View Full Version : If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?
2014-05-27, 05:58 PM
I wouldn't imagining it happening for atleast a year, but I'm a big proponent of SOE just doing the necessary legal work to protect their IP, and then just making Planetside 1 open source. Lucas Arts recently did something similar with Jedi Academy, Microsoft did it with .NET... at this point is there that much code worth protecting in an 11 year old game?
So, if Planetside 1 were made open source, what would you recommend the talent within the community to focus on? (CC and Wasp fix aside)
For me a few big ones would be:
Restore the continental map view. It's a mess right now.
Cut the time it takes to reload or change weapons in half.
Look into the game being made *entirely* server-side to reduce a majority of the cheating. Game was built to work with T1 at best, and most of us have 10x that now and can afford the ping hit.
If you think the server couldn't take it, someone from SOE had said that an old Pentium 4 is what runs the current server PS1, so I imagine with a modern $4,000 server (we'll need some donations >_>) the game could easily handle a server-side load.
If server-siding doesn't solve the ADADAD problem, see about making strafing less effective.
Close-range infantry combat is fairly terrible in PS1. I wouldn't recommend reducing the TTK, but maybe add in locational damage similar to the new War Thunder: Ground Forces to spice it up and make it more interesting.
How 'bout you? :groovy:
Babyfark McGeez
2014-05-27, 07:35 PM
Well, realistically i would opt for getting the game in a presentable state for a start.
Currently with the locked out content and funny drops it can sometimes feel like playing on a bad private server lol. :p
So fixing what's there is what we really need as a first step for anything.
And i definetely don't think it would be a good idea to fiddle with any gameplay / shooting / balance parts.
But i also would love to have the old world back, pre-bending. I don't mind new oshur but the (galaxy) map is confusing, the old world map was way more elegant. It's also inconsistent with the in-game messages which for example still mention empires gaining home "continent" benefits.
And second on my wishlist would be going back to old, low battle ranks. No br40 jack-of-all-trades stuff, i prefer altoholism, i mean specialization, over that. :D
So there you have it, just plain old regular, pre-bending world map, pre br40, current balance planetside. I bet that's a mix that would get us enough people for fun fights.
Edit: Let's be realistic though, for SOE to do this would require some serious black magic.
2014-05-27, 07:56 PM
Cut the time it takes to reload or change weapons in half.
Trust me this is a bad idea. Besides the fact that it is pointless, it will divide the community. Look at Quake/CS in their respected primes. Quake 3 had CPMa(best)/vq3/osp/ra3/Freezetag/insta/.... list goes on. CounterStrike had 1.everything till 1.6 was established competitive mode. All these community splits were based off of minor changes.
Don't mess with any weapon changes, maybe old lasher but that's it.
If server-siding doesn't solve the ADADAD problem, see about making strafing less effective.
Close-range infantry combat is fairly terrible in PS1. I wouldn't recommend reducing the TTK, but maybe add in locational damage similar to the new War Thunder: Ground Forces to spice it up and make it more interesting.
This sounds like you want a community made Planetside 2 to me. Changing the ADADAD "problem" is changing the way Planetside is played. Yes, Planetside 1's gunplay is horrific, but it's also loads of fun and what makes Planetside what it is.
For me,
I wouldn't want any higher br than 25 (23 ideally tbh).
Ability to toggle your armor
so br25 can have br7 armor ect
I wouldn't want to do CEP again, you can keep my ./comall and OS I just like my backpack's they look awesome.
So cr5s for everyone who has one? Possibly a horrible idea, but I hate CEP grinding xD
2014-05-28, 12:58 AM
If you're going to list ideas for "fixing" the game don't do silly ones.
Reduced reload times and messing with strafing (warping is almost entirely caused by clientside anyways). No, focus on actual issues.
Change how base capture works
- Opening a new continent should stay at 15 minutes
- But if you have a linked base on continent, hacks should take 10 minutes.
Reduce cert points back down to a BR20-23 level.
Decaying CEP
Remove BFRs/Galaxy gunships/Flails
Give XP for assisting in kills outside of squads (including XP based on damage dealt)
Begin fixing a number of in-game bugs.
Better in-game tutorials
Increase size of bases
- Bases were rather tight, being just slightly larger would still keep bases defensible without the tightness.
Rebalance Max units
- Reduce TTK vs infantry on AV/AA Max units
- Combine max suit timers into 1 suit
- Allow freely switching of max weapons
- Reduce max suit cert cost.
- Prevent max units from using using specific implants (Dark light/Pshield).
- Make max unit armor function as normal armor.
- Disallow maxes from using abilities/implants while auto-running.
- Add a resource (either stamina/unique energy cost) to auto-running in maxs
- Reduce AOE damage dealt by AV maxes, goal being in mind to reduce accidental suicide from CQC against infantry/maxes. If not that, consider adding a 4th type of max weapon. A Anti-Max type weapon, but non-explosive.
Rebalance Aircraft
- This would take some debate and careful work
Rebalance Viruses
- Make viruses last less time (Especially NTU viruses
- Rework radar disabled
- Viruses should be cleansed if the person who set the virus leaves the SOI
- Virusing CE should permanently (until cleansed) disable the CE/Wall Turrets
- Buff the TRek's ranged function
- Consider combining T-Rek/Normal rek (allowing you too not have to carry 2 of them if you have it certed)
Rebalance in-game weapons
- Cycler needs to be brought up to par with other ESMA
- Striker needs several fixes to keep it on par with the lancer. Name projectile speed and reload animation
- Phoenix make closer to PS2 Pheonix
- Lasher could be made easier to use. A slighty tighter COF at it's widest edges would make it more useable during sustained fighting.
- Scatmax, remove it's primary and tertiary fire mods.
- Sparrow could use some buffs to bring it up to par.
- Remove jackhammer tripleshot (useless in it's current state)
Rebalance CE
- Remove upgraded AA/Spitfire turrets
- Combine Assault/Fortication CE into one 3 point cert.
- Remove placing spitfires in enemy SOI's
- Fix sensor disruptor fields to being spherical and not cylindrical
Buff AMS engine horsepower
Consider shrinking AMS size and allowing galaxies to carry an AMS with them
Enhance the speed at which bases repair themselves when not actively being attacked. The goal in mind here is to help prevent mass base draining by a single person.
Rebalance implants (there are some more radical changes that would need som discussion.
- Remove personal shield/second wind
- Consider adding passive/active functions to all implants
- Audio Amp should drain stamina quicker while active. Passive mode would grant let you hear footsteps from further out. Prevent from being used in vehicles
- Enhanced Targeting. Passive same as always. Active any proposals?
- Advanced Regneration. Passively restore HP at a slow rate outside of combat. Active will be a much faster HP restore at the cost of stamina.
- Range magnifier. Passive same. Active proposals?
- Darklight. Prevent from being active in maxsuits/vehicles. Increase charge up time. Passive propsals?
- Sensor shield. Silent footstep passively. Actively prevent radar signature from showing.
Improved sniping mechanics
Rebalance Grenade/grenade launchers
- Remove explode on impact for frags/plasmas
- Buff thumper/punisher plasma
Hmmm... there's probably more, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.
2014-05-28, 05:32 PM
Why remove BFR/Flail/GG when you can just rework them?
It's like throwing away a sandwich because it had too much of one topping.
2014-05-28, 06:11 PM
It's like throwing away a sandwich because it had too much of one topping.
Because what if that topping is mustard, you can't just remove some of the mustard, it's been soaked up into the bread, and in the meat. Sandwich ruined.
2014-05-28, 07:24 PM
Why remove BFR/Flail/GG when you can just rework them?
It's like throwing away a sandwich because it had too much of one topping.
I'm all for BFR's if they bring back the 45 minute timers.
2014-05-28, 07:35 PM
Why remove BFR/Flail/GG when you can just rework them?
It's like throwing away a sandwich because it had too much of one topping.
Because tanks are fill the role of BFR's. If people really wanted BFR's to stay in the game. Buff it's armor, remove the shields, remove AA/AI options. Remove flight variant. Even this still isn't a great idea. Tanks are still fill the role sufficiently.
Flails have no reason to even exist in the game. Sure, they're unique. But being able to kill people who can't even retaliate against you without taking measures that you may not always be able to do.
Galaxy gunships are broken overpowered. You can't balance a massive flying fortress that boasts more than enough firepower to take down anything while being incredibly durable. It will either be broken OP or worthless, no middle ground. There are 2 ways to kill GG. The pilot has to be bad, or you have to throw enormous amounts of firepower at it to kill it.
2014-05-28, 08:41 PM
Flails have no reason to even exist in the game. Sure, they're unique. But being able to kill people who can't even retaliate against you without taking measures that you may not always be able to do.
A flail is just Planetside's artillery. The only thing wrong with it is the range is too long.
2014-05-28, 09:34 PM
I'll just go play on the PS server and I have to figure just about all the old vets posting here will do the same
Secant has been ready for this for about 6 years now LOL
2014-05-29, 07:01 PM
If you're going to list ideas for "fixing" the game don't do silly ones.
Reduced reload times and messing with strafing (warping is almost entirely caused by clientside anyways). No, focus on actual issues.
Change how base capture works
- Opening a new continent should stay at 15 minutes
- But if you have a linked base on continent, hacks should take 10 minutes.
Reduce cert points back down to a BR20-23 level. but 23 you if don't have free rexo your screwed
Decaying CEP so you have to gain atleast 15k cep a week
Remove BFRs/Galaxy gunships/Flailsumm tone them down don't remove them
Give XP for assisting in kills outside of squads (including XP based on damage dealt) yeah like assist xp that's better
Begin fixing a number of in-game bugs.keep a lot of bugs like router
Better in-game tutorialsthe offline one is better then online one
Increase size of bases
- Bases were rather tight, being just slightly larger would still keep bases defensible without the tightness.widen them by 4 squares would make it so two or 3 ppl can run in a hallway
Rebalance Max units
- Reduce TTK vs infantry on AV/AA Max unitstake away ap weapons and use have regular bullets do the damage
- Combine max suit timers into 1 suityes!!!!!!
