View Full Version : Planetside is now live. Log on

2014-04-29, 03:40 PM
See you there team!

Babyfark McGeez
2014-04-29, 04:00 PM
This is not a mirage, it's really happening!

Thank you SOE, and i think i need new pants.

2014-04-29, 04:10 PM
Hoping to get on tonight once the kiddies are in bed. Is there any low faction population indicator when you make a character?

2014-04-29, 04:14 PM
Where can we download the launchpad? im in game but my friend and I cant seem to find the dl for him

2014-04-29, 04:35 PM

2014-04-29, 04:36 PM
Soo many people, it's glorious!

2014-04-29, 04:52 PM
Hoping to get on tonight once the kiddies are in bed. Is there any low faction population indicator when you make a character?

Yes, when you first login at the server select screen it will tell you which faction has the lowest pop.

Also when you log in game it will give you a global population for each faction on the map screen.

Can someone give us an update on the bugs?

2014-04-29, 07:16 PM
Core Combat is still FUBAR.

Caves are in their uneven states forever I assume.

Wouldn't be surprised if wasps are still broken on Cyssor.

2014-04-29, 07:30 PM
Just logged in but didn't take but about 5 minutes until my computer just locked up. Looking at minidump file the cause was NVidia driver. Anyone tell me what version they are running without issues? I have version 332.21 installed.

2014-04-29, 07:43 PM
327.23 runs it fine for me. Haven't updated the driver in a while. You sure it's not DirectX or so?

2014-04-29, 08:11 PM
Not sure tbh. I just played for about 40 minutes without an issue. Perhaps just needed a reboot...

2014-04-29, 11:33 PM
Great turnout today, much more than I expected. TR had poplocks on Ish for a few hours at least. Let's hope this keeps up for a long time

2014-04-30, 03:49 AM
Not sure tbh. I just played for about 40 minutes without an issue. Perhaps just needed a reboot...

To me the biggest issue with PS1 had always been RAM memory (white texture bug due to memory leak), got 16GB now so I doubt I'll be seeing that bug till I pull a three nighter. :3

2014-04-30, 05:09 AM
I was playing last night with a big smile of my face. :D

And, in other news, I've forgotten how to play. :(

2014-04-30, 09:00 AM
Every empire hit a pop lock. Over 1k players were on last night i was like jizzing in my pants so hard. Watching the blueberrys in their pjs running around with the supressor. I streamed all night it was awesome 1 full platoon of pg were on. Thats 30 members alone, in one outfit. I loved every second of it. Hope it stays this way. Saw some big planetside 2 names on planetside one. Basti you can suck a fat d##k said the turnout wouldn't be anyone over 1k people just in 1 fights. Haymaker from connery was on zoranthebear all of pg was on. Dt was on zeroengima, concentracted b#t#h a#s was on. Trx was on. Didn't see azure twilight tho. Hell rangers 666 dd was on. Some sturmgen was on. It was beautiful all those players will never forget the time they had on last night i sure in hell wont. Hope to see everyone tn for a fight on hosson. Watch the ps2 noobs see what a hossin cont is and not make them wait 1 month to play on the lagfest ps2 hossin.

2014-04-30, 09:03 AM
I think we benefited from some PS2 down time :groovy::groovy:

I had a great time last night.

Here's to hoping the numbers stay up for a little while and we get a great spike this weekend!

2014-04-30, 09:14 AM
I played around a lot in VR last night and I like the mechanics of getting in an out of a vehicle and no quick swapping while in the vehicle. The chance that the quick ejection might fail...fun.

The numerous vehicles and their functions...the unique vehicles..artillery..ant...deliverer...Vindicator? (Ithink) Heavy sundy with all the turrets? ..excellent.

I used IA and putzed around for a bit before I got frustrated with not being able to see my own bullets and the map etc all to well. Assuming it was my resolution..I'll have to play around with it tonight and see if I can enlarge things a bit.

Will definitely have to hook up with someone whose played this before just to get a better feel for the game and the wtf do I go factor. The other issue was hit detection and indicators. Close range it's pretty obvious but is there an indicator when you hit a target from range as we have in PS2 as the health bars/shields where not visible?

Was in a turret popping rounds out at enemies along a ridgeline. From my end it looked like I was hitting them but I didn't see any indicators like we have in PS2 to know for sure unless it was something I missed or I was just missing them.

Was playing NC but have no qualms about playing another faction.

2014-04-30, 09:27 AM
Crazy your cof turns yellow when u hit someone. And pm me tn if your on ncbedzike. Ill show u the ropes. And if u cant see your map increase your screen size. The map is in the top right it doesnt get big unless u grab and make it bigger urself same with the chat bar. You wanna get av so you have the pheonix. Basic certs untill br25 is this rexo heavy av some kind of vech. Maybe med and eng. And maybe a max if you can. I can make a chart to show you what certs help with what classes in planetside 1. Dont forget use ypur medkits press f1

2014-04-30, 09:56 AM
I was using my med kits non stop last night. Yep I rocked. Thanks for the heads up on the indicator for range. I do remember seeing that when I was hitting aircraft.

