View Full Version : Planetside 2
2003-04-10, 02:41 PM
List anything you would have liked to see from PS but is impossible because of engine limits, or just because it is to late to implement:
Mic support is a must.
Something similar to a shadowbane with guns, where factions are formed by the players and they build thier own bases.
A real economy with resource and money.
More specific classes (you are a medic/tank driver/hacker not a medic+tankdriver+hacker)
Multiple planets with galactic battles as well.
Naval battles.
NPC civilians that require housing and protection. Make-up of polotics
...Alot of what SWG should have been.
Get the idea?
2003-04-10, 02:46 PM
I'll let you know in six months after I see what the current game is like.
Although, I don't think mic support is a must. There are so many other programs out there for that kind of thing that it really is unnecessary to put in the game.
Also, I don't think an economy is needed either. If I wanted to earn money, I'd play any of the RPG's out there. This is, of course, a FPS after all.
2003-04-10, 02:46 PM
Anything you might want for Planetside 2, can and might be implemented in Planetside 1. That's part of what we are paying a subscription fee for.
2003-04-10, 02:48 PM
2003-04-10, 02:49 PM
There are no classes in this game and I hope there never will be, I'm fine with the current certification system.
I can't say I'd like to see multiple planets and space battles. The "planets" in SWG are something like 11x11 km, and the "continents" in planetside are 8x8 km. Ice Planet, Ice Continent... eh. Space battles would take people away from the ground action, and economies would stratify the playerbase--that violates the design concept.
If PS is anything like EQ, there won't be a sequel for at least 5 years! Why don't we talk about what we'd like to see in a PS expansion?
2003-04-10, 02:59 PM
i dont ever want money to be implemented into ps... unless it doesnt apply to guns and ammo. maybe just for extra little crap like decals for ur uniform. but thats almost pointless so dont even bother.
i think infiltrators should be allowed a special implant just for them that lets them listen in on what the other team is saying.
but then limit them to maybe only two implants or something to balance it out.
i think in certain areas the bolt driver should be allowed headshots... like some terans made for actual sniping combat with no mans land kind of areas. they could put signs up saying now entering no mans land and ud know to get down
that brings me to the only other thing i could think of that would improve this great game... prone position... but only really nessissary with my last suggestion.
2003-04-10, 02:59 PM
I'd like custom logos (Both outfit and otherwise). Personally, I think more logos are gonna be a given in at least one patch...
Hitzones for the head, for the boltdriver only.
Hitzones for the back, for the knife only.
Empire specific aircraft.
Changeable vehicle weapons.
2003-04-10, 03:00 PM
There is a reason this is called PLANETSIDE it meanst the people where marroned PLANETSIDE. Which means they can't get off the planet, by adding space battles and other planets you make the game way to large and everyone will be spread out. I agree naval battles would be kool but i doubt it's going to happen. Beacuase of the fact you need to zone to get to continent to continent. Naval Battles will also screw up continent lock. Whats to stop people from doing a Normandy landing on the beach?? You're all thinking that's the point it would be kool. NO it wouldn't cuz this is not a World War 2 game. The Devs meant to make it hard to take over a continent and to retake one by adding a navy it makes it rather pointless to use HARTS to drop onto a continent.
Whats wrong with the class system how it is??? It allows for diversity in the game, this isn't Tribes. Why don't we actually wait for the game to come out, then actually play the game before deciding we don't like it.
2003-04-10, 03:02 PM
Lets not jump ahead to far now. :D
2003-04-10, 03:20 PM
I never said anything was wrong with the game.
It just isnt as good as it could be with a limitless engine.
2003-04-10, 03:37 PM
There's no such thing as a limitless engine. All engines have limits because your computing resources are limited. Yes, even a Beowolf cluster has limited processing power.
That said, there are somethings id like to see, hopefully in this game or some time before planetside 2.
1. Hitzones, even if it's only head and body.
2. Navel units. Like a naval artillery gun, AA vessel, and a small submarine maybe. An amphibious tank would be sweet too. Not like a hover craft, one that is submersable. If you've ever played Total Annihilation you know what i'm talking about.
3. Destructable building sections. Not completely destructable buildings, just piece of the building are destructable. Like if you strafe a wall with your assault rifle it blows chunks out of the wall or pillar or whatever. This is purley astetic though.
