View Full Version : Indoor Combat
2002-12-03, 12:34 PM
There has been allot of interesting discussion on the outdoor aspect of Planetside such as Tanks, planes, and vehicles.
My question is, what does everyone think indoor combat will be like? Will it involve running in and shooting everything that moves, or perhaps a more stealthy aspect? Or will it depend on how certain outfits want to play...
2002-12-03, 12:50 PM
Scary as hell best describes what i think it will be like, at least vs NC.
As far as tactics i think it will work like this. The NC will blitz the building attempting to overrun everyone and take key portions of the facility such as spawn tubes. The TR will do tedious, room by room fighting with alot of grenades. The Vanu, i doubt they can even get in the door.
2002-12-03, 02:08 PM
we the vanu will go in with stealth and hacking or we disable your base with emp granades and all you see is the lazer beams that take you down one by one
2002-12-03, 02:50 PM
I agree with Incompetent. It will be very scary vs. NC.
... Scary like a fox! :cool2:
In all honesty though, Indoor vs. Outdoor fighting will be the difference between Underwater vs. Zero Gravity fighting. In some ways similar, yet vey different. I guess we'll just have to wait and see exactly what differences those entitle. :D
id say a lot of grenades and maybe even some fierce close combat, depending on how confined the rooms are. Hopefully there will be a lot of good stuff to hide behind and not just have empty halls and baren rooms.
I never even thought about it much though, but if it would take a lot of time indoors to remove a dug in force from a compound then pilots would not play as big of a role as i thought. Although a pilot with cutidy upidy skills would be a good combo, ya think?
2002-12-03, 03:17 PM
You could have the pilot(s) of your outfit park vehicles outside the doors and block the enemy from escaping. Also, MAX's will fit inside, so just imagine having a TR lock down in a hallway and rip all Vanu and NC to shreads.
2002-12-03, 04:15 PM
Vanu will probably the have the best indoor rifle, and that is the Lasher. It will be able to hit people behind cover with it's secondary fire and if it scores a direct hit, it can be devastating.
2002-12-03, 04:37 PM
i suggest you look up the Jackhammer, the MAG-scatter and the Mini-gun. The lasher is NOT going to do massive damage when it hits, its a rifle with ok damage and a nice special ability.
2002-12-03, 05:08 PM
The lasher will probably be nifty for defending a base as it will probably hit cloaked people as it passes by.
It still might be usefull if used by enough people in a squad, just spray to destract them, then its grenade time.
I'll love indoor battles as NC, I'll just sneak around that planted Terran and blast his spine with my jackhammer.
2002-12-03, 06:22 PM
Indoor combat will likely be a lot like Counter-strike or any other FPS with indoor areas. Weapons with a high rate-of-fire will likely be best, as the short range and more confined space will mean less ability to dodge, and closer range when you finally do fire at them.
Da King
2002-12-03, 06:25 PM
Bases In Planetsideare going to be very important to the expansion to an Empire. My view is that the TR will be the best at both capturing and defending bases. Reasons??
1. TRs sport a wide range if fast fireing weapons that could easilly destroy any that stand in their way.
2. TRs have the (hands down) best defensive MAX suit sure it will be very weak when un-deployed but when deployed I have one word. RUN
3. TRs not only have fast firering guns but they remain fairly accuret at long range unlike the jack hammer and MAG-Scatter.
But of coarse NC are good too with High damage at close range.
And for you Vanu-scum sure the lasher does damage around corners but so does the Pheonix. And a Pheonix vs. a Lasher you do the math.
2002-12-03, 07:07 PM
Yeah but you cant use a pheonix inside too well can ya!
2002-12-03, 08:00 PM
I can almost guarantee that you NC are gonna screw up with your Phoenix inside and possibly kill your teammates and yourselves. Oh and the NC prob won't get close enough to the Vanu so the MAG-Scatter and Jackhammer won't be that useful. However, I do agree that TR will probably be most effective at taking and defending bases.
2002-12-03, 08:41 PM
personally i think both TR and NC will be very effective at taking bases, TR's rate of fire and acuracy at range will make them more suited to defence.
I think well organised attacks will consists of several stages, possibly an incursion by stealths, who kill key personelle and disable whateva defences they can.... they then lay low. The base would then be pummeled by tanks at long range (NCs tank would out peform most in this role). A large assult force would be airlifted to a series of rally points around the entrances during this time.. The assult force would then enter the base and overrun whateva resistance is left.
