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Just a myriad bunch of screenies I have taken over the last few days :D Enjoy!
My buggy at a warpgate.
A MAX and myself with a grenade launcher covering a guy in standard armor hacking a tower door.
Bunch of Galaxies loading up at the NC Sanctuary.
Defending an entrance to the Itan Biolab while a Galaxy picks up a MAX.
Defending a base from a bunker.
An ANT loading up on a Galaxy for a fuel run.
NC mopping up terran resistance in the basement of a tower :D
Guarding one of the entrances to the basement in the Gunuku Dropship Center.
Several empty Galaxy transports after dropping their troops on a base.
Camping a TR spawntube with a scattercannon MAX :angel:
Epic battle south of Gunuku.
Another shot of the same battle.
And yet another.
One last shot.
Whee! ^_^ I love this game.
Good stuff Led :)
I think I was playing TR in the fight pictured in your last screenies. Looks pretty familiar hehe
2003-04-11, 08:32 PM
That last screenshot looks like the bridge between gunuku on one side, and Itan and Kaang on the other. If so, and you are TR or NC, you were probabbly involved in that fight ;)
Some times that bridge is so crowded with people running over it it's hard to drive across it without running your teammates over lol.
2003-04-11, 08:34 PM
Thx Led :love: :D
Oh and by the way, my graphics are on MINIMUM settings. I have a great vidcard, but a slow processor (1.3ghz) and minimum required ram (512). But it plays very smoothly, it only lags when I first start it up and it has to load the new crap :)
Most of my fights have actually taken place on Esamir or Oshur so far. I just happened to be trying TR that evening and instant action dropped me right in the thick of it :eek:
It was lotsa fun though, I got to snipe quite a few guys on the bridge. It's especially fun to nail the guys that'd go for cover behind a vanguard :twisted:
2003-04-11, 08:46 PM
Can someone answer my question?
Whats the damage ratios and speeds of the assault rifles like?
Is the gauss slower firing then the other rifles?
Whats the damage ratios of the assault rifles, like does a cycler do 5 damage per hit, and a gauss do 8 damage per hit or something?
It'd probably beable to be found from ss's showing text like "you've been hit for 5 damage by 'blah' ".
Basically I really like the look of the gauss, and I like the idea of high damage over rate of fire, and I also like the idea of the manual control phoenix. I just want to know how much higher damage over the other weapons nc has.
Unless there's an option I missed, there arent any "You've been hit for XXX" messages.
Damage-wise though, the gauss is pretty potent. It takes 10 rounds to kill a guy in reinforced armor (100hp, 150armor), and carries a 30 round clip.
I'm not sure about the cycler... it definately does less per shot, but fires much faster and carries 50 rounds.
The Phoenix is probably my favorite weapon atm. :)
I find myself playing anti-air a lot, so I know it only takes 2 shots to kill a skeeter, and 3 for a reaver.
It also has a 5-second lifespan, which gives you plenty of time to.. reach out and touch someone :blowup:
edit: typos suck
2003-04-11, 09:00 PM
Sweet pics, Led, thanks!
While crouching and zoomed (all medium rifles have a basic 4x zoom), the gauss is basically a fully automatic sniper rifle up to extreme ranges :D The cycler user will flat out lose medium-long range fights, but will rip up the gauss user when the ranges are shorter. Not to say I have not killed plenty of cycler and chaingun users at two foot range, it is just harder ^_^
Also, all weapons in this game have a basic cone of fire and range. So no one shot sniping to the clip plane like you can do with the AK in counterstrike. You can see people long before you can hit them with the zoom on the gauss rifle. The bolt driver has a much longe range, so do not worry :)
2003-04-11, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Vash
Unless there's an option I missed, there arent any "You've been hit for XXX" messages.
Damage-wise though, the gauss is pretty potent. It takes 10 rounds to kill a guy in reinforced armor (100hp, 150armor), and carries a 30 round clip.
I'm not sure about the cycler... it definately does less per shot, but fires much faster and carries 50 rounds.
The Phoenix is probably my favorite weapon atm. :)
I find myself playing anti-air a lot, so I know it only takes 2 shots to kill a skeeter, and 3 for a reaver.
It also has a 5-second lifespan, which gives you plenty of time to.. reach out and touch someone :blowup:
edit: typos suck
This is officially the happiest moment of my life, 10 rounds with gauss to kill a reinforced. Hot diggity! lol, man i have been asking this question for about a year now. I finally know! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeee.