- Allow freely switching of max weaponsummm have av main and ai second
- Reduce max suit cert cost. 7 certs for all 3 is good deal
- Prevent max units from using using specific implants (Dark light/Pshield).ummm dl is needed for maxes but pshield cant be used
- Make max unit armor function as normal the bullets thing
- Disallow maxes from using abilities/implants while auto-running.only one that works right is darklight
- Add a resource (either stamina/unique energy cost) to auto-running in maxsthat's like surge
- Reduce AOE damage dealt by AV maxes, goal being in mind to reduce accidental suicide from CQC against infantry/maxes. If not that, consider adding a 4th type of max weapon. A Anti-Max type weapon, but non-explosive. ummm aoe should be taken down for friendly not enemy
Rebalance Aircraft
- This would take some debate and careful workkeep it the same I hate ps2 planes... but increase the turn speed
Rebalance Viruses
- Make viruses last less time (Especially NTU virusesonly lord zotz stays the same
- Rework radar disabledif u have audio amp it works
- Viruses should be cleansed if the person who set the virus leaves the SOIbut the death of them could screw that up
- Virusing CE should permanently (until cleansed) disable the CE/Wall Turretsit shouldn't attack you when u spawn
- Buff the TRek's ranged function
- Consider combining T-Rek/Normal rek (allowing you too not have to carry 2 of them if you have it certed)
^^^^^^^^^^ better choice or have cud with that also
Rebalance in-game weapons
- Cycler needs to be brought up to par with other ESMAcycle is worse then mcg that should be fixed
- Striker needs several fixes to keep it on par with the lancer. Name projectile speed and reload animationstriker needs to do more dmg but reload is fine
- Phoenix make closer to PS2 Pheonixneeds more dmg since it takes longer to use and cant move with it
- Lasher could be made easier to use. A slighty tighter COF at it's widest edges would make it more useable during sustained fighting.yes but increase the dmg by maybe 5-7% more
- Scatmax, remove it's primary and tertiary fire mods.its fine. since u still have to hit the person. and tight fires to slow
- Sparrow could use some buffs to bring it up to par.its the worst aa max needs to lock on faster
- Remove jackhammer tripleshot (useless in it's current state)or go back to instakill at pointblank
Rebalance CE
- Remove upgraded AA/Spitfire turretscerb are fine they don't do much dmg
- Combine Assault/Fortication CE into one 3 point cert.4 certs is better
- Remove placing spitfires in enemy SOI'sidk why they allowed that at all
- Fix sensor disruptor fields to being spherical and not cylindrical should have them be placed inside the base not the outside
Buff AMS engine horsepower
Consider shrinking AMS size and allowing galaxies to carry an AMS with themthen lodestar is gone...?
Enhance the speed at which bases repair themselves when not actively being attacked. The goal in mind here is to help prevent mass base draining by a single repairing turrets?
Rebalance implants (there are some more radical changes that would need som discussion.
- Remove personal shield/second windsecond wind takes over 4 mins to get sooo........
- Consider adding passive/active functions to all implants
- Audio Amp should drain stamina quicker while active. Passive mode would grant let you hear footsteps from further out. Prevent from being used in vehiclesits op anyway
- Enhanced Targeting. Passive same as always. Active any proposals?that's should be made free at br1
- Advanced Regneration. Passively restore HP at a slow rate outside of combat. Active will be a much faster HP restore at the cost of stamina.
- Range magnifier. Passive same. Active proposals?who uses this dumb implants
- Darklight. Prevent from being active in maxsuits/vehicles. Increase charge up time. Passive propsals?it should stay the same
- Sensor shield. Silent footstep passively. Actively prevent radar signature from showing. needs to work better with radar in mossies
Improved sniping mechanicsthe cof is fine but the fire and zero cof when u reload needs to be fixed
Rebalance Grenade/grenade launchers
- Remove explode on impact for frags/plasmashow would u hit some1 then?
- Buff thumper/punisher plasmapunisher needs 3 rounds. and thumper needs 9
Hmmm... there's probably more, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.good ideas check a look at mine maybe we can see in the middle of that and get the community to see it
2014-05-29, 08:08 PM
I sort of have to disagree on removing BFR options.
BFR's were liked for a majority of reasons, them being:
1: Customizability.
2: Mobility
3: Morale
4: Power
5: It's a friggin' mech.
6: It had a variety of tactical or useful capabilities.
7: More Resilient than other vehicles due to its shield that could be periced by some weaponry
8: You acctually have to earn the damn thing
2014-05-29, 09:08 PM
Wow, I typed out an enormous reply, but PSU logged me out and I lost it. Little bit fucking lame.
2014-05-29, 09:11 PM
I sort of have to disagree on removing BFR options.
BFR's were liked for a majority of reasons, them being:
1: Customizability.
2: Mobility
3: Morale
4: Power
5: It's a friggin' mech.
6: It had a variety of tactical or useful capabilities.
7: More Resilient than other vehicles due to its shield that could be periced by some weaponry
8: You acctually have to earn the damn thing
I'll start with this one.
1. Then we can work on making vehicles more customizable, no reason to keep the BFR just because of that.
2. Plently of vehicles are mobile
3. No
4. Tanks have power.
5. Not a valid reason
6. So do every other vehicle in the game, BFR's encroach upon the niche of a well established vehicle
7. Yes, the weapons that can pierce it take forever to kill it.
8. Silly mechanic
I would be alright with keeping BFR's if the shield was removed and the armor was buffed. AND the Flight variant was removed. Remove the AA/AI weapons while you're at it.
2014-05-30, 02:33 AM
good ideas check a look at mine maybe we can see in the middle of that and get the community to see it
Try to keep your replys out of the quote box.
1. Thanks for reminding me, remove free rexo.
2. 15k CEP decay a week might not be quite what we're looking for. There would need to be a timer before decay begins to occur since your last base capture. Fast enough that you could keep CR5 permanently but not slow enough that you could have a whole squad of CR5's.
3. You can't really tone down BFR's/GG's/Flails without making them useless. That's just the kind of vehicles they are. Game would just be better off without them
4. As far as bugs are concerned, it would be better just to fix as many as possible to prevent abuse.
5. Max armor - I'm fine with either making it so normal bullets apply damage to max units. But my goal was have it so that max's take HP damage and not just armor damage. The idea is that someone can't use a max suit with 1 HP and therefore get a free card to life.
6. My concept would be the max suit is 3 cert points. Additional weapons cost 1 point each, and you must purchase the AA weapon before the AI weapon. This would make it a 5 point cert. I think 7 cert points would be too expensive.
7. Max units don't need darklight. Cloakers already don't have any tools to really deal with them except for hoping they stand still long enough to be boomered twice.
8. Yes, a resource for max auto run would make it like surge. Finding a sweet spot for how long they could run would be the difficult part.
9. AOE from max units doesn't need to be outright taken away, the goal is to simply make it so that they're better suited for CQC combat.
10. Aircraft as they are in PS1 are simply too powerful without many downsides. The fact that they're so powerful is why the game is flooded with a ridiculous amount of AA. Rebalancing aircraft would allow us to remove some of the excessive AA tools and better balance other tools in the game.
11. Radar virus rework - I'm not sure if you're saying AA currently works in disabled radar virus (which I know it doesn't), or if you're suggesting that be the rework. That is a possiblity, but I think more could be done with it.
12. As far as losing the virus upon leaving the SOI, if you don't have a spawn point in the SOI then you've probably already lost the base. This actually gives me a good idea though. A rework of how the respawn system works, I'll explain at the bottom
13. I feel pretty strongly about simply making it so that virused CE simply is disabled permanently or under the same conditions as base viruses (leaving the vicinity removes the virus) .
14. I think CUD and REK should stay seperate tools personally.
15. Striker damage is a possible fix. But I would prefer faster projectiles. Also, the reload animation is not fine. When you reload it blocks the middle of your screen, it actually breaks your missile lock.
16. Phoenix's issue isn't it's damage. Faster projectile speed, and allowing you to get out of camera mode/reload without exploding the rocket would be good starts to give it better useability.
17. Lasher's damage isn't an issue, it already deals more damage than MCG.
18. instakills on a weapon that already excels at shortrange is silly, no.
19. On cerb turrets, I wasn't just talking about them. I'm talking about removing all upgraded spits + AA wall turrets. Reworking aircraft would allow us to remove the rather excessive amount of AA that exists.
20. 3 Certs is fine for the a combined Fort + Assault CE without upgraded spits in enemy SOI's + upgraded AA wall turrets. On that note Assault turrets need a buff.
21. Sensor disruptors indoors would be ridiculously op
22. No, lodestar still would serve a purpose of moving absolutely enormous vehicles + providing a strong repairing station. When was the last time you've even seen someone carry an AMS in a lodestar?
23. Second wind still goes against the original premise of a BR 1 being able to defeat a max BR with equal footing.
24. Hence why I suggested increasing stamina drain on audio amp. Not that it's OP just too good not to use.
25. I don't see why it should be free at BR 1. ET That is.
26. That's why I'm suggesting to buff those implants to make them worth using.
27. Darklight should definitely not stay the same. Increasing the charge up time to the same as sensor shield would put cloakers on a more even footing with darklight users. Preventing it's use in vehicles/maxs actually gives them a chance to avoid them.
28. Sensor shield works fine inside mosquito radar unless you take damage.
29. You would hit someone by physics. Bounce it. Removing explode on impact prevents players from cheesing with and just firing at other players feet.
30. Punisher/Thumper ammo capacity really isn't a problem. Plasma from those weapons is useless in comparison to frags.
2014-05-30, 06:56 AM
If we're going to do a continental map, I would suggest removing the rotating geowarps and fixing them in place, bring back old Oshur using this lattice setup: ( (
In this setup, all continent links can be easily rotated, you have three home continents and campaigning is easy. Events could be done by linking one of the home continent links to one of the battle islands and removing the other three from the lattice for a short time.
As I recall, everyone liked it back then, even Beady was considering implementing it before he left SOE.
2014-05-30, 06:57 AM
Some other things would be designing bases around the holes in the map (since we couldn't edit the maps without having to re-seed all the trees due to lack of a proper editer, but we can edit the objects on the map).
Some other things for caves and battle islands:
Battle Islands:
Change BI rules to the standard rules.
At minimum:
- Add Skyguard to cave vehicle spawn list
Though preferably:
- Remove all aircraft from caves. Caves without Mossie farming would be fun. With Mossie farming it's just an annoying campfest all the time.
