View Full Version : Planetside Play time Scheduling

2015-08-28, 05:00 PM
Schedule times to play with others here.

2015-08-29, 01:42 AM
Start naming time zones imo. Lets find a time that works.

USA, Pennsylvania EST

I'll compile a list. Lets a least pick a day per month. Maybe a SOE dev can get on board with that.

2015-08-29, 11:48 AM
Theres no point naming a time, because if some logged on and there wasn't anyone on the time that was agreed its a double negative. Plus more people will come on to fuck with the battle.

I always say log on Weekends EU US times. Good enough

2015-08-29, 12:30 PM
Theres no point naming a time, because if some logged on and there wasn't anyone on the time that was agreed its a double negative. Plus more people will come on to fuck with the battle.

I always say log on Weekends EU US times. Good enough

Don't we want more people on?

Just saying "weekends eu us" is not good enough, People will not know when to log on.

2015-08-29, 04:43 PM
What happened when I organised the 12th year anniversary with DevBBurness. A hacker logged on for the entire event getting banned and coming back. In my opinion, dont name times!