Okay, i'm done, 2 shots to kill a skeeter? fuck yes! the grunts will own joo, 3 for a reaver that is just fucking awesome. Geezus that is too sweet. I was expecting like 20-30 rounds with a gauss to kill a reinforced, and like 6 phoenix rockets to kill a reaver.
If you can answer these questions I will finally beable to die a happy man.
Does the gauss fire slower then a punisher or a suppressor or a pulsar?
How many gauss rounds ap does it take to kill a max? (huge estimate, like 200, or 300 or something?)
How many phoenix rockets does it take to kill a max?
2003-04-11, 09:06 PM
Very nice screens Led :)
2003-04-11, 09:08 PM
Is the Thumper effective? I'd like some feedback (Or forward, in this case :D ) on it.
2003-04-11, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Led
Not to say I have not killed plenty of cycler and chaingun users at two foot range, it is just harder ^_^
Also, all weapons in this game have a basic cone of fire and range. So no one shot sniping to the clip plane like you can do with the AK in counterstrike. You can see people long before you can hit them with the zoom on the gauss rifle. The bolt driver has a much longe range, so do not worry :)
One shot sniping to the clip plane? You mean you can't fire one round at a time without having a little bit of inaccuracy?
Yes, I do play counter strike but im just not familiar with that phrase (one shot sniping to the clip plane).
And gauss sucks at short range compared to tr weapons? That kinda sucks, but i can deal with it.
Edit: one last question, at medium range 'how many round bursts' do you have to fire? How many round bursts is confusing, let me explain, how many rounds in a burst of fire is effective at medium range? Examples: 2, 3, 4, 5.
You pretty much have to have AP ammo to take out a max. I think if I can get them all to connect, I can rip off most of a MAXes armor in one magazine (NOT CLIP! IT IS A MAGAZINE!#%). I did take out a TR pounder max once using just regular ammo, it took something on the order of five mags!
A MAX falls to three phoenix rockets easily though. I carry seven rockets in my standard loadout, so I can kill two and put the hurting on a third :D
And on the gauss firing rate... umm... well it is pretty slow. Say on par with the G3A3 in firearms. It will empty the entire mag pretty quickly if you hold it down though, in say (guesstimating here) six or seven seconds.
And a supressor will still kill a reinforced wearing infantrywoman in one magazine, as I found out when one unexpectedly spawned behind me and I kept hitting 2 too fast, kept putting away my rifle right after I pulled it out >_<
Well picture the cone of fire. The crouched cone is of course smaller than standing. The first round is NEVER guaranteed to go right dead on the crosshairs, it will end up somewhere in that cone of fire. Crouching just makes it smaller :)
One shot firing all the way to the clip plane... I meant that as how in counterstrike, you could snipe with the AK one shot at a time at someone clear across the map. You cannot do this in PS. There is the cone of fire, and the actual range limitations on the weapon.
And yes, the thumper is plenty useful :) Not so much in a stand up fight, but it makes for a great squad weapon. Lob in a few napalm nades to set the room on fire, then send everyone else in to clean up ^_^
2003-04-11, 09:14 PM
I don't play firearms... Like how much slower is the gauss compared to a punisher/suppressor/punisher, noticably so or not?
2003-04-11, 09:15 PM
btw I was at that battle on the last screens as well, one of those prowlers is probably me :eek:
I'm not really sure on any of these, since I'm still pretty much a beta noob, so if another tester knows otherwise, please correct me :)
I believe the gauss and punisher have fairly similar rates of fire. The punisher might be faster than the gauss, but not by much. I dont think it does as much damage per shot, nor is it as accurate when firing full-auto, but then it has the grenade launcher for extra damage...
The suppressor fires pretty darn fast compared to the gauss. The few times I've been stuck with it, I've found myself emptying my clip without realizing it heh. It's not terribly powerful.. I'm *guessing* it takes 15-18 rounds to kill reinforced armor, but it's quite accurate at medium ranges.
Not sure what to say about the pulsar, as I've used it exactly once :p
It doesnt seem as accurate as the gauss, but carries 10 more rounds per clip. Maybe 12-14 shots to drop a reinforced armor?
It's ROF falls between the cycler and gauss.
I also think it sucks up 2 'charges' per shot when in AP mode.
As for maxes, I have no idea...
I believe the TR max has more armor than the VS, but they can both take a serious pounding from the rifles.