- Redesign Redoubt, Mod and AT buildings to provide less exposed and disconnected ways to get to the top.
2014-05-30, 07:17 AM
I'll start with this one.
1. Then we can work on making vehicles more customizable, no reason to keep the BFR just because of that. And yet you complain it has no established role.
2. Plently of vehicles are mobile Not to the extent of the BFR
3. No Yes
4. Tanks have power. So do aircraft. And infantry. And mechs.
5. Not a valid reason It kinda is.
6. So do every other vehicle in the game, BFR's encroach upon the niche of a well established vehicle Yes, all vehicles have a tactical use, but none are as adaptable or flexible as the BFR. The BFR is prehaps the one who can opt to do one job really well, or tackle multiple jobs at less effectivity.
7. Yes, the weapons that can pierce it take forever to kill it. That's why you aim for the shield gen. This is a TEAM game we're talking.
8. Silly mechanic So that means Certs and taking bases are also silly mechanics.
I would be alright with keeping BFR's if the shield was removed That's the entire point of it. No shield = weaker than a lightning. and the armor was buffed. And get rid of a unique concept? AND the Flight variant was removed. I'm sorry, I'm busy jumping over your head and raining death down upon you. Sorry you're butthurt and can't counter it. Remove the AA/AI weapons while you're at it. So basically just a reskin of the ES Tank? No thank you.
Honestly. Stop breaking something further.
We're obviously never going to agree on these things. Split it into two servers, Those who want everything in CC and BFR, and those who don't.
2014-05-30, 07:39 AM
SArais, the BFRs never really worked BECAUSE they did something different from the other vehicles to the point it was hamfested in. That isn't an Unique Selling Point when their uniqueness breaks gameplay for other things.
If you change the rules for BFR to be more like the other vehicles, just with different stats, then they'd always been fine.
You're actually using "Sorry, but I want my I-win-button" as an argument. If that's the extend of your argument, you have no place in any discussion about balancing, because you're not interested in balance, just in pwning people.
In a MMO, you don't add I-Win buttons to pwn people. This isn't a single player game where you as an individual have to be glorified. Your personal interests aren't more important than the interests of other players. As long as you can't see that, you're not someone who can be reasoned with, or should be argued with. If your entire argument is about self-interest at the expense of others, you're just going to be ignored by people with an interest in the gameplay of everyone.
So suit yourself. Either you compromise and discuss constructively, or you'd get yourself ostracized automatically.
2014-05-30, 09:50 AM
Honestly. Stop breaking something further.
We're obviously never going to agree on these things. Split it into two servers, Those who want everything in CC and BFR, and those who don't.
1. Go back and actually read what I posted. Because it wasn't that.
2. False.
3. No, "Morale" doesn't make fucking sense, it's not a valid reason for BFR's being a good idea.
4. So I'm glad that we established that your 4th point isn't really a reason at all
5. No, no it isn't.
6. Thank you for pointing exactly what the problem is. Being a jack of all trades is not a good thing for the game. That's why BR40 was such a terrible concept.
7. By the time you've broken the shield generator, the BFR's teammates should have killed you. See I can use the team argument too.
8. No, that's not even close to the same thing. Good try though.
BFR's don't have a place in Planetside. If you want to go play mechs, they have multiple mech based games out right now.
When you try to do player balance. Fun in using something is a must, but not just that, it needs to be fun to play against. BFR's are anything but fun to play against, they're the 3rd most annoying thing in Planetside in it's current state. Their needs to be decent counterplay. The methods of killing a BFR efficiently ultimately only exist under 2 conditions. Retarded BFR pilots and solo BFR pilots. Solo BFR pilots fit under the 1st category. So dumbass BFR's who forget that being in a group essentially makes them only kill able by greatly superior numbers or a really well placed
2014-05-30, 10:25 AM
as you can see by the posts here that trying to "modify" PS for everyone is never going to work.
this BFR shit is pure crap, its one of the additions to PS that did the most to kill the game off and we still have ppl making the same stupid arguments that were made back when BFR's were just a twinkle in some dev's eyes.
if you want Mech warrior then go play it and leave PS alone PLZ
2014-05-30, 11:12 AM
Trust me this is a bad idea. Besides the fact that it is pointless, it will divide the community. Look at Quake/CS in their respected primes. Quake 3 had CPMa(best)/vq3/osp/ra3/Freezetag/insta/.... list goes on. CounterStrike had 1.everything till 1.6 was established competitive mode. All these community splits were based off of minor changes.
We're obviously never going to agree on these things. Split it into two servers, Those who want everything in CC and BFR, and those who don't.
Oh God, it's happening! This kind of attitude split the quake/CS communities, two games with a much, much bigger playerbase. IF Planetside were to ever released as an Open source, we need 1 server. Anymore would cause everything to fail.
2014-05-30, 12:10 PM
Babyfark McGeez
2014-05-30, 12:34 PM
As i wrote earlier in this thread, i don't think it's a good idea to fiddle with the mechanics too much. Especially since nobody seems to agree on what would be the best "fiddling".
Fixing the bugs (maybe old br cap and pre-bending world ontop of it and a poll on BFRs) are all very basic things that most people seem to agree on. Anything further will just end up fracturing the small playerbase we got. Two servers would mean two empty servers.
Also once again, i don't see PS1 going open source happening. I would love that, sure, but making it completely free was allready beyond my expectations from a major studio like SOE.
2014-05-30, 01:21 PM
Not really. The analogy is bad and you should feel bad.
2014-05-30, 03:42 PM
Not really. The analogy is bad and you should feel bad.
Actually, I found Angel's analogy perfect. This is why I fear the next Unreal Tournament will have trouble.
For those who don't know the next Unreal Tournament will be community made, if it interests you read here
2014-05-30, 03:47 PM
Some other things for caves and battle islands:
Battle Islands:
Change BI rules to the standard rules.
I'm sorry, but no. I actually like the fact that you can't use HA weapons on the Battle Islands. Keeps the playing field even. There are some balancing issues to be sure, but your suggestion would basically force everyone to cert HA through meta-game. Not cool.
Though preferably:
- Remove all aircraft from caves. Caves without Mossie farming would be fun. With Mossie farming it's just an annoying campfest all the time.
I'm a little annoyed that you said this while saying what i quoted above it. I do agree with you, though. Aircraft (Reavers especially) tend to make it impossible to actually explore/fight in the caves.
2014-05-30, 05:12 PM
I'm sorry, but no. I actually like the fact that you can't use HA weapons on the Battle Islands. Keeps the playing field even. There are some balancing issues to be sure, but your suggestion would basically force everyone to cert HA through meta-game. Not cool.
I understand your concerns and while I prefered it myself (my K/D shot up since I only use Sweeper anyway), It was a problematic set of arbitrary rules that made a lot of players unwilling to go there, especially a set of these islands in a row (next to enemies not turning up for defense of the next island due to spawn rule reasons throwing people back to sanctuary).
Thing is, the BI's were poorly designed and implemented. You'll notice that in the post above, the BI's become vital links in the defense of a Sanctuary as a third home continent and a central continent next to Searhus.
For these reasons, you would require continuity, which in cave fights you do not.
2014-05-30, 06:15 PM
1: get the caves working again. No aircraft in caves (because, you know, they're CAVES! Or at least make aircraft use the geowarp to get into one).
2: Balance BFR's (And obviously, get CC working and free). Don't nerf shield but give it a weaker one maybe? Obviously other stuff to balance them more.
3: Anything to stop the damn hackers ruining the fun. It's getting out of hand. I can't leave a spawn room without dying these days.
4: People tend to just waltz to a base from towers and forget to get vehicles from a base. So something to encourage people to do that more would be nice.
Haven't been around long enough to come up with lattice ideas.
And that's it. I want Planetside and I want caves and I want it hacker free and good fights with vehicles/armies. With people using cover and moving as teams (which they do. That alone makes me like it more then PS2). No need to mess around with every little thing to get the game shining.
2014-05-30, 08:49 PM
Actually, I found Angel's analogy perfect. [/url]
It's not.
Step 1. Is the content fun to play with?
Step 2. Is the content fun to play against?
Step 3. If not yes to 1 or 2, then don't add it.
Welcome to basically everything I was talking about.
2014-05-30, 08:51 PM
All I'm seeing from you BFR-Bashing lot is a bunch of whiney little kids going "WAAAAAAAAAAH I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!"
Maybe if you acctually used the things you'd understand.
Just because there's mechs in a game does not make it mechwarrior.
It wasn't because of BFR or CC that planetside was/is dying
It's because of the community being toxic as all hell.
Could lose a finger in here or something.
No, seriously. You're getting up there with the Sonic and C&C franchise fanbases.
Get along, and discuss how to IMPROVE things in-game, not remove them outright or anything they entail outright.
And no, your "br40" excuse is meaningless. The player is customizable and can do many roles. The BFRs compliment this perfectly.
I do not want an "I-Win" button. I want something that a good portion of the playerbase wants back. BFRs are not I WIN. They're about as I WIN as MCGs and JHs.
Only 2-5 people I've run into have been against BFRs and CC in their entirety.
If you want to bitch about something that clearly improves the game, that's fine. but we're probably not going to bother with you.
The reason the game died out stemmed from the fact that people who didn't get the CC expansion were fucked over and didn't get anything out of it. This was changed to be free. Then came BFRs being "OP" (Instead of, you know, working together to counter and kill it), it was nerfed to be weaker than a lightning without its shield.
When you say "jack of all trades is bad for the game", please go look at players with one of each of the following, as an example:
1: CUD
2: Heavy Weapon
3: Rocket Launcher of some manner
4: Medtool
5: Bank
6: REK
8: Grenades
I could go on.
My point being, if BFRs and CC were availible at the start of this game's life, nobody would bat an eye.
2014-05-30, 08:56 PM
Go play mechwarrior somewhere else. It's a pretty well established fact that the game began to die because of the introduction of BFR's and SOE's slow ass response in balancing them out.
Thing is, you can't balance out things vehicles like that. They're either going to be too powerful or fucking useless. They need a fucking massive rework if you really want to keep them in the game in a way that makes them both fun to play, and fun to play against.
Jack of all trades goes against the original premise of the game. BR40 is a pretty good analogy with the subject.
2014-05-30, 09:01 PM
Go play mechwarrior somewhere else. It's a pretty well established fact that the game began to die because of the introduction of BFR's and SOE's slow ass response in balancing them out.
