View Full Version : Hamma?

2003-04-10, 04:54 PM
erm.. got a quick question for yas =).... how exactialy are you guys doing that Contest of yours for the Beta Slots?...

im a idiot when it comes to "mySQL" and have no idea what your little paragraph on the frunt page meant =)

2003-04-10, 04:55 PM
Its a random database query ;)

ie, it searches for 50 random entries

2003-04-10, 04:57 PM
Basically there going to use a script to randomly pick people out of the ones who signed up.

Edit: oops, heh, he already replied. :o

2003-04-10, 05:11 PM
hehe ok.. i figured it out...

so im slow today.. it happens =)... just took me a few to figure out i had to be loged in for the Message to change from a "register here" to a "sign up for contest" =)