4. Mech units. Not like the max, like mechwarrior style mechs.
5. Race specific aircraft
6. I'm not sure if this is implimented but it would be nice to be able to roll your aircraft. In Tribes2, which people have said uses a similar flying style, you could not roll your aircraft. They could pitch and yaw, but no roll. This makes it exceedingly difficult to avoid AA missles and such. Plus it allows for much more skill involvement in flying a combat aircraft well.
That's about all i can think of. like i said, it'd be nice to see that stuff in an expansion or patch instead of 5 years from now in PS2.
2003-04-10, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Cyanide
2. Navel units. Like a naval artillery gun, AA vessel, and a small submarine maybe. An amphibious tank would be sweet too. Not like a hover craft, one that is submersable. If you've ever played Total Annihilation you know what i'm talking about.
3. Destructable building sections. Not completely destructable buildings, just piece of the building are destructable. Like if you strafe a wall with your assault rifle it blows chunks out of the wall or pillar or whatever. This is purley astetic though.
4. Mech units. Not like the max, like mechwarrior style mechs.
6. I'm not sure if this is implimented but it would be nice to be able to roll your aircraft. In Tribes2, which people have said uses a similar flying style, you could not roll your aircraft. They could pitch and yaw, but no roll. This makes it exceedingly difficult to avoid AA missles and such. Plus it allows for much more skill involvement in flying a combat aircraft well.
You're retarded, mech units and destructable buildings? This isn't mech assault, do you have any idea how unbalanced this game would be with mechs? You my good sir are a dumbass. And barrel rolls? Wtf are you thinking? Air is hard enough to hit as it is, allowing planes to dodge missiles is idiotic.
And naval battles? Wtf? They've said this like 10 times ont he forums, they cant exist due to it doesn't make any sense with the story. Plus the game is designed to have seperate continents, to add in ocean around the continents would either take hundreds of hours of coding or completely throwing out the coding they have now and producing new coding.
2003-04-10, 03:53 PM
You my good sir are a dumbass. And barrel rolls? Wtf are you thinking? Air is hard enough to hit as it is, allowing planes to dodge missiles is idiotic.
back off with the flamin fucktard. its just his opinion.:nono:
2003-04-10, 03:58 PM
If he didn't want his opinion being flamed he shouldn't have posted it, lol. jk, i just think that none of that could ever be possible but i do agree with his hit zones opinion.
2003-04-10, 04:13 PM
hate to harp, just recently everyones actin like they're on the Official Forums, including me, and it's startin to piss me off.
must be beta stress.
2003-04-10, 04:22 PM
Venoxile, next time before you flame, read the original post. The posted question is
List anything you would have liked to see from PS but is impossible because of engine limits, or just because it is to late to implement
And part of your flame:
And naval battles? Wtf? They've said this like 10 times ont he forums, they cant exist due to it doesn't make any sense with the story. Plus the game is designed to have seperate continents, to add in ocean around the continents would either take hundreds of hours of coding or completely throwing out the coding they have now and producing new coding.
Its what he would like. And it could make sense, its called adaption. If continents are getting locked and people can't find/fight a normal way onto a continent to unlock 'em and get a foothold with heavy equipment, and there are vast oceans no one has used as a means of transport... hell yeah. gimme a battle ship, troop/material transport. Amphibeous assault from a mobile ocean based spawn platform? Or Galaxy launches platforms with max units, light vehicles (ants).
I am no beta tester, but that Sounds like fun.
2003-04-10, 04:25 PM
yah man calm down .. I think it would be cool with planes being more manuver ( actully depends how its going to be ) but it works fine in bf1942 not that hard to shoot them down but hey everyone has their opinons no need to flame
2003-04-10, 04:30 PM
I want jetpacks.
I want hitzones.
I want 1 hit kill sniper shots.
I don't want a cone of fire, I want pixel perfect aiming.
I don't want the Grief System to be in the game.
I want an economy with money.
I want levels and skill increases based on the prior.
I want tradeskills.
And they called it: Lamerside
Rayhn Plexus
2003-04-10, 04:31 PM
I'd like to see more player customization. I don't know if a sequel is really necessary for it to be implemented, but I would like to be able to choose an armor pattern. Also, I wish there would be a myriad of options as far as facial and bodily detail, so that each player you met is truly unique, to both play with and see.
As far as an economy, I strongly disagree with that. I feel the game is not geared to go that heavily into the RPG genre, but instead more of a shooter with some RPG elements.:)
2003-04-10, 04:37 PM
Let's wait for PS 1 first.
2003-04-10, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
Let's wait for PS 1 first.
