View Full Version : 3 Way on Oshur now 2:30GMT Join in! :)

2015-03-15, 10:26 AM
LETS KEEP THE FIGHT as SMALL and BIG as possible at the same time guys!

2015-03-17, 02:27 PM
How many people are online right now? And how many are playing at prime time now? If it ever gets over 30 people online, let me know I may play one last time or something like that, I may even come back if it gets arcade editioned or something where they put Planetside 1 Download on a popular site or even on Steam for that matter, thanks.

2015-03-28, 09:43 PM
what an effing bighead you are BlueTiger. :)

2015-03-29, 07:59 AM
Woah! Not really bigheaded there. Yea you will see one day if it gets big or on steam, we all will

2015-03-29, 08:33 PM
I hope it does mate. I'll play PS1 all the time.

Look at his sig. He's a big head. Boasting about being good on NC.

2015-04-02, 05:55 AM
Thinking that this game will ever get out of the dead heap is wishful thinking that will never happen. Thinking SOE/Daybreak (it's still SOE to me) will ever care is just plain ridiculous. Even though I like this game (despite it's huge problems, balance issues, and the hackers) and even though I still play occasionally play, I have come to terms that this game will forever remain dead. This game will perpetually be on barely working life support by the fans that still play until they quit and/or SOE finally pulls the plug. PS1's time is over, you just have to come to terms with that. Yeah, it's depressing, but that's f*cking life for you. Honestly, you want more PS1? Make a spiritual successor for it or something, because PS1 is forever dead. No amount of med juice of Adv Meds can revive it. Anyways, that's my pathetic 2 cents.

2015-04-10, 05:20 PM
Hey guys! How many ppl are playing Planetside 1 throughout the day right now? 4/10/2015? Does it ever get above 50 players at any point of the day?

How many people are playing Planetside 1 throughout the day? Thanks.

2015-04-11, 04:59 AM
From what I've seen, not many. I'd say the high amount of players nowadays 10-20 people max. Definitely never 50 at any time. Pops seem to have taken a serious hit recently (relatively speaking) and there's even less people on. Hackers and and low pops (irony) have finally taken its toll on most players. Permadead game is permadead.

2015-04-14, 10:11 PM
Hey guys! How many ppl are playing Planetside 1 throughout the day right now? 4/10/2015? Does it ever get above 50 players at any point of the day?

How many people are playing Planetside 1 throughout the day? Thanks.

I drop in on the game from time to time and the most I've seen in the past month was last Friday with a full 12-13 NC online, roughly the same on TR with 6-7 on VS.

It the numbers ever got higher than that I'd be pretty damn surprised.