View Full Version : BETA vs PRODUCTION ++
2003-04-21, 06:38 AM
Im new to all this stuff. So forgive my stupidness.
But does Beta just roll on into production when it arrives.
And I mean all the people are maxed out on there highest qualities. and just roll into the game on there FREE copy of beta.
And one more thing is there going to be cheaters in this game that we will pay monthly for?
Just like CS Because if there is FUCK YOU SOE STICK YOUR $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ UP YOUR ASS.
Well I already know my views will go unnoticed. so I wont go about the other shit that bothers me.
2003-04-21, 07:09 AM
I don't think you deserve an answer.
FYI: if you want to ask a question don't be a total ASS hole about it and people WILL help you.
2003-04-21, 07:23 AM
I'm PRETTY sure that beta player does not roll over.
Every game has cheater, but I'm sure SOE will do their best to minimize it.
2003-04-21, 07:26 AM
WHO doesnt have an answer but to winge about a question he has no purpose in answering because he has no answer.
GOOD one and what did I say wrong. what FUCK YOU SOE in advance to CHEATERS being on PS. Well hey thats if there is cheaters.
Hey sorry for popping your cheating bubble.
ITs just not right.
I represent GOODNESS. YET GET PUT DOWN. by WHO????
nice first post HOMO.
I give up already I'll see you on the END OF MY SCOPE.
Dovieye!!!!! dont forget it. HOMOCIDE
2003-04-21, 07:34 AM
Dovieye, nice attitude problem you have there.
2003-04-21, 07:51 AM
Ok maybe I should start again.
Thanks lanizer for the direct answer.
Ive been waiting for this game for 3 years now. and just recently buying a copy of CS to buy time before PS arrives. well after a good 2 weeks to work out how the game actually worked online. I mean I almost gave up trying to get it to work before I found out I had to download some 90 megs of a patch. then had to get all seeing eye. well I was STOKED to be playing a 4 year old.
But when playing this game I couldnt help but notice in EVERY SINGLE MATCH someone would accuse others of cheating. I never thought anything of it and just thought my slow connection was the reason. ive been playing for 3 weeks now and even I have been accused for cheating.
I then found out that you can just download a program to give instead headshots and see through walls. Well why the FUCK would you bother.
and if FUCK knows how many PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMERS cant make an encrypted code that some poor ass hacker cant read then there is something wrong there.
especially at the end of the day your handing over money to pay for the service its just wrong to be cheated.
I admit I know almost nothing about anything when it comes too technical.
Hell even my mouse roller is hard to use :(
I would have love to give you the rest of my life story but answering the question with some support was to much to ask for.
2003-04-21, 07:53 AM
what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul
2003-04-21, 07:56 AM
What movie is that from Peanut? I always forget, haha
2003-04-21, 07:57 AM
heh, cute attitude
anywho, all mmog games i have followed to date have had toon wipes before release. there are occasions where beta testers got some additional perks (in the same way at times people who preorder get perks), but to date, all games normally take on a pwipe.
next, cheating. SoE doesnt have a very clean nor reassuring way of dealing with cheaters in EQ. however, it would be safe to assume with SWG and PS rolling out the door they will attempt to improve their customer support attitude to meet the high standards mythic entertainment has set.
as with most mmogs where a monthy fee is involved, there will most probably be people investigating various issues such as exploits and third party apps. what their policy on these will be will be defined in the ToS that you sign.
so yeah, its safe to assume they will crack down on cheaters, but how effectivly and with what policies is to my knowledge not been revealed yet.
PS is not counter strike, there have been many fps games between here and then and many have implemented new ways to thwart cheaters. this game has the added advantage of a dedicated team following the game. with the active involvment on their part and constant patches dealing with new cheats, meh, it shouldnt be much of an issue. tho keep in mind, no mmog yet has managed to completly wipe out cheaters.
gah, must cut back on coffee
2003-04-21, 08:02 AM
Do you not think that game developers would stamp out cheating if they could?
CS has way too many cheaters, yes. But the people who own Counter-Strike are CONSTANTLY updating a program called "VAC" that detects and bans cheaters from all servers with the program enabled. The owners don't simply make the game "Uncheatable" because they can't. No matter how foolproof and hard-coded your game is, hackers will always find a way to get around it.
All the Planetside people can do is take cheat accusations seriously and investigate each one (I believe this should come as a service since we're paying), make the game difficult to gain a SERIOUS advantage in by cheating (in CS for example being able to see through walls in a huge advantage, while in Tribes 2 it will merely shock the enemy, they still have a chance to kill you thanks to the higher damage threshold/etc).
2003-04-21, 08:11 AM
Thanks unbeliever
Its good enough but also NOT good enough. pretty sad really but hey I guess if you have the power its only human to use it. Weve proved that all to many times. :rolleyes:
Peanut You are a FUCKEN RETARD. READ IT AGAIN. makes sense to me.
I did not ask bad questions nor did I give shit to anyone prior to getting shit.
I asked a few questions and after pointed out my Views and EVERYONE elses views on cheating.
Then If that wasn't enough I had to back myself up with a lame ass story of my first 3 weeks of counter strike which im currently serving.
