View Full Version : PS going FTP
2014-01-24, 04:41 PM
on or about 2nd April
2014-01-25, 01:31 PM
on or about 2nd April
Sweet dude! I'am going to Beast Mode it! Godlike it! all the way man! BlueTiger, the King of the Beasts, and the King of the Ground! My Bull side will be there to Quake Smash any that try to take me on, I will Conquer all lands, and show that I'am the strongest! This is gonna be great!
"I've been in a thousand battles before you! You will be my thousandth first victory!" -BlueTiger
Tiger = King of Beasts and King of the Ground in Eastern Legends.
Ox = The Strongest Animal there is, one of the greatest leaders there is! The toughest and Hardest Working to achieve Victory!
planet side fan
2014-01-25, 01:44 PM
we must spread the word over xbox live twitter face book and mass email. the world must know about this.:D don,t forget the playstation network
2014-01-25, 03:03 PM
My body is ready.
2014-01-25, 03:58 PM
I've successfully blast emailed about 430 people so far. Spread the word far and wide across the interwebz!
2014-01-25, 04:13 PM
I'm worried about what the population will look like.
2014-01-25, 04:32 PM
I'm worried about what the population will look like.
Pretty ugly I'd say, as always.
2014-01-25, 04:51 PM
Well, we'll just have to see what it's like, enjoy the first few days while you can
2014-01-25, 06:53 PM
Aye, now people just have to spread the word as much as possible. SOE may or may not send out a notification, personally I doubt that they will, so it will probably be up to you lot:p
2014-01-25, 07:05 PM
PS2 is pretty tough on the hardware side. Also a lot of newbies that showed up during the first 6 months said they greatly preferred pretty much all aspects of PS1 aside from graphics/gunplay.
If SOE would just advertise on their website that PS1 is F2P for everyone, I'm sure we could get a good dedicated cult pop.
2014-01-25, 08:19 PM
I'm ready to advance beyond BR 30.
2014-01-25, 08:42 PM
Fortunately it should be much easier to get people to check the game out without a bunch of conditions in the way...We do all need to get word out about this as well as we can though, otherwise the population will fizzle out...again, and if it flatlines it is nothing short of hell to kickstart again, as we've seen.
Perhaps we could all decide on a weekly event of sorts, and mention it when we bring up the game to people? having a weekly event should at least help keep the population from dying off fully. I think we tried that before and it admittedly didn't work as well as we would have liked, but I think keeping it in mind and mentioning it to new players may well improve its chances of success.
Personally I also feel that getting people into outfits would help player retention as well, as it makes them more invested in the game. It will give them a group to run with, and new friends, new reasons for them to stick around and keep coming back. I strongly feel it would be worth considering.
planet side fan
2014-01-25, 10:51 PM
MY BODY IS ready and it will be nice not having to worry about gunning your own vanguard/prowler tank again and leave the gun to somebody else
2014-01-26, 01:54 AM
Any chance Hamma can send out a huge email (to everyone) that it is free when it finally does go free?
2014-01-26, 01:59 PM
Great News...i hope i can keep the old stuff i earned years ago. Cant wait for it to go F2P.
2014-01-26, 02:16 PM
Well, thats it then, on April 2nd PS1 will finally die.
Seriously guys, think for a sec, how can this turn out?
a: Nobody plays it. Unlikley.
b: People play it. Numbers dont actually matter here. the issue is a different one: With no entry barrier, theres absolutly zero to stop cheaters. Theres no Anti Cheat, no GMs, no dev support, nothing. It wont take long till the asshats of our community show up with their cheats and wipe away all fun. And they would come along every single time you guys try to get some pop going in PS1.
But theres still time.
I suggest the following: Some of you, the clever ones, gather up, send a mail to smed (one, dont spam him!), try to get some of your guys kick/ban powers, or at least some of the PS2 GMs to also take care of PS1 Cheaters (Skype does wonders ;) ).
You absolutly need someone to take care of hackers, or you wont even be able to hide in an Interlink from all the flying, instagibbing scatmaxes.
2014-01-26, 04:14 PM
Good point.
2014-01-26, 06:07 PM
Any chance Hamma can send out a huge email (to everyone) that it is free when it finally does go free?
My mail came from SOE... not sure anyone on PSU would not have gotten it.
2014-01-26, 10:40 PM
No I mean like a week before it goes free, everyone shoudl be blast emailed (by both PSU and SOE) to ensure the greatest number of people know about it.
2014-01-26, 10:56 PM
This is great news. I fear for the hackers though. Would be nice if SOE would trust some of the vets to police the server.
A boy can dream....
2014-01-26, 11:23 PM
Here's the link to this website where you can download PS1:
PS1 is at the very bottom, of course. Be sure to spread the word and get as many people back as we can. This thread as 200+ views as of right now. If we could get even that amount of people back in the game I'd be thrilled.
2014-01-27, 03:06 AM
Beside chinese lllllllllllllllllllllll barcode hackers, they need to fix annoying 1shot wasp bug before making game f2p
2014-01-27, 08:14 AM
Good Times :)
2014-01-27, 10:30 AM
The thing I love about this the most, is that every few months or after each year, I can go to a big forum, and put the download link to Planetside 1 up, and randomly get 100 more people playing, rather then get 1 or 2 guys who make a trial account. Now it will be 20-50 guys downloading it to give it a shot. Then as the weeks go on, if the thread gets bumped, another 20-50 guys, or more. Maybe they will put up a little side website for Planetside 1 at the very least to tell of achievements/merits and leaderboards for each week/year or all time kill/xp leaderboard continued after a certain date, April 2, 2014 might be a good idea to start the new kill leaderboard. We could have our overall kill count there, and the new kill leaderboard kill count added from April 2, 2014 onward, we start off at 0 kills on that leaderboard, this way we can have a kill/xp/basehacks/outfit points leaderboard from a certain date onward.
Kill Leaderboard (April 2, 2014 onward) - 0 Kills onward
Experience Points Leaderboard (April 2, 2014 onward) - 0 xp onward
Outfit Points Leaderboard (April 2, 2014 onward) - 0 outfit points onward
We have our kill count/xp count totals on the side of our stats sheet, or something like that.
2014-01-27, 06:42 PM
I'm just wondering if it is free-to-play, only if you are a subscriber. Or for everyone, sub or not. It says "everyone" in the FAQ there. I'm just questioning it because the question is being asked on a posting about subscription benefits.
2014-01-27, 07:22 PM
Given the timeframe involved, I suspect they are working out a way to make money from it. So I would presume that F2P means F2P and not P2P.
planet side fan
2014-01-27, 11:23 PM
just so everybody knows i,m re subbing next week and will be shooting a series of videos for those coming to the game for the first time. i,ll be covering the bases and Sanctuary functions and how to get into a fight. but i feel there are too many weapons and vehicles for me to cover it all.
2014-01-28, 12:03 AM
just so everybody knows i,m re subbing next week and will be shooting a series of videos for those coming to the game for the first time. i,ll be covering the bases and Sanctuary functions and how to get into a fight. but i feel there are too many weapons and vehicles for me to cover it all.
That's a good idea. I can help you out if you want.
2014-01-28, 02:16 AM
^ I'm still subbed by accident, I'd be glad to help out too
2014-01-28, 02:43 AM
I got nostalgic and re-subbed a couple of weeks ago. I'll send you (planetsidefan) a PM with my steam account name so that we can get organized.
Edit: Something strange is going on with the PM system, just add BeatCrazed on steam
2014-01-29, 04:14 AM
Whatever happened the Radant's video of PS1 with that EVE online music or whatever music was nicked from EVE's massive promo?
planet side fan
2014-01-30, 10:26 AM this video makes me proud to be a NC smurf
2014-01-30, 12:15 PM
Whatever happened the Radant's video of PS1 with that EVE online music or whatever music was nicked from EVE's massive promo?
