View Full Version : Beta Screenshots!

2003-04-12, 04:55 AM
Well guys,
Since the NDA is lifted, im gonna link my screens i took during my extended time in beta, With captions......

Ant Refilling...This is me at a warpgate refilling my ANT (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/AntRefill.JPG)


Balcony Ambush....Heres me waiting on a balcony, Below me just out of sight is a vanu soldier, After this screen was taken, i dropped down and killed him with my cycler (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/BalconyAmbush.JPG)


Here is BonnieDundee guarding a hacked control console (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/BonnieGuarding.JPG)


I got a bit bored waiting for a base to cap, So i took out my cycler and wrote CDL in the ground (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/CDL-Written-In-Bullets.JPG)


While driving through the icy terrain, I lost control of my harasser and slammed into a tree (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/DrivingUpTree.JPG)


Here is GreyGhost with Dual Mini-Guns strapped to his back (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/DualMiniGuns.JPG)

Two prowlers kicking the crap out of a vanu magrider (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/FightingMagrider.JPG)


A crashed galaxy, Hamma landed the galaxy and a bug made it slide into the lake, Everyone tried unloading, and running to shore, But as you can see, Some didnt make it that far, But i made it to shore (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/GalaxyCaption.JPG)


Here is a squad of TR soldiers guarding a terminal (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/GuardingHackingTerminal.JPG)


Here is a screenshot of hamma after shooting down a reaver with his cycler (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/HammaShootDownReaver.JPG)


Here is my harasser getting some air (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/HarasserAir.JPG)


Here is a harasser on two wheels after flying around a corner and clipping the curb (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/HarasserOnTwoWheels.JPG)


Here is us huddling around in a circle (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/Huddling.JPG)


Here is two MAX Armor units guarding a control console (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/MAXGuards.JPG)


Here is manitou our friendly neighborhood medic reviving OmnipotentKiwi who got his butt kicked :-P (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/ManiRevive.JPG)


Marine64 outside guarding a TR tower (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/MarineChaingun.JPG)


Marsman with a decimator running towards an enemy base, Also notice the message of me advancing to BR 3 (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/MarsDecimator.JPG)


Here is a squad of TR soldiers guarding a control console (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/MassGuarding.JPG)


Here is a matrixing panel on an AMS (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/MatricingPanel.JPG)


Here is a max armor unit taking cover behind crates (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/MaxCover.JPG)


Here is a high ranking TR soldier, notice the shinpads/elbow pads/neck brace, Also notice the EQOA Dev's in the background (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/PostalSalute.JPG)


MAX Armor unit guarding a control console (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/PraetGuard.JPG)


Cryogenic Tube in a vanu base (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/SpawnTuber.JPG)


After spending all my ammo shooting at this magrider, i took out my knife and went to work along with another TR soldier rofl (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/SqueekyAttackMag.JPG)


Here is me lifting up a marauder, Actually whats happening is im being run over and im doing that "Fantastic" emoticon which subsequently throws my hands in the air, a funny shot nonetheless (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/SqueekyHoldingMaraud.JPG)


Here is a TR convoy heading towards an enemy base (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/TRConvoy.JPG)


Here is a TR female coming onto me :brow: (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/TRFemale.JPG)


Here is a vanu reinforced armor who doesnt realize im sneaking up on him (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/VanuReinforced.JPG)


I hope you guys enjoyed this, This game is so much damn fun, You guys will love it

Sarah Jinstar
2003-04-12, 04:56 AM
Thanks Squeeky! awesome screenies!

2003-04-12, 05:21 AM
Cool shots...

p.s it's a agile, not reinforced vanu in the last shot

2003-04-12, 08:08 AM

2003-04-12, 08:21 AM

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Porter Potties!

and how did that Marauder get up on two back wheels?

2003-04-12, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Squeeky

Here is a TR female coming onto me :brow: (http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/Screens/TRFemale.JPG)


And let's see the smooth, ladies man pick up line he used on her...? ;)
(look at what he said up in the chat box :p )

2003-04-12, 10:31 AM

2003-04-12, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Revenant
And let's see the smooth, ladies man pick up line he used on her...? ;)
(look at what he said up in the chat box :p )

lol, "Move" doesn't do very well as a pickup line. :p

2003-04-12, 11:32 AM
Wow, these are great screenies. Thanks Squeeky!

lol, "Move" doesn't do very well as a pickup line.

:lol: :lol:

2003-04-12, 11:46 AM
:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl:

I can't wait until we all get to tell our funny crashing stories and of all the women who wants us and we tell them to move. :D

2003-04-12, 11:46 AM
That max armor unit was blocking the door, I told him to move, It just stayed in the chat box :p

2003-04-12, 11:47 AM
GREAT chat-up line squeek

2003-04-12, 01:35 PM
Thanks alot m8. Thos screenies are gr8! Gives me more of an idea about the game.

2003-04-12, 01:54 PM
ehy sqeeky, i notice every buggie pic, you dont have a passenger...even on the convoy.... is it because you rather drive alone, or the gunner freaks out and jumps off the bridge?

2003-04-14, 04:31 AM
What does a commander look like in medium armor ? So far ive only seen standard and agile .. and they dont look that great heh

2003-04-14, 07:08 AM



2003-04-14, 09:46 AM
LMAO so thats y no one could tell me why everyone made fun of hamma's lake incident! gj Hamma.