So how about thinking before engaging. PEOPLE DIE LIKE THIS.
2003-04-21, 08:13 AM
THIS IS NOT CS, NOR IS IT ANYTHING LIKE CS, if people cheat in PS they will get their account banned. This is different from CS because if you cheat in CS you only get banned from one server and there are thousands more.
2003-04-21, 08:18 AM
Thats the justice I want to hear.
Although ive never played EQ or know what its about. But isnt this the same setup where you have a monthly fee and there is still mentioned cheaters.
Is this the same or are we all kidding ourselfs
2003-04-21, 08:19 AM
You hear about the glory days of PSU?
You hear about the people who are tainting PSU from its former glory?
Well, Dovieye is the kind of person they're talking about.
2003-04-21, 08:25 AM
Dov- Nice use of English in attempting to get a coherent response. Not to mention insulting people for pointing the vehement nature of your ridiculous post.
1. There IS a COMPLETE wipe of all characters and worlds before Beta. They have told us it will come about a week to two before release.
2. No game is hack-free. However, you pay monthly and that helps to pay for active cheat investigation. SOE has made it very clear that they will not tolerate cheating.
3. As there are no target boxes in PS, such as Head or Body, it seriously limits the efficacy of cheats out there. Yeah, people will come up with them... but hopefully SOE is there to do something about it.
4. Try and at least be civil. These are forums, not your Mom's trailer park.
Be seeing you... ;-)
Camping Carl
2003-04-21, 08:27 AM
Sorry Dovieye, but they're right. I assume either english isn't your first langauge, or those 3 weeks have turned you into a "l33t CS kiddie".
But on to your question,
In CS it's a problem, because one good player (or a cheater) can kill the entire other team by themselves in smaller matches.
In PS one cheater isn't a huge threat, cheating can't save you from the fact that you can't fight everyone based on reflexes (like CS). To win in PS, you need teamwork, and no amount of cheating can get you that.
Besides, you cheat, you get reported. You won't get away with it for long.
2003-04-21, 08:28 AM
No your Wrong im the FIRE YOUR the FUEL.
just drop it youve answered my questions. Hell I'll answer them for you. Ive always wanted to combust.
(Dovieye) "Does Beta just roll on into production when it arrives?"
(Lanizer) "I'm PRETTY sure that beta player does not roll over."
(Dovieye) "And one more thing is there going to be cheaters in this game that we will pay monthly for?"
(Lanizer) "Every game has cheater, but I'm sure SOE will do their best to minimize it."
So give it up that says it all.
2003-04-21, 09:29 AM
Dovieye, I just got one thing to say to you.
Shut the fuck up, Stop being a complete and utter ignorant immature little fucking kid.
There is no need to be so aggressive, You can just ask simple questions without Swearing and being a total utter moron, Then YOU will get questions awnsered curse free. Jesus.
2003-04-21, 09:40 AM
Read my first post then read the second.
I asked a couple of questions then express what I felt and the fustrations many others felt about cheating.
My questions had no swearing and I wasnt aggressive.
I was simply fustrated with cheaters which seem to be in everygame.
Its just to easy to understand.
Stop being sheep and decide for yourself.
Aggressive LOL im a peace maker.
and im not ignorant immature little fucking kid.
all of you vs Me and your still wrong.
Dammit I need backup. someone........ ANYONE..
Happy lil Elf
2003-04-21, 09:51 AM
I really hate to contribute to things like this, but someone in here needs to be taken out and shot like a worthless dog. That'd be you in case you were wondering, Dovieye.
2003-04-21, 10:06 AM
ok Its about winning and loosing.
Have it your way "your" being all posters.
I loose.
Drop it maybe If I wasnt DRUNK I wouldnt have been so fustrated.
Hey thats a good topic!!!!
Who here plays beter when there drunk. I know I improve atleast 200%.
Dunno why but my mouse jumps arnt so bad when im drunk.
:confused: :rolleyes: :D
gotta buy time gotta buy Thanks for particapating.
Only 27 days to go :D
2003-04-21, 10:14 AM
The moral presented itself:
Don't drink and post. :)
Originally posted by Dovieye
Im new to all this stuff. So forgive my stupidness.
But does Beta just roll on into production when it arrives.
And I mean all the people are maxed out on there highest qualities. and just roll into the game on there FREE copy of beta.
And one more thing is there going to be cheaters in this game that we will pay monthly for?
Just like CS Because if there is FUCK YOU SOE STICK YOUR $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ UP YOUR ASS.
Well I already know my views will go unnoticed. so I wont go about the other shit that bothers me.
See Squeeky? I told ya this one wasn't questionable.
2003-04-21, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by MDK
See Squeeky? I told ya this one wasn't questionable.
:rofl: :lol: :rofl:
2003-04-21, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Seabass03
The moral presented itself:
Don't drink and post. :) DONT DRINK, POST, AND DRIVE!!!!!!
You'll spll your drink!