Here you go:
Planetside: Unparalleled - YouTube
The uploader is different so some of the quality is lost, I believe the original video got shut down for the music it used.
2014-01-30, 12:19 PM this video makes me proud to be a NC smurf
I can't believe we traded that for the rubbish that is PS2.
2014-01-30, 03:46 PM
To help spread the word, it would be worth it to visit this link. It contains descriptions of old PlanetSide outfits, some of the pages link to their websites. If no link to their website is given, some of the outfits can be googled and their websites found that way. Many of the outfits have disbanded as well, but there is a good chunk of active forums and groups that can be reached. If I don't see posts on all these available forums leading up to April, I'll do it myself, but I'm too busy at the moment to dedicate time to this (college n' stuff).
planet side fan
2014-01-30, 07:40 PM first part of my planetside 1 tutorial video. please leave any comments on how i could improve this
2014-02-21, 06:57 PM
how about make HA/SA a small fee? that would be good business,and i'd pay....
what do you say mr S ?
it'd pay for the servers considering the amount of vets who love the game,plus multiple ingame adverts;again i wouldnt object and i doubt you lot on here would either.
im thinking big blade runner zeppelins around auraxis?
2014-02-22, 05:55 PM
how about make HA/SA a small fee? that would be good business,and i'd pay....
what do you say mr S ?
it'd pay for the servers considering the amount of vets who love the game,plus multiple ingame adverts;again i wouldnt object and i doubt you lot on here would either.
im thinking big blade runner zeppelins around auraxis?
Aside from this being an incredibly awful idea, SOE said that there would be no further development on Planetside 1.
2014-02-27, 05:08 PM
sorry to say bud but a corporation like SOE is there to make money..
stuff doesnt come for free.even the ps1 servers with their tiny load will cost SOE money.
no money=no servers,very simple capitalism.
so the more people+cash Ps1 generates the longer it can live,and thats all i want.
im not being nasty with you,honestly;youre a fellow ps1 player so you must see where im coming from,but this is the way a company has to think.
2014-02-27, 08:05 PM
sorry to say bud but a corporation like SOE is there to make money..
stuff doesnt come for free.even the ps1 servers with their tiny load will cost SOE money.
no money=no servers,very simple capitalism.
so the more people+cash Ps1 generates the longer it can live,and thats all i want.
im not being nasty with you,honestly;youre a fellow ps1 player so you must see where im coming from,but this is the way a company has to think.
The money SOE would need to spend to set up a micro-transactions system, or to drum up interest in advertising, would almost certainly surpass any minuscule returns they would expect to gain from it...
At the other hand, it costs them next to nothing to flip a switch and make PS1 free without a sub, and the costs to run the servers with people on them (as opposed to running them empty as they are now) are minuscule... Which is why we are going to get:
"PlanetSide 1 as free to play game for everyone when the new program rolls out, on or about April 2, 2014 (or sooner!). Please note that PS1 has no Marketplace and will not see further game development."
2014-02-27, 09:37 PM
youve missed the point there son..
servers cost money to run,if youve worked in the IT field you know they cost a fair bit of cash to run.
"At the other hand, it costs them next to nothing to flip a switch and make PS1 free without a sub, and the costs to run the servers with people on them (as opposed to running them empty as they are now) are minuscule... "
please have a look at basic server costs,again im not being a twat seriously look at what it costs to run a server,if in doubt .. ask hamma!
plus the more money ps1 can pull in the more chance there is of it continuing.
why do i feel like im arguing with a load of sociology students?
2014-02-28, 08:43 AM
Yes all servers cost money. But the thing is ps1 is so small in size to all the other games sony has they can piggy back off ps2 for nothing. Thats what you forget to put into effect. Ps1 is over ten years old the code and any server can run it. I could probly run the server off my computer since its so dated. The cost for server to them is a waste like bill gates picking up a 100$ bill. Since he makes more leaving it their then the time he spent picking it up. Thats what you don't see that money is nothing to soe they make more off ps2 with spray painting a gun pink then 1year of ps1 sub. They arent gonna have micro transactions. What are they gonna use get br 16 now for 5 dollars give me 2 hrs ill get br 16. Nothing ingame can be mirco. Unless double xp thats the only thing
2014-02-28, 10:20 PM
PS1 can run a full capacity server on a Pentium and 16 MB of ram.
2014-03-01, 02:20 PM
Does anyone have a link to that article that basically says PS1's servers are being run off of dated desktop computers?
PS1 is such an insignificant dent in SOE's budget. If PS1 really was such a viable source of income, you think SOE would've made more an effort to ensure the game's success :rolleyes:.
2014-03-02, 02:06 AM
its called a joke,or being ironic.. its an old person thing (29+)
2014-03-02, 11:16 AM
its called a joke,or being ironic.. its an old person thing (29+)
Yes, you radiate with sage wisdom that's gained through a lifetime of insights and experience.
2014-03-02, 01:15 PM
you think SOE would've made more an effort to ensure the game's success :rolleyes:.
Well, don't forget that PS2 was originally supposed to be a relaunch of PS1.
2014-03-07, 10:34 PM
youve missed the point there son..
servers cost money to run,if youve worked in the IT field you know they cost a fair bit of cash to run.
"At the other hand, it costs them next to nothing to flip a switch and make PS1 free without a sub, and the costs to run the servers with people on them (as opposed to running them empty as they are now) are minuscule... "
please have a look at basic server costs,again im not being a twat seriously look at what it costs to run a server,if in doubt .. ask hamma!
plus the more money ps1 can pull in the more chance there is of it continuing.
why do i feel like im arguing with a load of sociology students?
Did you just call me son? Listen, if you're not over the age of 70, and actively puffing on a pipe, I'd appreciate it if you dropped that condescending tone, thanks.
I've worked extensively in the "IT field", I have a master's in Computer Science. SOE runs very large server farms to support its games, it does not rent server space from GoDaddy, and the server space needed to support 12 continents and routing to the 200 or so people they expect to be pinging those servers is negligible in the scheme of SOE's data server budget.
2014-03-08, 08:48 AM
Did you just call me son? Listen, if you're not over the age of 70, and actively puffing on a pipe, I'd appreciate it if you dropped that condescending tone, thanks.
I've worked extensively in the "IT field", I have a master's in Computer Science. SOE runs very large server farms to support its games, it does not rent server space from GoDaddy, and the server space needed to support 12 continents and routing to the 200 or so people they expect to be pinging those servers is negligible in the scheme of SOE's data server budget.
well, he is a smug little douche with all the knowledge of a 29+ year old LOL
what do you expect from a child?
much respect to you mister mouser, I still remember LOL
2014-03-08, 10:36 AM
Clearly Planetside is not costing them very much since it has been running for quite a while now with an extremely small population (if you can call it that lol). It will be interesting to see what happens if a large influx of players join after it goes free to play. I hope that is a "problem" that comes to pass.
2014-03-09, 12:18 AM
If any good players are going to play I would suggest playing like a newb for the first 1-2 months/weeks and playing support based only. Nothing stops people playing than getting owned by a more experienced player that warps like a bee on crack over and over again. I would also suggest that good players teach the news ones how to play, even as frustrating as it is, it will encourage them to want to play the game more.
My 2 cents
2014-03-09, 05:59 AM
I know that I'll be running training squads for newcomers, and I hope others will do so as well.
2014-03-09, 04:22 PM
If any good players are going to play I would suggest playing like a newb for the first 1-2 months/weeks and playing support based only. Nothing stops people playing than getting owned by a more experienced player that warps like a bee on crack over and over again. I would also suggest that good players teach the news ones how to play, even as frustrating as it is, it will encourage them to want to play the game more.
