View Full Version : Fantastic News!

2014-01-29, 12:15 AM
A few days ago I sent a thank-you email to smedley about PS1 going FTP and it had three last requests on it: Send an email to the veterans, fix the wasp and striker bugs, and announce PS1 going FTP somewhere other than in a FAQ about the all access pass.

Today I sent him a draft letter he could use for the veterans, and not three minutes later he sent me this:

Relax. It's getting done :) we met about it today

Given the timing, I'd say this is in regards to the letter, but I'd also like to think it's to fixing the bugs and making an announcement.

Still, regardless of whether it includes the bugs, it's fantastic news, no?

Just thought I'd share it with you guys :D

2014-01-29, 12:25 AM
Its definitely relieves some stress. Can you PM me his email so that I can send a thank you email as well?

2014-01-29, 12:26 AM
Smed also said he'd sent out a mass email when PS1 when F2P for 6 months last May. Smed says a lot of things, he doesn't really follow up on them.

I'm not exactly confident in SOE as I doubt there's many people familiar with PS1's coding would know how to properly fix something without breaking something else (something happens time and time again with PS).

I'm happy you got some sort of "confirmation" but I'll believe it when I see it. Or I guess when I don't see it would be more appropriate.

2014-01-29, 12:55 AM
Its definitely relieves some stress. Can you PM me his email so that I can send a thank you email as well?

Smedley gives out his email fairly often on twitter, so posting it on the forums here is not a problem.

It's [email protected]