View Full Version : Regarding Core combat and the Wasp

2014-05-02, 06:41 PM
Check this: http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/24kild/so_about_that_briggs_thing/ch81a53

So, there may or may not something come out of this, but lets do some brainstorming here between those of us who were around when the Wasp and Cave bug appeared.

Does anyone know when these issues popped up? Needs to be as exact as possible really, as SOE can then just look in to their logs for both the game and whatever work they did on their stuff, and figure out much easier what may have caused these issues.

Also, what is different in the game? What exactly doesnt work, what bugs are you seeing? Is it just the Caves and the Wasp on Cyssor, or something else as well? ANY and ALL information may help SOE to make an Easy fix. Besides that, if we show them that we are willing to commit the time and effort to help them out as much as possible, then they are much more likley to try and fix it as well.

This is, btw, a much better approach than just attempting to yell and spam at them. THis approach can get shit done. So help yourself by helping me collecting as much intel as we can, and i make sure it reaches SOE in a proper manner, while also showing them that we are still commited to PS1. After all, our commitment made PS1 go free for 6 months and now F2P, instead of just getting turned off.

edit: Oh, and one more thing: Dont mess this up by being twats to SOE or me. Im trying to help YOU, and i bet my balls that SOE will happily attempt to fix the game up so we can enjoy it a bit more. They after all put a GM on it, and that means a frigging lot!

edit2: another thing before i head to bed (1 am here): Make sure folks know about this attempt of getting the game fixed. Not everyone who was around during the arrival of the issues is checking PSU, so please tell folks in /c and even /comall to check PSU for this thread, and tell whatever they know that may help. Every single bit of information may make SOEs job easier, making their decision to attempt or not attempt an easier one.

2014-05-02, 08:19 PM
It happened when they moved the server to the west coast.

Server installation bugged I guess.

I would presume the Core Combat and Aftershock thing is a database transfering isue, since it says we're not flagged for the content. The expansions have been installed on the server alright, but it has issues with reading the player database. If I remember correctly, the main issue might be that this could require a manual switching on/off of every individual player in the database. >.>

I hear Striker damage is off on Cyssor (and Solsar?) as well, just like the Wasp nose gun.

2014-05-02, 09:55 PM
Thanks basti, I'd given up hope that they would ever acknowledge the bug. I really thing for now the best solution would be to disable the wasp from cyssor, just like how certain vehicles are disabled from Oshur. If they can fix the bug then that's great, but for now I think disabling it on cyssor would help the most.

as for when the bug appeared, i heard a rumor that it was due to some GM, brewko i think it was, who was messing around spawning bots and vehicles and this may have caused issues. I have video proof of this gm spawning stuff that i will post when I'm on my desktop. However , I don't see how this could've caused the wasp nose gun to do 300x damage on cyssor, but that's all beyond my understanding

2014-05-02, 10:51 PM
The holiday donut boxes and pie backpacks are switched on.

But not the Christmas hats or Halloween stuff.

2014-05-02, 11:22 PM
It's not only the wasp on Cyssor that is bugged but the striker as well (does double damage).

I don't remember what I ate for breakfast but from what I recall; during the first 6months free play period the wasp was bugged on Ishundar (was during first week I believe). That was fixed and all was good until there was an influx of hackers. I thought there was a patch or GM that had done somthing to the game to try and prevent the hackers but I don't recall (maybe that was just a rumor I remember reading).

Either way at the same time the caves broke and wasp and striker were OP'd on Cyssor. I want to say it was 3 months into the free period but I don't recall exactly.

So perhaps seeing as though the wasp was broken during the first week on the free play last year, could be a good place to start looking for why it may of been broken on Cyssor/ what was done to fix that issue.

- HippoDT

2014-05-02, 11:31 PM
yeah i was playing around during the first few months of the f2p 6 month period. was having a blast when i exited by right clicking the game on my desk top and somehow it broke cc for my toons. but later some how fixed itself but is now permanently broken. i stopped playing about 8/11/13 last year due to immense team killing which i am not a fan of

2014-05-03, 12:14 AM
Has anyone else been able to spawn a Router? It seems to be vacant from all of the vehicle terminals. :(

2014-05-03, 02:11 AM
Routers are CC so it would be unavailable as well as all other techs from there. Radiators, Flails, Spikers, ect

2014-05-03, 05:10 AM
It was 3 months or so into the free 6 months. Hopefully they will help and fix this for us as I know a lot of people are frustrated with the game as it is. I agree that spamming and hailing abuse is not the way to go, ask nicely and ye shall receive!