Thing is, you can't balance out things vehicles like that. They're either going to be too powerful or fucking useless. They need a fucking massive rework if you really want to keep them in the game in a way that makes them both fun to play, and fun to play against.
Jack of all trades goes against the original premise of the game. BR40 is a pretty good analogy with the subject.
Oh wow, looks like someone didn't read my post at all.
"Well established fact" By who? You and the other elitist vanilla-only vets? Please.
Instead of coming up with a decent or reasonable comeback, you simply go "QQQQQQQQQ" instead. How laughable
This is why SOE left. Our toxicity.
"jack of all trades goes against the game" See above with the example.
Rework them then. Overhaul them. It's what everyone else does with other games.
Honestly this is just a ludicrous argument that gets nowhere.
I have high dedication for Planetside. and to see such incessant and ostentatiously obscene fighting over a problem that could be fixed without resorting to drastic measures somewhat saddens me.
2014-05-30, 09:50 PM
Oh wow, looks like someone didn't read my post at all.
"Well established fact" By who? You and the other elitist vanilla-only vets? Please.
Instead of coming up with a decent or reasonable comeback, you simply go "QQQQQQQQQ" instead. How laughable
This is why SOE left. Our toxicity.
"jack of all trades goes against the game" See above with the example.
Rework them then. Overhaul them. It's what everyone else does with other games.
Honestly this is just a ludicrous argument that gets nowhere.
I have high dedication for Planetside. and to see such incessant and ostentatiously obscene fighting over a problem that could be fixed without resorting to drastic measures somewhat saddens me.
Yes, edit your post the same time I post my reply, it's not a huge shock that I might have missed some. Though I addressed everything before you started talking about "I win buttons", the BFR used to be one, this isn't something that can be argued about old BFRs were horribly broken and made using tanks a pointless endeavor in futility while being unkillable without overwhelming it with numbers. Now it's been nerfed to be just so it's an annoying waste of resources on the battlefield that's way too difficult to kill without using way more firepower than should be necessary, assuming it isn't a stupid BFR pilot.
No, graphical data has been presented in the past. Figment probably still has it saved somewhere. Shows that a massive population drop occurs shortly (within months) after the date that BFR's are introduced.
SOE didn't leave because of toxicity, but keep telling yourself that. If they did, that makes them an awful company (they are an awful company still though)
Jack of all trades go against the original premise of the game. This is a fact, it's not something that can be argued about. IF you actually paid any attention to my posts. I've already recommended removal of free rexo, and reducing cert points back down to 20-23 levels. As well as decaying CEP to keep people working to keep their Command rank.
Reworking them. Remove flight variant, remove shields, buff armor, reduce shaking, have jammers affect them like any other vehicle. Remove AA/AI main pilot weapons, more variety in gunner weapons.
Edit = I have found the link, but it's currently down. So I will look for an archived link.
After the introduction of BFR's the response was immediate, they were too powerful. They made outfits that specialized in tanks more or less useless. SOE begins to slowly tweak them. They were introduced in late 2004, with it taking around a year to get to where it is now. The population slowly starts to drop off, and suffers a massive drop starting in somewhere around march of 2005.
Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying that BFR's are the only reason Planetside ended up in this state. But they're one of the biggest reasons. That along side a massive of bugs that never get fixed, and slow responses from SOE ustomer service eventually lead to the game becoming what it is.
2014-05-30, 10:10 PM
It's not.
Step 1. Is the content fun to play with?
Step 2. Is the content fun to play against?
Step 3. If not yes to 1 or 2, then don't add it.
Welcome to basically everything I was talking about.
Seriously, why can't you comprehend this. Just because your ideas are different, does not make them "correct". While I agree with most of you opinions, who are we to decide what is right.
Let's look at your steps from two perspectives, about BFR's, shall we ?
Perspective #1 let's call him xSAraisx to keep an anonymous form.
Step 1. Are BFR's fun to play with? YES
Step 2. Are BFR's fun to play against. YES (while I'm assuming yes, he's implied at least once that it is possible to beat, so fair assumption.)
Step 3. If not yes to 1 or 2, then don't add it. Well by xSArais's standpoint, keep BFR's in the game.
Perspective #2 keeping with the anonymous format, let's call him xEffectivex
Step 1. Are BFR's fun to play with? NO
Step 2. Are BFR's fun to play against? NO
Step 3. If not yes to 1 or 2, then don't add it. Well by xEffective's standpoint, get rid of BFR's completely.
Now do you see the issue? You're assuming that your view is 100% correct, and while I agree with it, we cannot assume everyone will be okay with this.
Nitpicking, or removing/altering certain things will cause a split in the community. See my quotes below.
Trust me this is a bad idea. Besides the fact that it is pointless, it will divide the community. Look at Quake/CS in their respected primes. Quake 3 had CPMa(best)/vq3/osp/ra3/Freezetag/insta/.... list goes on. CounterStrike had 1.everything till 1.6 was established competitive mode. All these community splits were based off of minor changes.
We're obviously never going to agree on these things. Split it into two servers, Those who want everything in CC and BFR, and those who don't.
Oh God, it's happening! This kind of attitude split the quake/CS communities, two games with a much, much bigger playerbase. IF Planetside were to ever released as an Open source, we need 1 server. Anymore would cause everything to fail.
2014-05-30, 10:13 PM
Seriously, why can't you comprehend this. Just because your ideas are different, does not make them "correct". While I agree with most of you opinions, who are we to decide what is right.
Let's look at your steps from two perspectives, about BFR's, shall we ?
Perspective #1 let's call him xSAraisx to keep an anonymous form.
Step 1. Are BFR's fun to play with? YES
Step 2. Are BFR's fun to play against. YES (while I'm assuming yes, he's implied at least once that it is possible to beat, so fair assumption.)
Step 3. If not yes to 1 or 2, then don't add it. Well by xSArais's standpoint, keep BFR's in the game.
Perspective #2 keeping with the anonymous format, let's call him xEffectivex
Step 1. Are BFR's fun to play with? NO
Step 2. Are BFR's fun to play against? NO
Step 3. If not yes to 1 or 2, then don't add it. Well by xEffective's standpoint, get rid of BFR's completely.
Now do you see the issue? You're assuming that your view is 100% correct, and while I agree with it, we cannot assume everyone will be okay with this.
Nitpicking, or removing/altering certain things will cause a split in the community. See my quotes below.
Nope, pretty sure my Ideas are correct. BFR's are fun to fight if you're a masochist I guess.
There's more than 3 steps ultimately, but that was an extremely simplified form.
2014-05-30, 10:53 PM
All I'm seeing from you BFR-Bashing lot is a bunch of whiney little kids going "WAAAAAAAAAAH I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!"
Funny, that's what we read in your posts.
But if that is truly what you think is being said, you're comprehensive reading skills need some work. :|
Trying to do away with a list of practical arguments as whining is just pathetic. You're not making yourself heard here. Especially not since you're not open to any form of compromise, not open to any change to BFRs yourself (hypocritical, but worse, it's still all due to admitted ego-centric argumentation of what you personally want, with complete disregard for others who "must adapt or die". Using that type of argument alone means you lost all credibility), nor do you even remotely accept nor respect that people simply don't like the implementations of BFRs thusfar (and the original in particular) and you behave incredibly insulting.
Your claims that you only ran into 2-5 people that disliked BFRs is ridiculous, considering my entire outfit of 120 people is against them and refuses to operate them, save one person. And apparently you're selectively blind to the hundreds of posts of people leaving over BFRs not getting nerfed or removed. I expressly recall loads of furious tank, buggy and ground transport players demanding huge nerfs (especially to the FV variant and solo variants), within months, or they'd leave, giving SOE the benefit of the doubt. After two months, some fixes were made. This was FAR too late and the pops had dropped to a point where natural attrition of players would eventually make it die, since there was no marketing campaign to get new players in, players that left told other people not to join due to BFRs and SOE was distracted by EverQuest II, because just as everyone was getting mighty pissed off at the BFRs, World of Warcraft came out.
Apparently, you didn't notice the player statistics playing dropped by around 50% in two months upon the introduction of BFRs and dropped by approximately 75% in the months following, with the population only stabilising, but never recovering, let alone rising, after the BFRs got nerfed.
BFRs were simply unwanted. Deal with it. You, as a regular user, are one of the few people with an extremely favourable bias to them to the point you'll rub it in to others that you could beat them.
If you think the BFR is comparable to a jackhammer or MCG, then you're an absolute idiot who due to pink goggles didn't see how strongly a group of BFRs would completely remove any dynamic flow from the battle and would cause camping on bases and considerably worse boring stalemates in outdoor play, where a lot of units that required more teamwork than BFRs became simply unviable over night. The MCG or JH never made the Sweeper, Gauss or Cycler redundant, nor did they stop these from being competitive.
Babyfark McGeez
2014-05-30, 11:09 PM
I never really had a problem with BFRs, and at the time it was the only mmofps that had them...ok it was the only mmofps period. I also liked old oshur and at the same time like the new rules, just not the blocky islands.
But you see, that's the problem here, we all played this game for a long time, most of you probably more then me, so we all have special attachments or special dislikes to certain aspects and elements.
Condensing all those different opinions (and the ones on here are just some of them) into one concept and ruleset for a Ps server would be extremely difficult when you start messing with the details.
Which is why i say keep it as simple and "default" as possible. That being said i wouldn't start a campaign for BFRs if they should stay in VR.
Now SOE, where is our source code? Internet law demands you give us a try.
Also, what really sometimes annoys me about this BFR debate; There is allways this weird conclusion being made by people who really, really dislike BFRs, that no FPS game ever should have them - or atleast no planetside game. Now by all means, don't get me wrong, the dislike for BFRs itself is completely reasonable in my opinion after the first introduction of them into Ps1.
But the conclusion that because of the way they worked back then they therefore can never be implemented again is, quite honestly, ludicrous. With some creative thinking and simple number tweaking they could fit in without a problem. Just replace their guns with emp thumpers, problem solved.
In the end it's simply a question of aesthetics: do you like a mech in your fps or not. And i do.
2014-05-30, 11:18 PM
Nope, pretty sure my Ideas are correct. BFR's are fun to fight if you're a masochist I guess.
