View Full Version : Pistols, betaers opinions?

2003-04-17, 02:51 PM
Now, I've seen plenty of info on the AV weaps, hordes of thoughts on the heavy weaps, and all the information on the med assault weaps that I could possibly want, but I haven't seen anything on the sidearms of Planetside.

Now I realize that pistols aren't the primary weapons for most people, but as someone who is going to be spending a good deal of his time in infil. armor, I would like to know how these weapons stand up. Mostly, I would like to know about the Mag-Scatter, but info about any of them would be nice. :)

Also, on a semi-related, but not really, note: how about the Suppressor? Does it have any good points, other then the fact that it's quiet?

Many thanks in advance for whatever info you choose to dole out. :D

2003-04-17, 02:56 PM
I've heard lot's of people rave about how good the repeater is. I hear beamer isn't too great. The pistol shottie takes some skill, but is a great close-range weapon. And the AMP is good, but only in small bursts.

2003-04-17, 02:59 PM
The guy in the Malvision video certainly seems to be plugging people to death with the amp, while running and in full auto, at short to point blank ranges.

2003-04-17, 03:01 PM
suppressor isn't quiet either, but if they did tone it down a bit, more people might use it

2003-04-17, 03:04 PM
The suppressor isn't a bad gun, but if you have a medium assault cert, you should always replace it with an assault rifle IMO. It's not very quiet either and it has a distinct sound that says "hey, here's a guy that just spawned, he's probably in standard armor too.. come kill him".

The pistols are like so.

The Mag-scatter has a small clip but is very strong at close range.

The Amp is good point blank, the COF spreads quickly on it and it shoots pretty quickly, so if you are going to hold the trigger down, make sure you are point blank with your target, otherwise try to squeeze off one round at a time (even then it's accuracy suffers a lot).

The Repeater is a great ranged pistol. It's about as accurate as a suppressor, so it's the only pistol that is good at medium range. It has a nice 20 round clip as well. It's not bad close range, but the ROF of the Amp and the power of the mag scatter make them better choices if you are planning on assassinating very closely. However, the repeater really gives you the ability to sit stealthed at a good distance from your target and pick him off.

I haven't used the beamer much, but one thing is for sure, it makes the infiltrator stand out when he's firing it. You can trace the beam back to the user and fire on that position, so I don't think it's very good for infiltrating.

2003-04-17, 03:23 PM
ok i play an inf/hacker on one of my char's i dont even bother with the pistols i keep the REK in the pistol slot and just run around knifing ppl, make sure to use your secondary hit with the knife with melee booster and you drop everyone in like 2 stabs. its crazy fun and i get the most satisfaction knifing since it takes skill to get so close to em

2003-04-17, 04:38 PM
I hear that Synergy, knifing is fun, almost as fun as flying a skeeter into a MAX, suiciding, and blowing his assaway, only did it once, but it was K00l as shiiit

2003-04-17, 05:02 PM
Alright, thanks for the info. :nod:

2003-04-17, 05:30 PM
The pistol is my primary weapon, and I like them all. The TR pistol is my favorite because it works well at range, whereas the AMP is a pain to use at range do to it's autofire and recoil.

The NC Pistol does heavy damage at close range, but it is worthless longer, so I usually go with the AMP until I kill a terran or make a stop at a locker. The vanu pistol isn't worth using for a cloaker because it gives your position away too easily.

2003-04-17, 05:47 PM
I use the NC pistol on my infil setup. Kills agile fairly quickly, reinforced takes slightly longer and they can sometimes get me (if they're not tards), but I usually get most people I close in on.

Problem with it: I have to close to point blank range, as in pistol actually touching them before i usually start firing. If you're more than 3-4 feet away, at least one part of the shot will miss...at least one. It's so satisfying seeing someone, circling them to flank, then popping 3-4 bullets in them and seeing them drop to the little fellow with no armor. :D

I don't touch maxes though (with serious intention of killing them anyways). Sometimes I just shoot them to distract them....but mostly I just sit still and let them amble past me.

2003-04-17, 05:53 PM
I always fight MAXes, and I almost always die quickly against them. And then I wonder why I jumped out and started fighting them, until I see the next MAX and jump out to fight him.

If I can catch them outdoors tho, I'll keep my distance and plink at them from hiding. It's usually a good way to tie up a max away from his objective.

2003-04-17, 06:32 PM
The AMP and MAG-Scatter are ideal for indoor combat, whereas the Repeater and Beamer are good outdoors. If you're not an infiltrator, the Beamer is fine, doing fairly good damage and being fairly accurate. Any Vanu infiltrator I see using the Beamer I always have a bit of a chuckle over though. It's extremely easy to see where the location of the infiltrator is when they fire that thing.

2003-04-17, 06:33 PM
I don't use pistols at all. That holster slot is much better served with an engineer or medic's tool in it.

2003-04-17, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by AcidCat
I don't use pistols at all. That holster slot is much better served with an engineer or medic's tool in it.

Pistols are a waste if you can carry a rifle, yeah. Pilots and others sometimes carry a pistol though, using their inventory space for spare ammo, and their rifle slot for a repair tool.