View Full Version : Specific questions.
2003-04-12, 02:18 AM
Ask me specific questions about either NC or VS and ill do my best to answer them. Ill check back here tomorrow morning ( is tomorrow morning...damn it) when i wake up and give you all a nice big post on your questions.
Give me specifics, not "Do vanu weapons own?". Any vague questions will be ignored. completely.
2003-04-12, 03:11 AM
I dont know whats been up the last 2 days but the vanu have been frikin feirce, maybee the people are just getting used to the weapons but today every time i turned around there was a beam weapon there hittin me in the face. Thats not to say i didnt still own ,cause i did ,but i think there comin into there own.:D
2003-04-12, 05:29 AM
How high and how far can the VS MAX jump? And does the comet (AV MAX) have homing as a secondary fire mode?
2003-04-12, 07:27 AM
how does a scatterman usually perform against a dual cycler (both full health) you know even fiht and what is usually the outcome?
2003-04-12, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by MiniOrca
how does a scatterman usually perform against a dual cycler (both full health) you know even fiht and what is usually the outcome?
What's a scatterman? Do you mean the big shotgun thing stuck to the NC anti-infantry MAX?
2003-04-12, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by Zatrais
How high and how far can the VS MAX jump? And does the comet (AV MAX) have homing as a secondary fire mode?
I'll answer this. The VS MAX can jump pretty high, easily clearing walls and being really annoying by jumping onto the roofs of a part of the base. They also have a habit of jumping up to upper levels of towers while the two entrances at the bottom are being heavily guarded.
The Comet does home in, yes. It's actually pretty neat, as it fires plasma bolts which burn up aircraft and vehicles that it impacts. I'm fairly sure the AV MAX fires the same sort of projectile.
2003-04-12, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by Warborn
I'll answer this. The VS MAX can jump pretty high, easily clearing walls and being really annoying by jumping onto the roofs of a part of the base. They also have a habit of jumping up to upper levels of towers while the two entrances at the bottom are being heavily guarded.
The Comet does home in, yes. It's actually pretty neat, as it fires plasma bolts which burn up aircraft and vehicles that it impacts. I'm fairly sure the AV MAX fires the same sort of projectile.
The comet is the AV...
Think you've mixed up AA (starfire) and AV (comet) names, else you're saying that the AV fires the same sort of projectile as the AV hehe
2003-04-12, 08:24 AM
Hellsfire your thread is being taken over.
2003-04-12, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Zatrais
The comet is the AV...
Think you've mixed up AA (starfire) and AV (comet) names, else you're saying that the AV fires the same sort of projectile as the AV hehe
Woah, yeah, you're right. My mistake. General anesthetic has a way of screwing you up. Anyway, no, the AV MAX doesn't have homing projectiles. No Empire has homing AV projectiles. You can fire a pretty impressive barrage of dumb-fire rounds off though, which is pretty good.
2003-04-12, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Warborn
Woah, yeah, you're right. My mistake. General anesthetic has a way of screwing you up. Anyway, no, the AV MAX doesn't have homing projectiles. No Empire has homing AV projectiles. You can fire a pretty impressive barrage of dumb-fire rounds off though, which is pretty good.
I thought the Striker (Terran AV) had a secondary homing fire.
PSU Weapons Page: The Striker serves as the Terran Republic's primary anti-vehicular weapon. In standard firing mode, it launches a dumb fire missile straight towards its target. In secondary firing mode, the Striker will attempt to lock-on to an armored target (heavy assault suit, vehicle, or turret) as long as the reticule is kept on target for a short duration.
Did they change it or is it just those general anesthetics making your brain all screwy again?
2003-04-12, 05:41 PM
Okay, good.
The vanu max doesnt just go pretty high. It sky rockets. You can get to the roof of a watch tower (5 stories) with boost to spare. Its actually amazingly useful in forests, you can get into the trees.
The scattercannon was great the last time i used it. I ran through 5 infantry in a group and killed them all without reloading. It has 3 modes, you cycle through them witha right click. The first is the normal "ima rape u good" close range, the second is a slower small burst with a 2x zoom, and the third is like the 2nd just tighter and with a 4x zoom.
The AA vanu max is great against air. The shots home in, but there are only 4. 4 should kill a misquito, and damage a reaver into retreat. I believe it is 6 shots to kill a reaver. How ever, it takes 6 direct hits to kill standard armor infantry and 9 to kill reinforced. Bear that in mind.
2003-04-12, 05:44 PM
yes, the scatterman is the NC AI MAX, wanted to know how it performed againsts a TR AI MAX. On the beta boards and such i heard the TR was stronger
The TR MAX is indeed VERY dangerous. TR is a very powerful empire, i myself would say overpowered but that's just me.
2003-04-12, 06:20 PM
I've heard from about 4 people on the station forums and the psu forums together that gauss sucks horribly in close quarters combat. They also said that chaingun is overpowered, and can rip a gausser to bits in about 5-6 seconds close to medium range.
