View Full Version : Typo errors in the Game Info section?

2003-04-16, 11:47 AM
Just to clear things up before the actual questions...

-It's my first post.:wave:
-I'm not in the Beta.:tear:
-English is my second language...:scared:

Ok, now that it's said...

-On the Certifications page (http://www.planetside-universe.com/content.php?p=sdCertInfo), it's written:
The Sweeper and Punisher are available through this certification.
... for the Medium Assault certification... but, what is the Sweeper??

-It also says that the Agile ExoSuit costs 0 Certs... is this true? If so, there's no reason to keep the Standard...

-Finally, it also says that it costs 0 Certs for the ANT Certification. Is it a typo or just on (free) step for every player to drive the ANT?

I wasn't sure if it was best to post this ...post...(bis then :) ) in this forum or in the general one... Hope I've done the right thing.
And don't worry, I know that we're in Beta and that all these values can change...


2003-04-16, 12:10 PM
Im not sure what it means by sweeper. Allot of that info is from the manual.

As for agile, yes its free. And the ANT requiers any vehicle cert to get one at a pad

2003-04-23, 01:00 AM
sweeper = sweeper shotgun

duh :)

2003-04-23, 10:33 AM
sweeper = sweeper shotgun duh

Hum... :


I don't know for you, but I don't find any "sweeper" there... :)
But I found out in the threads and on Planetside Realm that the Sweeper Shotgun is another name for the Flechette Rifle...

Thanx for the help! ;)

2003-04-23, 11:09 AM
Yea, its changed a few times. Have to update the weapon page as it does say "sweeper" in game :p