View Full Version : Weapon Lock

2003-04-18, 08:22 PM
How do u know when u have weapon lock? I don't hear any sound nor do i see any visual indicator. I can never tell when my weapon will home in or just dumb fire straight. anyone?

2003-04-18, 08:29 PM
You should know when you weapons lock. You have to work really hard to greif that much.

2003-04-18, 08:31 PM
he is talking about lokcing on to someone or something with a gun...

im not in beta so i dont know

2003-04-18, 08:39 PM
Oh well i think that its only a matter of having your reticule on top of the person you are shooting at which would make it red.

2003-04-18, 09:03 PM
in that new big patch it makes a sound like bep ...bep...bep bep bep and crap and then it locks on it dont work good for MAXs

2003-04-19, 12:00 AM
Theres a red sign at the bottom of your screen, i forgot what it is but it also has a timer next to it, counting down the time left on your lock.

2003-04-19, 12:04 AM
i was playing at my friends house the other day, and our teamates kept walking into our LOS so we got grief points, eventually we got weapons lock which gave a notification and put an ugly 30:00 minute countdown in the center of our screen

2003-04-19, 05:42 AM
How much of that post did most of you read?

2003-04-19, 07:16 AM
The reticule turning red isn't exactly a lock, it's just an indication that, yes, your bullets will likely end up hitting the target. It's useful for extremely long range shots, and for using turrets, as I don't believe you get the orange flash to signify that you're hitting your target while in a turret.