View Full Version : Compare the words

2013-10-09, 02:28 PM
And from a thread far far away that's bound to get locked, an idea was born. Thought I'd make this thread to help add a bit of humor and let out a bit of steam. The way it works is simple, one person says a few words and then another person does the same, comparing words from previous posts. So if I was to say "This thread is a cut above the rest", you would reply with something like "well, I seen better but it's a close shave" or some such.

Just a few things to keep in mind. This is for fun and that's it. All arguments and such are left out the door. I'd post this in a game thread but I didn't see one.

Now then, let's start.

I think this thread is a sharp idea. :)

2013-10-09, 02:34 PM
I believe this thread will get cut and pasted to the General Discussion forum.

2013-10-09, 02:37 PM
Igads, how silly of me to forget! My mind must have snipped out that detail.

2013-10-09, 03:15 PM
Speaking of copy and pasted, why is BF4 so cut and dry?

2013-10-09, 07:24 PM
Because devs tend to stick with tried and tested instead of risking a knifes edge by adding something new. Pity really, as it's true with all games. Let's hope they don't stay sheathed to the old ways too long.

2013-10-10, 07:54 AM
Though it's scale is surely blunt compared to PS2, I still wouldn't mind a slice of the action, ripping apart enemies and structures with guns and choppers.;)