Halp us SOE!

2014-05-03, 06:03 AM
Yea, abuse is uncalled for. Although I would be eager for a fix I am still grateful to Smed that ps is still around and ftp.

2014-05-03, 07:38 AM
Just went in and tested some stuff.

Core combat: Completly gone. Not just the caves, but also all core combat weapons tell me that i need to purchase core combat in order to use them.

A long time ago, the devs basically gave core combat to everyone. Im not entierly sure how, means if they just flagged all old and new accounts, or if they did a server side change. Core combat doesnt show up in my account page, but thats quite possibly due to the All access rollout, and likley unrelated. Entering my Core combat CD key (yep, i still have both the box and the Disk. :P) promotes me with this message: "We're sorry, the code you have entered has already been redeemed or has expired. If you believe you are receiving this message in error please try again. If the issue persists please request assistance at www.soe.com/support." , and this message makes a lot of sense, as i redeemed that code many many years ago.

I belive that something happend server side that makes the game think that I dont have core Combat. May be that the server is trying to check if I own core combat, but the account system just doesnt know anymore what core combat is. Could also be that the game server doesnt start correctly for whatever reason, and misses a vital part for Core combat.

Cyssor: I went there with a Wasp, and shot my own AMS i spawned earlier. It made normal damage as far as i can tell so not OP at all. Potentially because i shot friendlys (no enemys around at time of testing), so will check again later.

Also, the birthday event is switched on. This could for whatever reason also be a source of issues. Nobody knows how broken the game really is in its deep core, so it may be better to just turn off all events.

I shall now go and search this forum for the very first report of the Cave and Wasp bug.

2014-05-03, 07:55 AM

First report of the cave bug. I assume the wasp issue popped up at the same time, and just doesnt get mentioned till later as pop was super low during these days, and nobody propably checked cyssor + the wasp + reported on the forums.

It appears that this also happend before in Januar and Febuary. SO whatever is the cause, it propably went down around that time, or a bit before.

Other reports:




2014-05-03, 09:35 AM
Just went in and tested some stuff.

Core combat: Completly gone. Not just the caves, but also all core combat weapons tell me that i need to purchase core combat in order to use them.

A long time ago, the devs basically gave core combat to everyone. Im not entierly sure how, means if they just flagged all old and new accounts, or if they did a server side change. Core combat doesnt show up in my account page, but thats quite possibly due to the All access rollout, and likley unrelated. Entering my Core combat CD key (yep, i still have both the box and the Disk. :P) promotes me with this message: "We're sorry, the code you have entered has already been redeemed or has expired. If you believe you are receiving this message in error please try again. If the issue persists please request assistance at www.soe.com/support." , and this message makes a lot of sense, as i redeemed that code many many years ago.

I belive that something happend server side that makes the game think that I dont have core Combat. May be that the server is trying to check if I own core combat, but the account system just doesnt know anymore what core combat is. Could also be that the game server doesnt start correctly for whatever reason, and misses a vital part for Core combat.

Cyssor: I went there with a Wasp, and shot my own AMS i spawned earlier. It made normal damage as far as i can tell so not OP at all. Potentially because i shot friendlys (no enemys around at time of testing), so will check again later.

Also, the birthday event is switched on. This could for whatever reason also be a source of issues. Nobody knows how broken the game really is in its deep core, so it may be better to just turn off all events.

I shall now go and search this forum for the very first report of the Cave and Wasp bug.

Yes Core Combat is gone completely. It has nothing to do with the birthday event as these issues first occurred last year (when birthday event wasn't enabled). You also keep missing the Striker which does double damage and wasn't present during the last Wasp bug issue.

2014-05-03, 09:51 AM
I was just testing stuff myself, and couldnt test the Striker. The above things are those i could confirm myself. :)

So, Birthday event ruled out as reason.

Btw, does the Striker Double damage only happen on Cyssor? Can someone go and test the striker and/or Wasp on every continent? If we figure out where it occurs, the why is a much easier thing to figure out for SOE. :)

Babyfark McGeez
2014-05-03, 07:04 PM
On searhus, hossin, solsar and ishundar the striker works fine, atleast i didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Haven't been to the other continents yet.

So far it's only cyssor afaik. Which thankfully people avoid.