There's more than 3 steps ultimately, but that was an extremely simplified form.
Honestly, BFR's killed this game, yes. However, that is because of how they were when they were released. BFR's haven't been OP since they were first nerf'd whenever that happened. People left because of OP BFR's but they've been fine for years.
2014-05-30, 11:46 PM
I never really had a problem with BFRs, and at the time it was the only mmofps that had them...ok it was the only mmofps period. I also liked old oshur and at the same time like the new rules, just not the blocky islands.
But you see, that's the problem here, we all played this game for a long time, most of you probably more then me, so we all have special attachments or special dislikes to certain aspects and elements.
Condensing all those different opinions (and the ones on here are just some of them) into one concept and ruleset for a Ps server would be extremely difficult when you start messing with the details.
Which is why i say keep it as simple and "default" as possible. That being said i wouldn't start a campaign for BFRs if they should stay in VR.
Now SOE, where is our source code? Internet law demands you give us a try.
Also, what really sometimes annoys me about this BFR debate; There is allways this weird conclusion being made by people who really, really dislike BFRs, that no FPS game ever should have them - or atleast no planetside game. Now by all means, don't get me wrong, the dislike for BFRs itself is completely reasonable in my opinion after the first introduction of them into Ps1.
But the conclusion that because of the way they worked back then they therefore can never be implemented again is, quite honestly, ludicrous. With some creative thinking and simple number tweaking they could fit in without a problem. Just replace their guns with emp thumpers, problem solved.
In the end it's simply a question of aesthetics: do you like a mech in your fps or not. And i do.
Honestly, BFR's killed this game, yes. However, that is because of how they were when they were released. BFR's haven't been OP since they were first nerf'd whenever that happened. People left because of OP BFR's but they've been fine for years.
Yes, the original implementation of BFRs being OP when first released is likely a game killer (But honestly, what's worse, BFRs or Hackers?) They were nerfed and people complained they were nerfed. There's no winning on the subject.
Anyone I've seen who's actually had hands on one immediately grew attached to them.
We atleast need to ask Twitch if he intended to fix CC+BFR.
Sadly it seems unlikely, but atleast he fixed our Cyssor bug, and for that we should repay him somehow.
I just wish some errant thing happened (Like PS2 shutting down) and PS1 came back to its glory days, which I never experienced
My only regret about Planetside is not joining sooner.
I look at BFR's objectively, and I'm not seeing a problem here. I'm really not. It's much like people reacting to swear words. They're not bad, it's just people's reactions to them that have made them bad.
Also, what are you talking about? EMPs -do- work on BFRs. if not even more effectively than normal vehicles.
Effect, that's called an opinion.
2014-05-31, 12:16 AM
Honestly, BFR's killed this game, yes. However, that is because of how they were when they were released. BFR's haven't been OP since they were first nerf'd whenever that happened. People left because of OP BFR's but they've been fine for years.
Fine as in it not broken firepower, but not fine in that they're still incredibly annoying to deal with if the pilot isn't pants on head retarded. There really isn't a way to kill someone who uses a BFR in a intelligent fashion (stay in groups, far enough apart to avoid being OS'd close enough to provide cover fire against infantry/anyone trying to hit shield generators).
A really big part of the problem is the shield and flight variants, removal of these would go a long way towards getting BFR's in a spot that they actually become fun to play against.
And no, Jammers don't not work more effectively against BFR's. Yes, it reduces movement speed and refire rate. However, when you hit a regular vehicle with a jammer, it stops them from firing period. Hitting them with a second jammer refreshes the timer on the vehicle being jammed.
Hitting a BFR with a second or third jammer has never worked properly. You have to wait for it to become unjammed first, then hit it with another jammer.
If SOE sees a thread with 3 pages of agreement and consensus then maybe, maybe, they might act. But if they see a thread with 3 pages of non-consensus and disagreement then they wont touch it.
2014-05-31, 01:04 AM
If SOE sees a thread with 3 pages of agreement and consensus then maybe, maybe, they might act. But if they see a thread with 3 pages of non-consensus and disagreement then they wont touch it.
They're not going to act either way.
2014-05-31, 01:09 AM
Some stuff.
I really feel like I mislead you with my post. I'm simply playing devil's advocate as I believe you're not arguing correct. BFR's DO fill a roll already filled by tanks. BFR's ARE what killed this game. BFR's ARE hated by the vast majority of current/past players.
I feel figgy (<3) did a great job at explaining why BFR's killed the game, but I'll explain my take on it. I was around pre-BFR's. When the announcement was made about them, SOE hyped them up to unbelievable lengths. However, they were not implemented correctly. When BFR's first were unveiled they were completely unstoppable, a horrible player could get 100 kills before they died. Also, they were EVERYWHERE, everyone and their brother went and certed BFR to try them out. As figgy stated, everyone quit. Pops never recovered, and this is the moment, where I consider, Planetside starting to die. (with the lower pops created a whole new gameplay that isn't how Planetside, in my humble opinion, is meant to be played.)
Once you got the flight variant of BFR's you could fill a role, that required 2 skilled tank occupants (3 if TR) to achieve. It took the aspects of teamwork and communication, in the armor fights, completely out of the picture.
That being said, BFR's in their nerfed state, do not hurt the game as much, they do still hurt the tank game, (but meh that hasn't been a roll since, you guessed it, BFR's were first implemented) BFR's killed the game in two ways. #1) see my aforementioned point, and #2) all new players were constantly told "BFR's suck ect ect" from us who were around when they did kill the game.
My argument is that you cannot simply disable BFR's, it's either pre-bending 100% or post-bending 100% you cannot nitpick as this will divide the community.
As to your point about cyssor-wasp being fixed I'll quote my fellow werner vets in saying "bollox" I was instagibbed 3x in a mossie tonight by a wasp on cyssor. Nothing is fixed.
Sidenote: Wasp is another pathetic intrusion by SOE. "You can't dogfight? How sad, take this it'll make you good".
P.S. (can you sidenote and P.S. in one post idk but hey) Stop saying, "BFR's or hackers". If CC/BFR's were enabled currently, it would not stop hackers. That makes no sense, no p.o.s. is thinking "I'm ruining this dead game, because I can't run around in a cave with no one in it." Keep in mind, we are talking about this game on a private server, if this game ever get's open sourced, which I highly doubt (sadly).
Hitting a BFR with a second or third jammer has never worked properly. You have to wait for it to become unjammed first, then hit it with another jammer.
This times 1,000. I never understood why they didn't fix this. It was so annoying. Back when BFR's were rampant, I use to "BFR hunt" with deci's/jams in my kit and they would always escape with 25% health because my jam didn't work. Another "bravo" moment brought to you by Sony Online Entertainment.
They're not going to act either way.
I know ;) They already said there'd be no support. I'm just attesting to the fact that like most things in life, you generally need a consensus first before you see action.
2014-05-31, 03:13 AM
Actually, I found Angel's analogy perfect.
Thanks. It is actually a fake quote (that is even the wrong person pictured). I just believe that is what SOE does in general. If you had this kind of material, wouldn't you?
SOE's awesomeness aside. It all tends to be sketchy anyways (as I am completely baffled not one person mentioned fixing Stamina from my glancing... ugh), though I would enjoy a rebalanced PlanetSide 1 experience in all honesty.
2014-05-31, 05:27 AM
It was a problematic set of arbitrary rules that made a lot of players unwilling to go there
TRANSLATION: You weren't allowed to use HA, MBT's, or Reavers under any circumstance. These items are the lynchpin of just about every retard who plays/ed Planetside. Without them, the game becomes more cerebral and strategic. You'd actually have to THINK about what weapons are in your loadouts and what vehicles to use as your list of choices suddenly expanded through the non-use of general purpose kill-alls. In short, it was a place that spit in the face of the lowest common denominator of Planetside.
Thing is, the BI's were poorly designed and implemented.
Poorly implemented? Most likely. Poorly designed? I don't believe so and you've given no facts to prove otherwise at this point.
You'll notice that in the post above, the BI's become vital links in the defense of a Sanctuary as a third home continent and a central continent next to Searhus.
I'm fine with that. More avenues of attack/defense means more small-scale fights.
For these reasons, you would require continuity, which in cave fights you do not.
Caves, if used, add to the continuity of other fights through the use of modules. They provide a tangible secondary resource that is actually quite important.
2014-05-31, 11:13 AM
TRANSLATION: You weren't allowed to use HA, MBT's, or Reavers under any circumstance. These items are the lynchpin of just about every retard who plays/ed Planetside. Without them, the game becomes more cerebral and strategic. You'd actually have to THINK about what weapons are in your loadouts and what vehicles to use as your list of choices suddenly expanded through the non-use of general purpose kill-alls. In short, it was a place that spit in the face of the lowest common denominator of Planetside.
Less options, but with less competitive power gaps, you mean.
Basically what you're pointing out here is that you disagree with basic TTK and unit balance, and applaud a more level playing field through forcing people to use equipment that is directly on par (due to being the exact same). So not that the units would be available, but that individual skill becomes more prominent as everyone has to use the same things.
Poorly implemented? Most likely. Poorly designed? I don't believe so and you've given no facts to prove otherwise at this point.
I can give ample examples of that.
Nexus has too little cover on the approaches from the towers, making it easy to farm infantry that has to cross large amounts of open terrain. It's balanced in favour of the defender to such an agree that the defender is the only one with vehicles after a first wave of enemies is destroyed. This logistic issue makes people move to another fight relatively soon when attacking due to not liking being farmed. It is one of the favourite "farm here!" DSCs for that reason and has tremendous defensive power. This would be nice, if it were not part of a stringe of islands either. A vpad connected to some of the tower ownerships would have significantly improved Nexus (even if it would mean fights would last far longer).
Extinction had too high ravines and distances were too great and often farmable (especially for snipers). People didn't make use of the amphibious options because they simply overlooked them. Had everything been a bit closer together, it'd been better.
Desolation was good, though placement of the west base could have been a bit more southern to ensure slightly more equal distances between the bases.
Ascension lacked cover and the approach from the south east to Rashnu could have been far shorter, allowing it to actually be a more valid invasion route. Since it's a Bio Lab and you have to get up a steep cliff, it's already hard enough to get there. Again, all the "Top" towers could have been just a little bit closer to the bases to be useful for staging grounds of infantry attacks.