Your best option is to hit em at extreme range with phoenix missiles (going to guess 4-6 shots), or get em point-blank with an AP-loaded shotgun.
Again, if another tester has more/better info, pleeease correct
me. I hate to post false info hehe
edit: forgot a couple things...
MAXes take three phoenix rockets :D
2003-04-11, 09:26 PM
yeah... i was asking about the bolt driver earlier. Do you know how much health a reinforced takes from a bolt driver?
I know from the 100 mb fileplanet video that an agile armor loses 75 hp from 1 bolt driver shot.
Also, how common are snipers? I mean even if you don't come across snipers that often, every once in awhile will annoy you getting killed in 1-2 shots depending on how low your health is. I'd think that having atleast 2 guys with boltdrivers in your squad would be neccessary when wandering around outdoors or in a convoy traveling to an enemy base.
And heres a question thats completely off topic, what if your squad isnt online? I'm guessing, alot of the time your squad won't be on that much, do you just make a squad from whoevers on in your entire outfit? Also, how can you tell when someone in your outfit is online? Is there a buddy list or something where you can contact them, ask where they are and then hart drop near the squad?
And is it ourageous to just go to your sanctuary every time you respawn and just join a squad of pps you dont know and take their galaxy to a large attack?
And another random question, i keep hearing this option of "instant action", is it a button you can press or something in your sanctuary that will instantly drop you into a large battle or something or the edge of your sphere of influence?
It takes 2 shots to drop someone in reinforced armor with a bolt driver. I think each shot takes away 66 health, so even if you use a medkit immidiately after you've been shot, the 2nd one will still get you since medkits only restore 25hp.
As far as how often you run into them, I havent played long enough to really get a feel for it.
I know sometimes you'll attack a base with half a dozen of em up on a wall, and sometimes it seems like there isnt one on the entire continent. <shrug>
Squad-wise, it's not hard to find a group to play with. There always seem to be groups getting ready in the sanctuary, galaxy included :)
There's a nifty little window that shows the roster for your entire outfit. It shows, of course, name, rank, points, and when they were last on (shows "ONLINE" if.. *gasp* they're online)
I'm not sure of the mechanics of instant action yet. It drops you in 'instant action hotspots' but I have no idea how they work :p
I *think* it can also be used anywhere, but I'm not real sure.
One bolt driver round will knock a reinforced armor person to 25 health. Really fricking annoying. And there are SO DAMN MANY. Trick is though, to fight with your brains, not your balls. I already have a headstart there :D
You can easily get pickup groups, just /broadcast in a friendly SOI like the sanctuary "LFG (insert what you can do here)" and viola.
You can see who is online in your outfit by pushing the outfit button, and a list pops up of everyone in it, and anyone online has a nice ONLINE tag :D
Instant action will respawn you at a random hotspot somewhere on the world. Totally random though, but it is neat for some... instant action :p
I'm pretty sure being sniped in reinforced drops you to 34 health. Of course it's quite possible that I'm wrong, but that number really sticks in my mind :/
Another note on Instant Action...
I was trying it late last night, and it kept dropping me in this tower on Ishundar, despite hotspots all over Ceryshen and Solsar.
Beats me :huh:
2003-04-11, 09:43 PM
Looks like i'm going to be a reinforced nc with a gauss and a bolt driver. Though I love blowing up vehicles in halo, i don't think i can trust a team mate to take out a sniper who's fucking with me. That's just me, I don't want to suddenly get shot to 25 hp, and have no means of taking his ass down. I'll just have to rely on my team mates for taking out tanks and reavers.
Oh, how many phoenix shots does it take down a tank? (prowler or magrider)?
Indeed :D
Though I think it takes 3 to kill a lightning hehe
I know it takes 2 decimators to kill a lightning! :eek:
2003-04-11, 09:51 PM
I love you led...
2003-04-11, 09:52 PM
2 decimator shots to kill a lightning? Can't decimators only have 1 rocket before disposing them? Geeze, 2 av weapons just to take down 1 lightning, that's sad.
Also, anyone know if gauss is over powered? People at the official forums were saying that it should be nerfed because the damage is too high.
People were also saying phoenix missiles do too much damage compared to striker/lancer.
A decimator has only three rockets. It gets tossed after use. It aint that accurate, it is totally dumbfire... but it makes for great antiMAX weaponry indoors. Two deci rockets = dead MAX.
