman.

Well then that'll be may 19th. :(

I might go count how many times I've heard you say "diet coke of open" :p
That's hilarious

2003-04-04, 09:29 AM
hehe yeah im having a rant, must stop...cant....must...go...official forum...rant.....scream....vent.....anger!!!!!!!!! !

2003-04-04, 09:47 AM
"How about you crazy dutch..." :rolleyes:

2003-04-04, 09:49 AM

2003-04-04, 09:50 AM
NDA IS NOT LIFTED, until the developers say it is lifted.

2003-04-04, 09:53 AM
Obviously you have never seen the films...

Dr Evil inspired quote:

The beta that is being proclaimed as "open" is not in fact open, it is quasi open, semi open, the diet coke of open. 1 cal, not open enough.

He also said:

How about no you crazy dutch ******d

2003-04-04, 09:55 AM
There will probably be a press release and all that good PR stuff ;)

2003-04-04, 09:55 AM

I thought open beta meant NDA was lifted. Oh well.

2003-04-04, 10:03 AM
A truly open beta would mean that anyone could download it so the NDA would not exist anymore. We have yet to reach that stage.


People keep saying it will be out this week, next week ect. Myself i'm betting on about a months time, if not more. I know i'd like it sooner, and i will be very happy if it comes before then, but i can't see it happening.


2003-04-04, 10:09 AM
Open beta does not mean anyone can download the game. You have any idea how much bandwidth that would require? Open beta is when they send out 10,000 (or whatever the amount is) CD's and then, lift the NDA.

2003-04-04, 10:14 AM
Thats not an open beta. An open beta is open . Thats a further step on the closed beta. Everyone thinks that that is an open beta but its not. There probably never will be a totally open beta, least not until the first week of the actual game being released! ;)

Also i am well aware of the bandwidth limitations. I don't think they will neccesarily lift the NDA when they send out the CD's. IF they send out the CD's.

2003-04-04, 11:48 AM
That's a public beta - where anyone can download the game and test it out. They don't usually have those very often though, cause it can get a lil' hectic when any smoe can download the game and gripe about bugs, instead of actually testing the game, and reporting bugs.