2003-04-21, 03:36 PM
Billy Madison
2003-04-21, 03:45 PM
No, people will not carry there beta characters to retail nor will they play retail for free any longer than everybody else who buys the game (most likely there will be some free trial period when you buy the game). Why the hell would SOE throw away 60,000 paying accounts?
Cheating is probably not going to be a problem in PS. Most massively multiplayer games are pretty cheater free because you only have to get caught once to get banned from the game entirely, therefore the cheaters are afraid to cheat. Yes, you will probably think that some players are cheating because they will own you and your uber newbie skills. When you think this please slap yourself for me because your ego is too large to fit into a galaxy.
No, you do not have to continue to play the game if it annoys you so much. In fact please do not play the game because you and your adolecent attitued will probably contribute to the annoyance that the rest of us will experience in the game.
2003-04-21, 03:51 PM
Dovie I just did not think you post was apropriate. There is no need so much cussing and profanity in a simple question. I am sorry if you took things personal.
Also I would like to let you know that I don't cheat and hate cheaters just as much as anyone else.
One last question.... Where'd you get that first post thing from? I am new to the forums, but I have been posting activly for over a week.
2003-04-21, 03:54 PM
How did this earn 2 pages?
Happy lil Elf
2003-04-21, 04:10 PM
His idiocy was like a match on kindling I guess
2003-04-21, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by snowwolfe
How did this earn 2 pages?
Some people just make it so easy to flame them. That's my theory anyway.
2003-04-21, 04:50 PM
i think he meant first reply to his post homicide i wouldnt hold it against him though would be like getting made at someone in a wheelchair for slowing down the line at a movie theater or somethin like that
2003-04-21, 07:18 PM
recently buying a copy of CS
Wow, you were dropped repeatedly as an infant, weren't you? You are aware than you can download CS for FREE, and completely legally, right???? Why on earth would you spend money for it?
As to your spewings of gimptastic bullshit.
You are a moron of the first order. Nobody is going to "stand by you" because everyone can see that you are a moron of the first order. If you look up on a clear summer day and say "the sky sure is blue", and everyone agrees with you, does this make them sheep? No, it makes them able to SEE THE OBVIOUS. We are not sheep, you are a rancid pile of feces. Wallow in your own idiocy.
2003-04-21, 07:30 PM
yer sorry :o
Oh one more thing I was thinking about buying\preordering online but I live in australia. would this get me a copy faster then the retail outlets here.
.....Oh YER IM inonncent lol
maybe I should have kept my first post free of swearing.
just think when your on the field and you see my name you can all Gank me. How much fun will that be.
2003-04-21, 07:56 PM
Umm... I don't really see the problem with Dovieye's posts. *shrug* Certainly not worth this many flames. Sure he used some bad language, but is that really all that uncommon here at PSU?
I at least must compliment the manufacturer of Dov's flame retardant suit. :)
2003-04-22, 02:15 PM
No way man.....nobody fucking swears in here
otay, a few points.
1. Dovieye. easy on the beer killer
2. There will always be cheaters
3. the only reason CS sucks is because of cheaters
4. everbody, easy on Dovieye, hes a drunk aussie, he knows not what he does:nazi:
2003-04-22, 02:42 PM
i think its statements like this that make people want to flame him
"and if FUCK knows how many PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMERS cant make an encrypted code that some poor ass hacker cant read then there is something wrong there."
thats like saying there shouldnt be any murders because theres so many police in the world. it doesnt work that way though because theres only so many devs and a shit load of people who would want to corrupt the code to cheat due to the fact that they would otherwise suck.
ive been frustrated in games before when its obvious people are cheating but i dont think planetside will have as many issues as a game like cs does. when you have to connect to their servers they can authinticate(sp) your client on you machine and this can help in cutting down the number of people who would actively use cheats or other 3rd party programs ingame
2003-04-22, 03:00 PM
Most massively multiplayer games are pretty cheater free because you only have to get caught once to get banned from the game entirely, therefore the cheaters are afraid to cheat.
Not to pick on anyone, but someone hasn't played UO.
2003-04-22, 03:04 PM
or asherons call
2003-04-22, 03:08 PM
This thread keeps getting funnier and funnier :D This Dovie kid is hilarious... he must be doing more than drinking. I've seen like 3 coherent sentences from him, haha... YO PEANUT - nice use of Billy Madison bro
2003-04-22, 08:06 PM
Thanks Guys
Feels good to be loved.
But really it is funny.
Im 21 not a kid btw but hey being a kid wasnt so bad.
2003-04-22, 08:21 PM
21? Darn, i'd give my right gonad to be twice that age again. Okay, okay, maybe not a gonad, a few fingernail clippings maybe...
2003-04-22, 08:40 PM
Invoice# 63445
2 finger nail clippings.
Exhchange for 7 years Thats the best I can do.
Enter Credit card details HERE: ______ ______ ______ _____
Lol lame I know but hey ive still got a good month before I get my copy.
I know im gunna get my asked kicked by 12 year olds when we start playing. stupid kids :rolleyes:
2003-04-22, 08:47 PM
Not to flame you m8, but could u maybe ease up on the number of enters you put into a post? All that loading is hell on my 56k :(. So please be curtious and don't do that :) ty.
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