The Eternal
2003-04-10, 04:49 PM
"economies would stratify the playerbase--that violates the design concept." -Seer
Don't Be stupid, The Original Design concept was Based on an Economy, With Plans to have upgradable apartments, structures purchasable by players/outfit.. and many other RPG aspects that were removed because it would A) take too much time to put them in, and B)They couldn't get it to work right
Just like they took the mission system out, If they manage to find a way to make the systems work, I'd like to see it put in... My only fear is people will become to acustomed to not having an economy to want to change it
2003-04-10, 04:52 PM
I would like one anti-vote for each of the following (to cancel others):
1.) Mechs
2.) Jetpacks
3.) Money
My "real" vote would be for naval warfare.
2003-04-10, 04:54 PM
being able to dodge missiles will be sweet. i personaly would delight in seeing the missile you just fired at me fall back to the ground as i speed away after dodging the mess out of it in my mesquito. i would also like to know if there is chaffs. and if not thats cool.
Happy lil Elf
2003-04-10, 05:11 PM
Eh there's a reason EQ has been expansions and not sequels. Doesn't really apply too much to PS though so who knows maybe there will be a sequel someday.
2003-04-10, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by The Eternal
"economies would stratify the playerbase--that violates the design concept." -Seer
Don't Be stupid, The Original Design concept was Based on an Economy, With Plans to have upgradable apartments, structures purchasable by players/outfit.. and many other RPG aspects that were removed because it would A) take too much time to put them in, and B)They couldn't get it to work right
*BUZZ* Wrong answer. No cookie for j00. :p
PS is quite a few years in development. It was not because it would take them too much time. That's ludicrous - if something would add to the depth and appeal of the game you can bet they'd push back the release date then. They took it out because it simply cannot work in an MMO the way they envisioned it.
The same thing kept happening: Veteran or Power Gamerz were uber rich and powerful, and newbs and limited-time gamers were dirt poor and couldn't even buy bullets. How can you have a sucessful MMO when you only cater to such a small population? It would make the game not very fun by anyone's standards (the power gamer would feel bored because the only people he'd fight and actually worry about losing would be other PGers and the rest of the people would label the game as lame and not very fun). I am oh-so glad they took out the economy they had planned. It makes the playing field much more level. And as we all know, that is what an MMO is all about. :D
2003-04-10, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Zarparchior
I want jetpacks.
I don't want a cone of fire, I want pixel perfect aiming.
I don't want the Grief System to be in the game.
I want tradeskills. Jetpacks are ok. cone of fire is good. The grief system is alittle harsh, I think weapons lock till you are so and so close or hit by an enemy, then the weaposn are unlocked; and the empire/team/outfit should deside if they still want that guy on the server. Tradeskills i dont really care, trading ammo and stuff witht he enemy would be....different....and wierd....and if that happened, ya know 99.9999% of the time they would walk into your base trade sumtin good for sumtin semi good, then kill you take the base then get their item back. trading isn't sumtin i'm happy with....
2003-04-10, 06:38 PM
Well, as long as we are dreaming...
Pink lawn flamingos.
No, I mean evil, scary, threatening ones that explode. Mebby just for a week in summer.
Naval stuff is a good concept. I'd think big naval guns would be out, tho - so not quite sure where to go with it.
In game voice comm might be nice to tie in with the command rank structure.
I can't really say about the upper level command rank abilities, since those haven't been revealed, but I'm willing to bet I'd like to see it developed even more. Ability to set overall goals, etc.
Ability to mark targets for air/tank attack, if it's not there already.
2003-04-10, 06:52 PM
The only thing I can really invision that would be an extremely large benefit to the game could be in-game voice communication. Like, just between you and your squad. That would be perfect. As for the person who said there are already many external voice comm programs out already... I dont really have the desire to play planetside and use TS2 or something. It may even not be fully compatible or run well while PS is running.
As for the economy, I agree that leaving it out would eliminate the power gamers. They just piss me off, they spend their lives playing the game to make themselves feel better than the other players. Being part FPS the game should revolve around skill as opposed to play time. And it does.
... so I'm satisfied. :love:
Happy lil Elf
2003-04-10, 06:58 PM
I dont really have the desire to play planetside and use TS2 or something. It may even not be fully compatible or run well while PS is running.
Compatible and seems to run fine, I promise.
2003-04-10, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Ghostling
There is a reason this is called PLANETSIDE it meanst the people where marroned PLANETSIDE. Which means they can't get off the planet, by adding space battles and other planets you make the game way to large and everyone will be spread out.