The phoenix is most definetly not overpowered. In the time it takes me to guide one rocket to a target, a striker or lancer could have fired three or even four times. The phoenix follows the NCs ideals of fewer, but more accurate and harder hitting shots.
Yes, the gauss rifle is the end all of long range weaponry, although a bolt driver outranges it. However, indoors, you are at a severe disadvantage in a close fight. And seeing as how most of the fighting is inside bases...
One would say the terran chaingun is overpowered. Indoors it is THE uberweapon. It can even destroy tanks and shred MAXes at an insane rate of speed.
But in the end. all weapons are balanced to each other rather well. NC rocks the house outdoors at long ranges, while both terran specific weapons rule the indoor game. Vanu are somewhere in the middle.
2003-04-11, 10:04 PM
Bad news for me... I was planning on capping bases most of the time. So why is the gauss so bad indoors? Not completely understanding... I bet a large group of soldiers with a combination of gausses/jackhammers could probably take a large group of soldiers with mini-chainguns/cyclers. Then again I know nothing and I'm always wrong. I bet nc could cap bases pretty well with a combination of gauss/jackhammers/nc scattercannon maxes. And in bases is the combat really all that close? In most screenshots the rooms are pretty big. And if atleast half a large group of nc had jackhammers i bet they could rush and waiste a ton...
Then again I know nothing and I'm always wrong, so nm.
No one uses the jackhammer, it stinks, right now at least. You have to be right on top of the person to do any damage, and with the reload time after the three round burst, the pump shotgun will do the same amount of damage over time.
Chainguns and cyclers own the indoors game, hand down.
2003-04-11, 10:08 PM
Even if the indoors were crowded and both sides were constantly within a few feet of eachother, you said that a gauss can unload it's clip in about 5-7 seconds in full auto. You also said a gauss can kill a reinforced in 10 shots. And since you also said things are crowded indoors, there isnt that much room for inaccuracy. So if you had the skills and the timing you could take down 3 guys in 5-7 seconds. This is if you can immediately stop firing for a second, and switch to a new target once one target is down and immediately start unloading again, and then again repeat.
I'd think that could be effective in doors...
No joke, the chaingun is rediculous. I swear it's more powerful than our freaking AI MAX. :flamemad:
On the otherhand, our special assault is worthless. A shotgun with an effective range of 6 feet... great...
The gauss is not that effective indoors, the cycler and chaingun can outdamage it by a large margin that close up :p
2003-04-11, 10:16 PM
nice screens
2003-04-11, 10:17 PM
Damn that truly sucks, so how does nc capture bases when it's medium assault is shit indoors and it's heavy assault sucks ass anywhere.
Also, does the gauss still make the gay blue circle around it when it fires? Shown in this ss:
I'd prefer some blue "firing effect" coming out of it. You know like they show for the common pool weapons except blue or something to show it's magnetized or whatever.
While it only takes 10 rounds to kill with a gauss, you'll rarely, if ever experience killing 3 people per clip (unless they're all AFK).
There's none of that pixel-perfect, hitscan crap, so you'll need to lead your long-range targets. This plus conefire means you're going to miss at least a few shots per kill.
And CQB is to fast and furious, you'll be missing quite a few shots as your target ducks behind walls and crates... or if you suddenly get attacked from behind :) That can really scare the crap outta you hehe
2003-04-11, 10:20 PM
Oh that's easy. The NC zerg of course! :p
The gauss isnt really "shit" indoors, it's just not as good a room clearing weapon as the cycler. I dont think the pulsar's that hot indoors either.
Thankfully, the basic shotgun you get with medium assault is pretty potent. It actually seems to have a choke, unlike the jackhammer, which makes room to room combat more bearable, and it only takes a few good shots to drop a reinforced armor guy. So if you and a squadmate can focus fire on 1 chaingunner, you'll likely walk away with a win.
As for the weird blue muzzle flash, it's still there. But honestly it looks just fine in-game... it flashes in and out so fast it actually looks pretty good (imo) :)
Oh that's easy. The NC zerg of course! :p
Exactly! We dont have 4 AMS's set up outside your front door for nothin! :p
2003-04-11, 10:25 PM
in that ss you gotta admit it looks pretty damn queer. So if that's the only hope you can give me, that if me and a buddy can take on 1 mini gunner, that's kinda sad. 2 on 1 is the only way? Doesn't that sort of require twice as large an nc attack force as a tr defense force or vice versa?