Camping Carl
2002-12-03, 08:41 PM
I wouldn't be so sure, we don't know just how easy it will be to fly a phoenix around inside a base. I could just see (well not actually see) a door being opened by a stealth NC guy. The vanu guys turn around to see why it opened, and 5 or 6 pheonix missles come flyin' in. BOOM! Dead Vanu.... :angel:
2002-12-03, 09:00 PM
possibly, but i think Jinxmasta might be correct on that point, if NC uses phonixes in enclosed spaces we run the risk of killing ourselves, i think my tactics would work, but only if the majour offensive is on a large scale.
2002-12-03, 09:36 PM
2. TRs have the (hands down) best defensive MAX suit sure it will be very weak when un-deployed but when deployed I have one word. RUN
I don't think this is really correct. When not locked in place, the TR MAX will likely be very similar to the NC MAX and Vanu MAX when they're not using their special abilities.
And as for it being the best defensive MAX... that's debateable too. After all, targets that don't move make good fodder for grenades.
2002-12-03, 09:38 PM
MAX info was one of our dev questions which should be coming back soon :D
2002-12-03, 11:05 PM
Plasma Nades.
ooooh...phoenix could be wicked indoors for shooting around a corner at an enemy. might take a bit of practice to keep from blowin yourself up in the process...but it could work.
2002-12-04, 02:16 AM
You'd rather have a big, cumbersome missile launcher with very limited rounds instead of an assault rifle or other close-quarters weapon? You'd be easy meat when fighting indoors :)
2002-12-04, 11:01 AM
Thats why i want to carry a suppresser. Show them whats what with what if they wanna luanch rockets at me. And the suppresser is like the MP5 Navy from CS and that gun was the one I used mosta the time.
Ravon Dark
2002-12-04, 12:15 PM
All I've heard about NC is Mag-Scatter this and Phoenix that... Are we forgetting the Gauss Rifle? OH! We ARE! 'nuff said.
2002-12-04, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Tobias
Thats why i want to carry a suppresser. Show them whats what with what if they wanna luanch rockets at me. And the suppresser is like the MP5 Navy from CS and that gun was the one I used mosta the time.
I definately wouldn't mind owning a 10mm H&K MP5.
I am also a fan of the supressor, but it will have to see how it compares to the pulsar. If the pulsar does higher damage/sec and the recoil is less then there is no need for the supressor (for us vanu types).
The supressors one upside might be the reduced muzzle flash and low noise making it usable for stealth actions (although someone using the steath suit won't be able to use the supressor).
2002-12-04, 03:43 PM
At first I was planning on Suppressor but once I decided on Vanu then I wanted the Pulsar instead. I'll just have to see how they compare in the game.
2002-12-04, 04:05 PM
]i wana be a pilot and stuff. i need a hacker in my squad though. so tell me if wana be in my squad. ( i changed da color like Warborn said, thanx man )
2002-12-04, 04:30 PM
Dark blue is not a good colour to make your text...
2002-12-04, 05:23 PM
Oks Time for me to Compare the assault rifles and suppresser:
First Common Pool:
Source: Common Pool
Handling: Rifle
Damage: Medium
Maximum Range: Long
Recoil Penalty: Low
Refire Rate: Fast
This Gun is Fast firing, with the notable advantage of a rocket on it, providing use as an anti vehicle weapon as well as an anti infantry weapon. The recoil on it is noted to be :Low: making it good for short bursts at long range as an anti sniper weapon. It has an average refire rate.
One major disadvantage of this gun is that while it is accurate and has a rocket, its rounds are not as damaging as those from the Cycler or the Guass rifle. This will put it at a disadvantage when fighting people equiped with those weapons. It's Rocket and low recoil do not make up for its below average damage. It will suffer at a range vrs players equipped with the more damaging Guass or Cycler weapons.
Source: Common Pool
Handling: SMG
Damage: Medium
Maximum Range: Medium
Refire Rate: Very Fast
An effective, lightweight, and compact submachine gun, the Suppressor is a solid close-quarters weapon. It is also equipped with a silencer that muffles its shots considerably. With its low recoil effect, the Suppressor is easy to aim and utilize in combat.
(>")> Suppressor <("<)
A submachine gun, not a assault rifle, it is smaller and faster firing then almost any gun (other then the mini gun and cycler) It also takes up less inventory space, allowing the wielder to carry more ammo/weapons/gear. It also is silent, And has a low recoil, making it highly accurate at short ranges and in indoor combat. One of the best weapons for fighting indoors. Its low muzzle flash and silencer will also make it ideal for shooting people from darkness. Sneaky, sneaky sneaky.
