View Full Version : Syracuse=National Champion

2003-04-07, 11:33 PM
Ugh, screwed my bracket. I hate college basketball. :mad:

2003-04-08, 09:20 AM
I hate basketball all together.

2003-04-08, 09:24 AM

Wtf is basketball??

is it one of them "sports" that require "physical activity"?

nahh gimmi ps retail, then we can talk ;)

http://random-terror.homepage.dk/retail_sign.gif http://random-terror.homepage.dk/retail_sign.gif http://random-terror.homepage.dk/retail_sign.gif http://random-terror.homepage.dk/retail_sign.gif http://random-terror.homepage.dk/retail_sign.gif

2003-04-08, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
I hate basketball all together.

Me too, I hate it lots

2003-04-08, 01:16 PM
I don't know how you guys handle your brackets, but the pool I was in was based off of points. If you chose a 16th seed to go all the way to the finals (that'll never happen in my lifetime) you got 80 points. (16 is their seed # x 5 games to the finals). Who really screwed me was a team from my own state, Marquette. I predicted they'd be out in the second round. After the 2nd round, I was pretty much done for. Lost $50. There was one guy who had every bracket correct until the Elite 8. He ran away with $750. Of course, he has no life and watches ESPN 25/8.

2003-04-08, 11:46 PM
Basketball is so 1337 .... im 6 foot 11 and im going to college on a scholarship.... arent i so seci? CIvilian u might be basing ur bracket on me someday :D no bs