2014-05-04, 06:07 AM
Yes Core Combat is gone completely. It has nothing to do with the birthday event as these issues first occurred last year (when birthday event wasn't enabled). You also keep missing the Striker which does double damage and wasn't present during the last Wasp bug issue.

Striker doesn't double damage. It doesn't seem so to me I think I've put a full clip into a mossie recently and didn't destroy it and iirc it used to take 1 clip and a bit to do that before.

But ofc you may mean double damage only on cyssor, I haven't tested that.

2014-05-04, 06:33 AM
Striker doesn't double damage. It doesn't seem so to me I think I've put a full clip into a mossie recently and didn't destroy it and iirc it used to take 1 clip and a bit to do that before.

But ofc you may mean double damage only on cyssor, I haven't tested that.

Aye I do mean on Cyssor. Cyssor is the only continent that has issues (aside from caves not enabled).

Should just lock Cyssor, then people won't complain about others abusing things on a continent they were dumb enough to goto knowing equipment was over-powered/broken. If you goto Cyssor knowing it's broken, honestly you go knowing you need to counter that broken equipment.

2014-05-04, 11:23 AM
Aye I do mean on Cyssor. Cyssor is the only continent that has issues (aside from caves not enabled).

Should just lock Cyssor, then people won't complain about others abusing things on a continent they were dumb enough to goto knowing equipment was over-powered/broken. If you goto Cyssor knowing it's broken, honestly you go knowing you need to counter that broken equipment.
Hmm I wonder if there is commonality between the striker and wasp missiles, ie wasp missiles is a modified striker.

I presume there is no issue with other missiles.

2014-05-05, 04:50 PM
Hmm I wonder if there is commonality between the striker and wasp missiles, ie wasp missiles is a modified striker.

I presume there is no issue with other missiles.

I don't think it's the missile doing extra dmg, I think it's just the nose cannon.

2014-05-05, 10:05 PM
As of today the Wasp nose gun seems to do normal damage on Cyssor, for whatever reason, but the Striker is still doing a tad more than it should.

2014-05-05, 10:08 PM
but as of yet we still have no signs of core combat expansion being fixed.

2014-05-06, 08:32 AM
But thats the things. The wasp works for certain things now. Like aircraft not magriders, works on maxes and prowlers and vanguards. So its bugges but not fully bugged like b4 and now its bugged on on the cont with zal acension if im correct. As for the striker it still bugged on cyssor i got 2 hit by a striker last night in a mossie. So again the bug is there but only certain people and things are getting damaged. We just need a hard reset of the server. That will clear all issues and fix the core combat brewko did it b4 the free six months then disabled caves since no1 was playing in them

2014-05-06, 04:22 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Jy6Dt6mR7M here's a video testing the wasp nose gun on a turret, seems fixed to me. If this is the result of SOE actually doing something about it, they have my thanks.

2014-05-07, 01:52 AM
It happened when they moved the server to the west coast.

Server installation bugged I guess.

No it was definitely after that. The server moved happened while there were still a few people playing, and I was still paying a sub.

The bugs happened at some point when there were all of 5 people world wide that logged into the game. Between the release of PS2 open beta and the free 6 months.

It was there at the start of the free 6 months, I distinctly remember an outfit mate whose prowler was destroyed in one wasp clip like the 2nd or 3rd night of the free time and rage quit never to be heard from again.
Interesting note though that was on Ishundar, but iirc the striker was only bugged on Cyssor.

If the wasp bug has been fixed (may not have been a bug but just a damage adjustment) I salute whoever is actually paying attention at SOE.
I still think a mass email announcement should go out.

I know i've perpetuated the rumor that it was Brewko f-ing around with the game as some point because it was his only job to look after a game that has about a dozen active subs and no updates for 6years. It seems reasonable, i mean how else do these things crop up?

2014-05-07, 04:57 AM
As of today the Wasp nose gun seems to do normal damage on Cyssor, for whatever reason, but the Striker is still doing a tad more than it should.

Possibly true.

On cyssor yesterday I shot at a reaver that was half health, 3 striker rounds were enough to kill it. This wasn't enough to raise my suspicions.

However I shot at another reaver later and killed it with 5 striker rounds. I sent a tell to the pilot and apologised and asked if his aircraft was previously damaged. He said that it was a bit, so whether this was enough to signify extra damage I am still unsure.

