View Full Version : PS2 - Steam Home Streaming

2014-02-07, 08:41 AM
Non Steam version of PS2 configured as shortcut in Steam...

Planetside 2 working very well @ 720p and 30fps

A less ancient laptop would probably manage 1080p @60fps depending on your networks throughput.

2500K @ 4.6ghz, 8GB RAM, Radeon HD6970 2GB, Win7 64 - wired to Router

HP Pavilion xd8000, P4 3.2 HT Prescot, 2GB RAM, X300 Mobility Radeon, Win 7 32 - wireless( some crappy no brand PCMCIA wifi card)


2014-02-07, 02:05 PM
network bandwidth?

input lag?

2014-02-07, 05:58 PM
Tbh Input lag is barely noticeable, I've capped the bandwidth that streaming uses to 5Mbit/s as this prevents my weedy client laptop from becoming overloaded with data to decode...

But each host/client and network setup is going to be different, but this at least shows that even in beta with no particular tweaks made for PS2 that Home Streaming is pretty impressive.

Steam Stream Log for about a half hour session...

[2014-02-07 22:26:20]
================================================== ===================
Game: UNKNOWN (0)
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] Recording on device: Speakers (Creative SB X-Fi)
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] Audio client mix format:
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] format: 65534
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] channels: 6
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] samples/sec: 48000
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] bytes/sec: 1152000
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] alignment: 24
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] bits/sample: 32
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] channel mask: 0x3f
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] data format: {00000003-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}
[2014-02-07 22:26:20] Initializing audio with 6 channels and 48000 samples/sec
[2014-02-07 22:26:23] Detected 4 logical processors, using 2 threads
[2014-02-07 22:26:24] Capture method set to Desktop BitBlt RGB
[2014-02-07 22:27:06] Capture method set to Game D3D9 RGB
[2014-02-07 22:51:23] "SessionStats"
"TimeSubmitted" "1391813483"
"ResolutionX" "1152"
"ResolutionY" "720"
"DecoderName" "libavcodec software decoding with 1 thread"
"BandwidthLimit" "5000"
"FramerateLimit" "30"
"SlowSeconds" "65.028213500976562"
"SlowGamePercent" "1.5596867799758911"
"SlowEncodePercent" "0"
"SlowNetworkPercent" "0"
"SlowDecodePercent" "30.621309280395508"
"AvgClientBitrate" "19.585464477539063"
"StdDevClientBitrate" "11.763864517211914"
"AvgServerBitrate" "4736.572265625"
"StdDevServerBitrate" "248.95755004882812"
"AvgLinkBandwidth" "10336.6259765625"
"AvgPingMS" "4.5674443244934082"
"StdDevPingMS" "1.1914207935333252"
"AvgCaptureMS" "12.262729644775391"
"StdDevCaptureMS" "3.5830752849578857"
"AvgEncodeMS" "7.5904664993286133"
"StdDevEncodeMS" "2.9483969211578369"
"AvgNetworkMS" "1.9831684827804565"
"StdDevNetworkMS" "1.9541888236999512"
"AvgDecodeMS" "28.617570877075195"
"StdDevDecodeMS" "6.7956094741821289"
"AvgDisplayMS" "11.859992027282715"
"StdDevDisplayMS" "5.2621293067932129"
"AvgFrameMS" "61.620517730712891"
"StdDevFrameMS" "12.597959518432617"
"AvgFPS" "30.024124145507813"
"StdDevFPS" "6.886451244354248"

And a screenshot with beta overlay at the bottom...


Direct link...

EDIT: Note, this ancient laptops X300 graphic chip doesn't have an H.264 decoder so its using the cpu to software decode the video, thats the biggest bottleneck on this particular setup. Note the line in the log...

"DecoderName" "libavcodec software decoding with 1 thread"

And thats my filthy stinkin TR alt, I feel dirty

Emperor Newt
2014-02-08, 07:19 AM
I tried it a week ago with a much crappier setup and was actually impressed with the input lag. Yes it's there but I doubt all too many people would actually notice it.

2014-02-08, 08:40 AM
Agreed Newt.

Personally, I'd obviously prefer to be playing directly on my main PC if I were playing seriously(lol) but if I merely wanted to be online for an SOE event or play a more casual support role, rolling around with an AMS or throwing out ammo and meds while I was keeping an eye on Ireland play Wales later for example, It would be more than satisfactory.

Non-twitchy games such as an RTS like CoH or XCom wouldn't be disadvantaged much at all. The likes of Skyrim or a typical MMORPG etc are perfectly playable too.

People have even gotten Origin games to play by putting the origin launcher as a shortcut within Steam.

And anything that makes a 9 year old laptop more useful than just an internet browser or media player is always good.