My 2 cents
I know most people won't be able to restrain their kill whoring habbits, but this really is a good idea. Being new to Planetside has always been hard, but I dare say it'll be the hardest it will ever get when PS1 goes F2P. At the very least we should try not to spawn camp AMSes or OS them every time one deploys and not spend too much time in Reavers. The players are the game's life line, and the more miserable we make the game for new comers, the weaker our life line becomes. I encourage everyone to at least try to incorporate new players to their groups and be helpful to them.
2014-03-09, 04:22 PM
With the free 6mo I was constantly spamming global telling newbies and oldies to ask me any questions they have, and I plan to continue when it goes f2p.
Nothing more welcoming to a newcomer than a helpful community
2014-03-09, 08:47 PM
I shall pass on my ancient tradition of sacrificing a Prowler to the Blood God before every continental conquest. Not terribly easy to do with no TR around, the Blood God doesn't like Magriders as much...
2014-03-09, 10:10 PM
If any good players are going to play I would suggest playing like a newb for the first 1-2 months/weeks and playing support based only.
No. This is nonsense.
Nothing stops people playing than getting owned by a more experienced player that warps like a bee on crack over and over again.
I sort of understand where this is comming from, but no. Care-Bears make crybabies.
I would also suggest that good players teach the news ones how to play, even as frustrating as it is, it will encourage them to want to play the game more.
Outfits from each faction could/do handle this with varying degrees of success. I'm all for being as welcoming as possible here, but come on...
2014-03-10, 03:18 PM
How about just log on and play as normal and get shit f**ked up!
2014-03-12, 11:04 AM
PS1 is probably run from SOE's HQ on their fibre optic line. They will keep it open because it is a advertising investment/platform that they can then keep the PS2 haters (Hello btw) informed of future products.
2014-03-13, 04:41 AM
PS1 is probably run from SOE's HQ on their fibre optic line. They will keep it open because it is a advertising investment/platform that they can then keep the PS2 haters (Hello btw) informed of future products.
I don't care why they bring the server up, so long as they do. I'd like them to fix any outstanding issues with the game, but i'm not expecting anything constructive on SOE's part.
For the record, PS2 isn't a bad game. It just has nothing to do with it's namesake. If i wanted to play a Battlefield clone, i'd fire up Bad Company 2 and be done with it. I played Planetside because it was a UNIQUE experience. One that SOE has basically shat all over. So you'll forgive me for being just a little bitter.
2014-03-14, 11:15 AM
So looking forward to this. Gave PS2 a chance and don't care for it at all but this? I imagine it's much like Battlezone 2 with larger bases, maps and people (even if the base destruction is lacking). XD
2014-03-17, 08:58 PM
Prepare the OS's
2014-03-18, 05:47 PM
Probably wont use OS's too much to start with.
2014-03-18, 06:57 PM
Prepare the OS's
Good to see you again Minigun, I remember you in Obsol33t Gods! I might try to get the outfit back up and running when PS1 goes fully free to play.
2014-03-19, 02:00 PM
I can't wait to farm the fuck out of Bedzike and his maxfit. Gonna be so epic watching all those NC run from my orbs hahaha.
2014-03-19, 08:02 PM
I can't wait to farm the fuck out of Bedzike and his maxfit. Gonna be so epic watching all those NC run from my orbs hahaha.
Remember when you actually could run from them?
2014-03-20, 01:42 PM
March is almost over, not very long till PS2 goes F2P.
I have seen absolutly nothing done to tacke the cheater problem. Not by you guys (have you even tried?), not by SOE.
Have fun. Death will be quicky and painless, delivered from a flying scatmax.
2014-03-20, 02:26 PM
March is almost over, not very long till PS2 goes F2P.
I have seen absolutly nothing done to tacke the cheater problem. Not by you guys (have you even tried?), not by SOE.
Have fun. Death will be quicky and painless, delivered from a flying scatmax.
What kind of dumbass post is that?
"Not by you guys (have you even tried?)"
Please, expand on that line of awesome thought process and explain exactly how 'you guys' resolved ANY hacking in ANY game since like, forever.
Explain to us common folk how exactly YOU solved the hacking in ANY game you've played. Lets go with the most current one, PS2. How pray tell, did you, being all awesome and stuff, resolve the hacking that was sweeping thru that dog shit pile of a game when it was so prevalent.
The rest of the post I'll agree with though. SOE isn't going to do squat about it, and yes, flying scatmax and underground vanguards will be visible from time to time in the short time this F2P will be going with anyone around.
Babyfark McGeez
2014-03-20, 07:19 PM
Don't mind basti. He's just constantly being an ass in the PS1 section with every single post he makes and seems to hold a grudge against people who like the game...or the game itself...or whatever might be wrong with him. :p
2014-03-20, 09:44 PM
Don't worry, he is talking about PS2 apparently.:doh:
2014-03-21, 08:36 AM
I can't wait to farm the fuck out of Bedzike and his maxfit. Gonna be so epic watching all those NC run from my orbs hahaha.
No worries hunt unlike 2 years ago when my computer ran ps1 at 40 fps i went out and bought a i7 4770k with a gtx geforce 780k. Also a redswitch k70 and a kone xtd. So i won't be running around with very laggy slow manchine i will be running around with something that runs ps2 at 60fps streaming in 1080p. So we will see whos making who run. I also will be live streaming my gameplays so you can see everytime i kill you. Over and over and over again
2014-03-21, 04:21 PM
The official date for F2P has been edited in the official post. Instead of April 2nd it is now "April 16th or sooner". So it could still possibly go F2P April 2nd. It's still strange for them to push the date back.
2014-03-21, 04:53 PM
I might give it a whirl. Anyone recommend any good guides etc that might cut down on the learning curve?
2014-03-21, 05:08 PM
I might give it a whirl. Anyone recommend any good guides etc that might cut down on the learning curve?
- Always flip on 3rd person before going around a corner.
- Always have a med pack on a handy key and use it whenever you are engaging someone.
- Jack hammer is close range, MCG is medium and lasher is inbetween.
- there are 5 armour types. pj's - you come out of the spawns as these, medium - you need these to drive and you can equip 1 full size weapon, rexo - heavy - you can equip 2 full sized weapons, cloaker - not a sniper and has a small inventory, max - max.
- new characters are given a starting number of certs plus you can go into VR, try every gun and vehicle to get some more. This should be enough for you to make a start.
- doors have locks, you need a rek to hack doors. You also need a rek to hack a base or tower which is done at the CC.
- you blow generators up by destroying them (but it's a good idea not to do that otherwise the fight will probably end too soon)
- xp is gained by kills, base captures and base resecures, you don't get xp by either destroying or repairing wall turrets nor vehicle and equip terms, you only do that if it's a good idea when you want to deny the enemy's use of them.
Lastly, be warned. Although there is a level playing field as far as guns and weapons and armour, your fellow players will have an advantage due to greater knowledge. Also, as I implied above the different empire weapons are differentiated and have different pro's and cons.
2014-03-22, 06:33 PM
Yea Basti, you were so pro-PS1 and now you slag it off like its the worst game ever.
Can you just either not post here or have some positivity like you had when PS1 was doing ok please?
2014-03-22, 10:20 PM
March is almost over, not very long till PS2 goes F2P.
I have seen absolutly nothing done to tacke the cheater problem. Not by you guys (have you even tried?), not by SOE.
Have fun. Death will be quicky and painless, delivered from a flying scatmax.
Hey look it's that guy that posts for no other reason than to be a massive cunt.
