View Full Version : mY DADS A jERK
Angry Yeti
2003-04-21, 12:24 PM
I got my beta disks today i installed it and was so happy. then i started patching the game and went off into my room o wait for it to finish. then my dad comes in and starts getting all mad cause somethings downloading on the computer. then he says i have to wait for my mom to get home cause he thinks she knows more about computers than i do. damn he is such a jerk u guys are so lucky.
2003-04-21, 12:30 PM
dang that sucks .. i hate how parents always think they know more about computers then us
2003-04-21, 12:31 PM
Whose computer is it? Who's internet line is it? Who pays your rent? That's right, deal with it.
2003-04-21, 12:33 PM
That sucks man. I feel your pain. I am currently having issues that is keeping me from getting PS. If any of yas want to help click on the link in my sig. :D :D, never miss on opertunity for a shameless plug. :D
2003-04-21, 12:33 PM
Easy there killer.
You shouldn't post publicy how you hate you parent(s)... its just not right... i know plenty of people who wish they could even say they knew their parents... be glad you have loving ones
Angry Yeti
2003-04-21, 12:35 PM
i didnt say i hated them.
2003-04-21, 12:36 PM
Lots of parents are like that. It's a ego thing mostly. You can't have any kids being smarter than you in a subject now can ya? I know people who are complete certified computer geeks and their parents still refer to the tower as the CPU, and their parents somehow think they know more about computers.
2003-04-21, 12:46 PM
my dad made me UNINSTALL my beta copy yesterday because I need to study more.
2003-04-21, 12:47 PM
1. place a hidden camera near your computer.
2. catch your dad surfing porn.
3. black-mail your dad.
2003-04-21, 12:48 PM
it's a joke. don't blackmail your dad.
2003-04-21, 12:50 PM
That might work if your mom was a nun Balab. She probably watches porn with your dad.
2003-04-21, 12:51 PM
:scared: I REALLLY don't wanna think about that.
2003-04-21, 12:55 PM
The funny thing is, I know a LOT about computers, but my Dad knows more than me. He used to work in a computer hardware store in the eighties and early ninties, and learn a lot there, and has been keeping with the times. Its rare to see people his age who know TONS about computers.
And you are lucky you have got you beta discs man! I live in Canada, where good Friday and Easter monday are both holidays! And no mail is delivered on Saturday or sunday either. So I have to wait till Tuesday!
2003-04-21, 01:01 PM
Oh my heart bleeds for you (sarcasm) least you are IN the beta, I ain't even in and am sure I could put up with my mum and dad to be in it.
2003-04-21, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by MilitantB0B
:scared: I REALLLY don't wanna think about that.
Then definitely don't think about them making some with a digital camera or video recorder. :eek:
Anyway, I know the super urge right now is play play play until you drop, but I am learning - even with control over my own computer and connection- that some moderation is a good thing. Keeps the wife happier, bills must get paid, etc.
I have no one to blame but my own sorry self if such things don't get attended to. At least you get to blame your Dad for it.
2003-04-21, 01:10 PM
yah i dont think he said he hates his parents .... parents are meant to get mad at matter how loving they are to you ... its meant to be that way and its good to vent =)
2003-04-21, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by balab
1. place a hidden camera near your computer.
2. catch your dad surfing porn.
3. black-mail your dad.
u know i almost wish i could go back in time to the days of living at home with my parenst to do this it woulda helped to have cleared up alot of "issues" we had
2003-04-21, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by balab
1. place a hidden camera near your computer.
2. catch your dad surfing porn.
3. black-mail your dad.
hihi, yes good idea
2003-04-21, 01:38 PM
sounds like it stime to get your own computer man. end of story.
2003-04-21, 01:43 PM
yah thats the best thing i ever did
Happy lil Elf
2003-04-21, 01:59 PM
Oh my heart bleeds for you (sarcasm) least you are IN the beta, I ain't even in and am sure I could put up with my mum and dad to be in it.
Ok, that's it.
Look not getting into Beta sucks. Personally, though, I'd rather not get into Beta than to have the CDs sitting next to my computer, the game installed, and to be told I'm not allowed to download the patch. Luckily since it's my computer, I'm 21 and not living at home, that's won't be a problem.
I really felt sympathy for people who didn't get in but I think now, after hearing idiots spout "At least you got in beta!!" over and over, that I have lost it. You didn't get into Beta? Good, I hope your CPU melts followed by a cataclysmic chain reaction that not only destroys your sound card, video card and hard drive but also causes your power supply to explode in a firey ball sending shrapnel from your case directly into your eyes blinding you for life and oddly enough severing all your fingers at the same time so you can't play it when retail comes out either.
Ok, so maybe that was a bit much but seriously, not getting into beta doesn't suck any more than not having your CDs by the deadline promised or the situation this guy is in.
I'll make it simple for you:
Not getting in Beta=Crappy
Getting into Beta and not having your CDs by the time you were supposed to=Crappy
Having your CDs, the game installed, and not being able to download the patch because someone thinks it must be some horrible virus that will cause the computer to self-destruct=Also crappy
CDL Full Otto
2003-04-21, 02:26 PM
All I can say, get a job and pay rent. Amazing how much more respect your parents will give you when you do that.
As for saying your parents know a lot less about computers is because they are to busy supporting you to sit around all day and play with it. (I just went through this with my oldest, he got a rude awakening on just how little he did know about computers so you won't get any slack from me) How much do you know about the job your parents do? Could you do it, day in and day out?
half the sky
2003-04-21, 02:31 PM
<3 Otto.
2003-04-21, 02:35 PM
Ahhh.... the wonders of college
2003-04-21, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Foster
dang that sucks .. i hate how parents always think they know more about computers then us
Lol. I love how kids read a few forums, play a few games, maybe write some crappy scripted code and think they know more then their parents.
BTW, how is it that you are going to pay for the game? And the monthly fee?
Happy lil Elf
2003-04-21, 02:59 PM
Hate to break it to ya guys, but as far as gaming goes, whats needed and how to get it to work etc, the majority of kids do know more than their parents.
I'm not saying there aren't parent's who can write in C++, but you are, by far, the minority. Lots of parent's, especially those who work for corporations I would think, take a PC essentials class and a 15 minute brief on Excel during training and think they know what they're doing. And yet the tech support for those companies still continues to lose their hair one handfull at a time :p
2003-04-21, 03:32 PM
one thing u guys would be supprised how little my parents know im not saying im a genious with computers but hearing my parents talking about it is just sad.... I know they pay a lot for me but how will i pay 10 bucks a month ... i work you know not all kids get every dollor they have from their parents and sit around all day doing nothing ( thats just a sterotype about teens).... and about parents not knowing more about computers .... thats prob just a sterotype too ( not in my case though :D )
2003-04-21, 04:38 PM
2003-04-21, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by balab
1. place a hidden camera near your computer.
2. catch your dad surfing porn.
3. black-mail your dad.
I sure in the hell wouldn't want to have seen my dad .... massaging when i was a kid. It would have probably scarred me for life.
I have enough psycological problems with out adding that one to the list.
2003-04-21, 05:14 PM
I can relate to the parent thing. My parents don't want me paying monthly to play online games. I found a way around it though.... My best friends parents let me use their credit card and I just tell my parents the game is free. :D :D
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