Camping Carl
2003-04-11, 10:28 PM
What about the thumper? Do you know any specifics on damage and ROF?
Nah that's not the only way... though you *never* want to go toe to toe with a chaingunner at medium or close range.
If you know some chaingunners are coming, you can soften them up with grenades. Or if you're an engineer, you can place a boomer, say, at the bottom of the stairs and blast em when they come around the corner.
If you're a stealth guy, you can pray they dont have darklight and stab them in the back.
Not sure what else to suggest atm :p
Not sure about the thumper, Carl, that's another thing I've only used once :)
Though I have witnessed it used to good effect against groups of charging badguys.
I sure wouldnt reccomend using it indoors though, unless your squad is well coordinated and you're out in front. ;)
That reminds me though, the Rocklet's actually not bad at combating chaingunners. 4-5 direct hits (6 round mag) kills reinforced armor. But it's pretty much reserved for room to room fights since it's not very accurate
2003-04-11, 10:38 PM
Maybe i'll just go chaingun/reinforced/bolt action, since i plan on taking bases.
Camping Carl
2003-04-11, 10:39 PM
Have you seen any vanu sniping (or trying to snipe) infantry with the Lancer?
Had to ask because they're always going on about how awesome lancer snipers will be. :)
2003-04-11, 10:40 PM
I almost feel sorry enough for vanu to actually play vanu now.
Heh I met a 'Lancer Sniper' once... I knifed him :p
Mazuli - Vanu MAX's rock :)
2003-04-11, 10:45 PM
I'll never be a MAX. I've been wanting to be NC for a long time because for some reason I thought they were the underdogs but now realize they are quite the opposite. Kinda disappointed that gauss is gonna be used by everyone too. Oh well as long as I have fun. I have all beta to decide what I want to be.
Honestly I think the AR's are balanced...
The Gauss has higher per-shot damage, but lowest ROF and the smallest mag.
The Cycler has the lowest per-shot damage, but highest ROF and the biggest mag.
The Pulsar has average damage, average ROF and an average mag.
Hell, I pick up cyclers to use for fun when fighting TR. I'd do the same with the pulsar if I didnt have to swap out my bullets for batteries... that just takes too long when under fire :)
2003-04-11, 10:56 PM
Yeah but you said the chain gun owns them all.
Camping Carl
2003-04-11, 10:58 PM
How are the hand-grenades? Ya know, damage-wise...
Any personal favorite MAX suit? Why?
Can you 1-shot a reinforced with a phoenix?
Manueverability of Phoenix?
Getting tired of answering our questions yet? ;)
Yep. But to get a chaingun you need 3 more cert points, so not everyone will have them... at least in the beginning.
Also I'd be surprised if it doesnt get toned down. People are probably whining about it in the beta forum... but then I wouldnt know, as I *still* cant access the damn site :(
Sarah Jinstar
2003-04-11, 11:01 PM
Awesome info guys keep it coming. However I do have one question. What constitutes (sp?) as being medium or heavy gunner? is it the armor type alone? Or does it involve what one certs in for weapons? Or is it a combination of the two?
Can't wait to get in there with y'all! Only a few more days!
2003-04-11, 11:02 PM
Well I hope so, because I like how the nc look, I prefer damage over rate of fire, and I despise goggles. I'll probably go nc and use the gauss just because I love how it looks in first person, even if it does suck. Any videos out there showing a gauss firing, and Vash, you got any cool screenies?
Grenades are great, especially plasma nades :)
They're real handy for softening up defenses around control terminals or for killing off a room of dug in but wounded enemies, you can 'highlight' infiltrators with the plasma nades, as they leave a nice green flame on whatever's in the blast radius.
Damage wise, I'm not sure... I think it all depends on how close your target is to the blast.
Also, the mine sweeper nades and jammer nades have recently been rolled into one, so I imagine they'll be seeing more use.
I cant really answer the max question, since I prefer reinforced armor.
I'd have to say the TR AI MAX is the best spawncamper though ;) Just anchor between the little equipment terminals and blast anyone that spawns in hehe
The phoenix isnt very effective against basic infantry. It's really designed for armor (aircraft and maxes included).
It's fairly manueverable, though it cant pull off the wild U-turns the Striker's missiles can. You can fly a circle inside the walls of a base though.
nah, not quite yet :)
I just hope I'm not giving out any false info ;)
Camping Carl
2003-04-11, 11:12 PM
Damage of reaver rockets?
