View Full Version : Where does PS draw the line between FPS and MMO?
2002-12-12, 04:21 PM
Hey again folks,
Well, ive just been reading everything I could find on PS, and there is a question that has been eating at me and I cant really find a good answer for it.
In an FPS, killing someone quickly is an art. Wether its through being a good headshooter, or knowing how to use your rocketlauncher, or being an excellent sniper. No one is ever gonna tell you that NOT taking an enemy down quickly is a good idea.
Well, alot of people on these forums are talking like they dont want to see people die quickly. They dont want one hit kills. Well i think that this could bog down the game personally. If fights take forever to complete, the game would move at a snails pace. a 5 on 5 fight could take minutes to complete..imagine how long it would take to storm a base!
Look at it this way, If I attack two people, and im a better player, id like to have the CHANCE of winning. But, there is only so long that you can dance in circles before ya get caught, and if I gotta jump and strafe and run for 45 seconds just to kill one of em, then the other one is gonna be owning my arse while im doing it.
Here is how I see it. a MAX is supposed to be a force, but they are slow. This means, to me, that a MAX should NOT be a bullet sponge. He should be able to take MORE damage, but not ALOT of damage. A MAX's strength should lie in holding off a closed in area where his enemies are forced to charge at him. If anyone has played RTCW, a venom is a powerful chain gun, but you move soooo slow with it. You cant move around alot when using it, so the smart thing to do is find yourself a choke point and wait. I can take down a whole team with a venom if im in the right place. This is how I preceive a MAX. If I come up behind a MAX with a jackhammer, and unload all three barrels in his back at close range..I expect him to fall.
This goes for Light and Medium armored players as well. if i get the jump on someone and unload in the back of their head, they better fall.. I dont want to see people recovering from a sneak attack and fighting back, that would just be lame.
I can see how some of you may see this as unfair, since you gotta spawn all the way back at your base when you die. Well, all the more reason to bring lots of people with medic abilities to revive you. It would be one more thing that FORCES people to play as a team, instead of going off as a lone wolf.
anyway, I just wanted to voice my opinion on it, and see what others had to say. thanks for reading.
2002-12-12, 04:25 PM
This really isn't supposed to be some fast paced FPS like quake. People are whining because they don't want their whole squad taken out by 1 or 2 guys because they can one hit kill with a sniper rifle. Personally I don't mind but whatever. Storming a base isn't supposed to take 2 min it's not supposed to be easy.
2002-12-12, 04:29 PM
i think your missing the sheer scale of this. in Raven Shield ohks are ok because the rounds are short and your in a restricted area. Do you honestly want your squad gunned down by some jackass with a rocklet in six seconds then be forced to wait upwards of 30 minutes to get back to the fight.
a 5 on 5 fight could take minutes to complete..imagine how long it would take to storm a base!
Holy shit there will be substance to the game beyond twich, who would have thought of that.
2002-12-12, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Corbie
Here is how I see it. a MAX is supposed to be a force, but they are slow. This means, to me, that a MAX should NOT be a bullet sponge. He should be able to take MORE damage, but not ALOT of damage. A MAX's strength should lie in holding off a closed in area where his enemies are forced to charge at him. If anyone has played RTCW, a venom is a powerful chain gun, but you move soooo slow with it. You cant move around alot when using it, so the smart thing to do is find yourself a choke point and wait. I can take down a whole team with a venom if im in the right place. This is how I preceive a MAX. If I come up behind a MAX with a jackhammer, and unload all three barrels in his back at close range..I expect him to fall.
Well, i'll just comment on this point. Keep in mind that I havent played the game (obviously)
You have three different empires with three different MAXs. The Vanu max isnt very big compared to the NC and TR max, but has added mobility in the form of short range jump jets. The NC max is the bulkiest, so I can see that being more of a damage sponge. And finally you have the TR, which seems to be the one you would prefer. The TR max which has the ability to anchor itself into the ground for extra firepower and accuracy, which will encourange the user to, as you say,"find yourself a choke point and wait"
So you cant categorize all the MAXs into one group. They all have different abilities
2002-12-12, 04:36 PM
it may not be a fast paced FPS but its still supposed to be an FPS. Make the fights take too long and you may as well just put away the whole twitch based idea and go back to the common turn based MMORPG fighting. I imagine the snipers will change their tunes when they snipe a guy in the head..then watch him jump in a vehicle and drive off before they can shoot him enough to kill him :P.
