View Full Version : New update tonight

2014-01-22, 08:13 PM

I do hope that this one goes smoothly :groovy:

This just in!


Correction: January 23rd (Thursday)

We're aware of issues with members not getting the appropriate amount of bonus certs. We are working on resolving the issue. We have logging for all the instances of lost certs and will be performing a grant once the problem is resolved.

Performance: Addressed an issue with particle effects that caused a performance decrease.

Amp Stations

Zurvan has been updated to a Freyr style Amp Station.
Dahaka is a hybrid with elements from both the Freyr layout and the stock amp station.


• Hornet Missiles
• Outer Blast Radius reduced from 5 meters to 4 meters
• Inner Blast Radius reduced from 0.5 meters to 0.35 meters.
• Direct hit damage increased from 1500 to 1800
• Coyote Missiles
• RPM increased from 200 to 400.
• Projectile acceleration increased from 2 meters a second to 10 meters a second.

Bug Fixes

• Ground/Air lock-on message no longer looks like a key prompt
• Fixed collision issues with some rocks on Esamir
• You should no longer be able to get stuck under the stairs at Scarred Mesa Skydock
• Fixes to various minor collision and geometry issues

2014-01-22, 08:27 PM
buffs to Coyotes & Hornets

I wasn't aware they changed the ESF names. Neat...

2014-01-22, 08:44 PM
I wasn't aware they changed the ESF names. Neat...

That's the new rocket pods. One is a heat seeker that auto guides if close enough, the other is wire guided like the AV Mana

2014-01-23, 12:39 PM
Hopefully they don't change over all the old amp stations. I love the new design, don't get me wrong. It's a refreshing change over take the gen and watch everyone not defend it and it gets repaired. But I'd miss the old base type too.

2014-01-24, 12:31 AM
Ok, what exactly do they mean by a "Freyr style" amp station? Do they mean that small differences in internal layout?