View Full Version : What will each side master?
2002-12-04, 05:16 PM
What will each side will master?
In my opinion each side will master different ways to get rid of every thing that moves.
VN: They will be covert people specializing in steath, sniping, hacking and stuff that just piss off other people and drive them nuts when for the fourth time your misquto has just stolen and used to kill you.
TR: They will be basically Russia. They get a large group of people and attack everything head on. They won't care if they are losing they will still charge forward with all guns ablaze.
NC: They will be, in my opinion the D-day ones. They will have many dropships fly strat into battle and drop off all their soldiers with jackhammers and stuff. But they will also be the pilots. They will master air combat far sooner then the others.
But I could be wrong But I would like to say that there is a simple statment that would sum up all the sides.
If there is a large wall in a field HOW would you get over it?
VN: Hover over it and leave it alone.
NC: Walk around it and insult it.
TR: Blow it up then Blow up the tree next to it.
And remember The Wookiee is back and The Vanu are the best;)
2002-12-04, 05:56 PM
Those are all very possible scenerios. It will be interesting to see how each empire adapts to their weapons. :D
2002-12-04, 05:58 PM
Didn't you just post a topic JUST like this?
2002-12-04, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Wookiee
TR: They will be basically Russia.
NC: They will have many dropships fly strat into battle and drop off all their soldiers with jackhammers and stuff. But they will also be the pilots. They will master air combat far sooner then the others.
TR: U.S.S.R (C.C.C.P)
NC: No way... Vanu are the master pilots.. TAKE IT BACK!
Camping Carl
2002-12-04, 06:14 PM
I know Wookiee, HE'S AN IDIOT!
BAN HIM HAMMA!!! BAN HIM NOW!!! :furious:
Da King
2002-12-04, 06:17 PM
2002-12-04, 07:23 PM
Sorry The Vanu will be good Pilots But I have to Agree With two Friends (Camping Carl and Da King) Or they will hunt me down and have a Wookiee bashing party. I will also supply Magriders for them:domotwak:
Da king could you start posting something a bit more constructive and/or informative than :
Thanks. :)
2002-12-04, 11:32 PM
/me whispers to Da King
"Do it again just to make Dio mad heehee"
2002-12-05, 12:46 AM
i still need to figure out what faction im gonna join, although whichever, im gonna give that faction a reputation for pilots :p
i swear, flying must be my natural calling (in games at least), ive done some amazing stuff flying, specially in BF, where i can take a zero, invert it, and scrape the canopy along the ground (literally). ive also taken that pig of a b-17 and flew it inverted under the only brigde it would fit, arnhem bridge.
then, yet again, i amazed all with my superior flight skills :D by slamming into a dude that parachuted out of his plane when i was about to blow him from the sky. those pesky enemy pilots, u get there plane flaming, and they jump, trying to rob u of ur kill, not this time:cool:
i can imagine the sweet screams of my passengers in the galaxy as i roll it under a bridge, and then fly inverted off the deck by 2 inches through a forest:cool:
2002-12-05, 06:54 AM
Vanu will pwn at everything, everyone else will suX0r, just going with the flow the the thread.
2002-12-05, 07:51 AM
I think the Vanu will be all about distance fighting whit high mobility and precition. Kinda like guerilla warfare whit abit o the nimb poh fighting doctrine hehe..
NC will be all about brute force i'd guess... get up close and personal to blow a person away.
TR uhm get the max amount of lead out in the shortest amount of time? hehe
Camping Carl
2002-12-05, 07:57 AM
Um..... yeah,
Anyways the comparison of the TR to Russia is a decent assumption. However, the NC being good pilots, wookiee... where are you getting that one?
2002-12-05, 08:42 AM
personally i think it will be up to the individual, there will be all sorts of styles, with ofcoarse differences in main styles because of weapons, but i think the common pool wepons will limit this somewhat... as they were intended to do i imagine.
2002-12-05, 05:08 PM
I dont Think It will depend on the persons personality because they will choose the side that fits them (Vanu) and there for each empire will have there own strenghts and weaknesses (exept Vanu).
