View Full Version : Things That Make You Log Off (rage quit)

2014-07-30, 05:20 AM
Curious to see what type of things can happen in the game that frustrate you so much that when they occur you just exit out of the game. This thread isn't a balance whine-fest; I'm not interested in posts like "i log off whenever a sniper headshots me waaah nerf snipers". Don't care.

I'm talking about things that literally can or have just made you quit the game for a minute.

Case in point, about ten minutes ago I logged into the game, already kind of in a sour mood, hopped onto my NC account and spawned a Vanguard at Chac Tech Plant. As my Vanguard spawned and began to roll out of the vehicle bay, an allied Liberator exploded for reasons unknown and its flaming debris showered upon the ground directly in front of the vehicle spawn, right in my path. I figured "huge fucking tank" and so didn't divert. My tank rolled into the flaming debris... and instantly exploded. Kill-card came up, said my ally killed me via his liberator.

Boom. Less than nine seconds, there goes 400 vehicle resources and oh thanks for the 16 minute timer. 50 ton vehicle? No match for some burnt aircraft debris on the ground. Logged out immediately.

Lol. Anyway...

What kind of dumb shit happens in this game that'll make you rage out? Share your pain.

2014-07-30, 07:30 AM
that happened to me the other day after i had pulled a sundy. >.<

2014-07-30, 11:05 AM
Nothing in the game makes me "rage quit"....why the rage people, get better and try something different if your struggling...there are other options you know...

My kids not going to bed or waking up & my wife wanting to spend "quality time" pfft..that's a different story....

2014-07-30, 11:31 AM
Debris blowing up my vehicles is a big one. Watching a chunk of charred sunderer spiral through the air in slow motion, knowing good and well what's going to happen next. The clank of it hitting the roof and then: dead prowler.

Fighting Vanu usually gets me too. It's never instant. I perform markedly worse against Vanu, for whatever reason, and about half an hour of just getting obliterated repeatedly forces me offline. I think it's because the different force elements compliment each other better on that faction. Tanks support infantry pushes and infantry defend vehicles. Maybe it's just frustrating playing against a force that is organized.

Team killing is probably the most frequent source of "well, I didn't want to play that bad anyway". Not bad grenade or crossfire TKs, those are bound to happen, but the reckless TKs. For instance, pulling a burster max to cover a sunderer only to get run over 12 secs later by a harasser that for some inexplicable reason felt the need to scream past the sunderer at full speed just steamrolling 6 people that just spawned or are repairing/defending the spawn point.

2014-07-30, 12:25 PM
Yeah, as a Reaver pilot I have to say stupid deaths (i.e. an ally flipping you over) only 10 seconds after spawning a Reaver is pretty devastating. If I didn't enjoy sniping so much, I'd have just exited the game.

2014-07-30, 01:38 PM
I don't really ragequit myself either, you rage you lose albeit the vehicle debris bit is annoying as hell lol. What gets me is population. Certain times I just don't bother playing because I know 'exactly' how 'every' fight is going to turn out on Connery.

Babyfark McGeez
2014-07-30, 02:00 PM
I don't think i have ever really "ragequit" this game (or any other game for that matter).

However, when i pull a tank and the retarded autodrive-from-vehicle-bay feature makes my mag flip, or when i try to get over something with a mag and it hits a pebble at the wrong angle and explodes for no goddamn reason, or when every single enemy seems to use rocketlaunchers and shotguns ontop of throwing C4 around like candy, then it can happen that i just roll my eyes and log out - actually, that might qualify as "ragequit".

Then again the excitement of a new continent and half-arsed new mechanics has allready worn off anyways and i barely log in anymore again - i usually check if any of my sexy vanu friends are online to handle my halberd (yes, that does sound wrong on purpose ;) ), and if not i'm out. And since PS1 is still that "Hey, botters and dipshits, THIS WAY" bs, more often than not i simply throw a dart on a pic of smed and call it a day.