One of the big issues though is lack of Skyguard acquisition. As it always is. :/ That should just never have been bound to Tech, since Mosquitos are always available too (you need countermeasures and most players can only afford one form of AA).
Caves, if used, add to the continuity of other fights through the use of modules. They provide a tangible secondary resource that is actually quite important.
Not my point, my bad for poor phrasing though. I mean continuity in bringing forms of weapons from one to the next. If you want to break out of the suggested triangular lattice setup with BIs as a home continent, you'll have to break out to the next continent using the same vehicles you can get on the continent. Otherwise you add a logistical problem by forcing people to first fall back to sanctuary (which will mean these people will reconsider where they would be going next). While if you can just move through the warpgate, then everyone moves as a coherent group to the next area.
With caves, you don't really have that to the same degree since at the end of a cave fight, you're more likely to see people bring modules somewhere.
Although modules have been obsoleted with the cave lock system and module raiding been made rather low on a tactical and strategic level since people only placed modules at capitals.
Capitals are something we would have to see go too. I would state cavelocks should have to be removed as well, to put more emphasis on the module acquisition and escorting.
2014-06-01, 10:54 PM
BFRs can stay if the gunner and hopping variants are removed.
Flails serve no purpose.
Larger bases would be nice. I've always thought more of them should be dropship center size.
I also happen to think towers need to be reworked into either a more integral part of the base (like literally attached to the walls) or relegated to being outposts with no direct association with a base.
BR 20 should once again be the BR you stop gaining certs at. With a BR 25 cap for the armor visuals only.
CR abilities shouldn't be usable unless you are a squad leader. Including command chats.
The GG needs to be removed.
2014-06-02, 09:02 AM
BFRs can stay if the gunner and hopping variants are removed.
Gunner variant:
Shield removed
Reduce submerged penalty
Hitpoints akin to a Galaxy at 5000 (Vanguard: 4000hp ( main combat advantage over regular vehicles: ability to get up steep hills and cross through water. Should now be possible to take out by a good tank crew, yet have an advantage.
Jacking timer reduced
Pilot guns should have worse angles at the vehicle's legs.
Peregrine gunner's weapon reduced in alpha damage (more focus on the DoT effect from the generated bubble).
EMP works as usual, just disables weapons.
Shield removed
Individual hitboxes removed
Jacking timer reduced to 15 seconds
Hitpoints equivalent to a Magrider (Currently it is equivalent to Magrider at (3500), but with shield (+2500) it has more than a Galaxy, while the shield recharges). 3500 hitpoints for a solo vehicle? Come on. That's enough: Deliverer variants get 2500 and Lightnings 2000!
FV jump height reduced to wall height
Only one jump a minute capacitator
Standard EMP rules (no weapons / Flight capacitor built up jammed (paused))
Flails serve no purpose.
They do, they serve the purpose of area denial, but they're simply too good at it and too independent from other players.
Require an active Laze Pointer lock acquired from Flail, like a Router pad from a Router to designate Flail targets.
Each Laze Pointer only serves Flails that are within a 8m radius from the Flail who provided the Laze Pointer and are squaded (making them a single easy OS target).
Reduce rate of fire by 50%.
Larger bases would be nice. I've always thought more of them should be dropship center size.
I also happen to think towers need to be reworked into either a more integral part of the base (like literally attached to the walls) or relegated to being outposts with no direct association with a base.
I should see if I can find my outpost designs based on towers. Unfortunately any old forum posts have been destroyed as both the old PS1 forums and the PS idealabs forums are gone.
CR abilities shouldn't be usable unless you are a squad leader. Including command chats.
I would say squad leader, or top 5 positions in an outfit.
The GG needs to be removed.
Yes. >.>
2014-06-03, 03:31 AM
They do, they serve the purpose of area denial, but they're simply too good at it and too independent from other players.
Require an active Laze Pointer lock acquired from Flail, like a Router pad from a Router to designate Flail targets.
Each Laze Pointer only serves Flails that are within a 8m radius from the Flail who provided the Laze Pointer and are squaded (making them a single easy OS target).
Reduce rate of fire by 50%.
Disable greif point gain, lower friendly fire damage significantly. This could be done with other hillariously greif-machine things in the game, because there's always going to be SOME idiot running infront of a thumper
I should see if I can find my outpost designs based on towers. Unfortunately any old forum posts have been destroyed as both the old PS1 forums and the PS idealabs forums are gone.
I would say squad leader, or top 5 positions in an outfit.
Yes. >.>
THANK YOU for acctually suggesting a BFR rework. One that could work too. Also tossed in a smidgeon over the flail.
2014-06-03, 05:33 AM
That's what most of us have been doing since 2005, but we kinda gave up on it since SOE demanded the "unique gameplay" had to include shields. Just the regular AMP shields would have more than sufficed.
2014-06-03, 05:34 AM
Anyone else feel capital shields and rules need to go?
2014-06-03, 09:23 AM
Anyone else feel capital shields and rules need to go?
I sort of disagree on this. not entirely certain why.
2014-06-03, 11:40 AM
I sort of disagree on this. not entirely certain why.
When was the last time you had a good fight over a capital?
2014-06-03, 01:41 PM
Anyone else feel capital shields and rules need to go?
Not at all, I remember the days when every cont had a capital. Think it works better that way. However, remove the "no OS'ing CY of a capital" it makes no sense. Plus, I can't tell you how many times I managed to get outside as a cloaker, find ams with 30+ at it, pull out my little CUD and then get the "can't OS here bullshit."
2014-06-03, 02:54 PM
I can't come up with a single good reason to keep the shields to be honest:
1. It's used by Flails to camp bases on the other end of the map
2. Ruined module raiding because mods are virtually always safe
3. Forced the map flow on Amerish to either the outer ring or a ridiculously long LLU run
4. Made Thoth from a frontier base into an "ignore me" base.
5. Made Voltan into a "last stand farmfest", while allowing an empire to fully concentrate on Naum and Bitol at extremely long logistical nightmares for the enemy, forcing both enemies through the same route usualy.
6. Made Neit-Bel and Neit-Pwyll into one ways.
7. Anguta is extremely abusable with a Galaxy Gunship (and even without) at Ceryshen bridge to the point an already hard fight became impossible logistically from the north as Nerrivik was the only option left, far behind a Galaxy Gunship camped area.
8. And on all the other continents, it created such long distances to capture that third base, that it only caused enormous stalemates.
- Oro is already hard to take. With shield and without OS, it was almost impossible.
- Enkidu is an important stepping stone from Kusag and Akkan. Though the lattice before Enkidu (with Zaqar linked to Kusag) was better.
- Gunuku became a huge slugfest with only the island holder having a chance to cross over until the third empire would capture one of the bases on the other end (of course, mostly because too few people use amphibious Ground Transport vehicles too).
2014-06-03, 03:24 PM
Not at all, I remember the days when every cont had a capital. Think it works better that way. However, remove the "no OS'ing CY of a capital" it makes no sense. Plus, I can't tell you how many times I managed to get outside as a cloaker, find ams with 30+ at it, pull out my little CUD and then get the "can't OS here bullshit."
I agree,capital shields weren't ever a problem for us and I loved running that LLU on amerish and bringing up the shield on all the idiots
2014-06-03, 05:53 PM
Of course it isn't a "problem". Nobody ever defends them. So how can they be a "problem"? Aside from Flail campers, of course.
Since the capitals were introduced, I've not seen ONE fight over Verica. Not even ONE. Since March 2004. Not. Even. One.
THAT is the problem.
2014-06-03, 06:54 PM
Of course it isn't a "problem". Nobody ever defends them. So how can they be a "problem"? Aside from Flail campers, of course.
Since the capitals were introduced, I've not seen ONE fight over Verica. Not even ONE. Since March 2004. Not. Even. One.
THAT is the problem.
Dude, you should have played on Markov, we fought over every damn base on the map there back in the day, we also kept our caps modded up so ppl would leave our home conts alone.
the idea that you never fought over Verica is alien to me, we fought there all the time,even on Gemini,
hell we would lose the fight and then go run the Qumu LLU and clean out the base and resecure,I would get tells from Dart laughing about the stupid VS that would cry about stopping the LLU and yet they would sit in the base watching us kill them in slo-mo on the map
that shit was always fun
2014-06-03, 07:58 PM
Try to keep your replys out of the quote box.
1. Thanks for reminding me, remove free rexo.
2. 15k CEP decay a week might not be quite what we're looking for. There would need to be a timer before decay begins to occur since your last base capture. Fast enough that you could keep CR5 permanently but not slow enough that you could have a whole squad of CR5's.
3. You can't really tone down BFR's/GG's/Flails without making them useless. That's just the kind of vehicles they are. Game would just be better off without them
4. As far as bugs are concerned, it would be better just to fix as many as possible to prevent abuse.
5. Max armor - I'm fine with either making it so normal bullets apply damage to max units. But my goal was have it so that max's take HP damage and not just armor damage. The idea is that someone can't use a max suit with 1 HP and therefore get a free card to life.
6. My concept would be the max suit is 3 cert points. Additional weapons cost 1 point each, and you must purchase the AA weapon before the AI weapon. This would make it a 5 point cert. I think 7 cert points would be too expensive.
7. Max units don't need darklight. Cloakers already don't have any tools to really deal with them except for hoping they stand still long enough to be boomered twice.
8. Yes, a resource for max auto run would make it like surge. Finding a sweet spot for how long they could run would be the difficult part.
9. AOE from max units doesn't need to be outright taken away, the goal is to simply make it so that they're better suited for CQC combat.
10. Aircraft as they are in PS1 are simply too powerful without many downsides. The fact that they're so powerful is why the game is flooded with a ridiculous amount of AA. Rebalancing aircraft would allow us to remove some of the excessive AA tools and better balance other tools in the game.
11. Radar virus rework - I'm not sure if you're saying AA currently works in disabled radar virus (which I know it doesn't), or if you're suggesting that be the rework. That is a possiblity, but I think more could be done with it.
12. As far as losing the virus upon leaving the SOI, if you don't have a spawn point in the SOI then you've probably already lost the base. This actually gives me a good idea though. A rework of how the respawn system works, I'll explain at the bottom
13. I feel pretty strongly about simply making it so that virused CE simply is disabled permanently or under the same conditions as base viruses (leaving the vicinity removes the virus) .