I'll have to recert. I think I went the way of the Jackhammer hoping for cqc from the start. I think I'll drop the jackhammer for more versatility. With all the VR I was BR3 with 8 certs I think to throw around.

2014-04-30, 10:50 AM
Canuck, to see the hitpoints of enemies, you need an implant called "Enhanced Targeting". You can get one implant at BR6, 12 and 18. These implants are invaluable for carreer characters like infiltrators (infiltrators MUST have Sensor Shield!).

Also don't forget to use third person (press T) a lot before you go around a corner. :)

The jackhammer is great below 8m (best shotgun by miles), but horrible beyond. Secondary mode is only good at a few centimeters, but insta-kills stuff. The Sweeper shotgun is the best for targets below 15m. I usualy have a Sweeper and Gauss in my Rexo load-out.

What do you think of the inventory system?

Oh and cone of fire control is everything. Burst fire, stop and move and crouching are extremely important (you'll notice though that a lot of players exploit ADAD, as that induces some warping due to the netcode).

2014-04-30, 10:54 AM
I was playing last night with a big smile of my face. :D

And, in other news, I've forgotten how to play. :(

Leeuk asked in /c how to open his inventory screen. ;)

2014-04-30, 11:12 AM
I wish i could talk on command it was a roit looking at the chat and everyone bullshitting around. How was everyone first day back. Good bad? Pros cons? I know the bugged cc and wasp and striker are still ingame so no solsar and cyssor.

2014-04-30, 11:53 AM
Canuck, to see the hitpoints of enemies, you need an implant called "Enhanced Targeting". You can get one implant at BR6, 12 and 18. These implants are invaluable for carreer characters like infiltrators (infiltrators MUST have Sensor Shield!).

Also don't forget to use third person (press T) a lot before you go around a corner. :)

The jackhammer is great below 8m (best shotgun by miles), but horrible beyond. Secondary mode is only good at a few centimeters, but insta-kills stuff. The Sweeper shotgun is the best for targets below 15m. I usualy have a Sweeper and Gauss in my Rexo load-out.

What do you think of the inventory system?

Oh and cone of fire control is everything. Burst fire, stop and move and crouching are extremely important (you'll notice though that a lot of players exploit ADAD, as that induces some warping due to the netcode).

Thanks for the tip on T looking.

Yeah I ran with the Gauss once I got outside. Trees are my bane.. :) It was not hard to see the dramatic improvement in the CoF when crouching. Do some weapons have a faster improved CoF time when you start to crouch or is it all static?

I like the inventory system though I need to remember to right click to quick swap. Old concept. But still a good one. Seeing it brought back memories of EQ and the inventory juggling of loot. Yes I played the shit out of that while you guys were having fun in PS1. Just wish I heard of PS1 back then. Not sure if it would have mattered, as I barely pulled my head out of EQ's ass to look around once and a while.

My loss.

2014-04-30, 12:37 PM
Canuck, to see the hitpoints of enemies, you need an implant called "Enhanced Targeting". You can get one implant at BR6, 12 and 18. These implants are invaluable for carreer characters like infiltrators (infiltrators MUST have Sensor Shield!).

Another side note about implants. You can freely switch them out at any time by visiting a Biolab or the HART building in the sanctuary. There's no lock-out timer between switching like there is for reclaiming a certification.

2014-04-30, 03:58 PM
Every empire hit a pop lock. Over 1k players were on last night i was like jizzing in my pants so hard. Watching the blueberrys in their pjs running around with the supressor. I streamed all night it was awesome 1 full platoon of pg were on. Thats 30 members alone, in one outfit. I loved every second of it. Hope it stays this way. Saw some big planetside 2 names on planetside one. Basti you can suck a fat d##k said the turnout wouldn't be anyone over 1k people just in 1 fights. Haymaker from connery was on zoranthebear all of pg was on. Dt was on zeroengima, concentracted b#t#h a#s was on. Trx was on. Didn't see azure twilight tho. Hell rangers 666 dd was on. Some sturmgen was on. It was beautiful all those players will never forget the time they had on last night i sure in hell wont. Hope to see everyone tn for a fight on hosson. Watch the ps2 noobs see what a hossin cont is and not make them wait 1 month to play on the lagfest ps2 hossin.

Wow that sounds great...hopefully i can join tomorrow evening.

2014-04-30, 05:50 PM
Installing now hope to spend a bit of time playing it from time to time. :)