What are the tower weapons like? I coulda sworn they had automated weapons. I'm to lazy to check tho.
It's been said that the vangaurd is currently overpowered, is this true?
Seen many vanu using the lasher? Cause it looks like a horrible weapon to me.
Sarah, could you expand on that a little? Do you mean medium and basic assault certifications?
The gauss doesnt suck by any means. It's just designed for medium and long range battles, and the heavy assault weapons are designed for use once you're in the base.
As a side note, I think the lasher is nicely balanced. It's really powerful indoors, and the lashing effect has a decent range, so it kills pretty quickly.
However, it has a fairly small mag (20 rounds), a less-than-average ROF, and the energy blobs travel relatively slow, making it fairly worthless outdoors.
As for screens, the guys here at PSU have posted better screenies than I ever could... I'm not much of a photographer :)
Reaver rockets are pretty potent and fire pretty quickly. They'll quickly blast apart a group of closely-gathered infantry, and they make short work of vehicles. Unfortunately you run out of em pretty quick if you're not careful hehe :)
Towers have the same turrets as bases do.
I'm not certain here (brain's tired hehe), but I think they auto-target any vehicle that gets close enough, though you might need to have an amp station under your control.
The turrets also chew up infantry pretty quickly, so it's a good idea to take em out at range before an assault.
I'm not sure about the vanguard's power. I havent really witnessed much tank to tank combat, but it's a real killer against lighter vehicles and un-prepared infantry.
I mentioned it in my last post, but the lasher is actually quite a nice weapon. It's a great room clearing tool, but quickly loses effectiveness outdoors
Sarah Jinstar
2003-04-11, 11:20 PM
Yeah, I'm a bit confused on exactly how many certs there are, and which ones you need for what. eg: do you need to take a cert in medium assult cert, before you take a cert in a medium assult weapon? Or do you just take the cert in the weapon and that makes you medium assult.
Camping Carl
2003-04-11, 11:21 PM
What's the armor on spitfires like? Damage? Number you can place?
Same Q's with boomers and motion detectors, damage and number you can place. Tho obviously there's no damage with the motion detectors.
It's been said that ANTs make a big boom when they explode, but what about damage and blast radius?
Can you stick mines on vehicals?
Dang, I'm out of questions... for now.
And thanks a ton for all the great answers. :clap: :thumbsup:
Ah ok
Taking 'Medium Assault' costs 2 certification points (you begin the game with 3 points, and get 1 for every leve/battle rank).
Once you've trained it, you get access to your empire-specific assault rifle (Gauss for NC, Cycler for TR, Pulsar for VS), the Punisher assault rifle and the basic shotgun.
Also, once you've taken Medium Assault, you get access to the other weapon certs:
Anti-Vehicular, which lets you use the empire-specific anti armor weapons (Phoenix/Striker/Lancer)
Heavy Assault, opens up the empire specific assault weapons (Jackhammer/Chaingun/Lasher)
Special Assault, opens up the common pool assault weapons (Rocklet, Thumper, Decimator)
and Sniping, which lets you use the Bolt Driver
Spitfires have enough armor to piss you off when you stumble into one, but not enough to survive long-range combat. One phoenix can kill one, and I think 2 or 3 rounds from the boltdriver does too.
Mines have enough armor to slow you down long enough for a hacker to finish his job or for someone to come up and blast you from behind. I found that out the hard way last night :)
Motion detectors are pretty frail.. a couple (AP) blasts from the shotgun brings it down.
Being right on top of a vehicle that's about to be destroyed usually means a quick trip to your last spawn point. I dont think the ANT is any more 'potent' but I could be wrong..
Dont think so
Ha Ha!
hehe, my pleasure. you wouldnt want to go to jury duty in my place, would you? :rolleyes:
Sarah Jinstar
2003-04-11, 11:37 PM
Ahhh ok I get it now. Thanks Vash! :hug:
2003-04-11, 11:46 PM
how do u post them right on here i have screens out the wazoo!
Just remove the periods
2003-04-11, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Vash
Just remove the periods
And, of course, they need to be hosted. Pretty sure you know that Subliminal but I thought I'd let you know just in case.