At long ranges the Suppressor is worse then useless, little better then a pistol in terms of accuracy. Its lower damage will also be ineffective against MAX suits or any type of armored target. Though not a true disadvantage, its quick firing speed will force wielders to manage their ammunition wisely, lest they find themselves without.
Source: Vanu Sovereignty
Handling: Energy Discharge
Damage: Medium
Maximum Range: Long
Refire Rate: Fast
The Pulsar automatic assault rifle is a highly effective weapon utilized by the Vanu Sovereignty. With minimum recoil due to its energy-based technology, the Pulsar can be devastating at short to medium range.
\/4/\/u Pulsar \/4/\/u
The Pulsar is the most accurate of all assault rifles, and maintains this accuracy at a range. This allows the wielder to "open up" on an enemy or group of enemies without losing accuracy. The recoil is the least of any automatic weapon. It also looks pretty sweet. It is unknown at this time the Pulsars ammo capacity, but it Might be very large due to its energy power source, this remains to be seen though.
The Pulsar fires bight beams of light, that, like a big shoot me sign, point right at your possession. Once fired you have not a chance in hell of avoiding detection. Unless your sneaky. Its accuracy with lower that disadvantage in the hands of a skilled user (think small controlled bursts).
Source: Terran Republic
Handling: Assault Rifle
Damage: Medium
Maximum Range: Long
Refire Rate: Very Fast
The Cycler is one of the fastest firing assault rifles. It is equipped with an enhanced magnification up to 4x, allowing it to effectively target distant enemies. It uses a cylinder drum for its ammunition source.
O=={:::::::::::> Cycler <::::::::::}==O
Possibly the best assault rifle, this rifle has far more ammo then any other rifle, and has a firing speed on par with that of the suppresser, allowing the wielder to lay down a carpet of rounds. Very useful for firing into groups of enemy troops or in crowded corridors. It also has a weak scope, allowing for limited sniping capabilities, in other words, you can put a cap in that NC/Vanu before your even in their range, and you can effectively return fire at those long range snipers. The Damage on it is also pretty good.
When in full auto mode it will suffer from great inaccuracy, and the recoil on it will be horrendous. Not useful against heavily armored targets. That�s about it.
Source: New Conglomerate
Handling: Assault Rifle
Damage: High
Maximum Range: Long
Refire Rate: Fast
Using magnetic field technology, the Gauss assault rifle combines standard combustion-based ammunition with a magnetic field that boosts the actual projectile speed when fired. This allows the Gauss to use standard ammunition more effectively than other assault rifles.
(_)________)|||||| Gauss
This is the most damaging assault rifle. Dealing more damage then any other, it will be able to rip up troops with light armor and will retain its effectiveness against heavy armor and MAX units. It is also more accurate then most of the other rifles, with the exception of the Pulsar. Lotsa Damage. (Psst Rail Gun Psst). People who are good shots will likely be picking you off at a good range with two or three well placed head shots using this gun.
Disadvantages: Slower firing rate then the other assault rifles will mean you best make those shots count, cause if you don�t that guy packing a Cycler will have you dead before you get a chance to bring your more powerful weapon into play. People who are good shots will likely be picking you off at a good range with two or three well placed head shots.
Those are my thoughts, the unbiased version. The biased version is here:
Pulsar pwnz all cause its Vanu.
There you go.
Da King
2002-12-04, 05:26 PM
Wow Tobias thats umm......... very in depth
ooh ya, pulsar is good, and then if you had a close vehicle threat bust out the vanu pistol, and let off a charge...vanu got it all :twisted:
2002-12-04, 05:50 PM
Or just bring out a Lancer and it'll be even better. Oh and Tobias, that is VERY nice. We needed someone to do that. Thanks and good job!
2002-12-04, 05:52 PM
Actually Mold, i Love the Vanu, but the Anti Vehicle pistol will maybe be good for stealth guys who want to have an anti MAX or lightning weapon, but unless you have like 5-10 guys all using one and all hitting, its gonna be next to useless, it is, after all, just a pistol. Will be good if you have a limited weapon selection and want something with some AP capabilitys though.
2002-12-04, 05:53 PM
NP, and yea the lancer will own =p
I just got a new idea for a thread two :)
2002-12-04, 05:54 PM
I'm gonna use a Lancer all the time (depending on its ammo clip size) once I get the CERTs for it.
Good for blowin up Tanks and busting some MAX armor :D
2002-12-04, 05:54 PM
lol yea I was thinkin about makin one too but I guess you're gonna do it.