They are not stranded on the planet. The wormhole back to Earth simply closed. So there could be space battle.
And I don't think that space or naval combat will take away from ground based combat.
Like is everyone being a pilot? No. Does everyone buy flight and navel SIM's, and FPS's are loosing out? No.
I think PS (an expansion or PS2) will be a bigger sucess with more options for combat.
Like where else can you buy a game that lets you be either a ground soldier, and gunner on a sub, or a knock off Luke Skywalker, destroying a Death Star :cool: (well, if they implement any of that :p )
Originally posted by The Eternal
"economies would stratify the playerbase--that violates the design concept." -Seer
Don't Be stupid, The Original Design concept was Based on an Economy, With Plans to have upgradable apartments, structures purchasable by players/outfit.. and many other RPG aspects that were removed because it would A) take too much time to put them in, and B)They couldn't get it to work right
Just like they took the mission system out, If they manage to find a way to make the systems work, I'd like to see it put in... My only fear is people will become to acustomed to not having an economy to want to change it
The design concept of a pure PVP MMOFPS necessitates a basically level playing field. The original design was dropped because it didn't conform to this. The game 'grew out' of the phase where people could own and buy things, not because it took too much time, but because implementing it would be problematic.
In all of the features they have implemented, you think they took an economy out because it took too much time? It wouldn't be difficult to give players money for performing certain actions and subsequently charging them for weapons and armor. So it was not implementing it that gave them pause, it was whether or not it was necessary. MMORPGs require economies because they operate on a fundamentally different dynamic--one of advancement and aquisition. In PS the 'advancement and aquisition' aspects are eliminated to the point where items are free except for the certification. That's not a compromise, that's intentional.
2003-04-10, 07:19 PM
IMHO planetside is almost perfect as is, i'd like to see a couple things though
i'd like to see air combat expanded, some empire specific aircrat would be the perfect way to do this, i'd like to see 2 man craft, maybe without hover capability to make it a challenge, and the gunner having a powerful gun that makes a lot of recoil
again hitzones would be great, though i understand not having them and dont really mind, theyre forced to make snipers less of a menace because of it, and snipers are relegated to the real role of being support, rather than a main offensive force
naval battles, nahh, a submarine or small boat ok, but nothing huge, a transport at most
jetpacks- no no, dont like the flitting about tribes had trying to catch the other guy on the ground to blow him up
voice comm- YES, even if it has only a limited geographical area or squad limited this will be instrumental in building community and strategy, typing is'nt very condusive to FPSs
2003-04-10, 07:33 PM
If anyone recall a Quizno's commercial depicting a group of caveman walking around with bushes for clothing... then a man comes buy wearing pants. They ask the man what those things on his legs are... he replies "Pants". He says he can store things in them, they are comfortable, and he can move without it falling down. Most seem to agree with him and head off after him to grab these things called pants. One man remains behind and says "I shall keep my bush. I fear change".
To bring that all into context, I see 2 distinct personalities here. There are a group of people who refuse to think of anything evolving or changing(would go good with Terran Republic, I might add) and there are others that want something a lot more. They've got a taste of something great from Planetside and want the next game to be an even greater achievement. The mean people who fear change are insulting people who have ideas... The mech idea for example. He might come from Mechwarrior games and what draws him to this is the MAX-types. The person who insulted him probably came from a first person shooter(Counterstrike and the likes) and wants the infantry version and the level playing field.
I agree with the idea of in game mics, though, that is probably what has created the entire problem with Team Fortress 2(game that when talking would mimic in game how the mouth moved and the speaking was 'area of effect' so anyone within a certain distance could hear them... friendly or not.) It would add a whole new level to the game.
Ability to control the orbital drop 'areas' by commanders. So commanders could specify an area and the troops would drop in randomly across the area. Would make it sort of like paratroopers.
Space-combat, by the time a new PS comes out we will definitely have advanced the storyline by leaps and bounds. Perhaps a new world-government somehow develops on Auraxis... suddenly the Wormhole opens again and Earth is against Auraxis... or an alien species(that one is a bit far-out... though the Vanu stuff leaves a lot of opening) Maybe make a world with 'gates' over all the major continents so people could take smaller fighters or dropships down to the surface. Destroyers, frigates, etc... Open up the game to an entirely different set of gamers. People on the ground really wouldn't be affected in COMBAT, but strategically they would be affected by where they could fight.