14. I think CUD and REK should stay seperate tools personally.
15. Striker damage is a possible fix. But I would prefer faster projectiles. Also, the reload animation is not fine. When you reload it blocks the middle of your screen, it actually breaks your missile lock.
16. Phoenix's issue isn't it's damage. Faster projectile speed, and allowing you to get out of camera mode/reload without exploding the rocket would be good starts to give it better useability.
17. Lasher's damage isn't an issue, it already deals more damage than MCG.
18. instakills on a weapon that already excels at shortrange is silly, no.
19. On cerb turrets, I wasn't just talking about them. I'm talking about removing all upgraded spits + AA wall turrets. Reworking aircraft would allow us to remove the rather excessive amount of AA that exists.
20. 3 Certs is fine for the a combined Fort + Assault CE without upgraded spits in enemy SOI's + upgraded AA wall turrets. On that note Assault turrets need a buff.
21. Sensor disruptors indoors would be ridiculously op
22. No, lodestar still would serve a purpose of moving absolutely enormous vehicles + providing a strong repairing station. When was the last time you've even seen someone carry an AMS in a lodestar?
23. Second wind still goes against the original premise of a BR 1 being able to defeat a max BR with equal footing.
24. Hence why I suggested increasing stamina drain on audio amp. Not that it's OP just too good not to use.
25. I don't see why it should be free at BR 1. ET That is.
26. That's why I'm suggesting to buff those implants to make them worth using.
27. Darklight should definitely not stay the same. Increasing the charge up time to the same as sensor shield would put cloakers on a more even footing with darklight users. Preventing it's use in vehicles/maxs actually gives them a chance to avoid them.
28. Sensor shield works fine inside mosquito radar unless you take damage.
29. You would hit someone by physics. Bounce it. Removing explode on impact prevents players from cheesing with and just firing at other players feet.
30. Punisher/Thumper ammo capacity really isn't a problem. Plasma from those weapons is useless in comparison to frags.
1. I think free rexo is fine if everyone gets it. or else you cant get reaver at br23
2. timer like how many hours in between each cap?
3. I like the gg it was good idea bad way it was put into game. since u only ever use 1 side
4. but I like the medapps hacks/glitches/bug abusing/ w.e you call it. im trying to get the mcg one or the thumper one......
5. how much hp would go down each hit examples please.
6. oo okay you mean 1 suit different weapons like ps2
7. max can barely turn fast enough to caught a cloaker running full out, need to increase turning speed
8. stamina works but who actually runs in the max anywhere?
9. I understand but it cant be op like it is now have u tried to shot at the ground in a pounder
10. make it slower or decrease the armour or take away shields
11. it should work in a mossie that's what im trying to say. since even if your outside flying around you can't kill anyone in the base
12. can you explain....
13. who infects turrets and who doesn't put a mine next to it.... non vets
14. you only use cud 1 per day that's to os or reveal enemys its just a junk tool
15. okay I like that idea. maybe move the animation to the lower half of screen
16. the camera need to guild which makes u not able to move. unless u use the mouse to guide and use wasd to move your chara back into hiding. and being able to shoot faster will help take down aircraft
17. but it aoe is horrible anymore I loved lasher 2.0 lol sorry but I mained tr and every time I killed a vs you switched weapons.
18. but it cant hit from 10m away and in any combat you either need to hit the 3-4 shots or you lost anyway. im not asking for surgile aka godmode (yes!!!!!!) but it needs to either have a double shot or buff triple again.
19. I like that idea if planes are toned down
20. wished you could put them in bases again...... that was funny in gens but they were op inside but they never used in any battles they cant move and not worth placing down none of them have the range or dmg to kill anything. you get lancer from 1000 miles away cant even see or hit them
21. not like indoors. outside but not all the way outside the walls so the cy
22. who uses a lodestar other then ant runs.... but we use to put amses in them and drop them over the bases or on the dish
23. second wind is just another medkit. so you get 2 medkits in a fight not 1 but if your losing it anyway not going to help much. and if your fast enough u can get off 2 medkits every fight anyway
24. only use it on tr but its op and needs to be toned down into a radius of maybe 5-10m and cant see higher or lower in a base
25. I like to see health and armour I use it on all my toons so I know if I was close enough to beat them or got blown out of the water.
26. but how they are simple things that should not be implants and just be regular abilities.
27. yes or make it that you need to be br23 to have darklight unlocked and use certs
28. it does work normal anyway
29. you could just take away the green effect on plasma so cloakers cant be seen.
30. but what can we do increase dmg or duration of it
2014-06-05, 05:13 AM
Dude, you should have played on Markov, we fought over every damn base on the map there back in the day, we also kept our caps modded up so ppl would leave our home conts alone.
Of course we kept our caps modded up on Werner.
Modding up is not special. In fact, it's rather derpy. Why?
Because if there is no way to destroy the modules in a raid, you let the game do the work for you. You need to have the game do the work for you?
Escorting and placing a module is one thing, but simply being handed an advantage without any behind the lines module-raiding gameplay that allows you to disable this (aside from blowing all linked generators of the bases that pass on the benefits) doesn't really do much.
Placing modules in unprotected bases leads to much more fun gameplay and leads to players actually having to make a decision in which base to install a module. Perhaps even spreading them out to prevent them all being captured, stolen or destroyed at once.
With capitals, the placement of modules is an absolute no brainer: the choice for which spot is obvious and reduces any other positions to "stupid and largely redundant", the links are guaranteed, the modules are guaranteed, they don't have to be manually defended, etc.
Basically, it's for lazy people.
the idea that you never fought over Verica is alien to me, we fought there all the time,even on Gemini,
Never seen a fight over Verica on Gemini. And with fight I mean more than 3 people ghosthacking it and one or two defending it. And I was usualy trying to retain it (as I did with any other base more than most other CR5s).
hell we would lose the fight and then go run the Qumu LLU and clean out the base and resecure,I would get tells from Dart laughing about the stupid VS that would cry about stopping the LLU and yet they would sit in the base watching us kill them in slo-mo on the map
that shit was always fun
Where's the fight at Verica in what you just described? All you describe is that you got overrun and use a gimmick to avoid and circumvent fighting the VS in Verica.
Apparently: you don't win a fight over Verica, you let the game win the fight for you. Are you really someone who prides himself in needing the game to win the fights for you?
Obviously it's "funny" to see the capital force dome come up and kill 10-40 people then walk in without opposition and resecure with the knowledge that nobody can stop you due to the shield. But I see it as funny in the "cynical" sense. These people hadn't lost control over the base. Control over the base was just handed over randomly by a third party. I don't call that a fight.
I did plenty of Qumu LLU runs with my outfit. Even on my own. But the point is that there's no actual fighting at Verica. It completely blocked the flow. Qumu, though the LLU run can be hectic at times (usualy it's a bore or impossible), is not an example of good flow. The Qumu-Cetan link is a really akward and annoying backhack link. More often than not, Qumu is locked out as an option by a couple of aircav outfits.
Sungrey - Verica or Qumu-Verica or even Xelas-Verica, next to Cetan-Verica and Kyoi-Verica could be rather interesting links if there was no capital.
What annoys me more though is that they remove bypass options. Holding Voltan with an amphibious BD strike from Ixtab was fun. Defending Voltan against waves of attackers at the forest just east of the Acan bridge (outside the Voltan SOI) was fun. You hardly got those later, because nobody would bother to cross the water from the west till Bitol would be taken and even then the majority of fighting would occur over Bitol-Naum due to it being a LLU and not an interlink. Voltan at least had this last stand thing, but on the other hand, because of that the continent was more often lost than held, since holding Naum-Zotz-Mulac is more important than holding Voltan.
Usualy you could get Voltan through a single strike while the enemy would concentrate on Bitol or Naum, leaving it virtually defenseless as usualy people assumed capitals defended themselves. Worse, capitals were often camped right outside of the shield, because the shield would get in the way to clear attackers. Not in the least because psychologically, to the average lemming, it suggested a false sense of security and incentive to the defenders to just wait inside till the shield would drop and only pop out to get a kill now and then (kinda as boring as warpgate camping).
People standing around, camping and waiting outside of shields is not good gameplay. At most temporarily acceptable as people know it won't be endless wait, but annoying or frustrating nevertheless because you "can't get on with it" (same goes for warpgate camping). It is only acceptable to an extend and to which extend varies for different people.
I'm not against alternate forms of winning, like LLUs vs hacks, but remote control wins aren't good gameplay. Especially not if it punishes those that guard a strategic objective with death. When a continent or cave is captured, the people inside aren't killed. When a capital shield goes up, it does.
2014-06-05, 05:29 AM
CR abilities shouldn't be usable unless you are a squad leader. Including command chats.
I'd say this is one of the faults in PS2 (not including the OS). In PS2 command chat is invisible and you might as well be playing as 1/2 squads plus a mindless directionless zerg.
Until you happen to be popped into squad leader where you find maybe 1 or 2 people willing to talk who in any case never say anything much more than 'moving one squad to xxxx'. Whatever there is and there isn't much is all tactics at best and no strategy.
In PS2 there is no community within the empire because those horizontal comms links in the main do not exist (defining intra-outfit comms as vertical), in fact empire loyalty as a whole is becoming blurred, it certainly isn't as fierce as it was in ps1.
PS1 had command rank functions defined well, I think people haven't appreciated the importance of them. PS2's alternative just does not work.
I'd say touch the command rank system at your peril.
2014-06-05, 08:39 AM
CR abilities shouldn't be usable unless you are a squad leader. Including command chats..
you can switch squad lead in about 3 secs. just type /promote and still be able to set off a cr6 os in a courtyard or just make squads of 2 and do it that way. as an outfit. there is always a way around things like just squad lead abilities in a game like planetside where the changing of place and leaderships is so easy
2014-06-07, 06:56 PM
1. I think free rexo is fine if everyone gets it. or else you cant get reaver at br23
Says it all really.
If it became open source, i would -
1. Take gameplay and equipment back to pre-core combat. Keep the caves, links and mods though if possible (although changes needed, like NO aircraft in caves).
2. Remove Heavy Assault, at least initially. If you want to retain new players, you need to not be smashing their face in.