:sniper: :mad:
2002-12-05, 05:38 PM
The NC will need some good pilots to get around.
If you look at the NC loadout, mobility is not a major priority it looks like.
While the true masters of dog-fighting and arial-assault is a toss-up, the NC will have the best chance of becomeing the masters of the HALO style atack.
I think the TR are basicly Russia, they just throw bullets at the enemy and hope they hit something.
The Vanu are most likely going to have more trouble than the other empires in takeing bases due to lighter armor. However, this will be made up by the difficulty of trying to take one from them. Their High mobility and good range will force you to check your back all the time if you're assalulting their base.
2002-12-07, 05:26 PM
HALO attack? whats that?
2002-12-07, 05:33 PM
High Altitude Low Opening. You jump out of a plane at an insane height where you would die if you didn't have oxygen, and you wait till your six inches above the ground before you open your chute. Special forces use it for covert insertions, no one else is insane enough.
2002-12-07, 05:34 PM
i knew that, but is that what sandtrout was talking about above?
2002-12-07, 05:36 PM
i would assume people jumping out of galaxies and trying to land close to there enemies.
2002-12-07, 05:43 PM
that would be a very awsome tactic.
2002-12-14, 12:20 AM
Personally wookiee I think you are an idiot the Vanu are going to drob like flies with there tinfoil hats and styrofoam armor though I have to agree with your TR/CCCP connection. I think the NC will leave smoking craters every where they go. :blowup: They say death comes upon silent wings; they have never met me.
2002-12-14, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Incompetent
i would assume people jumping out of galaxies and trying to land close to there enemies.
Hey inc :) Will there be chutes in the game?
Camping Carl
2002-12-14, 12:30 AM
Please... let this thread die.
2002-12-14, 12:44 AM
:blowup: camping carl I thought you liked planeold Texas better?
Camping Carl
2002-12-14, 12:46 AM
:confused: I deny ever living there.
Originally posted by shadowwolf
Hey inc :) Will there be chutes in the game?
not parachutes, but you can jump out of planes mid-flight
2002-12-14, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by afex
not parachutes, but you can jump out of planes mid-flight
without getting hurt? wicked.
2002-12-14, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by Dio
Da king could you start posting something a bit more constructive and/or informative than :
Thanks. :)
Just as i saw his post, i said to myself "Jeez, does this moron post anything other than the i'm with stupid smiley?".
2002-12-14, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by shadowwolf
without getting hurt? wicked.
Yes you can jump out in mid air and land safely because of kinetic dampeners which will absorb the impact as you hit the ground.
2002-12-14, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by shadowwolf
without getting hurt? wicked.
Indeed, I think they are called "Kinetic Dampeners"
2002-12-14, 03:03 PM
can't wait to be hotdropped into a base wearing a max suit =D
Originally posted by Zatrais
can't wait to be hotdropped into a base wearing a max suit =D
Yeah i gotta try that once even if i don't like the MAX. :thumbsup:
What about shoving the vehicle out the back? I read somewhere that it can be tossed. However, if the vehicle also has these dampeners, that would kind of defeat the entire purpose of landing the thing. :(
Maybe only the infantry and powered armor can jump, but the vehicle blows on impact? But say if you could bring the transport in, two feet off the ground, THEN push the thing out the back, it would be fine.
Just tossing out thoughts here. :) I just do not want to go through all the trouble of finding a good landing spot, only to realize that my entire squad bailed... and then the first rocket would slam into the broadside of the dropship... :scared:
Apprently vehicles can indeed bail out no problem. It does leave me perplex.
On the one hand it prevents your tank or buggy from being destroyed if the pilot gets DCed or something.
On the other it does indeed make landing more or less useless if vehicles don't take any falling damage.
Well that certainly does stink. I am sure we dropship pilots could get it changed, though, if we complain enough :D
First: The vehicle bailout.
Second: That lousy autolanding key :(
Third: Cupholders.
Fourth: Fuzzy dice. You can NOT have a dropship without fuzzy dice! One of the fundamental rules! :rock: :D
Originally posted by Led
First: The vehicle bailout.
Second: That lousy autolanding key :(
Third: Cupholders.