Ships rolling.... that is an obvious must. Not just to avoid ground fire but to add depth to air combat. Loops, rolls, split-s, immelmans, half-cuban eights... Air-Air Missiles and Flares would be nice additions.
Prone position and Hit-boxes... These are such big things to games nowadays that I still find it hard to believe the omitted it. If not full limb boxes at least the head and body. Even some of the older N64-console titles had that. Heads should probably be a 2 hit thing though with a strong enouhg bullet knocking the helmet/breaking the mask the first time and the second taking them out. I do understand that they probably did this to explicility keep the chain gun from ruling the day. Prone position... it adds so much strategy that it should definitely be looked at in the future.
Artillery... Mortars and Long-range guns would be great. I'm not saying guns that hit you from the otherside of the world. I'm talking about things that would probably be hidden behind the next hill. Then again, maybe the fortresses are far too easy to take right now and adding mortars would tip the scale even further.
Naval Battles - I don't know... maybe have some sort of underwater component where players had to fight underwater. Have massive resources underneath the oceans in certain channels of the water so that all the navy battles would have to take place above or below a manageable area(IE.. the entire ocean wouldn't be accessesable). It would give people a good idea where a water invasion would come from and if they controlled the underwater facility between the two continents would would be impossible because of underwater launchers. I still think it would be great to see soldiers fighting underwater with limited air supplies. Dunno, just an interesting gameplay mechanic.
The mean people who fear change are insulting people who have ideas...
That's not how I recall it. I was called stupid, and now you're calling us mean. :rolleyes:
Alright, just to show you I'm a good sport, I'll envision Planetside 2, keeping in mind that I don't fear change. Just a second...
Okay, I've got it.
The darkest nights are dark--not exactly pitch black, but dark enough to require real light enhancement implants. The jungles are dense and lush, and the underbrush doesn't disappear no matter how far you look out on the horizon. The moonlight reflects across ripples in the water with the kind of pixel-shading you only see in 3d mark.
There's an ANT rolling along a coastal road next to the dense jungle, it's headlights illuminating the path and casting real-time shadows into the trees. It's a clear night, but clouds are starting to roll in from the east, covering up the starfield and pulsing with lightning. He can see his escort arriving--two reaver aircraft, and greets them over the "radio" with real-time voice chat. He can look out the window and see them flying NOE over the beach, raising dust clouds in the process, which swirl behind them.
Over the radio comes a warning from a friendly commander-character that a squad-sized Vanu unit lies in wait over the next ridge. The ANT driver stops and radios his reavers to scout out their position. He pulls into a nearby track through the jungle, unused and covered with underbrush, hiding his vehicle. His escort radios back, relaying a video transmission to his PDA showing a squad of Vanu women playing night volleyball. They're all wearing bikinis and possessed of the latest marriage of motion-capture and realtime physics.
Welcome to Planetside: Extreme Beach Volleyball.
The game isnt even OUT YET
2003-04-10, 08:53 PM
As I am looking over this thread since I started it, I am very upset with it's results. Melbourne covered most of what I was going to say.
Come on people. Have some vision.
Economy doesnt mean money, and money doenst mean the more you fight the more you get.Just because you dont like how another game included a certain aspect doesnt mean that that idea is now bad or stupid.
Yes, the game is not out yet. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. We do know just about everything that will be included in the game. Can you say that in the future, when computers will be capable of so much more, you wouldnt like to see a single new thing included? Planetside is the final peak of gaming? I sure as hell hope not.
Well, when i usually talk about a game revisale, i usually wait until i actually have he game, so i actually can say everything as fact.
not a flame, just stating a fact.
2003-04-11, 01:17 AM
Hmm.. here's an idea for voice comm, but I'm not sure how to get it to work. I was just watching Band of Brothers and thinking about silence, concealment, hand signals.. and was thinking that it would be cool. Of cource.. blah blah.. contingent on how the game actually works.. blah blah. Anyway, have voice comm in the game, but have it so that enemies near you can overhear the comm. Then add hand signals in. Makes infiltraters have a whole new role. Could cause squads to develop a code for while they were in combat, or use hand signals to prevent themselves from being discovered. Add to that the previous poster's desire for a real pitch black night.. at least on night w/o moon.. or moons.
On the other hand.. if there were disadvantages to it, how would you prevent squads from using other comm software? Dunno, and it might be an insurmountable problem. On the other hand, if you could pull it off, it would be a HUGE boost to immersion.