Like I said, if you dont want to die too quickly, then make sure you bring along a couple of good medics to bring your team back as they die.. thats the whole point of the medic certs isnt it?
the FUN part of playing an FPS is blowing someone away. Well I think that personally, my fun would be severely limited if I had to spend 3 clips and 45 seconds of circle strafing just to finally kill someone.
Make it too hard to kill someone, and you cant take out the stragglers of a large force, they will just run to their friends before you can get in enough shots. Sneaking up on someone may give you the advantage of the first shot, but who cares when that first shot only takes 1/20th of their health. There will be no such thing as taking someone down without taking any damage.
I dunno, the game looks cool and sounds fun.. I just think that making it so hard to kill someone would take something away from the FPS aspect of the game.
2002-12-12, 04:40 PM
just watch some of the videos and pay attention to the health bar. Noone is ever going to agree on what damage model is best so you just have to decide for yourself.
2002-12-12, 04:41 PM
id love to but i cant find any of the suckers and refuse to pay for gamespot :P
2002-12-12, 04:44 PM
afex has them hosted on his site, i can't remember the url but im sure someone will post soon.
Medicine Man
2002-12-12, 04:47 PM
they were posted on a previous thread-not sure if Hamma took them down or not to avoid legal problems
Medicine Man
2002-12-12, 04:49 PM
I personally want a MAX kill to be difficult. That way when I own them they will know they suck that much more.;)
PS = Bigger, better, badder Tribes.
Can't complain much. :D
2002-12-12, 04:59 PM
I didnt remove them, but afex stopped hosting them..I dont have them on PSU servers.
I dont think any armors are overpowered in this game, you dont last too long under a constant barage of bullets. and technicly the MAX is a tank with arms and legs so it should take alot of damage hehe..
I have a question, why would i prefer a tank over a MAX?
The max will have far better mobilty obviously but what about armor, will there be a big difference between a MAX and a light tank? And gunwise what can a MAX dish out?
2002-12-12, 05:09 PM
They can both dish out quite a bit. Tanks are faster however, then again MAX armors can go inside and tanks cant.
I didnt experience either enough to give an opinon on which is better. But If i had the choice it would be a tank :D
2002-12-12, 05:11 PM
Well i just read that preview on the PS site. And it pretty much cleared things up for me :). I was a little worried about it but this sounds like its gonna be great... here is a couple qoutes from that preview.
Some of my main concerns about this game were Lag, FPS, and the damage model. I was afraid perhaps you would have to fire several hundred rounds into a soldier to take them out (C&C Renegade). This was not the case combat was balanced fairly well and it was not frustrating. Unless of course you attempt to take on a MAX alone in medium or light armor, the MAX can take quite a bit of punishment and can take out a lightly armed soldier in a very short time.
This, at first, kinda worried me. I dont want to see alot of MAX running around... but this qoute made up for it.
I used my suppressor with Armor Piercing bullets on the MAX and incoming buggies. It is pretty effective as it should be against armor.
so there is the answer to my problem :) I just need to make sure i get certified with a punisher or possibly a Gauss rifle if i can use armor peircing bullets with it.
2002-12-12, 05:17 PM
Yea MAX are possible to take down. Doing it alone one on one will most likley result in a dead lighter armor. But usualy when there is a MAX around there are many people shooting at it hehhe
Originally posted by Hamma
They can both dish out quite a bit. Tanks are faster however, then again MAX armors can go inside and tanks cant.
I didnt experience either enough to give an opinon on which is better. But If i had the choice it would be a tank :D
Hmmmm VS MAX means faster, more agile, jumpjets and can enter buidlings, Magrider means more armor and surely more firepower....tough choice, guess i'll have to try them out to decide. :)
That said...
2002-12-12, 06:33 PM
MAXs may be able to go inside but you can run people over in a tank. Can you run people over in a max? :rock:
2002-12-22, 05:14 AM
A lon MAX would be heavy tank or reaver bait. If there was a lone MAX and it stumbled upon either of those it wouldn't last long.
2002-12-22, 02:26 PM
VS max has jump jets sooo......
2002-12-22, 02:40 PM
Doubt a solo anti-vehicular MAX would be tank bait!
I wonder if those armors will really be worth the trade off of flexibility as compared to a medium.
2002-12-22, 06:58 PM
I think that whatever the better one is will go down to who is the better player
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