I have done things to tackle the cheater problem myself though, even if it was all futile video recording in the end.
2014-03-24, 08:48 PM
I'll be in game as Atheosim. Send me a /t with any questions you have and I'd be more than happy to walk you through them. Post your char name here so I can try to catch you when you're online
2014-03-25, 08:29 AM
I'm usually on after the kids are in bed :)
So 8+pm eastern.
I'll post back when I have the character name. Thanks for the help.
2014-03-26, 05:51 PM
March is almost over, not very long till PS2 goes F2P.
I have seen absolutly nothing done to tacke the cheater problem. Not by you guys (have you even tried?), not by SOE.
Have fun. Death will be quicky and painless, delivered from a flying scatmax.
I'd like to call you out as an ass like others, but other than thinking we as players can do anymore that we had, or anything we did in futility before i'm not sure how that statement belongs, BUT... the rest of the post I'm afraid is spot on.
Without constant and dedicated GM support the game will be dead in a few short weeks from a few flying maxes or a pull hacker.
I had written in a response to a hacker support ticket to Brewko many years ago after the response I got was fairly offensive that the hacking problem isn't that bad or some such.
Frankly the way PS1 plays, part of what makes the fights so incredible and what makes it kind of a tight community, is also MUCH more susceptible to being completely and totally borked by a single cheater. The biggest problem now, is back in the days of the explosion ~exactly 5 years ago when it started becoming so common daily and the population dropped drastically from April to June 2009 when around the middle of june for about a month they were quick and fast with the bans. The numbers that went away and came back were ok. The numbers that left and never came back were staggering. We won't get a second chance from anyone. The first exploiting turd to come on and start pull hacking and dropping every gen on a continent in moments and basically killing a fight and we lose all numbers.
In a instanced shooter you lose a few minutes in one match from a cheater. In PS1 everyone in game loses the ability to play as long as that guy is on.
How long will it take to kill the game?
Babyfark McGeez
2014-03-26, 08:31 PM
I'm sure basti allready has his hacks ready. :p
On a more serious note, maybe the fact that PS2 has much more players (i think...haven't played after their latest fuckups) will make hackers rather go for that game instead of PS1. I doubt it will be as bad as it was at the height of the reserve program years ago.
However. SOME sort of GM support should be there. I can't imagine SOE to be THAT mean-spirited; "Here's free PS1 without GM support. Smed will be personally using hacks and kill everyone at 9 pm. Enjoy!"
2014-03-27, 03:24 PM
The problem is that unless they can make some sort of money from people playing PS1 it won't make any business sense to have GMs.
If anything it would have to be community representatives that can do it for free.
2014-03-28, 09:23 AM
Basti's just mad he was horrible at one of the easiest games ever. I mean to play for as long as he did and be that bad is embarrassing.
Don't get me wrong when I call planetside an easy game, I love it and will play it once it goes free to play, but it just comes down to "mastering adadadadada takes years" (c) Visigodo. However, because of anyone having the ability to be at least decent, adding the fun of the game, it does have an ability to survive.
I think all it needs is GM support, even better than GM is a couple of players who can give out temp IP bans to hackers.
2014-03-29, 01:21 AM
However. SOME sort of GM support should be there. I can't imagine SOE to be THAT mean-spirited; "Here's free PS1 without GM support. Smed will be personally using hacks and kill everyone at 9 pm. Enjoy!"
Really? You cant? Well, I hate to be the one to tell you that there is no Santa, Easter Bunny or Superman, but there is going to be jackshit for support of ANY type from SOE.
The fact this still is difficult for a lot of you to grasp how much PS1 is disliked by this team is rather amazing to me. Its kind of like watching a dysfunctional relationship where 1 person is constantly abused and continuously defends or allows the abuser to come back into the relationship.
Look, they're (SOE) is going to flip a switch and walk away. That is IT. Period. Its going to be like Milton in "Office Space" hidden down in the basement, and that's it. Whatever happens after that switch is flipped is inconsequential. 2 yrs from now some peep doing background powersource audits is going to see it on and be like "Oh, someone left the light on in this closet" and turn it off.
2014-03-29, 02:23 AM
I still have the feeling that SOE is doing this for two reasons.
1) To shut people up about wanting PS1 going F2P.
2) To have another reason to shut down the server once and for all.
I don't think SOE dislikes Planetside 1. I don't think they really care about it anymore, besides what memories some of them have of it.
2014-03-29, 09:28 AM
chipmhazard well since your a mod, on here do you have any contact info for brewko, he is willing to come back he did b4 but he doesn't work for soe anymore. when I asked them for his info they told me he quit and they can't give out info on ex employees.
2014-03-29, 12:54 PM
Sadly I do not know how to contact brewko.
2014-03-29, 03:38 PM
Easy, log in to PS1 on any CR5pam character and Global the following.
DanB! I command you to show yourself for the villainous villain you are! Also, <insert explicative here>.
I guarantee it will make him appear, I won't guarantee he will do anything other than BanD you.
2014-03-31, 03:23 PM
So, seeing the hostile replys, its pretty clear you guys havent even tried to contact SOE and figure out a way to deal with the upcoming hacker infestation.
Lets rip you guys apart.
Babyfark McGeez: No, Player numbers of a game have nothing to do with how many hackers will appear. The important bit is an anti cheat system.
lets take a look at PS2. Yep, you got hackers there, some even stay for quite a while. But getting a hack for PS2 requires you to pay for it, as the free ones get detected rather quickly (its always pure joy to watch hacker forums just after a ban wave ^^). The paid ones get constantly updated, and break protection every now and then, wich usually results in a short phase of aimbotters. The real problem for PS2 are those hacks that are created for a single guy. If done corrently, PS2s anti cheat wont pick it up by itself, and if the guy is clever, he doesnt just throws headshots around, but uses his cheat to give him a advantage other players and especially SOE wont notice.
Now, lets take a look at PS1. No Anti cheat, no GM support, hacking requires you to download a tool to edit memory values, and watching a youtube video to figure out how to use the tool for PS1. Then a quick google fu and you know what to edit to get what results. BAM, INSTANT GODMODE! And nobody there to do anything about that.
Hackers will come to PS1, in large numbers, just because they can. Heck, you guys were there when we had flying scatmaxes and all that crap! You guys were there when they actually killed the game, TWICE!
And you idiots still wear your rose tinted glasses while insulting me, even tho im only pointing out the obvious.
You guys fucked up big time. You had ONE chance to make things right, ONE chance to get in touch with SOE and try to find a solution that gives PS1 a chance. And you didnt even try.
I shall predict the future now.
PS1 goes F2P, maybe the game even gets several poplocks (Thats actually a possibility thanks to F2P), but with the players come the hackers, and it will be days before the game will be empty again, while you guys will be yelling at SOE for not doing something about the hackers. SOE will see the random rage of folks that always ask for more but never actually do something themself (or even try), realize that they cant actually make the game even remotly cheat free without having actual GMs dedicated to PS1 (fat chance for a game with ZERO actual income), and just do nothing. Abd then you folks will rage forever and blame SOE for everything, just as you did with the past.
But the truth is: You guys are to blame. You asked for PS1 to go F2P plenty of times, and SOE did listen. And then? Nothing. You completly blocked out all the negative sides, even tho the game actually WAS F2P once in the past (remeber the Reserve program?), and was heavily infested by cheaters because of that (wich in the end caused the reserve program to not be a permanent thing).
But whatever. You guys want PS1 more than I do, but i shall at least attempt to get in touch with SOE, and give PS1 a chance.
2014-03-31, 04:35 PM
So, seeing the hostile replys, its pretty clear you guys havent even tried to contact SOE and figure out a way to deal with the upcoming hacker infestation.
actually you are wrong I contacted soe asking for gm brewkos info so we can have him come back to watch over the game. second I asked soe for a player mod program which they also said no too. so next time you say we haven't tried I want you to go thru the forums or tickets or anything or ask you buddy highby about the message I wrote him, that he ignored since ps2 is his one and only chance to make it in the gaming world and it become a flop.
Lets rip you guys apart.
Babyfark McGeez: No, Player numbers of a game have nothing to do with how many hackers will appear. The important bit is an anti cheat system.
lets take a look at PS2. Yep, you got hackers there, some even stay for quite a while. But getting a hack for PS2 requires you to pay for it, as the free ones get detected rather quickly (its always pure joy to watch hacker forums just after a ban wave ^^). The paid ones get constantly updated, and break protection every now and then, wich usually results in a short phase of aimbotters. The real problem for PS2 are those hacks that are created for a single guy. If done corrently, PS2s anti cheat wont pick it up by itself, and if the guy is clever, he doesnt just throws headshots around, but uses his cheat to give him a advantage other players and especially SOE wont notice.
go to or go to and you can find free hacks just as good as the paid ones. since the paid ones are made from the same people on both forums...... so do research
Now, lets take a look at PS1. No Anti cheat, no GM support, hacking requires you to download a tool to edit memory values, and watching a youtube video to figure out how to use the tool for PS1. Then a quick google fu and you know what to edit to get what results. BAM, INSTANT GODMODE! And nobody there to do anything about that.
yes very simple to hack ps1 since its almost all client side but then again. lets see how many people are smart enough to make a hacking program and know what needs to be frozen and what needs to be code caved so the actual ps1 hack detection doesn't get them.... again something you wouldn't know about unless you have some smarts......
Hackers will come to PS1, in large numbers, just because they can. Heck, you guys were there when we had flying scatmaxes and all that crap! You guys were there when they actually killed the game, TWICE!
MWx yes they did that funny thing is all of them quit.
And you idiots still wear your rose tinted glasses while insulting me, even tho im only pointing out the obvious.
your pointing out nothing but nonsense and no actual fact has been said on your part
You guys fucked up big time. You had ONE chance to make things right, ONE chance to get in touch with SOE and try to find a solution that gives PS1 a chance. And you didnt even try.
soe had 1 chance and they are choose not to help the players so again. no facts on your part just your opinion which is invalid in this point and posts.
I shall predict the future now.
PS1 goes F2P, maybe the game even gets several poplocks (Thats actually a possibility thanks to F2P), but with the players come the hackers, and it will be days before the game will be empty again, while you guys will be yelling at SOE for not doing something about the hackers. SOE will see the random rage of folks that always ask for more but never actually do something themself (or even try), realize that they cant actually make the game even remotly cheat free without having actual GMs dedicated to PS1 (fat chance for a game with ZERO actual income), and just do nothing. Abd then you folks will rage forever and blame SOE for everything, just as you did with the past.
if a hacker comes to ps1 simple we have one person who knows how to hack use their hacks for good and stop him in his tracks simple and easy. pull hack is a lot more then what a simple cof and rof would be able to do without being caught....... no barcode hacker will be able to stop some1 hacking against them back..... so your point once again is invalid
But the truth is: You guys are to blame. You asked for PS1 to go F2P plenty of times, and SOE did listen. And then? Nothing. You completly blocked out all the negative sides, even tho the game actually WAS F2P once in the past (remeber the Reserve program?), and was heavily infested by cheaters because of that (wich in the end caused the reserve program to not be a permanent thing).
yes MWx came to the game
But whatever. You guys want PS1 more than I do, but i shall at least attempt to get in touch with SOE, and give PS1 a chance.
we don't need you to get in touch with any1 your a stain on ps1 community who gave up and jumped ship as fast as you could so your name would be up their and people would know who you are. but I have never seen you in-game and your br 70 with a 1.23 k/d so you not even good at the game..... so idk why you even choice to post on anything planetside related. so take your bandwagon ass and move on with your life. fps aren't your type of game go play league or something. if you spent more time playing ps2 you would see that its a boring cod game that has no tactic no skill nothing but a shell of what it could be if they took the great aspects of ps1 and put them into the game so. have a nice day basti since im done wasting my time on someone so pigheaded they need to be talked down too like a child so they understand they mean nothing to the world other than someone who takes up air and resources.
2014-03-31, 05:45 PM
:clap: Pessimists take your negative attitude elsewheres there's endless other games and forums where you can go bitch, you are not welcome here.
Your profound knowledge of the future and attempting to guess it to increase your epeen status is laughable at best.
I certainly hope it's not your defining moment for the short time we live on this rock.
Looking forward to ps1 FTP :rock:
2014-03-31, 05:48 PM
Easy, log in to PS1 on any CR5pam character and Global the following.
DanB! I command you to show yourself for the villainous villain you are! Also, <insert explicative here>.
I guarantee it will make him appear, I won't guarantee he will do anything other than BanD you.
That might work if he was still employed by SOE but he was laid off in that last round a few months ago.
2014-03-31, 09:56 PM
That might work if he was still employed by SOE but he was laid off in that last round a few months ago.
Maybe he will get the job he was born to do, fry cook.
2014-04-06, 06:27 AM
But whatever. You guys want PS1 more than I do, but i shall at least attempt to get in touch with SOE, and give PS1 a chance.
2014-04-11, 08:40 PM
must be better than the batphone
2014-04-14, 06:22 PM
I can almost guarantee their will be some GM support. It won't be fast, but it will be there.
2014-04-14, 10:49 PM
I tell you what, as long as things don't get totally apeshit out of hand people will somewhat tolerate it because it is FREEEEEEE! I can take some lag in GM involvement because my level of investment is nothing but I won't stick around to get pull hack ganked for days on end. Stay positive and give it a shot is all we can do.
2014-04-15, 02:03 AM
I can almost guarantee their will be some GM support. It won't be fast, but it will be there.
I can almost guarantee there will be ZERO GM support. It will be completely non-existent. But keep holding onto your dream.
Babyfark McGeez
2014-04-15, 03:05 AM
And how are you coming to this conclusion? Got smed on speed dial?
I imagine some sort of player(-chosen) gm would be difficult to do, maybe for their own faction(?). Infos on this would be very nice.
If there is a volunteer gm program for PS1 i would certainly apply, having moderating/admin experience for like 15 years (on forums though lol).
2014-04-15, 03:27 AM
I don't think they want players from the community as GMs only SOE employees, or atleast that's what I've read and come to assume.
2014-04-15, 07:39 AM
How am I coming to this conclusion? Common sense. Support tickets for planetside 1 in it's current state have been answered more than once. It's very unlikely they'll stop giving it even the little bit of support they're giving it now after making it so that they'll have more people playing.'
It likely won't be much different from how it's always been. Slow but eventual, with spurts of dedicated moderation (<3 GM-Chrol).
People saying that there won't be any support at all are simply saying so because they want to find something negative to say, when all evidence from the past suggests that even if it's a GM from a completely different game showing up, they will show (if not always quickly).
It's not so much of a dream as it is putting 1 and 1 together to form 2.
2014-04-15, 10:36 AM
How am I coming to this conclusion? Common sense. Support tickets for planetside 1 in it's current state have been answered more than once. It's very unlikely they'll stop giving it even the little bit of support they're giving it now after making it so that they'll have more people playing.'
It likely won't be much different from how it's always been. Slow but eventual, with spurts of dedicated moderation (<3 GM-Chrol).
People saying that there won't be any support at all are simply saying so because they want to find something negative to say, when all evidence from the past suggests that even if it's a GM from a completely different game showing up, they will show (if not always quickly).