And Vash on the psu forums said that a chaingunner reinforced is almost as powerful as a tr ai max. I'm guessing he was exagerating (sp)?
Yeah, I plan on being a gausser/bolter and plan basically to just take down bases/outposts. I'm not saying all my combat will be indoors, because i'm sure atleast 60% of the time i'm going to be outdoors due to traveling.
So yeah, do you guys think that gauss is a terrible weapon for indoor combat?
Haven't used the gauss much so i'll abstain from commenting.
2003-04-12, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Venom
I thought the Striker (Terran AV) had a secondary homing fire.
Did they change it or is it just those general anesthetics making your brain all screwy again?
they are talking about MAX�s, NOT the weapons used by non-MAX`ers.
The striker isnt a MAX weapon.
2003-04-12, 06:48 PM
can anyone answer my question?
2003-04-12, 07:10 PM
*bump* answer my question or i'll murder you.
2003-04-12, 07:45 PM
Gauss is a great weapon. Deadly out doors, decent indoors.
The chaingun was very overpowered, but i believe it has had a visist from the Nazi Nerf Bat of Doom. They used to be as deadly as maxs indoors, and more so out doors(moved faster). Vanu weapons have had a recent upgrade, and i personally love the gause rifle.
2003-04-12, 08:20 PM
Yes! Someone who thinks the gauss rifle is good! I can now die a happy man. Wait no, don't -- AHHHHH I wanna use a gauss rifle! NOOOOO AAAAAAHHHHHH. *gets cut in half by a wierd guy in a black robe holding a scythe.*
Aight, on the high note this thread has been carrying, when was the vanu upgraded, and when was the chaingun nerfed? Vash said the chaingun ownz everyone yesterday, and so did 2 other guys who i can't remember their names on the station forums...
And dio's still bitching about the vanu sucking, and i'm sure he has good reason to, i haven't heard a good thing about the vanu besides their max in the past day.
2003-04-12, 08:28 PM
Last week the TR were horribly overpowered and the vanu complained constanly about how their weapons were ineffective against TR. Then the servers were down for different reasons for 2-3 days and everything was better. The TR learned they couldnt go lone wolf all the time, the vanu are raping because they are used to large group tactics and the NC are just used to not stopping till the continent is locked or they are kicked off.
In fact we've had some great battles with our last tower(s) left on the continent. Just picture 40-50 people with guns in a one room apartment with stairs heading into a battlefield and your half way to the amazingness that went on their.
2003-04-12, 08:31 PM
What i'm asking is: since all of these people who made comments on chaingun being over powered and gauss sucking indoors compared to it made their comments yesterday, was the patch nerfing the tr and upgrading the vanu before yesterday or not?
edit: grammar + spl;ellinggs
2003-04-12, 08:41 PM
The TR learned they couldnt go lone wolf all the time, the vanu are raping because they are used to large group tactics...
That's ridiculous. The VS are no more group-savvy than the TR guys are.
2003-04-12, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
That's ridiculous. The VS are no more group-savvy than the TR guys are.
Notice, he never said that they were, he just said that they have recently started to organize themselves into large groups. He's saying one of the main reasons the vanu have been sucking is alot of people have been going lone wolf and instant action instead of organized squad combat.
2003-04-12, 11:34 PM
Actually i was saying that vanu are raping because, in the past, they had to do large scale group tactics to win do to their low power. Terran on the other hand used to be able to win with just a few people. So the vanu tactic works even better now, TR are catching on, and NC are....stuck between a rock and a hard place.
2003-04-13, 08:36 AM
Not a VS or NC question, but a question :)
The VR training room is in your sanctuary, correct? Will you be able to access the training room whenever you like, or is it just one time? and say I choose Terran Republic, in the VR training room, will I only be able to test TR veichles and weapons, or all 3 factions?
Sarah Jinstar
2003-04-13, 08:59 AM
Don't know for sure Salazar as I'm still waiting on disks, but I'm assuming in VR you get to use all common pool and the empire you've chosen.
2003-04-13, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Salazar
Not a VS or NC question, but a question :)
The VR training room is in your sanctuary, correct? Will you be able to access the training room whenever you like, or is it just one time? and say I choose Terran Republic, in the VR training room, will I only be able to test TR veichles and weapons, or all 3 factions?
I think u will b able 2 acces it whenever u like, if u choose TR then I think u can use all weapons 4 all empires and CP can b used, also all vehicles I THINK.
I dont know but I think I heard the devs saying that.
2003-04-13, 10:44 AM
There are two training rooms you can access any time you are in your sanc. One is for vehicals and the other is a shooting range type. You can use all common pool and the weapons specific to your empire. There is no limit on how many times you can use a max armor in VR either.
Vehical area is still kinda lame. Theres nothing to really shoot at and its really hard to find an air pad.
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