View Full Version : Help with PTS

2014-01-16, 08:29 PM
I launch my PTS client, make it to the character selection screen, choose my character, click "login", and crash to desktop without an error code. Try again...same thing. Try Again, but this time make a character for a different faction (I only have TR so I made a NC & VS to test this) because maybe I just cant login as TR....server saaaays....NOPE.

So what is going on here? Why can't I login to PTS? Has this happened to anyone else, and is there a common solution?

My outfit mates have come up with possible fixes ranging from disbaling my antivirus to checking error logs and something about ports. I have posted on the forums, submited a ticket, and I even deleted and then re-installed PTS. Nothing has worked so far and I am really bummed because my outfit has regular scrims on PTS that I cannot partake in until this is fixed!

2014-01-17, 01:31 AM
Hmmm... I'm sorry to hear this. I do partake in the PTS from time to time and I don't have any problems myself. I'm using the PSG client, not the SOE one by the way.

Silly question... have you tried reinstalling it?

2014-01-17, 01:35 AM
My outfit-mate Shaql knows a lot about the PTS and is a genius in general. He always posts on Reddit and I know he has an account here. You could try pming him. He's a good guy and always happy to help out.

2014-01-17, 01:21 PM
have you tried reinstalling it?
Yeas I did, in my OP I said that :p

2014-01-17, 01:22 PM
My outfit-mate Shaql knows a lot about the PTS and is a genius in general. He always posts on Reddit and I know he has an account here. You could try pming him. He's a good guy and always happy to help out.

I have seen him around, I will try to PM him. Thank you

2014-01-17, 01:43 PM
and I even deleted and then re-installed PTS.

Oh, shit, yeah, sorry mate, I missed that :rolleyes:

2014-01-17, 03:07 PM
Oh, shit, yeah, sorry mate, I missed that :rolleyes:

Its all good man :groovy: