View Full Version : Bolt action drop comparison in numbers

2013-10-02, 09:35 AM
Hi there,

I was wondering exactly how big of an advantage the higher bullet speed of the 650m/s BAs is in terms of drop. Couldn't find the information so I quickly derived it and typeset it afterwards to post here. I assumed the game's physics to correctly adhere to newtonian mechanics. I'm not sure if that's the case. All math used is rather simple. Unfortunately I had to make the simplification of there being no vertical distance between shooter and target. There is an exact solution but you'd have to solve it and then graph multiple scenarios via a CAS to gain any insight.
If you find errors of any sort, I'd appreciate hearing about them.

Results and steps are in the attached pdf. The red box sums up the results (a TL;DR if you so will).

PS: bold variables are vectors

Edit: Also drag is not taken into account, I don't know if that mechanic is even done in the first place.

2013-10-03, 07:33 AM
I believe that gravity on auraxis is 7m per second. So you should be able to figure your fall over a certain distance depending on velocity.

2013-10-03, 08:58 AM
There's no global gravity setting on projectiles; different things fall at different speeds here...

2013-10-04, 08:59 AM
There's no global gravity setting on projectiles; different things fall at different speeds here...

Yeah, and I can't find a spreadsheet with projectile gravity for all weapons. Bolt actions in particular have rather low drop, so the above only really matters at long ranges.

However, the math is universal. And tanks for one have to compensate a lot more.
So, if projectile gravity is the same for all tanks AP weapons you'll get, that the Magrider FPC has to aim 50% higher than a Titan AP, 23,5% higher than a Prowler and a 142% higher than a locked down prowler (max Lockdown). And max Lockdown halves your need for compensation.
Same thing as for the bolt actions applies. Target at same height as shooter.