2003-04-12, 12:16 AM
bridge between gunuku on one side, and Itan and Kaang on the other
Great battle there tonight. We had >1800 people on Auraxis server, and I'd say 300+ were at that TR vs NC battle on that bridge. hehe I found out a little "trick", not a bug, when fighting there. After I /b the trick, claimed the other side of the bridge in ~15 minutes. Gunuku fell to TR shortly after also. Never did take that tower from NC between Gunuku and the river. Well, I logged off at ~10:30pm cst. Was alot of fun driven my AMS across that bridge pushing blown up tanks out of my way, trying to to run other TR's... Probably the most fun I've had in PS.
2003-04-12, 12:45 AM
I've heard a lot about the Empire-specific assault rifles, but not much about the munisher. is the Damage and refire comparable to the others, or is it only decent because of it's grenade launcher?
Sounds fun Toimu, I'll have to give that area a try soon.
I did have a blast on Forseral tonight though. All three sides were fighting there for most of the evening. Things really heated up at Bel at once point, too. The Vanu were *really* pushing for that place, it was crazy... being up on the north wall, watching them pour over the hills like that was insane.
Then a MAX you missed jets up in front of you and burns a hole in your skull... :eek:
Too bad they seemed to fade away after that. :(
I learned something new from that fight though...
If you can place yourself under some cover out away from the base, you can do a great job of softening up (if not killing) those nasty maxes. <hugs his phoenix>
As far as the punisher goes, Sando, I'd have to say the grenade launcher really makes the gun. It doesnt seem as accurate as the empire-specific AR's, and has extremely average damage and ROF.
Though someone who's good with it can kill pretty efficiently with it.
In my limited experience, it seems the Vanu use it the most. I guess since it doesnt have a giant blue beam pointing back to the shooter :lol:
edit: typos... I really need to go to bed
2003-04-12, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Venoxile
Maybe i'll just go chaingun/reinforced/bolt action, since i plan on taking bases. You capping bases alone? I feel bad for you, getting owned over and over ;)
As for teh jackhammer/cg/gauss they are all undergoing balance changes still. The past several weeks the dev team has been concentrating souly on stability, thus they have not made allot of gameplay changes. However, in the upcoming weeks now that everything is much more stable, we will see these things tweaked. I would not make your judgment on what empire you are gonna be from what people say now, as it wil be different when you buy it off the shelves.
2003-04-12, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
You capping bases alone? I feel bad for you, getting owned over and over ;)
hehe, yeah. Me and a squad of ~10 went on a graveyard shift capping spree. We did alot of fighting, and got close to taken a continent, but could because of this NC squad. If we cleared them out of one base, they would just respawn at there last one or 2, and start to take one of ours. Went on like that for ~2 hours before I called it a night at 6am on Friday morning.
2003-04-12, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
You capping bases alone? I feel bad for you, getting owned over and over ;)
As for teh jackhammer/cg/gauss they are all undergoing balance changes still. The past several weeks the dev team has been concentrating souly on stability, thus they have not made allot of gameplay changes. However, in the upcoming weeks now that everything is much more stable, we will see these things tweaked. I would not make your judgment on what empire you are gonna be from what people say now, as it wil be different when you buy it off the shelves.
I don't plan on capping bases alone, notice, i said i was getting a bolt driver. From what i've heard I doubt it would be too useful in capping bases.
I wonder if having 2 vanguards and a deliverer (maybe sunderer, can't remember which one is the heavy one) would be a good tactic in pushing the way to a base. When under fire, troops can unload out of the deliverer/sunderer and unload on any troops/vehicles hassling the tanks. And if multiple squads used the tactic could it be a good way to push the front line?
Oh that leads me to my two next questions, how long does it take to unload a ground transport or galaxy?
And can troops hitch a ride on tanks like they could in halo (sitting on the sides)? I highly doubt it, nothings been mentioned on it, but it's always worth a try.
2003-04-12, 12:53 PM
No riding on tanks, sorry.
2003-04-12, 02:22 PM
this is sort of an oddball question but say u get stranded out on ur own by maybe ur plane crashing or the rest of ur group just dies... anyways ur out on ur own on foot. how hard is it to bum a ride? is there a steady flow of buggies and tanks?
just got to thinking about if it would be better to wait for a ride in that sort of situation or if killing urself with a nade would be more practical.
2003-04-12, 02:33 PM
if you read the beta manual (now online for all viewers), it says that theres always the options to immediately teleport to your sanctuary if no friendlies are nearby, no enemies are nearby and you're stranded.
2003-04-12, 02:34 PM
ah, didnt know such a thing existed. thanks
2003-04-12, 02:44 PM
np, heres a link. You may not beable to get to it due to overcrowding.
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