It's not so much of a dream as it is putting 1 and 1 together to form 2.
SOE isn't going to leave PS without any GM support,what it will be is just like Effective told ya,you will see mods from other titles filling in as needed.
there will be ZERO dev support,I even wonder if they will bother with fixing the cave access.
2014-04-15, 10:46 AM
Look everyone. We will see on the 23rd if caves wasp and striker is fixed if they are then you know for damn sure. That a gm is going to be watching the game. How could there not be a gm if all the game breaking bugs are fixed. Lets be real people. Soe won't puts its name on the line for something that could drive players away completely like look at ps2 its a alright game i stream it and play it with my outfit but the bugs and crashes are horrible but it still has a playerbase that is waiting for the 64 bit client and it to be updated on graphics drivers. So if the game is fixed then gm support if not then no gm support but rant rant rant and it will be fixed
2014-04-15, 01:29 PM
you don't get it.
some of us have been dealing with SOE for the last decade concerning PS,we have read 10's of thousands of posts concerning every damn aspect of this game.
ppl like Mouser,Effective,Basti,Godless (ME)and quite a few more have seen how SOE acts in situations like this,we have seen how SOE operates and how they deal with issues.
SOE has told everyone that there would be no more dev work on PS,that's a simple concept and seeing how it would take a dev to fix the caves,wasp and other bugs ingame right now,I wouldn't hold out much hope.
2014-04-15, 06:19 PM
I'd still like to know how they managed to patch in those bugs when there is no dev support.
2014-04-15, 07:55 PM
ppl like Mouser,Effective,Basti,Godless (ME)and quite a few more have seen how SOE acts in situations like this,we have seen how SOE operates and how they deal with issues.
It might seem like pessimism, but trust us. It is anything but.
If SOE gives even one flying fuck about Planetside after it starts up again, it will be the first time ever.
2014-04-15, 08:56 PM
I'd still like to know how they managed to patch in those bugs when there is no dev support.
I will bet that they retasked the servers holding the caves and that caused a cascade effect that resulted in the bugs we saw,everyone knows that the code for PS is a huge mess
2014-04-15, 09:01 PM
I'd still like to know how they managed to patch in those bugs when there is no dev support.
I've seen you comment about this multiple times in the past few weeks and I wonder the same, i had an issue where i couldn't even adjust my mouse sensitivity. It was like playing on high sensitivity with a DPI of 8000, in short playing was not possible.
But how did these bugs come about? I haven't seen any official report or statement from SOE even acknowledging the bugs exist.(If there are please link me)
Could this be the reason its going FTP? They don't have devs who know how to fix it and you can't sell a game for $15 a month if its broken i suppose.
Perhaps someone from the outside was able to compromise the server and SOE won't announce the strike. Maybe more account info was stolen and they don't want all that bad PR AGAIN. All speculation i suppose.
2014-04-16, 05:30 PM
They pushed the release date back AGAIN! Seriously, what the hell is going on here?
26th now. Though at this rate, I'll believe it when it happens. >_<
2014-04-16, 06:22 PM
They pushed the release date back AGAIN! Seriously, what the hell is going on here?
26th now. Though at this rate, I'll believe it when it happens. >_<
26th? Can we get a source on this please? The sony all access faq still says 23rd.
2014-04-16, 06:47 PM
26th? Can we get a source on this please? The sony all access faq still says 23rd.
A outfit member on the outfit forum. And I misread. It's 23rd. But still, another pushed back date. :doh:
2014-04-16, 07:18 PM
I will bet that they retasked the servers holding the caves and that caused a cascade effect that resulted in the bugs we saw,everyone knows that the code for PS is a huge mess
Possibly, though that seems less likely than internal sabotage... maybe I'm too damn jaded lol
2014-04-16, 07:27 PM
I don't care if the caves are broke as long as they're all neutral. Vanu having to deal with TR and NC having most of the caves made defending so boring since we were constantly getting backhacked in the middle of conts.
2014-04-16, 07:29 PM
Do I get a prize?
2014-04-18, 02:24 AM
Provided everything doesn't go tits up, Nobel and RoyAwesome have said they're looking at doing another Planetside Day!
As mentioned here (
Keep on the lookout!
2014-04-18, 12:56 PM
Provided everything doesn't go tits up, Nobel and RoyAwesome have said they're looking at doing another Planetside Day!
As mentioned here (
Keep on the lookout!
Is this the enclave? Because last time they did they got owned and then left an hour later. Shame because I was really pushing for them to make it a weekly thing. Hopefully they'll have more patience this time around.
2014-04-18, 03:50 PM
They pushed the release date back AGAIN! Seriously, what the hell is going on here?
26th now. Though at this rate, I'll believe it when it happens. >_<
It's now: "Wednesday, April 23 or earlier"
2014-04-18, 04:38 PM
Do I get a prize?
Both you and SgtMad both get prizes as well as anyone else that thinks theres going to be any support of any type for PS1.
It'll be a "Delusional Zealot" badge to be worn on your sleeves like all the other badges. (colors to be determined).
You/Mad saying theres going to be some kind of GM support has as much weight as myself saying there isn't, and to say otherwise is as much internet fact production as debating music, religion, politics and best looking catagories of various movie stars/models.
Simply hitting "Submit Reply" doesn't make it a fact.
2014-04-18, 05:48 PM
Provided everything doesn't go tits up, Nobel and RoyAwesome have said they're looking at doing another Planetside Day!
As mentioned here (
Keep on the lookout!
like the other guys said buzz got off after he got mad every1 was killing him on the other factions like he was supposed to be the king and not shot at. I killed him sent him a tell saying where is the others, and he response they aren't coming since this game is shit. no he was mad he couldn't kill any1. I think I saw him kill 1 person that was after grenade spam for like 10 mins. so no we don't want that cry baby little girl to come back and say im bring 100 people when he brought himself and everyone in ps1 laughed him off the game. rather not watch a grown man cry himself to bed again after a day like that.
Are best bet is to get the big ps1 outfits to come back. simple and ask players to stream it. again simple. also ask the top ranks on ps2 like daddy, hondadude and the others. I don't think they would mind trying out ps1 not like there going to lose there ranks
2014-04-18, 08:13 PM
Both you and SgtMad both get prizes as well as anyone else that thinks theres going to be any support of any type for PS1.
It'll be a "Delusional Zealot" badge to be worn on your sleeves like all the other badges. (colors to be determined).
You/Mad saying theres going to be some kind of GM support has as much weight as myself saying there isn't, and to say otherwise is as much internet fact production as debating music, religion, politics and best looking catagories of various movie stars/models.
Simply hitting "Submit Reply" doesn't make it a fact.
I never claimed it would be a fact, but evidence gives my opinion a great deal more weight than yours.
Delusional would imply that my claim is going against superior evidence. Fact is, evidence strongly suggests that the game will still receive GM support.
Zealot would imply that I am fanatical and uncompromising. I am simply stating my opinion based on evidence.
Delusional Zealot seems to fit you more than myself or SgtMad.
2014-04-23, 01:37 PM
Anyone else getting this error message ?
Error NBE-1013: We have detected there is a problem with access to this game. Please "click here" for possible solutions.
2014-04-23, 02:11 PM
Anyone else getting this error message ?
Yep... its the error you get when you try to sign in with an account that does not currently have a planetside monthly subscription or Station pass. After (Now hopefully April 29th... [ffs stop postponing this]) it will go free to play and it will no longer matter if you have a subscription and anyone should be able to log in.
2014-04-23, 03:18 PM
Yep... its the error you get when you try to sign in with an account that does not currently have a planetside monthly subscription or Station pass. After (Now hopefully April 29th... [ffs stop postponing this]) it will go free to play and it will no longer matter if you have a subscription and anyone should be able to log in.
Postponed again to the 29th zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
They have even stated there will be zero development. Just flip the switch already.
2014-04-23, 07:36 PM
Postponed again to the 29th zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
They have even stated there will be zero development. Just flip the switch already.
I'm telling you, they're doing this on purpose just to fuck with us! :mad:
I mean, delayed release date, fine. But to dangle the carrot in front of our noses time after time after time after time?
It won't even be the 29th I bet. They're probably push THAT date back as they have done so at least 3 times already. Does anyone know why it's been pushed back time after time?
2014-04-23, 07:44 PM
Does anyone know why it's been pushed back time after time?
Dear Players,
In an effort to ensure that the transition to the new All Access membership plan is as seamless as possible, we are going to be taking a little more time to test. So, we will be pushing the launch date of All Access to Tuesday, April 29th. Because of the portfolio-wide nature of this plan, this may prevent us from doing any individual game updates in EverQuest, EverQuest II, Planetside 2, and DC Universe Online. These updates will resume normally after the All Access launch. We appreciate your patience and you’ll agree that our new membership offering is worth the wait.
I can see the next announcement now.
Dear players,
During testing we were able to get all of our games working with the new All Access membership however we had difficulties converting Planetside to the model. So we will be shutting down the Planetside server effective "Soon"... Thank you for your patience...
Or perhaps they simply forget they said they would make Planetside free-to-play along with the new All Access plan and it stays the way it currently is with a sub fee. Does it really matter anyways? They aren't going to be able to battle the exploiters. Exploiters are going to ruin the game and no one is going to want to play. That's if there's enough people that come back to play in the first place...
2014-04-23, 10:20 PM
You all are getting way to aggravated over this. Take a breather. If it's going to happen, it will happen. You throwing a tantrum is not going to make SOE move any faster.
2014-04-24, 08:04 AM
You all are getting way to aggravated over this. Take a breather. If it's going to happen, it will happen. You throwing a tantrum is not going to make SOE move any faster.
Of course I'm aggravated. They've pushed the release date back no less then 3 times. What aggravates me though is not the delay but rather them saying it will be released at X date only not to do so. It's not the first time SOE have broken their promises. I remember them saying they would not add something to PS2 only to do so anyway (forgot what exactly but even Chip had to agree on that point and expressed his disappointment that SOE went back on their word).
Sorry, but saying it will be done when it's done is no excuse for getting our hopes up only to dash them. I can understand that their may be delays but what boggles my mind is the constant pushing back of the release date. If delays are expected then they should provide a realistic release date (eg: not one that's just a few days away). While no one likes waiting a month or so for something to be done it's at least perfectly possible for whatever is being done to be done in that time frame. If it is only suspected that it can be done in about a week I would rather have SOE state it clearly.
The way SOE should have phrased it is like this.
Dear customers: While we are doing what we can to get this game free to play as soon as possible we may be hitting unexpected delays during testing. Therefore, while we are hoping to hit the target of X (which is nearby), it may be as long as Y (which is far away) before we achieve our goals.
A message like that leaves no confusion on the matter. It states it will hopefully be done soon yet doesn't disappoint anyone if it's delayed. But what I wonder is why they can't just go free to play now and continue testing then. After all, that's when all the hackers and what not are going to show up right? So are they working on an anti cheating system or what?
2014-04-24, 08:53 AM
The delay has nothing to do with PS1 at all; there's apparently some very highlevel merging going on behind the scenes with this system update; it's not simply going to be a matter of making PS1 free and adding all-access pass to all the subscriber accounts. It's worth noting that not only are they pushing back PS1's F2P conversion and the all-access passes, they are also delaying all ingame updates to PS2, EQ, EQ2, and DCU Online while they're testing; that suggests this is a pretty far reaching update server-side, and they're seeing issues they want to iron out before they push it live.
I'm sure someone is asking why these issues weren't foreseen and taken into account with the projected launch date, but we're pretty unlikely to see an offical response on that level; that's just how SOE (and really every dev house) works.
2014-04-24, 10:03 AM
I'm mostly concerned about the Core Combat and Aircav TTK bugs that haven't been fixed yet.
And no, they haven't. Checked. :/
The Core Combat bug is gamebreaking, because it gives the TR several cave locks and many cave links, while not providing an option to break them, since you can't get into the caves anymore and the TR and NC are the only empires with locks (VS have no cave locks, just one or two cave bases). It also means that people who currently have BFRs can continue to use them, while new players will never get them regardless of how long they play, simply because they can't enter the caves (cave kills + imprinting = requirement).
Last time even veterans couldn't restrain themselves from abusing the superfast TTK for a couple days of ruthless exploiting and ruining any chance of a decent reboot or send-off.
I was REALLY disappointed in the amount of people abusing the superfast TTK and I fear I'll have to be disappointed again.
I can't look forward to PS1 going free to play if it's unplayable thanks to bugs that break game balance and allow players to exploit.
2014-04-24, 02:27 PM
I can't look forward to PS1 going free to play if it's unplayable thanks to bugs that break game balance and allow players to exploit.
As I recall Core Combat was completely disabled so the only benefit was the obnoxious cavern benefits.
Still, it was too much for Vanu to deal with usually.
2014-04-24, 07:10 PM
Last time even veterans couldn't restrain themselves from abusing the superfast TTK for a couple days of ruthless exploiting and ruining any chance of a decent reboot or send-off.
bloody good TK'ing in order then?
i know i will..
P.S post all questions to mightymouser,he seems to know whats going on "behind the scenes"
jesus christ.
2014-04-24, 07:25 PM
Of course Mouser knows. Wouldn't be a good infil if he didn't eh? :p
2014-04-24, 08:11 PM
I watched SOE kill off PS the first time around ,nothing they do surprises me anymore
2014-04-24, 10:11 PM
"circle jerk" as they say in the marine core.
2014-04-25, 02:34 AM
"circle jerk" as they say in the marine core.
"Corps" not core:(
Core is part of what the flavor of the posts are currently about.
2014-04-25, 04:28 PM
Too bad they can't just put the short hard work in to fix any damn bugs and then let it float f2p. With no new updates there won't be any new bugs to worry about so it'd hardly have to be a sustained effort. Fix the caves and the tkk of the aircav to 2006-levels and get the thing on Steam and all will be fine in the world.
2014-04-25, 05:27 PM
Too bad they can't just put the short hard work in to fix any damn bugs and then let it float f2p. With no new updates there won't be any new bugs to worry about so it'd hardly have to be a sustained effort. Fix the caves and the tkk of the aircav to 2006-levels and get the thing on Steam and all will be fine in the world.
They said before that the PS1 servers ran off of some old Pentium 4's. What'd be awesome of SOE is to someday just make it open source. We're talking about a game built in the early early 2000's and now over 10 years old. :p
2014-04-25, 06:31 PM
They said before that the PS1 servers ran off of some old Pentium 4's. What'd be awesome of SOE is to someday just make it open source. We're talking about a game built in the early early 2000's and now over 10 years old. :p
I happen to know a guy that has cracked PS wide open, I have seen med tools spout flames reks fire bullets.
he can change all sorts of things around, he has been waiting for open source for almost a decade now.
Godless knows who I am talking about
hell, they were talking about setting up a private server years ago, just didn't do it due to legal concerns
2014-04-25, 09:01 PM
I happen to know a guy that has cracked PS wide open, I have seen med tools spout flames reks fire bullets.
he can change all sorts of things around, he has been waiting for open source for almost a decade now.
