View Full Version : Question for beta testers.

2003-04-19, 07:02 PM
Don't know if this has been answered before, but will a jammer grenade deactivate stealth armor?

If not I imagine that hackers frequently carry them for disrupting darklight vision implants.

2003-04-20, 10:46 AM
Are you kidding me? Has noone tried this in combat?

2003-04-20, 10:52 AM
i've never tried it, if i see a hacker in the first place, i just shoot him, otherwise you'd be throwing jammers right and left, there'd be no way to find him, unless you saw him for a second in a small room then threw one.

but if you see an infiltrator for a second (for me) it's easy to keep track of him and just unload on his ass. i've killed ~5 infiltrators in my 2 days of playing. the secret is, move while your crouched when there are other people there, i was stuck in a room with 4 TR ppl walking back and fourth (very very small cc room) and one of them was hacking, none saw me.

So i threw a plasma grenade at the hacker, he died. they all started shooting the walls, all shots went above me ;) then another hacker started, i walked over to him, shot him in the face with my scatter pistol, he died. then i walked back to my place, threw another plasma at the guards. then they fired randomly untill i was dead, oh shiznat, that was good

2003-04-20, 03:39 PM
Hehe. Sounds fun.
But what if one of them had darklight vision? You would have been toast.

But if you could throw a jammer grenade that shorted out his darklight vision.

Unless it also shorted out your stealth armor ofcourse... :)

2003-04-20, 05:12 PM
Jammer grenades do nothing to the stealth aspect of Infiltration Suits. The only thing they do is disable implants for a couple minutes, disable deployables (ex. Spitfire Turrets), and detonate landmines.

So, needless to say, as an Infiltrator, it's not a bad idea to pack a Jammer Grenade or two, both for turrets and for people with Darklight (although you'll probably die before the grenade hits them if they have Darklight).

2003-04-20, 06:25 PM
Thanks Warborn. That was the answer I was looking for.

kid klash
2003-04-20, 07:03 PM
yo johnny-good job! then again, fooling a terran isn't sayin mcuh, neh?

2003-04-20, 07:45 PM
easiest way to kill a spy is the darklight vision. and no one ever carries them. oh well.

2003-04-20, 07:50 PM
Here's a tip:
When a new server starts up (namely release), get an infiltrator suit. You'll be racking up more kills than almost anyone, as nobody will have darklight vision for a while. Only costs 2 certs too.

2003-04-20, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Mazuli
Here's a tip:
When a new server starts up (namely release), get an infiltrator suit. You'll be racking up more kills than almost anyone, as nobody will have darklight vision for a while. Only costs 2 certs too.

Yep, just grab an AMP and virtually nobody will be able to do a damn thing about you if you play your cards right. And best of all, you'll annoy so many other players that at BR6, Darklight is the first implant they'll get, and then the infiltrator population will take a nose dive like it did when we were all made BR20.