If I recall correctly a striker kills a mossie in 6 rounds, I can't remember what it is to kill a reaver.

Earlier thepaste had said he had watched a thunderer being hit by a striker and it seemed to do normal damage.

So, if it is extra damage it doesn't seem to be that large, at least I can't see for sure that anything is OP.

I reckon it really needs someone to go and test it in ideal conditions when you can count the rounds it take to kill a full heath vehicle.

2014-05-07, 07:57 AM
How about tn a bunch of get on a teamspeak and just test it out and record the results. Simple as that so we know what cont what vech what weapon what max and all those different things cant take more then 15 mins to test move test move .

2014-05-07, 11:00 PM
okay well since no1 answered me back I tested it all myself. 99% dmg from a wasp to mossie on cyssor and every other cont, but battle island ascension. wasp drops max armour to 140 on every cont but again ascension where it leaves the max at 170 armour. so yes the wasp is still bugged on conts. and was not fixed did not test striker since I only had a limited amount of time. hope some1 can test their results and post them here to compare.

2014-05-08, 08:06 AM
now if they would only bring back my all time favorite vehicle. i would be one happy nc

2014-05-09, 01:19 PM
I purchased a new copy of CC to test Basti's idea.
The Station site let me put in the code, recognized it as valid, and even gave me a screen I was now entitled to Core Combat..
Changed nothing, still couldn't access any CC content. Also in my active games listing under my SOE account it still shows Planetside & Planetside 2, nothing about Aftershock/CC.

2014-05-10, 05:09 AM
I purchased a new copy of CC to test Basti's idea.
The Station site let me put in the code, recognized it as valid, and even gave me a screen I was now entitled to Core Combat..
Changed nothing, still couldn't access any CC content. Also in my active games listing under my SOE account it still shows Planetside & Planetside 2, nothing about Aftershock/CC.

You bought it?

That shouldn't be possible. SOE still has options for sale even though it's been incorporated into the new game for years, that's shocking.

2014-05-10, 06:29 AM
How much station cash or real money was it?

2014-05-11, 05:08 PM
I miss the Caverns. I feel the amount of players now is enough that a big fight could happen if it did but not so many players people ignore it and just bother with the other continents.

You have to admit the change in scenery was nice.

2014-05-11, 07:42 PM
I purchased a new copy of CC to test Basti's idea.
The Station site let me put in the code, recognized it as valid, and even gave me a screen I was now entitled to Core Combat..
Changed nothing, still couldn't access any CC content. Also in my active games listing under my SOE account it still shows Planetside & Planetside 2, nothing about Aftershock/CC.

You madman.

Good to see that the wasp bug is apparently gone. What about the striker tho, is that thing still doing double damage?

2014-05-11, 10:25 PM
i dont know about the striker but i can tell you we still have no core combat access. i keep checking the cert term at sanc to see if core combat is working. (hoping to get my bfr back in the near future)

2014-05-12, 04:51 AM
I pray you get a splinter under your nail. Get blood poisoning, and lose the use of your mouse hand.

2014-05-12, 05:17 PM
I just got done 'testing' the striker on Cyssor and that thing still does double damage. It is completely insane and kills mossies better than AA maxsuits do (3-4 shots depending on full shields or not).

2014-05-12, 07:21 PM
So what you're saying is that the striker isn't shit ESAV anymore.

Babyfark McGeez
2014-05-13, 07:52 AM
I just got done 'testing' the striker on Cyssor and that thing still does double damage. It is completely insane and kills mossies better than AA maxsuits do (3-4 shots depending on full shields or not).

Hmmm, i have to test that with my TR char sometime, didn't notice anything when getting locks and hits while i was playing on Cyssor (as VS). Maybe it's an issue that doesn't happen with every single striker user?

If the wasp bug has been resolved that leaves us with the following issues:
- Striker 2xDamage (on Cyssor only?)
- Party Drops enabled
- No Core Combat / Caves

As for the timetable, i know during the free time granted to us due to the "PSN" disaster i saw BFRs and there weren't any party drops. So those bugs arose after the summer of 2011.

2014-05-13, 08:11 AM
I know I shot a full health mossie down with 4 rounds.

But what are we do to? The only choices are a) stop using the striker and b) don't fight on cyssor.

tbf I don't think either are going to happen.

2014-05-13, 07:44 PM
I enjoy Cyssor, but Cyssorside DOES get old XD Had a nice fight on Ishundar a bit back.