Godless knows who I am talking about
hell, they were talking about setting up a private server years ago, just didn't do it due to legal concerns
Well, they (SOE) seem to be enjoying the positive attention they're getting for the whole H1Z1 "redditinize our game!" bit. Were they to announce in a couple months that they were going to be making Planetside 1 open source before the end of the year, I think they'd get decent press. "Sony's giving back to their player community by allowing an old MMO to actually be run by the community!? Awesome!".
Financially there's nothing more to get out of it the old fashioned way, but boy could they buy themselves some goodwill. :rolleyes:
2014-04-25, 09:03 PM
here it comes guys and girls all access is rolling in on a train this tuesday. here is proof. i can hardly wait
2014-04-26, 01:21 AM
I happen to know a guy that has cracked PS wide open, I have seen med tools spout flames reks fire bullets.
he can change all sorts of things around, he has been waiting for open source for almost a decade now.
Godless knows who I am talking about
hell, they were talking about setting up a private server years ago, just didn't do it due to legal concerns
Quite a few community members know who you're talking about :P (well, maybe not quite a few, but a good handful). Good times, haven't spoken to S in a while.
2014-04-26, 04:06 AM
I happen to know a guy that has cracked PS wide open, I have seen med tools spout flames reks fire bullets.
he can change all sorts of things around, he has been waiting for open source for almost a decade now.
We have the technology...
With luck and good timing, i may finish school/training in time so i could help out with that project. Man, that would be awesome.
Quite a few community members know who you're talking about :P (well, maybe not quite a few, but a good handful). Good times, haven't spoken to S in a while.
He's still around, biding his time...
2014-04-26, 05:29 AM
Why does every1 act like Secant is the Big Unknown? :D
He just should ask Smed he can Start a Private Server without them sueing him like the SWGEmu guys did. At this point I see good Chances for a ok...
If I remember right SOE cant make it open Source because it was Orginaly Developed by some other Company named V... (cant remember)
2014-04-26, 07:26 AM
Why does every1 act like Secant is the Big Unknown? :D
He just should ask Smed he can Start a Private Server without them sueing him like the SWGEmu guys did. At this point I see good Chances for a ok...
If I remember right SOE cant make it open Source because it was Orginaly Developed by some other Company named V... (cant remember)
But irrc Verant was merged into SOE at one point.
2014-04-26, 10:27 AM
Mailed Smedley about the bugs. Interestingly, I too asked if Secant could be allowed to help fix the game - asked Smedley if they couldn't set up a contract where players would work on it for free, but would still have legal obligations.
2014-04-26, 02:30 PM
Mailed Smedley about the bugs. Interestingly, I too asked if Secant could be allowed to help fix the game - asked Smedley if they couldn't set up a contract where players would work on it for free, but would still have legal obligations.
That's the problem. SOE is stretched too thin to manage or organize community members, so writing up a creative commons ( legal protection and then just releasing the source code would be the best way to go about it.
You've got to have guts and vision to do this though:
A) You're admitting your company doesn't have the manpower to work the product.
B) You're risking the 0.0001% chance a competitor or fan tries to wiggle out of the legal protection and make money off of decades old work.
C) You've got to convince the upper management (who's already concerned about your department's performance considering there's no "WoW", "WoT", or "COD" in the dossier), that a totally unconventional approach like trusting the community to freely distribute and operate one of your IP's is a good decision.
Ultimately the phantom risks of setting PlanetSide 1 up as an open source product are miniscule (more ( and more ([url= a standard practice in this era), and the prospective public relation gains are huge.
Link: Star Wars: Jedi Academy made Open Source (
Link: Microsoft moves .NET to Open Source (
2014-04-27, 01:45 PM
I also made mention that the reason they didn't remove BFRs was that they were legally obligated to provide access to it due to the aftershock expansion promising such.
With the caves not possible to enter and locked in their TR/NC and neutral ways, they do not provide this content, nor the content of Core Combat to Vanu players.
Furthermore, I mentioned that the PS2 player studio proved succesful, so why not allow modding of PS1 by professional hobbyists?
2014-04-27, 04:37 PM
If core cambat is disabled then I guess the masses would come back as there wouldn't be BFR's again? Right?
2014-04-27, 06:22 PM
What was that Chinese version of planetside that hovered around for a little while.
2014-04-27, 07:00 PM
What was that Chinese version of planetside that hovered around for a little while.
Welkin 4591
Babyfark McGeez
2014-04-27, 07:36 PM
It also went by "mars wars" if i recall right...or was that a different game?
2014-04-28, 02:56 AM
Mars war/ Welkin is just horrific. I played Mars War for a bit, and also made a few Chinese logins and there was only a few weapons and maps added since launch and it runs horrible.
It helped a few boring days go by but seriously, disgustingly shit game. And dead too. Maybe 50 on at peak
2014-04-28, 08:04 PM
At what time does it go F2P any1 wanna guess a time? im going to say 12 noon tomorrow
2014-04-28, 08:42 PM
At what time does it go F2P any1 wanna guess a time? im going to say 12 noon tomorrow
Probably no fixed time. These changes to the subscription pass are bound to have unforeseen issues. And PS1 has low priority. Expect the game to not be fully accessible till late in the day, or even wednesday.
2014-04-28, 09:57 PM
Probably no fixed time. These changes to the subscription pass are bound to have unforeseen issues. And PS1 has low priority. Expect the game to not be fully accessible till late in the day, or even wednesday.
This. If it's on by the time I get home from work I'd be pretty surprised.
It's entirely possible it's delayed again.
2014-04-28, 10:15 PM
with only 4 hours to go on the west coast i doubt it will be delayed again. cause can you fore see the back lash of another delay. imagine the thousands if not hundreds of thousands of angry customers they would have. i mean it would be madness for them to delay it again.
2014-04-28, 10:31 PM
its soe they don't care. 1 lose is 1 gained who cares
2014-04-29, 12:17 AM
with only 4 hours to go on the west coast i doubt it will be delayed again. cause can you fore see the back lash of another delay. imagine the thousands if not hundreds of thousands of angry customers they would have. i mean it would be madness for them to delay it again.
You're funny.
Thousands and hundreds of thousands? Srsly? :rolleyes:
If PS1 can muster a red alert from now until the weekend, I'll be surprised.
2014-04-29, 03:10 AM
Everyone go to forums and tell people to log in to PS1, go to any overclocker or gamer websites and make some posts, tell people it's free, just make an account and download the game, no costs.
2014-04-29, 03:19 AM
You're funny.
Thousands and hundreds of thousands? Srsly? :rolleyes:
If PS1 can muster a red alert from now until the weekend, I'll be surprised.
He is being serious. SOE has thousands and hundreds of thousands of player accounts for ALL GAMES, they are all going down. Use your brain mate
2014-04-29, 07:39 AM
i am so ready for this. since maintenance is gonna last till this afternoon planetside 1 is where i am going right after work.
2014-04-29, 03:27 PM
so any news when ps1 will be avialable?
having to get by on the crappy tribes P2W rehash at the mo.
shocking how they treat old people nowadays.
2014-04-29, 07:45 PM
We're almost running a pop lock 3 hours after launch. :) Many people are still learning that the game went f2p, pops were still rising every hour. :)
Babyfark McGeez
2014-04-29, 08:27 PM
Unfortunately i had some shit to do after my first venture today, but it was pretty populated and simply dang amazing to play again. I hope we can keep these pops up for a while.
Also i met so many people i remembered, it was unreal. Alsoalso, DON'T TAP OUT the second you die! I'm looking at you ZoranTheBear. :p
Gotta get some work done quick tomorrow so that i can tie myself to my comfy chair and play this untill my fingers bleed - from acted out voice macro conversations. Lovely! Impressive!
2014-04-29, 08:34 PM
DLing now, but wont be able to play till tomorrow night :(
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