View Full Version : Outfigt Symbol for PS?

2003-04-09, 01:34 AM
I've seen in the screen shots how you can have your outfit symbols on your armor and vehicles but how will it work...do you have to make it in adobe first and then import it or something?

2003-04-09, 01:47 AM
The devs didn't want offensive logos so they made thousands of really cool ones.

Looking for an NC outfit? Check out Strength and Honour at www.strength-and-honour.org/planetside/forum/

:ncrocks: :sniper: :trrocks:

2003-04-09, 01:50 AM
bah, supid noob, links are for having no spaces (sorry wanted it to sound like "silly rabbit, tricks r 4 kids!" O well)

2003-04-09, 02:09 AM
huh what are you talking about eine

2003-04-09, 02:13 AM
You spelled "honor" the english/canadian way. :usa:

2003-04-09, 06:35 AM
Honour Colour Favourite :p :p :p

Just cos u Americans are afraid of U's and can't spell properly

We invented the language, you bastardised it.

Hehe, sorry just thought that needed to be said :love:

2003-04-09, 06:37 AM
They are definetly pre-made into the game. Having custom uploaded shots would NEVER happen

1.Lag, Downloading a bunch of custom logo's=lag

2003-04-09, 06:54 AM
never is like 100 percent squeek? If u say yes u can bet 4 million bux on it, if u say no then u cant bet 4 million bux on it if u dont got them and is more than 90 per sure.

2003-04-09, 06:56 AM
I am saying, with 110% positivity, its not happening, atleast not in the next decade

2003-04-09, 07:38 AM
theres a chance! :rolleyes:

2003-04-09, 07:53 AM
nope, there isnt... coz imagine all the ppl that would have to dl the pic u have just uploaded... say every second outfit makes a custom pic, and all 10.000 ppl have to dl it... that is ALOT of data...


2003-04-09, 08:50 AM
There will be a ton of logo's to choose from.

2003-04-09, 10:15 AM
Well you see, there not going to do that becuase you would have to constantly dowload logos as you walk around in the game world meeting different people with different logos. Now with pre made logos your system already has it loaded up into the mem and doesn't need to download it, transfer it to the mem, and all that crap which means less lag for all of us that don't have T1 connections and uber comps.

Edit: You can't forget legal issues, they would have to hire a whole team of people just to check each logo one by one to make sure it doesn't violate and copyrights or anything.

2003-04-09, 10:24 AM
So yeah that just means that u cant make urself the pepsi outfit with the logo from the can!

2003-04-09, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Squeeky
I am saying, with 110% positivity, its not happening, atleast not in the next decade

didnt the devs say in the chat that they would consider allowing them for extreme prominent ones that have been around for a long time and are huge and well organized? Or did they kill that idea?

Not worried about it, so long as there are at least 50 - 75 cool ones to chose from right off (so we dont get 99 outfits with the same thing)

*Yes im a General! only 100 more posts to l337!!!

2003-04-09, 11:31 AM
If there's a Schopenbulb logo then I'm happy

2003-04-11, 11:32 PM
There was a question like this in a dev interview. I remember that they said that custom logos werent importable. BUT I also remember him saying that it could be considerd as an incentive or a reward for outfits with elite reputations. Dont know if that is still planned but theres still hope.

Hmm maybe i should have read the whole thread.