View Full Version : OS EVENT Thurs 30th JUNE (End of an Era)

2016-06-27, 01:50 PM
Hello all
Massive OS Event all factions face to face no shoot farewell is on the 30th June The last day before the server of this great game is shut down :(
The Main OS Event will take place on:
AMERISH at the MONUMENT (North west of AZEBAN) Grid REF: N6 as its not near any base and close to a Warp Gate for driving in AMS's Please bring an AMS if you have one
THE TIME will BE 9.00pm 2100 hours BST to convert to your local time use timeanddate.com
I hope to see many friends and foe's there to say goodbye take some final Screenshots and go out with a BANG!

all are welcome and hopefully see you there....

To Sum up It will be emotional an honour and a pleasure and for the last time ill see you on the battlefield RESPECT


2016-06-28, 01:50 AM
If you cant make the Event I'm sure that other players on different time zones can call and quick get together for some final screenshots.

Also there's a danger that PULL Hackers will target the Event (will they never learn!)
if that is the case the event can move to the WARPGATE Just north of the Monument bring all types of vehicles park them just outside Warp Gate and OS the lot :twisted:


2016-06-28, 11:44 AM
For those in the US the times are:
3:00 PM Central
4:00 PM Eastern
1:00 PM Pacific

Hopefully see you there :)