View Full Version : Cheap build for Planetside 2

2014-01-22, 12:22 PM
What would be a low cost build? (that would be capable of playing Planetside 2 on medium and getting at least 30 frames per second)

2014-01-22, 06:36 PM
Update: I think I will try to build this (minus the copy of Windows 8) - http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1Syad

What are your thought on this build?

2014-01-23, 08:06 AM
Over all not half bad, though I wouldn't say $1,000 build is cheap lol.

First get rid of the 4770S. The 4670K will perform just as good in games. You have no need for one unless you have a real need for hyperthreading.

Are you actually going to be making your own blurays? If not get just a regular bluray drive for half the cost. Like this LG (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827136268)one at Newegg.

Since I just freed up some money I would look into getting a better case. Even for an extra $20 you can get something way better compared to that one in your list.

I'd also look into a better PSU.

I can make up a build myself later tonight when I get back from work too.