Fourth: Fuzzy dice. You can NOT have a dropship without fuzzy dice! One of the fundamental rules! :rock: :D
I totally agree with all of that, i hate that autolanding crap. :(
But i think the vehicle bailout should still be there but as an option, like if the pilot bails or gets disconnected then you can bail out or the pilot could allow it he (or she ;)) wants.
I admit it.
I just want to try a Galaxy Tank Bomber :D
Look out below!
2002-12-14, 09:46 PM
It doesent seem they would allow vehicles to bail just whenever they wanted. But its sounding like that.
As for when your pilot DC's - word is that the galaxy will autoland.
2002-12-14, 09:50 PM
Autolanding 5u><><0r5!
Now that I got that aside, I hope vehicles will be dealt some damage when landing but not so it blows up so we won't always be seeing raining buggies over bases :D
2002-12-14, 10:50 PM
Perhaps the disadvantage will be that the kinetic dampeners will make them fall slowly enough so that they are easy to blow out of the sky.
That is another question I have... do the KDs actually slow the descent, or can you smack into ground at full speed and just not take damage?
Whee, finally got my avatar! Honestly, who saw this one coming? :rofl:
2002-12-14, 11:20 PM
honestly..i like the autolanding..if anything..i think they should maybe give you the option of clicking on the autolander..or landing it yourself..the difference would be speed..the autolander has to come to a hover then set down..while landing it yourself you could fly it low to the ground and just hit the breaks and set down..something to that effect anyway.
the reason for this? well im not a great pilot..but I want to be able to fly when I need to.. so the easier it is..the more fun it will be for me.
Yeah that's what i was thinking as well when i first heard about it, at least allow an option to disable it. Same for vehicles bailing out, it should be allowed IF the pilots wants it to be allowed. :)
2002-12-15, 10:55 AM
personally if i where to fly a galaxy i'd hope i would be able to make "touch&go" landings... less hazard for me and a quick delivery =)
why stop to land and make a uhm more perfect target? yeah i know the galaxy has a big hey shoot at me sign floating over it and it will get shot at but hey the faster i could make a drop the better for me and safer
2002-12-16, 01:46 PM
Methinks the reason they have autolanding:
1. More n00b friendly
2. Less coding/work about the detail needed manual landing.
You may question #2, but it is indeed true. With autolanding, there is one way to land. With manual landing, there is many.
So... it may happen if everyone whines about enough. But don't cross the fingers. :D
2002-12-16, 02:22 PM
Autolanding is simply decreasing altitude and touching down.. it doesent limit what you can can fly in any number of ways and autland from high or low..
Once we get into the game and see it on a bigger scale, I dont think it will be that big of an issue.. we will see :D
I thought you said you needed to come to a stop and hover before hitting the button. If so then it very much limits the landing process. No touch and go landings or fly by pick-ups,etc.
2002-12-16, 07:31 PM
You need to slow down a bit before landing, but I didnt find it too restrictive.
If I hadent played tho I would probably feel the same as you guys hehe. Plus it may change between now and beta
2002-12-17, 01:23 PM
My question is will there be some insane person on a squad thats going to attack a base that just takes a reaver and charges into the base all guns a blaze and crashes into the base taking a large chunk from their defense out.
Or will the autolanding thing just land the Reaver infron ofthe base waiting to be killed.
Basicaly can you override the autolander thing and commit suicide and crash into stuff?
:sniper: :furious:
2002-12-17, 02:20 PM
dunno what would happen there haha
2002-12-17, 02:24 PM
I'll be the first to try it out. Hamma you watch for me I'll be the one flying right at your base like a crazed lunatic! :rawr:
2002-12-17, 02:28 PM
I'll be drowning somewhere.
2002-12-17, 02:29 PM
hahaha :rofl: This game isn't some giant water park for you Hamma! you need to fight as well!
2002-12-17, 02:56 PM
Say a galaxy is under attack and the squad it was carrying just bailed out. What does the pilot do? will you be unable to open the canope while in flight? I mean.. the whole squad just bailed out leaving you to fend for yourself and you cant jump out of the galaxy yourself.
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