View Full Version : What if we filled out the address form today?

2003-04-12, 02:00 AM
See the title. Thanks to Medieval Total War and Final Fantasy Origins, I wasn't checking the ol' inbox for a bit and my beta acceptance sort of snuck up on me. So I filled out the mailing form today... anyone have any clue how long it'll take for the discs to show up here (in northern VA?) Just curious.

(Sorry to cross-post, but I realized that there is no way in the nine hells that I'm actually going to get that question answered on the official forums. :p )

2003-04-12, 02:02 AM
Exact same here, east coast too, just filled it out today, well yesterday, its past midnight and I filled it out at about 8pm EST

2003-04-12, 02:03 AM
Probably wont show up, but its different depending on when you got your e-mail.

2003-04-12, 02:04 AM
wont show up? What wont show up? The CD? AHHH you gotta be kidding me

2003-04-12, 02:06 AM
I've still got Beta Tester access to the Beta website (my poster title is "PLS Beta Member") so I assume I'm still IN the beta. I am afraid that I might've gotten yanked, but then my clearances should've been yanked as well.

Hm. We shall see, and hopefully He That Is Spork shall come down from heaven and answer the question.