2014-07-30, 02:31 PM
Internet lag... either on my end (which is rare), or when you're fighting those people who appear laggy on your end but miraculously are able to shoot you just fine. I suppose they are running something on their connection to lag their outbound but not their inbound. I don't see the point in playing when that occurs.

2014-07-31, 03:13 AM
There are a lot of anger-inducing things in PS2 TBH - dying when its seems lag is to blame, losing a MAX or vehicle through what feels like no fault of your own, stupid TKs, etc. etc. but the thing that probably makes me the angriest is rezzing a bunch of people as a medic and then, when I die, nobody returning the favour :(

Still, overall I agree with KesTro - I don't really ragequit PS2, I generally just log off when I can't find a fun fight any more. Honestly that's the key to me playing the game at all - if I can find fun, balanced fights I'll keep playing for hours - if it's all just us camping them or them camping us, or ghost-capping, then I'm out.

2014-07-31, 04:15 AM
The 2-4am (pacific) connery VS steamrolling machine that happens every morning. Not really fun to play against a 60%+ pop that decimates everything in it's path.

I even yell out things like....maybe switch factions so we can have some fun? Even up the pops? Hate replies follow suit. Some are quite funny though.

It gets to the point where I switch up toons just to find a fight. As usual though, I normally just hop on my VS toon and join the band wagon. Eventually boredom sets in and log occurs.

For some reason it always has to be that time lol.

2014-07-31, 04:25 AM
yeah Boildown is spot on, only thing that makes me rage quit is when lag and desyncing bugs are making the game not enjoyable or unplayable.

2014-07-31, 07:14 PM
-Dying to bullets when you were clearly in cover. I mean when you run past some suppressive fire and some stray bullets hit you, you round a corner, get into cover, squat and die.
This happens a lot for some reason and its obviously some kind of lag thing, even though i have decen 50-70ish ping most of the time.

-Being TKed in a vehicle you just bought 10 seconds ago.

-Joining a completely uncoordinated public platoon where the platoon leader is screaming shit in french or german.

2014-07-31, 09:00 PM
-Joining a completely uncoordinated public platoon where the platoon leader is screaming shit in french or german.

Great for the immersion factor though.

2014-07-31, 09:06 PM
Magriders with stealth and PPAs.

The PPA nerf is absurd. They are INCREASING THE DAMAGE, and nerfing the clip.
BOTH need to be nerfed.

Literally just /ragequit because of this shit. It is insane.
Hovertanks that zoom around with this crap are just bananas to the maximum extent of the law.

Ghost Runner
2014-07-31, 10:22 PM
firing blanks because of connectivity issue's will get me to quit real quick

2014-07-31, 11:57 PM

2014-08-01, 02:44 AM
Dude was asking for it, deliberately ramming infantry with his ESF, lol.

But yeah, trees are murder in this game. Nothing lulzier than trying to drop-pod into a base on Hossin, bouncing off of a 3 inch thick tree branch and barrel-rolling like 800 meters in a random direction.

2014-08-01, 09:52 AM
Dude was asking for it, deliberately ramming infantry with his ESF, lol.

But yeah, trees are murder in this game. Nothing lulzier than trying to drop-pod into a base on Hossin, bouncing off of a 3 inch thick tree branch and barrel-rolling like 800 meters in a random direction.

Not taking in account that you sometimes manage to land on tree branches 500 meters up high.

2014-08-03, 05:10 AM
1 fps. Everyone will quit.

War Barney
2014-08-03, 05:19 AM
For me its mainly just when theres no organised platoons, theres lots of things that annoy me like when I'm sprinting through a base deep in our territory and get 1 shot by a sniper, dying while in cover cos of server lag, hit detection, but I can get over all these things with a good platoon so I feel like somethings happening.

However when I'm forced to play solo or play with a platoon that has no waypoints and is quieter than a graveyard it just makes me feel like nothing is ever going to happen thus soliciting a rage quit.

