View Full Version : Hi Im a new beta tester!!

2003-04-21, 09:11 AM
Im really stoked about this game. I just got my beta cd's in friday and Im wondering if anyone is kind enough to guide me in my noobiness. How can I get experiance and join w/ a good squad and what not. I want to be part of a team. Any help is greatly appreciated!.

Long Live the new conglomerate.

2003-04-21, 09:16 AM
There is a thread in this Game Discussion section that talks about a beta journal being linked for the topic. Good starting info for you. Good luck !!

2003-04-21, 09:16 AM
Only thing I can suggest is the FAQ, and the Outfit forum.

Have fun!


2003-04-21, 09:23 AM
Thanks guys for the replies. Also if anyone sees me please say hi and allow me to tag along so I can learn from ya. I play from around 6pm to midnight est!

2003-04-21, 09:28 AM
Link I was talking about !! (http://www.mike.thomas.dsl.pipex.com/tutorial.htm)

Read all that and take notes :) and you will be better off tonight.

2003-04-21, 09:44 AM
The PS manual is definitely the best place to start, especially if you aren't familiar with the game. There is also a VR trainer inside your home sanctuary to help you get familiar with the weapons and vehicles.

After that, you should be able to join up with a squad and go on to attack or defend a base. Alot of the squads have a good mix of noobs and vets.

2003-04-21, 10:51 AM
Thanks guys!! Ya know what sucks about this game?

Im not going to get anything done around the house now.:D

2003-04-21, 10:56 AM
Not hard to learn yourself... im BR 8 and CR 2 and know pretty much everything about the TR as possible... im on the new server that started saturday