View Full Version : PlanetSide Battle Journal

2003-04-17, 09:13 PM
PlanetSide.com (http://www.planetside.com) has released the first ever PlanetSide Battle Journal. Here's a tidbit:
Passing through the large warpgate, we noticed that another Galaxy Dropship had accompanied us to Esamir. We considered having them follow us in formation, but with the Vanu Sovereignty spread across so much of the continent, we realized there were just too many choice targets. They veered away, heading south while we pressed east and then north to arrive at Andvari.
You can find the whole journal here (http://planetside.station.sony.com/news_story.jsp?story=55263).

2003-04-17, 10:13 PM
They were worried about us Vanu, eh? Good thing for them the Vanu there didn't come down on them (why didn't one of them in the courtyard have a Lancer?).

The President
2003-04-17, 10:45 PM
I read that journal before, the thinsg he described were awesome. Those are the kinda battles im looking forward to.

-The President

2003-04-17, 11:22 PM
I don't care, gimme my damn CDs:D

2003-04-18, 02:44 AM
Tell em to make the battle journal a daily journal, that was one hell of a capture!......although again it was done by NC.....i need succesfull TR storys!

And very organized.....or lucky, the guys that when for the AMS, vanguard an ANT shouldve said something.

2003-04-18, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by Fire_Monkey
I don't care, gimme my damn CDs:D

Straight up, Fire Monkey, straight up. :D

Lion of Judah
2003-04-18, 07:39 AM

2003-04-18, 08:12 AM
Stop whining about the damn CDs, they are on their way, try and have some patience. The place for whining about CDs is the Official Forums, didn't you know that?

2003-04-18, 11:42 AM
^^^this guy is good, so listen to him!^^^

2003-04-18, 11:50 AM
Annoyance number 1:

USPS was more then likely the cause of the "misscommunication" error.

Annoyance number 2:

The main bulk of the CD's were sent out Monday (See above note) via First class mail which is 2-3 days cross country.

Annoyance number 3:

Thursday was day number 3, and 85-90% of us have yet to even receive the CD's. And here it is, now day number 4, on First class mail, and nothing still.

To put it blantanly, gehts zu holle shiza kopf!

:mad: :twisted: :evil: :flamemad: