View Full Version : hello

2003-04-04, 09:22 PM
Hello i would first like to introduce myself to you guys ... Im currently playing Battlefield 1942 and im a leader of a clan there but i cant wait until PS comes out i plan on exspanding my clan to PS

Anyway i was wondering if u guys really think theres going to be a lot of teamwork.... I know in outfits there will be but in every other fps ive played people just go off on their own way. Like battlefield 1942 is meant for teamwork but in public servers this never happens every1 just goes for the glory and kills.

I would like to think PS is going to be differnt because people are going to be paying and u wont get the full experience without the Teamwork

check us out www.clanworsham.org

2003-04-04, 09:35 PM
Welcome foster

To answer your qustion, teamwork is gonna be a necessity when playin PS. You wont be able to get much work down without working together with your faction/outfit. And plus, its just more fun that way :D

2003-04-04, 09:41 PM
Yes this is what i was thinking ... Does any1 know when they exspect this game to be released .. ? Like by the 2004 or what ?

2003-04-04, 09:49 PM
lol hell no, its comin out in may this year :D. It would be out now if they wouldent have delayed it :mad: .
And welcome also :p lol

2003-04-04, 09:53 PM
lol sorry i didnt know but that makes me feel a lot better i dont have to wait as long

2003-04-04, 10:10 PM

2003-04-04, 11:54 PM

Welcome, careful, Squeeky bites....among other things... :scared:

2003-04-04, 11:59 PM
Im waiting for squeeky to reply with the :banplz:

2003-04-05, 12:15 AM
Welcome. Nice clan.

2003-04-05, 12:24 AM
Welcome to the party, the pool table is in back, lunch is at 12.