View Full Version : I would like to see this!

2014-12-03, 08:01 PM
Maybe naval vehicles. Now don't get me wrong this game is quite open world and amazing,but with warships, there is a lot of potential like sea connection continents or something like a sunderer-like ship to carry mass amounts of infentiry.Also what about mobile artillery, now I know that some barrels for tanks can basically make it artillery but I mean like high damage, high explosive vehicle. anyway just thought I should get that out of the way.
oh also this game is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Ghost Runner
2014-12-03, 09:06 PM
Have you perused the ideas and suggestions forum? We have a few good ideas like this down there, that Im sure they would love to hear your input on.

2014-12-04, 09:41 PM
Artillery in a "get as much units of it as you want per player" game will result in dire consequences of spam and camping and "wtf dear from nowhere" in a game where death is already everywhere.

Think very careful if the receiving end would be enjoyable.