2014-08-03, 04:45 PM
Getting one tank or 2 then not being able to get another one because of resources. Just use the fucking timers like PS1

2014-08-04, 11:17 AM
Yeah, I've never understood why PS2 has resource costs *and* timers. Just pick one!

And did they ever put deconstruction of vehicles back in? I never understood why they felt they had to take that out either.

2014-08-05, 08:38 AM
Yeah, I've never understood why PS2 has resource costs *and* timers. Just pick one!

And did they ever put deconstruction of vehicles back in? I never understood why they felt they had to take that out either.

You're in luck. They just removed the timer in today's patch!

FROM: Update Notes 8/5 (https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/update-notes-8-5.196032/)
Acquisition timers have been removed from vehicles and MAX. The ability to pull additional vehicles and MAX is now purely based on available resources to the player.

2014-08-05, 10:06 AM
Wow, the dev's are responding to my complaints with instant patches! :D

Quick, what else needs fixing? Slower TTK! Dedicated drivers for MBTs! An F ability for Light Assault! A voice-filter for MAXs! A better way of telling if your corpse is still on the map, so you know whether to hang about waiting for a rez or not! An NS LMG for MAXs to stop the NC whining! (and an NS MAX shotgun to stop VS/TR whining once the NC get their way...) ;)

2014-08-05, 12:14 PM
The sniper nerf that caused bolts to be useless at really long rage. Rage quitted there and then and haven't played since because of SOE's dumb logic of making a semi auto more effective then a bolt. The fact that tanks are going to move at EXACTLY THE SAME SPEED IN REVERSE is making me fume as well. I know this isn't Arma or whatever, but a little realism, please. Other things like the fail biolab update and such didn't help with my decision of wherever I should continue to play or not.

On the plus side, Hossin is in now and there's shields and cloaks for suns which actually makes me want to give the game another chance. So I'll be putting it on when I can, which will be October because that's when I get unlimited net. As long as the devs don't do anything more to break all immersion.

2014-08-05, 01:28 PM
Wow, the dev's are responding to my complaints with instant patches! :D

Quick, what else needs fixing? Slower TTK!

You're in luck again, lethality on noobtoobs, HE and HEAT is being reduces as the first part in reducing lethality across the board.

The Messenger
2014-08-13, 12:41 AM
-Dying to bullets when you were clearly in cover. I mean when you run past some suppressive fire and some stray bullets hit you, you round a corner, get into cover, squat and die.
This happens a lot for some reason and its obviously some kind of lag thing, even though i have decen 50-70ish ping most of the time.

This is due to lag compensation.


2014-08-15, 04:56 AM
This is due to lag compensation.


Yeah i watched a very informative video on it recently.
Its still makes me rage.

2014-08-16, 11:10 PM
When I come back to this game, and remember how much worse it is than Planetside 1.

That makes me log off every time.

2014-08-31, 05:32 PM
What makes me ragequit:
When I log on and open the social/squad tab and there's no platoons open or even made. Immediately quit.

After about 10 minutes when there's no platoon that's going to good fights and I'm just generally bored because of the lack of action.

When the enemy has swarmed a base to the point I cannot engage them after an hour+ of play in which minor frustrations have built up. As minor frustration occurrences increase, time playing up until rage quit decreases proportionally.

What keeps me playing:
A smart and competent platoon leader with a group of people that aren't only entertaining but competent themselves.

Consistently getting a K/D ratio over 1:1 or an XP/Death ratio over 500:1 while playing with friends in a squad.

2014-09-03, 02:38 AM
Yeah, the quality of platoons really makes or breaks the game for me too. Playing with a shitty platoon makes the game a chore, either because the 'toons lack of strategy and communication results in constantly failing a goal, or lack of ambition leads to spending most of your time capping empty/undefended bases. Too much of either drives me away from the game.

I've been frustrated enough the platoon-play on Connery the past few weeks to get back into tanking. It's great fun, and being in a vehicle makes you a lot more independent and not quite as reliant on team-work.