Other thing I would like to see would be some tribes-esque deployables, but even farther. Like say an engineer could set up a feild repair bay or something.
Oh, and a third thing would be some additional moves for infiltrators.. like the ability to wall-climb.. hang from the ceiling.. stuff like that.
2003-04-11, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Melbourne
If anyone recall a Quizno's commercial depicting a group of caveman walking around with bushes for clothing... then a man comes buy wearing pants. They ask the man what those things on his legs are... he replies "Pants". He says he can store things in them, they are comfortable, and he can move without it falling down. Most seem to agree with him and head off after him to grab these things called pants. One man remains behind and says "I shall keep my bush. I fear change".
"Grog, where's your rock?'
"I have discarded it in favor of this pointed stick."
*Cavemen laugh, Grog stabs the skeptic*
"I see benefit of pointed stick!"
2003-04-11, 12:45 PM
Well, on the idea of Ocean use:
Due to its size.... have specific Water Corridors between each continent. So one doesn't have to worry about all the water, just major waterways.
So battles would be focussed on controlling the waterways. Top it off with resource energy being collectible in these waterways... u do have the means for all sorts of combat options.
I do like the environment about pitch black nites... needing night vision of sorts. perhaps thermal scopes/implants?
I think prone would help in general game play, especially for those who want to snipe, or take cover from said snipers.
2003-04-11, 01:55 PM
You're retarded, mech units and destructable buildings? This isn't mech assault, do you have any idea how unbalanced this game would be with mechs? You my good sir are a dumbass. And barrel rolls? Wtf are you thinking? Air is hard enough to hit as it is, allowing planes to dodge missiles is idiotic.
And naval battles? Wtf? They've said this like 10 times ont he forums, they cant exist due to it doesn't make any sense with the story. Plus the game is designed to have seperate continents, to add in ocean around the continents would either take hundreds of hours of coding or completely throwing out the coding they have now and producing new coding.
You sir are a close minded moron. Why would mechs inbalance the game? Could a tank not destroy a mech? I never said anything about specific stats did i retard. A mech is basically a tank with legs fool. The could be destroyed just as easily. I just think mechs in the game would be cool. You think it would cause an imbalance because you are associating the mechs that might show up in PS with mechs from other games. They would not neccesarily have the same attributes.
Did you even read the part about destructable buildings or did you just look at the words "destructable buildings" and say "this guys a retard, there's no way buildings could be destructable without it being stupid". I suggest you read it again and you would realize that i only said destructable building "SECTIONS". Which could then be regenerated slowly over time. Its purley an astetic feature (that means it would look good).
If i didn't have class in 5 minutes i'd give you more reasons to keep you mouth shut.
2003-04-11, 04:01 PM
Stop acting like a bunch of children :lol:
As for the economy. It was in PS originally, the dev's played with it for some time and discovered it just wasnt fun at all. If you sucked, eventually you would run out of money and end up with a pistol. If you owned, you would have all the huge weapons and nobody would have a way to defeat you.
I think removing the economy was definatly a change for the best.
2003-04-11, 07:00 PM
I would be thinking about improvments to PS1.
If they ever make some kind of expansion people should be able to travel to the moons of Auraxis and the gravity could be all crazy.
2003-04-11, 07:31 PM
its only really 2 things that is what I want, HITZONES and ECONOMY. Great stuff both.
2003-04-11, 07:58 PM
I share Hamma sentiments. And my prior post was to point out all the things I think we should not do to PS. Call me a close minded fool? The devs do make game-altering decisions for a reason. If you want Jetpacks, play T2 or await T3. If you want an economy, play any of the other countless MMOs that are coming out. If you want hitboxes... well, it would make less of this game.
If you really think any of these would add to the game, instead of just damning the devs and asking why these things were not added, I simply ask you to provide an argument.
2003-04-11, 09:25 PM
Zarp, I think you need to read my original post again(or for the first time).
The purpose of this thread is to come up with ideas that are either too large to be implemented at this late stage of development, too grand to exist on this engine, or simply wouldnt work because of another non-crucial system.
And dont give me this "If you want Jetpacks, play T2 or await T3. If you want an economy, play any of the other countless MMOs that are coming out." crap. Planetside is nothing but a bunch of scraps from other games stitched together to make one game of glory and wonder. Thats fine as long as they are willing to admit it.
And I still will not accept that any form of economy will not work. Esp because there is a dumbed down economy still in planetside in the from of ANTs and nanonites.
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