View Full Version : Exclusive Beta - Open Beta....me confused

2003-04-14, 03:02 PM
Ok. So I finally check my email and low and behold I got in the exclusive beta. But the thing also says that the NDA is being lifted and something about the open beta and CDs.

Now I am halfway through a 200 something meg download that I'll probably finish off tonight.

Anyway, my point is this.

I haven't really been following PS much and I don't know where things are at. Is there a point to being in the exclusive beta? Is it different than the now open beta? Is there a while still before release or am I getting in the beta 2 weeks before it hits stores.

Anyway, trying to figure out if I actually got something meaningful and if I should bother playing the beta or just wait till release.


2003-04-14, 03:30 PM
Release is projected to be May 19th--you'll get to play for a few weeks. They will shut down the beta two weeks prior to release. Open beta has started, but you get to download it while we have to wait for cds. You should have access to the Planetside Beta Site (http://planetside.station.sony.com/beta/index.jsp), where there is an FAQ, a manual, and a tutorial.

2003-04-14, 04:13 PM
a lot of poeple dont get in either beta...