3. Increase timer on AV/AI MAX's whilst HA is absent. They then become the new HA, but not spamable.
4. Remove the option to bail from Any pilot seat, and remove the Reaver.
5. Remove all variants of the Plasma grenade.
The game was supposed to be about squad tactics and strategy. With the small population, most of the vehicles simply are not used at all, because lets face it, the important bits are all inside a structure.
Now its just HA, Reaver/Mossie, bailing and Plasma. Anything to not need to rely on other players, and get you into CQC. There are games now that do that far better.
I imagine 100% of people who frequent this forum will scorn these suggestions, because quite simply the game is currently about solo tactics and strategies.
2014-06-08, 03:34 AM
One thing I would like is for the Mini Chaingun to be nerfed. That thing is horrendously overpowered it's not even funny. Also Reavers could be weakened as well. The Gal Gunship is straight up overpowered and should likely be removed or nerfed. I also would like to see Orbital Strikes somehoe changed or removed. I'll post more if I think of anything else.
2014-06-08, 06:31 AM
One thing I would like is for the Mini Chaingun to be nerfed. That thing is horrendously overpowered it's not even funny.
2014-06-08, 08:43 AM
MCG isn't overpowered, it just has the longest range and highest accuracy.
2014-06-08, 02:51 PM
Pretty much this. The MCG is more general purpose than the Jackhammer or Lasher and can engage targets MUCH farther away. Considering the issues with weapon balance, it sort of evens out. The downside being you're almost required to cert HA if you play TR.
2014-06-09, 07:46 PM
The downside being you're almost required to cert HA if you play TR.
2014-06-11, 02:56 PM
I said ALMOST. Also, i don't think we really need to argue the finer points of weapon balance when we BOTH know the Cycler is terrible.
2014-06-11, 08:44 PM
I said ALMOST. Also, i don't think we really need to argue the finer points of weapon balance when we BOTH know the Cycler is terrible.
I must be the only one that can kill more people with the Cycler than an MCG. But I'm terribad with the Gauss.
2014-06-12, 01:49 AM
I have another idea. Make the NC a NPC ONLY faction. We'd get better players that way. NC players are a kind of incompetent retard that words cannot describe. They redefine incompetent players. Or you just gut the faction or make it unslelectable. Anyways, something would have to be done to stop the incompetency that reeks from the NC players.
Edit: It doesn't mean that there aren't cool NC players. They're just terrible players. But most are retarded pricks.
2014-06-13, 07:27 AM
I have another idea. Make the NC a NPC ONLY faction. We'd get better players that way. NC players are a kind of incompetent retard that words cannot describe. They redefine incompetent players. Or you just gut the faction or make it unslelectable. Anyways, something would have to be done to stop the incompetency that reeks from the NC players.
Edit: It doesn't mean that there aren't cool NC players. They're just terrible players. But most are retarded pricks.
Here's my take on it.
Well, do realise that the NC was the shotgun empire and any NC's dominance came from being superior in indoor combat. During the last balance patch:
- The Jackhammer tripleshot got nerfed.
- The Lasher got buffed (sure, "nerfed" in comparison to Lasher 2.0 ;) ).
- The Sweeper (common pool!) got buffed.
- MCG remained good at all ranges.
Meaning that the NC's HA became relatively weaker against both other HA. Obviously still good enough to fight indoors with, but not as good as it used to be, VS and TR benefitted most from this. Enough reason for some to go play another empire (TR mostly) or quit after enjoying the fights less (being used to close combat pwnage - not going to comment on the amount of spine cause you can still work well enough with it. Just have to work a bit harder which is fine. :p).
Outfit wise, NC used to exist primarily from small, mediocre spec ops outfits (who often relied on the indoor superior firepower to get their jobs done) and usualy one major zergfit. The Spec Ops outfits died out relatively fast due to the limited numbers they could field, any loss in players would be felt harder with them. It became even harder for them to compete with other empires when their individual firepower got nerfed and they couldn't handle more players per player with as relative ease in CQC anymore, while obviously not being brought up to par at medium ranges with their HA either.
Worse though, NC also lost its zergfits first. All in all, it lost its outfit coherence and its outfits became less capable of mounting counterstrikes and organisation, as it's harder to coordinate loads of mini outfits often fielding no more than 1-5 players each, than a couple of semi-organised big outfits (like AT and BRTD) with a couple small-medium elite outfits (like DT and TRx).
A few years ago the few elite outfits on NC stopped playing for winning and started playing for farming and "distraction ops" in towers, interlinks and tech plants and really... largely died out or became predictable and less impacting. The elite outfits on TR and VS continued to play both for winning and farming and didn't die out.
Meanwhile, NC command was reduced to irrelevance by the farmfits, countermanding orders aimed to win with calls to simply ignore these calls and come farm a "good fight" (no, they wern't). Morale dropped with that as well and less and less people were available to stop backhacks. With the increased load on fewer people, these people gave up to or simply quit, leaving a handful of people to deal with hacks by the elites from the opposite empire, while the equipment for those elites wasn't nerfed or even improved.
All in all it has left the NC in shambles. So meh. You can complain about the NC players individually, the issue is more the organisation that lacks.
TLDR: Individually the players are just as good, but most don't have sufficient leadership (which is schizofrenic too) or are too splintered over the outfits - if they are in an active outfit - while the elites either don't exist or are reduced to semi-useless farming, the middleground is thinned out. All in all NC can't make a fist, even in spec ops since they relied on indoor pwnage (other empires often had larger outfits to compensate for lacking CQC it seemed: where NC stopped recruiting cause they could handle things, the TR and VS kept actively recruiting. So any balance patch favouring other than NC at CQC would reduce their strength a little bit, possibly enough for low pop situations to become critical and almost toothless).
2014-06-13, 07:31 AM
I have another idea. Make the NC a NPC ONLY faction. We'd get better players that way. NC players are a kind of incompetent retard that words cannot describe. They redefine incompetent players. Or you just gut the faction or make it unslelectable. Anyways, something would have to be done to stop the incompetency that reeks from the NC players.
Edit: It doesn't mean that there aren't cool NC players. They're just terrible players. But most are retarded pricks.
I know you're new to this game, but you're really going for "planetside's most annoying player" award aren't you? If only roamcell were still around to defend his title.
2014-06-15, 02:41 PM
Not so serious but ideas ive had before.
1. An Island for BFR battles
2. Rabbit ball should be a regular occurence to long stale fights
3. Anti hack system
4. Admin BFR/vehicle that has a huge amount of health
5. Real life Planetside dedicated LANs in Europe / China / USA
6. Graphics update
7. Stupid bug fixes.
8. A huge sense of community
9 New planets. Ones that work
10. Maybe new design of the same layout of bases
11. Downsize sanc's to 1 area for all to meet
12. Faster servers, as always. Hamster on steroids.
13. Community profiles for clan's, players and battles. Like the big ass ones
14. Outfit wars
15. New community driven updates
All i can think of tbh
2014-06-16, 08:37 AM
I know you're new to this game, but you're really going for "planetside's most annoying player" award aren't you? If only roamcell were still around to defend his title.
Oh come on, Roamcell cannot be beaten on this.
Besides, he used colours in his posts.
2014-06-16, 05:20 PM
Oh come on, Roamcell cannot be beaten on this.
Besides, he used colours in his posts.
I said trying!
Besides you didn't have to suffer through VS ./c on werner with him. That man could almost slow down enrico's leadership.
2014-06-17, 06:04 AM
Not your /c no, but me and Dimb0y kept having to clean up his "tactical" antics.
Like him going around Extinction blowing up generators for an hour or two straight.
2014-06-20, 02:08 PM
Figgy me 'ole China NC went downhill directly after surgile and quadshot was nerfed imo
2014-06-21, 10:54 AM
Yes, please guys, tell them to get Planetside 1 back into peoples hands, there are games from the 80's being played on Steam in the thousands. This game has been around since 2003 let alone the 80's it should still have like 5,000-10,000 people playing it, if it was on Steam or if there some way to play it easily, that would be great.
2014-06-23, 11:44 AM
Yes, please guys, tell them to get Planetside 1 back into peoples hands, there are games from the 80's being played on Steam in the thousands. This game has been around since 2003 let alone the 80's it should still have like 5,000-10,000 people playing it, if it was on Steam or if there some way to play it easily, that would be great.
Ha. yes. See? This man knows what he's talking about.
Planetside will not die if we fight hard enough for it.
If they will not listen to words, prehaps they'll listen to our wallets?
Yes. I suggest a Boycott.
2014-06-23, 05:21 PM
Ha. yes. See? This man knows what he's talking about.
Planetside will not die if we fight hard enough for it.
If they will not listen to words, prehaps they'll listen to our wallets?
Yes. I suggest a Boycott.
Its hard to decipher text/forums ect, but you're not honestly suggesting boycotting a F2P game are that, (I haven't log'd onto it since it went F2P so this is just a shot in the dark) has a population under 100 people, and is only actually playable online because it costs the same amount as a desk lamp to have on are you?
Personally, I think you're being serious about boycotting a F2P, 10+ yrs old game with less than 100 people playing it. So good luck with all that.
2014-06-24, 12:16 PM
Ha. yes. See? This man knows what he's talking about.
Planetside will not die if we fight hard enough for it.
If they will not listen to words, prehaps they'll listen to our wallets?
Yes. I suggest a Boycott.
To not make a Free To Play game die and make SOE feel it, you are suggesting:
1. Boycott a game that only costs money to keep running so that nobody plays and they can shut down the server and save some money
2. ???
3. Profit
It seems that I've just wasted my time with this so I'll just remove this post...
Still, have a nice day.
2014-07-22, 02:29 PM
I mean a boycott of all future and existant titles that are not planetside 1.
2014-07-22, 05:48 PM
Posting about things no one cares about anymore (on top of being wrong on more than one point).
2014-07-24, 01:53 PM
I mean a boycott of all future and existant titles that are not planetside 1.
Nobody would notice.
2014-07-25, 07:49 AM
Its quite funny to see these die hard fans of the game that will do anything to keep it going, just one problem.. You don't even play the game lol
I have not seen any of you login, and I play daily..The game is almost dead right now and people would rather talk here than actually login to the game and make the game function and live.
If you don't play the game on a regular basis then serious..stop posting shit like you care.
2014-07-26, 03:29 PM
and i thought it was just me being on the other side of the atlantic!
ive never seen any of them in game either... (or you)
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