EDIT- Oh and the Lancer will be my first cert :)
2002-12-04, 05:56 PM
My second after I get my Galaxy Pilot cert :D
2002-12-04, 06:56 PM
Lancer is slow firing though, if you miss your gonna get your noggen blown off before you get to fire again.
2002-12-04, 07:02 PM
well...uh... um.. us Vanu... uh.. don't miss.. right? *nudge nudge*
2002-12-04, 07:05 PM
Of course we don't miss! Why would we do such a thing? Right guys?
2002-12-04, 07:08 PM
BTW Jinx, your logo is a little X
2002-12-04, 07:11 PM
Some of you guys really need to change your avatar. Looking at that Vanu symbol is getting really old. :p
2002-12-04, 07:14 PM
of course not! but for those who the Vanu allow to test the lancer to see what they are missing, they will need to know it does have a disadvantage.
2002-12-04, 07:17 PM
My avatar or sig? I know my sig is because my website got all screwed up and it deleted everything I had on there! Hell, I could probably sue! They have no right to deleted MY stuff on MY website!
EDIT - So, anyone wanna make me a sig and host it somewhere else? Like a sig that's actually good?
2002-12-04, 07:44 PM
Your Avatars. :p
I mean, I scroll down this page and at first glance it looks like it's the same person posting again and again... and again and again. You can show your stup- er... loyalty to the Vanu in other, more original ways. :)
2002-12-04, 07:57 PM
I think it looks cool. It shows unity in the Vanu people!
2002-12-04, 08:22 PM
What Jinx said
That and I'm lazy..
Camping Carl
2002-12-04, 08:39 PM
They should show loyalty with mass suicides. Save us the trouble of hunting them down.
2002-12-04, 09:12 PM
2002-12-06, 03:30 AM
in-dee-d i concur 100%, the vanu logois getting to ber very old.... if you want to show loyalty, incorparate it into your sig like some of you do already, that shows more loyalty, coz it shows more work and dedication, not "derrr i join vanu, oh look a vanu avatar *copy* - *paste*"
2002-12-07, 10:12 AM
We are the Vanu, we are Legion.
2002-12-07, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Tobias
We are the Vanu, we are Legion.
Ku Ku kachoo
Just a small correction it should be "Are name is Vanu, for we are many." or a variation thereof. :)
2002-12-08, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Dio
Just a small correction it should be "Are name is Vanu, for we are many." or a variation thereof. :) Just pulling a Frobozz here - but shouldn't that be, "Our name is Vanu, for we are many." ?
Unless I'm mistaken... which I don't think is possible. :D
Oops hehe, hey give me a break i live in a 99% french city. :p
2002-12-08, 09:15 PM
Dudeeeeeeeeeeeeee, how do I get a vanu avatar :(
2002-12-08, 09:28 PM
you don't, make a decent sig with it incorperated..... dont be a sheep and follow everyone else
For the VS reply. First you need 20 posts, then just copy the URL of the other VS avatars and in user cp there's an option somewhere to upload the pic. :)
2002-12-09, 06:53 AM
Oh so he just copies my avatar then? Well I had to work hard for this avatar! I had to go to the empire info on PSU and then get the picture. I then had to go into paint, make it smaller, and then change it into a jpg and upload it. People nowadays have it too easy by just copying and pasting avatars...
2002-12-09, 07:59 AM
I just copied Jinx's.
2002-12-09, 01:23 PM
God... you people are lazy. I worked very hard for mine. :rolleyes:
2002-12-09, 01:27 PM
Did it hurt?
Hey i got my own so don't include me in the lazy folk....even if i am. :p
2002-12-09, 02:57 PM
Me either... I mean, I didn't work too hard to create it, but it is original :P
2002-12-09, 04:26 PM
how i get an NC icon?
2002-12-09, 04:41 PM
First find someone that's using it, and save it to your desktop. (Right Click "Save Target As").
Next click the little "user CP" box in the left corner (below the banner)
Click "edit options", and scroll to the bottom of the page and click "change avatar"
From the avatar page you'll want to first select yes, then browse to the pic you saved on your desktop, and click ok. Once you have it selected just hit submit modifications and your all set.
2002-12-09, 04:44 PM
Ya happy? I changed it... but it still didn't take much work :D
2002-12-09, 04:54 PM
Originality is the spice of life. :D
2002-12-09, 06:26 PM
thanx Unregistered
2002-12-09, 07:04 PM
finally some show of individualism :)
btw jinx nice avatar
2002-12-09, 07:37 PM
Im my own person.
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